Super Soldier

Chapter 797: Small conflict

The little girl hurriedly covered her eyes and said, "Snake, this uncle... so scary!"

"Well," said the snake, sighing. "Handcuffs, hearts, and ambitions are big. This person will be a terrible person in the dark world in the future. Ruthless, remember this name."

After that, Snake took the little girl's hand and began to walk slowly toward the door of Tongtian Tower.

Reluctantly looking at the two guards who were scared and shivering, asked: "I am eligible to go now?"

"With, with..." The guard took out a permit that could be hung on his chest. The pattern was a gloomy world in addition to the three licenses.

The ruthlessly hangs the license on the chest and walks in.

The two men glanced at each other and wiped a cold sweat. Then they saw the snake and took a small donkey and walked over.

After the two of them saw the snake, they immediately showed awe in their eyes. In the heart, the work of receiving and watching the door sounded like a prestige. In fact, it was really not made by people. It should be at any time and in these dark worlds. Dealing with the big names, you must know that these people are all murderers, although it is impossible to kill you according to the rules of the Tongtian Tower, but think of the reputation and majesty of the other in the dark world in the past, just look at you casually. Still, you can scare your cold sweat.

The two of them saw the snake, and hurriedly handed in the permit, and they handed it to two, one of the snakes, one of them.

For the snake, their fear is no worse than the previous kid. Don’t look at this snakewoman who seems to be dying, but in fact the snake has been famous in the dark world for a long time. More than ten years.

The snake woman was originally a master of the seclusion in the Miaojiang area. Her son has a high martial arts talent. When she was in her twenties, she left Miaojiang to go outside, and it was also a spirit of temperament. The Diablo World was famous for its tens of thousands. When it returned to Miaojiang, it even brought back a woman who had his child.

Originally, Snake thought that she could finally enjoy her family's happiness. She did not expect that because of the intrigue of Miao's forces, on the day her grandson was born, she was deceived, and the traps of other tribes were taken. The master sneaked into her house, and when her son was most nervous, she accidentally wounded her son seriously. Then her son lost his life to protect his wife and children. His daughter-in-law and his newly born grandson were also killed. .

The snake woman has been low-key for many years. The outsiders do not know her true strength. When she kills the people who surround her, she returns home and sees the miserable scene in the home. The angry snake-women have even single-handedly slaughtered and participated. The three tribes that acted this time, a total of four hundred and forty-eight people, all of whom were killed by her!

The snake's war directly shocked the dark world, and even shocked the whole of China, no matter what she was because of her, and no matter what kind of injury she suffered first, but after all, it was a full 400 people, so Huaxia gave her a gift. After the order, she also left Miaojiang and became a member of the dark world. It is said that even after more than 20 years, the words "snake" are now mentioned in Miaojiang. Can scare those crying children.

Even if you look at the dark world, there are very few people like Snakes killing so many people.

Therefore, in the dark world, many of the more ferocious people are full of awe in the snakes, and they must walk around when they meet.

After the snakes also got the badge, they took the little hand and walked into the Tongtian Tower. The two men were relieved and began to wipe the cold sweat.

"Snake, I am afraid of you now." Xiao Yan said with a delicate voice.

The snake smiled lowly: "This is very good. They always live longer than those who have no fear."

For the snake woman, Xiao Yan always seems to understand and understand, but she knows that her snake mother seems to be very old, but in fact she is an amazing person, so even if she does not understand, She will also write down the words of the snake woman in one word and one word. When I grow up, I naturally understand.

Into the Tongtian Tower, someone soon came to entertain the snake-women. This person is over forty years old. The name of the country is called Rolle. It is the candidate for the reception of the eight major committee members. This Roll has been continuously In the two-time general management position during the meeting, everyone on each floor must be in charge, but he is the head of all management.

It is said that this reason why Rohr can get everyone's approval is because there are any major meetings in the country of m. Usually, the work responsible for hosting the guests is also organized by her, so his prestige in this respect is very high, and it is also dark. The World Summit hired a high salary, and was responsible for the hospitality work of these days.

After seeing the snake, Luo Er smiled and said: "Snake, you are coming to the ninth committee!"

The ninth committee member, yes, Snake is the ninth member of the committee of the Diablo World Summit!

The Diablo World Committee is a total of eight members. The existence of this ninth committee is quite special, because in addition to the power of the eight major members, there are still many small forces in the Diablo World. These people need a spokesperson, so the Diablo World Summit is determining the eight major members. After the election, the small forces outside the eight major committee members will hold a meeting of them in the conference room on the 98th floor. The meeting selected the spokespersons belonging to all their small forces, that is, the ninth committee!

This ninth committee replaced them in the real dark summit and met with the other eight members and the chairman. The ninth committee’s rights are the same as those of the other eight members, but the decisions he made are generally needed. I consulted many small forces. If his decision violates the interests of all the small forces, as long as half of the small forces have voted to veto, then the committee votes he cast at the summit will not be counted.

This rule is also to protect the rights of those individuals and small organizations in the Diablo World. It is precisely because of this that everyone here has their rights. Even those small organizations or individuals can at least Vote together to veto the decision of the Ninth Committee. This is why every invited person is so aggressive in breaking the head.

The Snake Pod is the ninth member selected by the last Dark World Summit. Even his ninth committee has been occupied for two consecutive years.

The snake woman smiled and said: "Mr. Rohr, do I still live in the old place?"

"That is of course." Rohr said, "With your badge, you can take the elevator directly, Snake, I wish you will be re-elected this time!"

"Thank you for your blessing."

Snake took a small donkey and walked to the elevator. Roel glanced at the little squat and said, "Snake, you have to take care of this little girl, and everyone who enters the Tongtian Tower is a dark world. Be careful that she accidentally came out. Human life."

The snake yin measured the road: "The chairman of the dragon has set a rule, prohibiting anyone from starting with a child under the age of sixteen, violating the opponent, killing it! Is it true that in this tower, there are people who dare to face the chairman of the dragon. Is it directly against the ban?"

Luo Er said with a smile: "That is naturally not dare, but this year's Diablo World Summit has not officially begun. Whether Longgongzi can still sit on the chairmanship of this session, everything is still unknown."

The snakewoman smiled and said: "As long as the chairman of the dragon has not retired, the previous rules will not be invalid. But I would also like to thank the general manager of Rohr for reminding me."

Snake took a small donkey and walked into the elevator. When the elevator door closed, Xiaoxiao couldn’t help but curiously asked: "Snake, who is the chairman of the dragon?"

"Dr. Chairman?" The snakewoman touched Xiaoxiao’s head and smiled. "I always feel that he is the dark world, the only one who is still human."

Xiao Yan said: "Is it a human being?"

"Well, although he is a very hot person, he has principles and hatred, but he has a good report. I have heard many things about him. In this dark world, he is the most like a person. People."

Xiao Yan asked: "What about other people?"

"Other people... more like ghosts."

The two people talked for a few more minutes, and the elevator stopped at the position of the 97th floor. According to the rules of the Dark World Summit, the chairman and the nine members lived on the 98th floor, and the rest lived in the 90th. Below the eighth floor, if there are other people coming to the 98th floor, they will basically be driven out!

When the snake had just walked out of the elevator, she heard a loud noise from the ear. Several guards had guns in their hands. The muzzle pointed at a very thin man. The man was killed before he was killed outside the tower. The ruthlessness that was allowed to come in, the guards seemed to be ruthlessly going downstairs, ruthlessly standing in the middle, the colder the eyes.

The snake sighed and said: "Little guy, this layer is really not what you should come. You can't blame them. This is the rule of the entire Tongtian Tower."

The guards saw the snake, and they all bowed awkwardly to the snake, and then one of the middle-aged men with glasses said: "The snake-women, we said, the 97th floor is not Others can come in at will, this kid simply does not listen to advice."

The ruthless eyes were a little bit anxious, and suddenly pointed to the snake woman, and asked aloud: "This old woman and the little girl, how can they get in?"

The guards suddenly sneered, and the leader laughed and said: "If you are the chairman or a member, you can come in. Do you know who this is? She is the ninth committee!"

The ruthless pupil shrinks slightly, and the tone is agitated with a bit of metamorphosis. He asks loudly: "If I kill both of them, can I replace her and live in this ninety-seventh floor?"

Snake's murky eyes showed a bit of coldness. She was kind enough to avoid conflicts, so she explained the two sentences in a nosy way. I didn't expect this kid to be so mad.

Xiao Yan looked up and asked: "Snake, he wants to kill the trick, what should I do?"

The snake woman took the hand of Xiao Yan and walked toward them step by step. At the same time, she bowed down and said to Xiao Xiao: "Don't be afraid, the young man is not self-sufficient, let's go, the snake woman takes you back to the room!"

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