Super Soldier

Chapter 2271: Angel Fall (Second)

The Pope was pale and his body began to tremble. He trembled: "You dare to blaspheme the gods!"

The Buddha said with a smile: "You said that he is a god? I tell you that he is at most a pseudo-god, because he should not exist in this world, everything is just illusory, all fake!"

The Pope took a step forward and showed a few points in his eyes. Seeing his eyes, the cardinals behind him felt that they were not quite right. They hurriedly said: "The Pope, we are so many people. Can work together to deal with him!"

"Yeah!" Zhiming abbot also hurriedly advised, "This person has claimed to be a Buddhist son, but he has already fallen into the magic road. We need to join hands to defeat him."

The Pope stepped forward to the Buddha, and he was under tremendous pressure, but his footsteps did not stop.

"You said that he is a false god, then I will let you see and see what the real **** is like!"

The Pope took a deep breath and slowly raised his head. The eyes burst into the light, and he said with great enthusiasm: "God, please use your soul, come to my **, let your devout believers use your Power to kill this ignorant alien!"

Suddenly, the scepter in the hands of the Pope broke out with a dazzling white light, and then the white light slowly faded. The Pope’s body suddenly began to collapse at this moment. Yes, the Pope’s body began to break up. In the end, it even disappeared completely from the world. Only the angel's scepter floated in the air.

Everyone saw this scene a bit stunned, and the Buddha son was a little surprised: "Dead?"

Originally, he thought that the Pope was going to make a big move, but he did not expect the Pope to die. Is it because the Pope used the ban, and the result failed?

Soon he discovered that things were not so simple. The Pope suddenly appeared again. It was only this time that the Pope seemed to give a feeling of emptiness, and not only that, the Pope was like a giant. The body reached more than ten meters high, with white wings behind it, and a huge sword in his hand, like a huge angel.

His breath has become terrible, and even the level of Xiao Bing and Zhi Ming abbot feels an elusive sense of ignorance.

Several cardinals were red eyes, and Xiao Bing hurriedly asked, "What is going on?"

One of the cardinalists said: "This is the real ban in the legend of the Holy See that only the Pope can use. The reason is that it is a true ban, because this ban is the life of everyone. Only one of them can be used once, because after one use, it will die, and naturally it will not be used anymore."

Xiao Bing’s eyes widened and his breathing was a little quick. He said, “That’s not to say...”

“Yes,” said the Cardinal. “Soon, the bishop’s adult will disappear from the world, and there will be no bones.”

The abbot of Zhiming read an Amitabha and said: "Since the Pope has already done this, we should not let the Pope live, and work together to help the Pope to overtake the Buddha who fell into the magic."

The Pope looked down at the Buddha's son, and his voice was like thundering: "The Buddha son, have you just been a god? Is the great angel an ant? Now the gods borrow my body to bring you into reincarnation!"

The Buddha's son looked up and the Pope had already had to look up to see it, with a strong sense of suffocation.

The Buddha’s son extended his finger and pointed to the Pope and said, “I’m sure you’re close to the oil now, can’t you stay for a few minutes?”

"Even if it is only a few minutes, I can kill you as much as you can!" The Pope said, "Is it felt, this is beyond the power of the false gods, this is the power of the true god!"

The Pope’s sword went down and the Buddha’s son punched out. The long sword and the fist collided. The body of the Pope did not move. The body of the Buddha’s body trembled slightly, and his feet fell slightly into the ground. .

Immediately after Xiao Bing had already killed the Buddha's son, the Buddha's son drank a slap, and the palm of his hand cut directly toward Xiao Bing, almost squatting on Xiao Bing's shoulder, while Xiao Bing was physically twisted and escaped. This palm, and then the palm of the hand directly on the chest of the Buddha's son, the body of the Buddha's son burst into a brilliant golden light, Xiao Bing was blown by a powerful force to the earthquake more than ten meters away, a burst of blood Boiling, but the heart is excited, this is the first time he has attacked the Buddha son, although it is no merit, but this is the first time.

After Xiao Bing was repulsed, a huge golden palm appeared in front of the Buddha's son. The golden palm was even bigger than the body of the Buddha. At the same time, the sword fell again. Down, and around, Cardinal, Master Shaolin, and Longmen Eight will also join forces.

The Buddha’s son looked at such a celestial net, and he couldn’t hide. He couldn’t avoid it. He closed his eyes slightly, his hands were close together, his mouth was filled with words, his body was shrouded in golden light, and Jin Guang formed a burly man, this burly Dahan has three heads and six arms. In the blink of an eye, all the attacks are repelled, even if the sword of the angels is shaken off.

The Buddha's son just got a breather, and the long sword at the top once again slammed down. The Buddha's son quickly released the hood, and the slamming slammed the hood so that it would almost collapse directly. Then the two calves of the Buddha's son were already Caught in the ground.

"Tianci good opportunity, kill him together!" Xu Mu screamed, he used the power of chaos, the power of pure chaos made his attacking power at this time infinitely close to the pseudo-realistic realm, and then bombarded with a punch On the cover of the Buddha's son, the cover was violently shaken.

The drunk gyro vacated and screamed in his mouth and shouted: "Zhi Zen, sprinkle home to avenge you!"

The Zen stick descended from the sky, rumbling, and once again squatted on the hood. This time, the hood finally couldn’t bear the power anymore, and it was finally broken. The drunk gyro also spit out a blood, and flew out. Very far, at this moment, he feels that his body is light and fluttering, as if the power has been drained. After falling to the ground, he wants to struggle to climb up, but it seems so weak, but his face But it burst into a smile, then laughed happily: "Happy, happy!"

At this time, other people took the opportunity to fall by the side of the Buddha son. The Buddha’s son was powerful again. After all, there were only two hands, and the sword fell again. The hands of the Buddha’s sons supported the sky and used their hands. Withstood the great power of the Pope into an angel, and all the other people took the opportunity to fall on the chest of the Buddha's son. The Buddha's son flew directly out and fell into the grass, without any movement.

Everyone took a slight breath, and Liu Zhen wiped a sweat and said: "Should... it should be fine."

"He shouldn't die yet," the Pope said quietly. "But I can make it up for him now."

The Pope stepped forward toward the Buddha, and his time for the ban could be maintained for a short time. Soon he will vanish, and he will kill the alien who dared to blaspheme.

He is getting closer and closer to the Buddha, ten meters, nine meters, eight meters...

A black chain flew out of the grass and directly penetrated the body of the Pope. The Pope looked down at the chain and showed an expression of disbelief. How could it be? How could he do it?

The Buddha son stood up from the ground. He had some breathing gas, but he saw all the golden chains on the chain. He attached the power to the chain, the power of the chain and his blood. The combination of strength, even the body of the angel is given through.

The Pope opened his mouth and did not say a word. The whole person turned into countless white fragments, disappearing without a trace.

The cardinal collectively crouched on the ground and shouted in his mouth: "Slow down!"

Xiao Bing did not expect that the most powerful Westerners who had dealt with him several times before had disappeared, and his heart could not help but grieve.

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "The Pope, your hatred, let me report it."

The Buddha son looked at Xiao Bing and asked: "Dragon son, you are now hard to protect yourself, can you still take revenge?"

The Buddha's son is still the expression of a victory. He faces an attack that can almost be regarded as the top of all human beings. He has never seen a panic and a panic from beginning to end. Light look.

Xiao Bing said: "I couldn't see your depth before."

The Buddha son laughed: "Now do you think you can see it clearly?"

"Now I can't see it clearly, but I think I have touched it." Xiao Bing took a deep breath. "You are really strong, far more than any of us here, but as long as we can touch it, we will There won't be no chance of winning."

The Buddha’s son nodded slightly and said, “Okay, let me take a look. Where is your odds, come on, let you see and see my true strength!”

A horror has even surpassed that of the previous Pope’s power to become an angel, and the blood red and golden light in his eyes became more and more horrible, and then his people suddenly The disappearance between the places.

"It’s just an appetizer. Now let’s see what my real power is like... The so-called angels, the so-called gods, and you, are you just like ants!!”

Hey, these people didn't even see the figure, the Dragon Gate Eight will fly out one by one...

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