Super Soldier

Chapter 2279: Western attitude towards the Holy See (three more)

The former Western world has always regarded the Holy See as a hidden danger, except that it is faster. On the one hand, because the strength of the Holy See is too large, and although martial arts is down, it is still a threat to them, and there is another aspect. The reason was that the Holy See once dominated the entire European and American continent hundreds of years ago. At that time, their people infiltrated into the governments of various countries. Every country was full of jealousy for them, so that even now, although the Holy See has been suppressed, the tortoise has shrunk, but The Western world still regards the Holy See as a hidden danger.

Now that the Pope is dead, the Western world is not happy. Xiao Bing is too strong. The martial arts world in the East is too strong. They suddenly feel that if the Holy See declines, it may not be a What good things, if the Holy See finally declines, then the East completely ruled the world in martial arts, although it is now the modern era, martial arts can no longer rule the world, but this is not what they want to see. .

As a result, television stations throughout the Western countries expressed their condolences over the death of the Pope and showed their friendliness to the Holy See. Almost everyone saw it. The Western world is ready to ease its relationship with the Holy See, not only will it take the opportunity to give the Holy See In addition, it will be faster, but it may also give the Holy See more room for development.

Xiao Bing and Ovkar passed the phone for half an hour the next morning. The two men have basically agreed. The Pope will show some hostility and competitive attitude towards Xiao Bing. Only then can the Holy See continue to get The support of the Western world has gained space for development, but in private, the two sides are actually the relationship between allies.

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Bing walked into the yard and saw that Su Xiaoxiao, Red Rose and Xia Hongyin were walking in the yard. He was slightly relieved. Fortunately, he is now married, and Su Xiaoxiao and the red rose are still pregnant. Pregnancy, I think Xia Hongyin can still look a little more, even if it is sad, she can not but think about the future grandson, at least she will hold her grandson in the future, it will not be too much to open.

Only now that I have stepped into the legendary field of the gods, then I am afraid that I will leave the world for a while, and now even the Buddha... Xiao Sheng is not there, and I can claim to be human. The first master, even a decent opponent can not find, if it has been left in the world, the strength may not be improved.

Just before that, Xiao Bing still had to spend a few days with Xia Hongyin.

Xiao Bing walked over and said: "The weather is very good today."

"Yeah." Seeing Xiao Bing came, Su Xiaoxiao said with a smile, "Look at how these flowers we planted? This year we have changed a lot of new flowers here, all of them are Ayi Ding and Liu Kexin. I bought it in the flower market."

Xiao Bing looked at these bright flowers and said with a smile: "The two of them are really suitable for this, um, it looks good. Mom, what do you like most?"

Su Xiaoxiao said with a smile: "My aunt estimated that the favorite is not flowers."

"Oh? What is it? I will buy it back."

"That can't be bought back!"

Xia Hongyin said with a smile: "Yes, my favorite is my future grandson. I hope that my grandson and granddaughter will be born soon."

Xiao Bing said with a smile: "Well, when you get to the mother, you have to look at the children at home, don't be too tired."

"Not tired, now I am too old, tired, even if a few more will not be tired." Xia Hongyin's face is not very good, but at least it is a smile.

Xiao Bing sighed and knew that it was impossible for Xia Hongyin to ease it quickly, but it seems that it is a good thing for the grandchildren's expectations to be able to ease it a little.

Xia Hongyin said: "Xiaobing, when you are at home, spend a lot of time with them, all with your children, and pay more attention to them."

"I know." Xiao Bing said a little embarrassedly. "I am not a husband."

"It doesn't matter, my husband is busy with your work, we can understand." Su Xiaoshu said, "Not to mention that there are too many people in the family to take care of us. Every day when the sisters are together, they are very happy, and my two mothers. I care about me so much."

Xia Hongyin smiled and said: "You are too used to him, Rose, you will not talk about him?"

The red rose said: "My husband does nothing, I have no opinion."

Xia Hongyin shook her head and said with emotion: "My family soldiers don't know how many good things they have done in the past, they can marry your considerate woman as a wife."

Su Xiaoxiao said with a smile: "Mom, we are good, there is a husband who cares, and you are so good to us."

Xia Hongyin smiled and said: "You are such a good daughter-in-law, can I be bad for you, if it is not good for you, you still can't run?"

The red rose and Su Xiaoxiao both laughed. Xiao Bing saw this scene and felt a lot more comfortable in his heart. Then he smiled and said: "You continue to talk, I will go to the Ministry of National Security."

Xia Hongyin said: "Look, I said that he was busy before, and I did not say a few words with you, and this is going to go again."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I was wrong. I was wrong. I went for more than an hour. I will be back soon."

"Well, let's go."

Xiao Bing walked out of Xiaofu and looked at the back of Xiao Bing. Xia Hongyin sighed softly.

The red rose said: "Mom, is it still very sad in your heart?"

"Yeah." Xia Hongyin said, "I know that the heart of the soldiers is certainly very uncomfortable. He personally killed his brother. On the one hand, he worried that I would blame him. On the other hand, he would also blame himself, even though we I know that in that case, even if he knows that the Buddha is a victor, he is afraid that it is very difficult for him to be merciless. This is all forced by the child, hehe."

Su Xiaoxiao said: "Mom, don't think about it. We know that you are actually not happy, but we will take good care of you in the future. You have one less son, but you have more daughters now."

"I know there are you." Xia Hongyin sighed. "But it’s like you were pregnant in October. Once you gave birth, you gave birth to a baby. It’s the meat that fell from you, plus There are years of feelings..."

Su Xiaoxiao and the red rose glanced at each other and exchanged their eyes with each other. They immediately knew what the other party meant. They should accompany Xia Hongyin in the future and help Xia Hongyin get rid of it earlier. Others can think of it, but no one else. Being able to experience the same as both of them, after all, they are almost going to be mothers.

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