Super Soldier

Chapter 2280: Xiao Bing's plan (one more)

Xiao Bing came to the Office of the Minister of the Ministry of National Security, and the old class gave a detailed explanation of this process.

After listening to it carefully, the old class sighed and said: "Oh, or you will leave it for a while. For the country, it is indeed a variety of grievances. I did not think that the Buddha will be your pro." brother."

"Yeah." Xiao Bing said, "I don't have to take a vacation for the time being. Anyway, I don't go every day. My brother's thing is that sin deserves it. No one can blame it. It's just that I am his younger brother. I didn't expect it to be me. I have to hand my own brother. I don’t say this, let the intelligence department help me to investigate it. My brother can’t see anyone dead now, even if he is really dead, I want to know him. Where was the corpse, and who was taken away, I have to bury him personally."

"This is what it should be. I will help you investigate it. Is there any clue or direction?"

"Investigate Buddhism, oh, there is also a man named Gongbei. He is the general manager of the Buddha Mountain. His status seems to be higher than that of other Buddhist monks. He grew up with my brother, so I want them. The relationship between the two must be very good. If my brother is really dead, the body is likely to be taken away by him."

"I know, do you remember what they are all like? Let's find the artist to draw their appearance."

"Well, I remember all of them, including the Gongbei general manager." Xiao Bing said, "But the first Buddha will not know what it looks like, because she was wearing it the last time she appeared. Veil, a red veil, and this time I did not see her when I went to the Buddha Hill, I don't know if she did not appear or went to other places."

"Well, then draw the other people down. This is not just a matter of China. Other countries must also make a contribution. After the portrait comes out, I will fax it to country m, country y, Other countries, such as e-State, let them all investigate, and in the case that the whole world is wanted, I don't believe they can disappear without a trace."

Xiao Bing said: "Well, even if my intelligence network is more meticulous, it is certainly not as good as yours, so I will rely on you to find them out this time, and I am not on my own. There will be no action, I will let all of my people look for it, and will let everyone in the Diablo world help find it, and will notify me immediately if there is a drop."

The old class said: "Small soldier, this time you have wronged you."

Xiao Bing shook his head and sighed: "The heart is really a little uncomfortable. Although my brother said that it is indeed a lot of people who died under the hand, and it is considered a sin, but after all, it is bloody, and the pressure he has suffered for so many years is really It’s too much, and the reason why he does this, I think it must be to avenge my dad one day.”

"These may not be the reason in the eyes of others. If you do something wrong, you are doing something wrong. I killed him out of justice. I blame myself because of blood connections." Xiao Bing said, "Don't say this, hit The phone calls the artist to come over. I will describe it to him and hope to help."

Xiao Bing was here one morning, and finally he was able to get the portraits of several people in the Buddhism Eighth, including the Gongbei general manager.

After leaving the Ministry of National Security, Xiao Bing returned directly to Xiao Fu and came to Xia Hongyin’s room.

Xia Hongyin is still in the room at the moment, holding a photo in her hand, Xiao Bing walked over, but saw a total of three people in the photo, one is Xia Hongyin who can be recognized at a glance, one looks like three or four years old. The little baby, the other one is a baby about one year old.

Xia Hongyin’s face was smiling. The three or four-year-old child was most happy to laugh. He still held the baby’s face, and the little baby should be laughing.

Xiao Bing asked: "This is..."

"This is our mother." Xia Hongyin said, "Before sending you to the orphanage, I took a photo at the photo studio because I knew that we might not have a chance to recognize it in the future."

Xiao Bing took the photo to the past. Xiao Sheng laughed so happy inside. This is not the most important thing. What is important is that Xiao Sheng’s appearance is exactly the same as what he saw in his dreams, even his eyes. all the same.

Xiao Bing asked: "Is my brother having photos after growing up?"

“No.” Xia Hongyin said with emotion: “Before there was no camera in the realm of the gods. After coming to the world, our mother took a photo, and then I sent you away. From then on, among us No one has ever taken another photo. Actually, your brother is very good to you, he loves you very much, at least when he was young."

"Ok, I know."

"you know?"

"I have dreamed of it." Xiao Bing said, "I may never forget the dream, because that is the only happy memory of my brother and me."

Xia Hongyin sighed: "After sending you to the orphanage, your brother cried for many days, almost wiped his tears every day, and also lost his temper with me. At that time, my mood was very bad, so I will beat him. But his temper is more reluctant than you. No matter how badly I beat him, the younger ones swollen his ass, but he still glares at me, his eyes are full of anger. ""

"At the end of the day, your brother began to become silent. He and I asked where to send you. I didn't tell him. Later, after I trained him every day and instilled revenge, he never mentioned it again. Through you, the most common thing in his mouth is to take revenge."

Xia Hongyin touched Xiao Bing's head gently, and said softly: "But I know, your brother is not so easy to put you down. After you were born, he always said what your father said to him. When my brother wants to protect you, and after your father passed away, he said this more often, and that has become his obsession. Until then... After a long, long time, he no longer goes Mention that, in fact, this is all I have done wrong. I should not instill such a hateful thought into such a child. I have ruined his life."

Xia Hongyin wiped her tears and said: "In fact, it is not that you have harmed your brother. I killed him."

Xiao Bing’s distressed road: “Mom, the past is over, no matter who is right or wrong, it’s no longer important now.”

"If you can't go, he is my flesh." Xia Hongyin said, "I wanted to tell you his identity at the beginning. I was afraid that you had a day when the soldiers met, but he refused, and I thought about it. In any case, he is your brother, your strength should not be able to kill him, and he has been merciless to you several times, I think maybe you can still solve these things by drag and drop, I did not expect ...all of my care."

Xiao Bing sighed: "I can't figure out why my brother won't let me know."

"He said, I want to treat you as a sharpening stone." Xia Hongyin said, "Your brother's strength has reached the bottleneck. Once your strength has entered the realm of God, it will reach the bottleneck, and he said the only one. The only person who can make him break through the bottleneck is you, because only you are the most promising stepping into the **** level. Once that time, it will provoke his full potential. He is not wrong, but he may not have thought of himself. It will actually die."

Xiao Bing said: "Mom, I have sent the Ministry of National Security and the poisonous fox all over to investigate. Sooner or later, I can find the whereabouts of Buddhism, and then I will be able to investigate my brother or my brother's body. Where is it... Even if he dies, I will bury him. When I am born, I can’t be a brother. After I die, I have to pay homage to him.”

"Hey, what about that? How did the Buddha Villa finally deal with it?"

"The old class has sent people to take over, and all the people in the Buddha Mountain Village have come out. Some of them have been controlled. On the one hand, they are required to popularize the law. On the one hand, they should observe them well, and Some of them gave new identities, arranged new places and jobs, and then stayed."

“Yeah.” Xia Hongyin said, “The Buddha Mountain Villa was founded by me, and it’s all made by me. The children, your mother made too many jealousies, and finally they all let you pay back.”

Xiao Bing said: "Well, Mom, this is not all right. Although it is really not a good thing to create a Buddha Mountain Villa, you don’t know how many people are hurting the food, but you haven’t done it yet. What other bad things, as for these, your son will come to help you pay back. And my brother's one, no matter what he did during his lifetime, after his death, I will be a good debt for my brother to pay for him. ""

Xia Hongyin asked: "What are you going to do next? Is it good to accompany your wife in Xiaofu? Your two wives are already pregnant."

"Well, I know." Xiao Bing said, "But I really can't stay here all the time. I think so. I originally planned to go to the Devils to see how Gaofei is going, but I want to fly high. The thing to do must be that I am very difficult to intervene. I know him, so I am going to go to the realm of the gods and bring the snow together. After all, I have promised to snow, and take her to see her soon. Mom."

"Well, it should be." Xia Hongyin said softly, "You are a good boy. Even if you treat a monster, you can give your heart. Mom has a son like you. I feel very contented."


Xia Hongyin said: "As for your brother, in fact, I can't figure out why he changed so much... He used to be very kind and kind."

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