Super Soldier

Chapter 798: Longgongzi is driving!

Snake took a small step and walked forward step by step. When he was only two steps away from ruthlessness, he suddenly took a step forward and clenched his fist, and his fist was about to be shot.

The snake suddenly stopped, and the crutches moved forward slightly. When the ruthless fists were just clenched, the crutches had already been placed on the ruthless chest when they had not had time to sway. Four or five steps stopped, and looked up at the snake, his eyes were a little surprised, followed by a red face and a murder.

The snake sighed and said: "You are strong and strong, but you are too sharp. You are a young man. I will give you a chance. I don't know anything about you. Xiao Yan, let's go!"

The snake snake took a small donkey and passed by the ruthless side. The ruthless and clenched fist suddenly came loose, and the murderousness on his face began to dissipate slowly. His face was unpredictable, and suddenly he snorted and re-taken. The elevator, pressed on the 96th floor, he finally began to compromise, but at the same time as he compromised, there was a voice in his heart that shouted and killed the old woman!

Snake took a small donkey and walked into her room. She lived in this room during the first two summits. At that time, she didn't have a small beggar.

After waiting in the room, the snake woman took a deep breath and trembled to the bed and sat down. She adjusted her interest slightly, then her voice was a little dignified: "If the young man is just impulsive, When he is upset, I may still have a great chance to kill him. This will also save some hidden dangers. It is not a good thing for a person who exposes me to kill the world. ""

The snake's gaze fell on the little cockroach that was running around in the big house. The heart secretly said that especially his side is not a person, but also a little cockroach, so the snake must Make sure you live well and don't leave any hidden dangers.

The identity of Xiaoyan is an orphan. It was met by a snake in a remote village where a plague was born. The parents of Xiaoyan died in the plague. Before they died, they were only three years old and handed over to the snake. The snake-in-law saved the little sister, and she always took it with her. Now Xiaoyan is seven years old, and the snake-in-law has been with him for four years.

Four years is enough for them to have deep feelings, especially if both grandparents and grandparents are losing their families, and they will regard each other as their only relatives in this world.

Although the strength of the snake-women is very strong and strong, she did not teach Xiaoxi what her efforts, but she taught some of Xiaoyan’s skills to save people with Miaojiang’s martial arts. Although her son’s tragedy has passed two For more than ten years, it has always been vividly seen all the time. She sometimes wants to pass all her martial arts to Xiao Xiao, but she is worried about the recurrence of history and the same mistakes.

A tall martial arts will inevitably want to go out and make a name for yourself. You have killed others today. Others will want to kill you tomorrow. The snakes lived in Miaojiang for the first half of their lives. They did not see this truth. In the past ten years, she began to become violent and violent. In addition to killing more than 400 people in Miaojiang, in the dark world, it is also a matter of dissatisfaction. It takes people to lose their lives, but in the last ten years, Her mentality has slowly changed, and she began to break free from the blows of her children and grandchildren. She observed the world with a more peaceful look, and she also got many different sentiments.

Therefore, Xiaoyan was able to meet her in the last few years. It is her luck. She has experienced so much. She has already realized something that many people can’t even realize for a lifetime, and these things will be a little bit sooner or later. Benefit her.

At this moment, the remaining eight major members have basically been in the Tongtian Tower.

Outside the Tongtian Tower, Xiao Bing came to the outside of the Tongtian Tower with Molong, Liuzhi, Drunk Gyro and Liu Zhen. After the guards outside saw Xiao Bing, both of them fell down.

Not only the two of them, just a few people who just walked into the Tongtian Tower also stopped their steps. They stood respectfully on both sides of the entrance of the Tongtian Tower. It seemed that they had to wait for Xiao Bing to pass.

For them, whether it is ruthless or snake, they just feel awe, fearing like a snake and beast.

And they are not only able to describe Xiao Bing's two words, but their attitude towards Xiao Bing is like a god!

Xiao Bing is like a **** in their eyes!

Xiao Bing took a step toward the Tongtian Tower. For Xiao Bing, he did not need any passes at all. His name is a pass.

In the entire dark world, there are only two people who can have this kind of treatment. It is the two famous sons in the dark world!

Xiao Bing took the elevator to the 97th floor. When he went out from the elevator, Xiao Bing heard that someone was walking away and said: "Help the Lord, you said that the chairman of this summit will not Still falling into the hands of the dragon son?"

"I still fell into his hands?" The middle-aged back of a tiger's back was suddenly snorted and said: "He can't save his life this time. It's not necessarily the last time in the last two years. The gantry has been completely beaten by Buddhism. The death, rebellious rebellion, presumably this time, as long as the Buddha son came to the summit, there is no such thing as a dragon son. What's more, I heard that there is a mysterious powerhouse in the dark world in the near future. This person has been forced to collect several consecutively. Masters, even male and female are in it, and this person has also threatened to become the chairman of this dark summit, obviously he is also directed at the dragon son, I see how the dragon son can stop."

The tone of this person actually carries a little bit of gloating.

After the few people entered the room, Xiao Bing walked out of the elevator, and Liu Zhen next to him sneered: "The door owner, this Zhang Tianchao is getting more and more arrogant. After the last time we were warned, I heard that they still Quietly sold the drugs to the mainland of China, and they are the helpers of the big circle. They hold countless madness in their hands. Together with their recent cooperation with Hell Angels, the more they do not take us. Put it in your eyes."

The five fingers suddenly said: "If the door owner wants his life..."

Xiao Bing faintly said: "These don't study first, I have to care about it. Let's go, let's go back to the room first."

Xiao Bing and all four of them live in a room. According to the regulations, the chairman and nine members can live on this floor, and each person can take up to five people. Xiao Bing only takes four people, which coincides with rule.

After returning to the room, Xiao Bing went to the window and looked out the window. There was a trace of worry in his eyes. What Xiao Bing really worried about was not the infighting of the summit at this time. The real worry was that the old class said before. After that, this time the world’s major powers have set their sights on the Tongtian Tower. I am afraid that the joint security forces of several major countries will do it at any time. When the guns are in the same name, even for the strong players of Xiao Bing, It is also inevitable that it is a very difficult thing.

After all, manpower is limited, how can we fight the country? What's more, at that time, how should Xiao Bing choose, and where to go?

Xiao Bing feels that he seems to have fallen into the most difficult time in history and never had a difficult time.

The strong people of the Diablo World continued to enter the Tongtian Tower in the 6th, and in the far and far distance, the correspondents responsible for the scouts in front of the six major powers were excited: "just I got the news. They saw through the telescope that the Dragon King’s Dragon King with four of the Dragon Gate Eight has officially entered the Tongtian Tower."

Edward Coulter, the director of the National Security Agency of the m country, took some slaps with excitement, but then shook his head and shouted: "Damn, why didn't he bring all the people of the Dragon Gate, just right? They gave it to the net."

Anping Jiro, the director of the National Security Bureau, said with a sinister smile: "As long as the dragon son is dead, the gantry will naturally collapse. Even if there are only a few people left, it will not be a climate."

After Anping Jiro’s remarks, Edward’s security department and several other countries’ security departments looked at Anping Jiro as if they were idiots. Edward said in fluent English: “Lord Anping Jiro, whether it’s the Longmen Eight or the Buddhism Eight, any one of them can turn a small country to the sky. I heard that the royal family in your country’s royal family turned over the Fengmen Eighth’s Maple Thirteen? Think about it, the Buddha’s Eight will be casual. One person can make your royal family like that, and it will also escape smoothly. If there are a few more fish in the net, wouldn’t it bring some losses to some countries?"

Anping Jiro saw that Edward was so rude to educate him. He was also blushing at the moment. He felt ashamed and irritated, but he couldn’t say anything. The country has always been a follower of the country of M, and survived the breath of the country.

Of course, Edward will not be too irritating to Anping Jiro. The self-righteousness of a few beats and beats Anping Jiro is also considered, and the m people have always been extremely proud, so he added: "Of course, Even if there are several such fish in the net, although it will cause a lot of trouble for some small countries, if the special station team of our country wants to solve it, it will be able to get them to the net sooner or later."

Edward looked at the correspondent and asked: "Is the Buddha's door all arrived?"

The correspondent shook his head and said: "They said that people who did not see the Buddha came to the Tongtian Tower."

"Oh, the meeting will start formally from tomorrow, and it is estimated that we will wait any longer." Edward Road, "The Buddha Gate is much more terrible than the Dragon Gate. If it is impossible to destroy the Buddha's Gate, this is the legacy of the great evil." ""

After listening to this, others were deeply impressed.

Only the old class has been silently, and secretly thinking, Xiao Bing, Xiao Bing, why don’t you listen to it, don’t let you come, you have to come!

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