Super Soldier

Chapter 2270: Buddha son VS angel (one more)

When Xiao Bing and Xu Mu came out from the woods, everyone could feel the sorrow of Xiao Bing at this time. Xiao Bing had just killed Han Huabin, who had already died before, and then directly placed the body of Han Huabin. The woods were buried, and this came out with Xu Mu.

After seeing the emotions of the people outside are also very bad, Xiao Bing’s gaze first fell on the already-minded master of the Zen Master, and then he was surprised: “What happened to the Master of Zen?”

The abbot of Zhiming said with some sadness: "Amitabha, the master of Zhichan has been gone."

Xiao Bing slightly frowned, and sighed softly, read Amitabha, and then looked at it again. Finally, the pupils shrank and asked, "What about Molong?"

The drunk gyro is about to talk, and Liu Zhen holds the ink dragon and says, "I am still speaking."

Immediately afterwards, Liu Zhen told the story of what had just happened. When he heard that Molong’s arms were abolished and was taken to the mountain as a hostage, Xiao Bing’s face became very ugly, Shen Sheng said: “Let’s go, I am going to bring the Molong brothers back!"

Zhiming abbot asked: "Xiao Shizhu, has this forest's formation been lifted?"

"Remove, let's talk while walking."

Along the way, Xiao Bing briefly said the things in the forest. After hearing about the actions of the Buddha son, all the people felt unusually indignant. At this time, all of them were together with the enemy. Today, no matter what. Bring the Buddha son to justice.

This mountain is very tall and tall. It is the highest mountain in this mountain. They climbed from the foot of the mountain to the mountain. It took more than half an hour, and it was because they were very quick and replaced by another ordinary person. It takes at least a few hours or even a day to reach the mountain.

At this point, I finally reached the top of the mountain. The Buddha Eight will not be here. Only the Buddha son is alone, and another Molong lies at his feet.

The Buddha son sat on the mountain peak and closed his eyes slightly. When he knew that Xiao Bing and others had come, he slowly stood up. His robes sang with the wind, his eyes swept over the crowd, and finally fell on On Xiao Bing’s body, he asked, "Have you seen him?"

Xiao Bing clenched his fist and asked, "Why are you so right to him?"

The Buddha said with a smile: "This is the way he chooses. I am just fulfilling him."

Xiao Bing sighed: "If you don't force him, will he do this?"

"I know... he just wants to see the day when I fell, so he chose this ultimate form." The voice of the Buddha calmly said, "But I don't care about his thoughts, because he also It’s just a piece of chess."

"Chess pieces, chess pieces!! You think of everyone as your chess piece. Do you think this is so interesting? Do you think you have a sense of accomplishment?" Xiao Bing stepped forward and his breath completely broke out. Loudly roaring: "Do you do these things that make sense to you? If you don't have a wife or a baby, don't you have brothers and sisters? Even if you don't have brothers and sisters, don't you have parents, you are Did you know what it is like from the seams of the stones?"

"Emotions..." The Buddha’s son looked at Xiao Bing with some pity and sighed and said, "Only weak.

The person will talk about the so-called feelings, the feelings will make people weak, do you know why you are not as good as me? It’s because you pay too much attention to your feelings... those are yours, if one day you cut off those jealousies... ”

Xiao Bing snarled loudly: "Then I live alive and meaningful?? Just like you, you are the strongest and how? You are the strongest person in human beings, even the strongest in the three realms, and How can you? Your happiness is not shared with you, your happiness is not shared with you, you have no intention to share with you, no one wants to tell you the truth, tell the truth, what is the meaning of living? Is this what you want??"

The Buddha son looked at Xiao Bing, and some sympathy said: "Xiao Bing, I want, you don't understand."

"I really don't understand. I only know that now I want to avenge those who died in your hands. I want to avenge Su Peiya. I want to avenge the thunder for nine days. I want to avenge the teacher of Han Huabin. I want to be the abbot of Zhichan. Revenge, want to avenge all those who die in your hands!!"

Drunk gyro yelled: "Kill!"

Many masters collectively rushed to the past. The Buddha son laughed and laughed. Looking at this scene, he did not have the slightest fear. The power of terror was brewing on his body. His hands stretched forward and banged. The power flocked directly to everyone, and everyone else went all the way to the back. Only Xiao Bing rushed to the front of the Buddha son and punched the mask of the Buddha.

Xiao Bing’s fist was given a tight grasp by the Buddha’s son. Then Xiao Bing felt that he was like a cloud, and the whole person was lifted up high, and then fell heavily on the ground, rumbling, like an earthquake. The ground was mad and trembled, and then the Buddha’s son kicked Xiao Bing out on another foot. Xiao Bing didn’t know how far it was flying. There was only one black spot left in the blink of an eye, disappearing all over. In front of people.

Uh... everyone sucked a sigh of relief, and the power of this Buddha son is so terrible?

The Buddha son took back his hands and said calmly: "Have you seen it? This is the difference between God and mortals."

"God is also a human, saying that there is something to use!" Xiao Bing's voice was passed over again, and the Buddha's eyes raised a few waves, but he saw that Xiao Bing had re-flyed back and his body was quickly injured. recovery.

"There is such a terrible recovery speed..." The Buddha said faintly, "I don't want to be in the same name as I am in the dark world."

Xiao Bing grinned and smiled: "Do you think that you are very arrogant, and that you can kill all of us easily?"

The Buddha looked at everyone and said: "It seems to be a little bit more expensive."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "There is nothing in God level. I am a false **** now, and I may not be able to fight across levels at all!"

Said, Xiao Bing's eyes have changed color, one eye is blood red, the other eye is golden gold, and the blood of the blood is also thoroughly inspired, all covered with **** rays And outside the **** light, there is still a flame burning.

The Buddha said: "If I am not mistaken, those flames should be the power of the monsters. The inner Dan of the talented monsters was absorbed by you, so now you have this power."

"You see it right."

"Human, demon, protoss, demon, huh, huh, it seems that all the power of the world has been gathered by you." The Buddha's son spit out the air and said, "That also let you see me."

Between the words, the power of the Buddha’s son suddenly became stronger. His eyes were also blood red, one was golden, and his body was surrounded by gold and blood red. At the same time, there are also dark green and horrible evil demon.

Xiao Bing frowned: "You also gathered the power of the Terran, the Yaozu, the Protoss and the Mozu?"

“Exactly,” said the Buddha, “so you have no advantage in front of me.”

"Don't try to know how!" Xiao Bing is going to rush up and hear the Pope say behind him, "Xiao Bing, wait a minute, look at me!"

Xiao Bing stopped and looked back at the Pope, but he saw that the Pope had shouted out: "The judgment of the angel!"

The white light illuminates, and a huge angel rises up. The angel has a long sword in his hand. The long sword is hundreds of meters long. It is composed of white beams, which are powerful and unmatchable. energy.

The Pope shouted: "The great god, please help your messenger to kill this evil enemy!"

When the angel raised the sword, the sword was scorned. The sword directly caused the void to be cut into a huge crack, and even the void was cut into two halves.

In the face of this blow, the eyes of Buddha's son flashed brightly, praising: "This power is almost not human, the Holy See really has its own uniqueness!"

A black iron chain suddenly flew out of the sleeves of the Buddha's son, and then directly greeted the long sword. It was clearly a long sword formed by energy. It was entangled in a chain, and then the Buddha. The hands began to use force, and the angel's hands were equally hard. The Buddha and the angels began to compete.

The Pope has not dared to open his eyes. Since the establishment of the Holy See, there has never been anyone in the history who has ever heard of someone who can control the sword in the hands of angels. It has never appeared in history!

Everyone's heart is a slap in the air.

Between the angel and the Buddha, who is weak and strong?

The Buddha is a master of the world, and the angel is the **** that is summoned!

Suddenly, the Buddha son shouted, and the body of the angel was actually touched by the power on the chain. Then he slammed and he flew up with the sword and was thrown on the ground.

The Buddha's son was slightly breathless, and instantly disappeared from the place. Then he stepped on the angel's body. With a bang, the angel and the sword of the angel disappeared.

“No!” the Pope shouted. “How dare you break the gods! Use your dirty soles to step on the gods?”

The Buddha’s son turned his head and looked at the Pope with horror. He said proudly: “I have said that I am God! You and the angels you summoned are all ants!”

The Pope stepped back two steps backwards. The Buddha’s gaze was terrible. The Pope was as stabbed as a sharp blade. He only felt that his heart was jumping and his face was slightly pale.

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