Super Soldier

Chapter 2281: Buddhism? (two more)

In the experimental base of a remote wilderness, Huang Quan walked out from the dormitory building and walked outside the gate. He ruthlessly followed it out and asked coldly behind him: "The general manager of Gongbei said, let it be guarded here. Where are you headed?"

Huang Quan sneered: "The door owners are gone, I still listen to what others do?"

Ruthlessly stopped the pace, cold and cold: "I remind you, if the general manager is angry, can you blame me!"

Huang Quan haha ​​laughed: "Jokes, now the door is not there, no one can control me, no one can make me convinced. Gongbei general manager is naturally the realm of strength above me, I want to kill my undead It’s not that easy, right?”

The other people in Buddhism also came out and looked at Huang Quan, Pan An, Aldridge, and the left hand. They all looked at Huang Quan one by one, and at the same time, the eyes shone with strange light. They all saw the news through TV on these two days. However, the Buddha son was shot down in the abyss, it is estimated that it must die. They used to follow the Buddha in the Buddhism, but now the Buddha son is dead, they seem to have no need to stay here. There is only one person in charge of Gongbei, but they have to take a look at it first. Let’s observe and observe, if the Gongbei general manager can’t keep Huangquan, they will naturally not stay here.

The walls are scattered. They are in Buddhism because they have a strong leader who has a Buddhist son. Even if they have caused anything outside, they have a Buddhist son who can settle. Now the Buddha’s son is dead, and they still stay. What to do here? It's better to go free.

However, after all, they do not know the true strength of Gongbei’s general manager. These people’s personality has always been relatively embarrassing. Naturally, they will not take the initiative to tear the face with Gongbei’s manager in the case of unclear power, and this experimental base is formerly they all I don't know where I can imagine, since they have come, they will not casually let them go.

Huang Quan’s strength has reached the great realm of the saint’s mid-term, but even the strongest of the saint’s peak encounters the danger of Huang Quan’s degeneration, because Huang Quan’s vitality is too horrible, if he wants to leave, unless it is a palace The North General Manager has reached the semi-god level, otherwise it is impossible to leave him.

Huang Quan step by step toward the gate. Suddenly his footsteps, the whole person slammed into a hill, and immediately the neck was caught, one hand licking his neck, He lifted it up from the ground.

"Oh...." Huang Quan's two legs left the ground and reacted quickly, one foot to the other's chest, but it was like a piece of pig iron, the other side did not respond.

"Gongbei... Gongbei general manager." Huang Quan's breathing became so fast that both hands began to grasp and wanted to open the hand of Gongbei's head holding his neck and said, "Don't think of you." This will kill me, even if you cut off my neck, you can't lose my life."

"Yeah." Gongbei's body was very tall and straight, and he lifted him up high. He said calmly, "No one is really immortal. I blow your head and put every inch of your body." Can you still resurrect if you break it?"

"You..." Huang Quan suddenly shouted with strength and shouted, " still don't do it? Isn't the Buddha son gone, do you want to stay under the head of the palace, and be at his mercy?" I am not dead now, now is your best chance to join me in defeating him."

Huang Quan suddenly made a sigh, once again madly pulled out a foot, slammed and kicked heavily on the chest of the Gongbei general manager. The body of Gongbei’s body slightly stepped back, and the hand involuntarily released the other party. Huang Quan quickly retired more than ten meters away, and then coughed up sharply. He looked at the head of Gongbei with a lingering sorrow. He smiled and said: "You attack me!"

"Even if it is not a sneak attack, I want to kill you. It is very easy." Gongbei’s eyes swept over other people and said, “I want to kill you very easily, but I won’t do it because you still have the Buddha’s son. usefulness."

"Buddha son?" Others are just a little bit tempted at this time. At this time, they listened to the words of Gongbei, and they showed a dubious color. Aldridge asked: "Isn't the Buddha son already dead?"

"Who said dead? Did you see the body of the doorkeeper?" Gongbei’s sneer sneered and said, "In this world, people who can kill the dead are probably not yet born."

Huang Quanxiao smiled and said: "Why listen to his nonsense, if the door owner is still alive, how could it not appear until now? How can the Huaxia government take over the Buddha Mountain Villa? Even if the door owner is still lucky, this is probably already Is it dying, otherwise how could it be possible to let all of its foundations be destroyed?"

All the people in the original heart still have some unreliable feelings. After listening to Huang Quan’s words, they carefully thought about it. One by one, they all immediately became active. Yes, even if the Buddha’s son is still alive, I am afraid it is dying. When is it? It’s not necessarily that it can be slowed down, not to mention that it is already dead.

These people are basically all types of unruly, even if the realm of Gongbei’s power in front of them is obviously above them, but the Buddha’s son is dead, so that they will continue to follow the orders of the Gongbei general manager. They also have some heart. Unwilling, of course, if Gongbei is really able to defeat all of them and let them be convinced, then it is another matter.

While they were going to do it, a voice that sounded like it came from another world came over: "Who said that I am dead?"

At this moment, it seems that the heavens and the earth are already dark, the sun is gone, the heavens and the earth are dark, and then there is a moon in the sky, a **** red moon, and the whole world illuminated by the moon is a blood red color, a strange Evil and beautiful blood red.

The hearts of these people began to bulge, and even each other could hear each other's embarrassing heartbeat.

Huang Quan’s legs were soft, and they slammed into the ground, trembled: “The door...the doorkeeper.”

The rest of the people are also soft on their legs, and all of them are panicked. This voice is too familiar. It is the voice that they have always been in awe of, and they have always made them sound like gods. The voice of the Buddha son.

At this time, a figure appeared in the sky, and half of the moon was covered. The man was wearing a robe with a golden mask on his face, and all the depths of his eyes were blood red, he was I casually carry my hands and stand on the void, looking down at all the people.

Huang Quan’s breathing has become very fast. This is the Buddha son. Yes, this is the Buddha! !

The Buddha’s tone is calm: “Who said that I am dead?”

"I was wrong, I was wrong!" Huang Quan's body shivered, and he was unruly. He was kneeling on the ground at this moment, trembled. "Fuck son, I am wrong."

The Buddha son took a look at Huang Quan, but he casually slammed a bullet. Huang Quan made a scream. His chest was directly pierced. Although he would not die, he could feel the pain, the pain of the heart. .

Buddha son faintly said: "You just want to betray, I should have killed you, but you are only loyal to me. If you just think that I am dead, your crime of renegade is erased by a large part, but you I feel that I am alive and dying, and there is no threat to you. In this case, death sins are exempt, and living sins are inevitable. You must always let you experience the pain."

Huang Quan squatted at the wound, and repeatedly said: "Thank you, thank you, the owner."

The Buddha continued to say: "I am an illusion. Your soul has been deeply immersed in a different world. If I think, your soul will stay here forever and eternal life. It will take a long time to disappear, but you are still my Buddhist people. It’s still useful to me, as long as I don’t want to be distracted and loyal to me in the future, I won’t kill you!”

Immediately, the heavens and the earth returned to normal, and the Buddha son was standing in the yard at this time, carrying his hands and robes hunting with the wind. A pair of pupils recovered to black and white at this time, but the pride and confidence in the eyes were as always. Even if they just stand here casually, they have already given them the feeling of not being able to resist, and they can't see any serious injuries.

Aldridge first came forward and said: "Congratulations to the owner, He Ximen, congratulations to the doorkeeper to return safely."

The Buddha son glanced at him and said, "Don't you think I was dead?"

Aldridge was a little embarrassed and said: "The news reported that after you fell on the cliff, there was your blood in the abyss, and your body was gone."

The Buddha said: "The blood is specially left by me. I didn't die. Naturally, I didn't see it."

Aldridge said: "I know that the doorkeeper can't be defeated. The doorkeeper should be invincible, just the Buddha Mountain Villa..."

The Buddha said faintly: "The Buddha Villa has been impossible to recover. Even if they are dead, the Buddha Mountain Village will still be officially taken away, but the Villa is no longer important to me. The Buddha Gate is the core, the Villa. Second is."

Aldridge asked: "Are you lost that day?"

"Death?" The Buddha’s tone was calm. "I was laid off the cliff... but if you say defeated... Do you think I am defeated?"

No one dares to answer, but soon everyone understands, this defeat, I am afraid it is not really defeated. Now it’s not been a few days ago. If the Buddha’s son really hurts that level that day, it’s certainly not obvious. The realm of strength, is everything just the deliberate intention of the Buddha son? But what exactly is he for?

Even the people of Buddhism and Eight will feel a little unpredictable at this moment.

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