Super Soldier

Chapter 803: Winning and losing has been divided

Genius laps to remember, to provide you with wonderful little reading.

Seeing that other people are unclear, Xiao Bing also has a rare explanation: "The strength of the snake is naturally on the ruthless. If two people are steadily and steadily, even if they are ruthless, they will definitely not win. But this is There is a hidden danger."

One person next to him asked: "What hidden danger?"

When this person finished asking, he thought that he was talking to the dragon son of Longmen. At one time, his heart was full of fear. If he changed his usual level, he would not have the qualification to speak with the dragon son at all. Even if he could speak, It must also be treacherous, saying that every sentence should be accompanied by some honorific words, but after seeing the dragon son did not appear unpleasant expression, he relieved.

Xiao Bing did not know that the man would have produced so many psychological activities. When he heard that person was puzzled, he immediately explained: "I must have noticed before, and the body condition of the snake woman does not seem to be particularly good. He is afraid that too. Observed this point, you look at it, when is the most intense of the snake cough? When the snakes use the infuriating time, so this ruthless thought of increasing the attack, even at the expense of a seemingly lost The sensible fight is like a way to fight, his biggest purpose is to make the body of the snake woman abnormal, and then he looks for an opportunity to make a fatal blow!"

Everyone realized that they had just ruthlessly attacked the snakes, but they couldn’t move the snakes at all. Instead, they were ruthlessly continually recruited. It seemed that they had broken several bones and even lost more blood. At that time, I thought that this ruthlessness was a madman, but in this case he was absolutely dead, but he did not expect that ruthlessness was not a crazy to lose reason, even he had deep calculations, even the snakes were him. Give the calculations in.

And now they finally understand that there is something flawed in the body of the snake, and those top experts who have not challenged the snake before, can not help but regret it.

Xiao Bing seems to guess what everyone is thinking, and the tone is dignified: "But his method is not something that can be used by anyone, just like you are there, let you go so hard, maybe even in Before the snake woman appeared flawed, you were hit with a fatal point, and then you screamed, are you willing to gamble?"

Everyone's face changed, yeah, of course they don't want to, so that is to say, this ruthless strategy, if they want to use it, they simply can't use it because they don't want to die, they don't want to gamble. It!

Isn’t it ruthless to be gambling? If you are a little careless, it is not to break a few bones, but to directly scream, even if the snake woman insists on a few strokes and does not reveal flaws, he may fall directly to the ground and can’t get up, so this time he Winning is also extremely dangerous, and luckily.

Ruthlessly walked to the front of the snake, lifted his foot and stepped on the face of the snake, even laughing at the **** of his chest: "I don't die, you see it, the dark summit The nine committee members will be mine soon. I did all the things you couldn't do. I have already surpassed you. I have left your skin and eyeballs on this gimmick. You are Look at it all well!"

Everyone saw that he actually spoke to the girl who was hanging on his chest. He couldn’t help but scream. This kid can’t be provoked. He is a pervert, a madman!

Xiao Yan grabbed Xiao Bing's arm and cried: "Dragon son, help me save my mother-in-law, help me save my mother-in-law!"

Although Xiao Bing feels regret in his heart, there is no intention to stop it at all. In the life and death room, life and death are all destiny. This is the rule of Tongtian Tower. Since the snake woman walks in, she can’t just think about her. Killing, she will be killed at any time. As for her death, she will protect this little girl from the Tongtian Tower and complete the promise of the snake, so she can do so much.

Seeing the ruthless feet, I stepped on it. This foot can easily trample the head of the snake, and the snake suddenly blocked the ruthless foot with a crutch, and then the crutches were slammed. The snake woman quickly rolled out to the side and escaped the foot. The crutches broke directly into two pieces under the ruthless feet. They were ruthless and didn't even look at them. They were going to walk toward the snakes again.

Xiao Bing suddenly smiled and said: "Jiang is still old and spicy, I didn't expect the snake to leave a hand."

Everyone looked at the past and suddenly changed their face.

The snake woman jumped up and kept a few meters away from the ruthlessness. He rubbed his chest and gasped a few mouthfuls. Then he measured the test: "Are you still going to do it?"

"What?" ruthlessly bowed his head, but saw the dense locusts crawling from his feet to his body, the locusts squirming, making people want to vomit, feel sick!

Even a person who is so ruthless and crazy, only feels cold in the back, his body is a wound, even if his body is hard, these mites can always get in from the wound and get into his body. Enter his blood and **** his blood.

The ruthless eyes looked coldly at the snake, and some crazy asked loudly: "When is this? How did you do it?"

The snake woman coughed a few times and gasped slightly. "Just when you broke my cane with one foot."

"Don't you crutches..."

"Yes." Snake said, "Don't forget, I am a Miaojiang Yi people. I am not weaker than my martial arts by my means. My body may degenerate over time, but My locusts will never degenerate... I thought I could beat you directly with martial arts. This is my fault, young people, I am ignoring you."

The snake's voice makes people feel creepy: "But you only need to move a little now, I can guarantee that there will be no idea how many mites will get into your body at the same time, and these locusts can be quickly Control your brain, you will not only die, but even become a living dead, have no thoughts in your life, always listen to my orders."

This can't help but make those people outside feel creepy, even ruthless has this feeling.

The ruthless fist clenched and re-released.

The snake woman continued: "But I don't intend to share you with you. You can admit defeat now. I can let these locusts leave your body immediately. My age is also big, and I have become soft and soft. I just want to win you. But didn't want to kill you."

"Good!" ruthlessly took a deep breath, said, "I promised... you let these disgusting bugs stay away from me, this time the battle of life and death, I lost!"

There was a pocket in the snake's hand. When she opened the mouth of the bag, the locusts suddenly climbed down from the ruthless body and got into her bag.

Ruthlessly turned around, his face went cold in front of the glass door, and he took three shots with his hand. The door opened automatically and went out ruthlessly.

He didn't stop in the conference room, and walked to the door of the conference room step by step. He pushed open the door and then turned back. Some of them were unwilling, and some annoyed said: "Snake, you don't kill me today, I am sooner or later. One day will take your life. And the dragon son, one day I will stand on you and the Buddha, you all remember, my ruthlessness is the real master of this dark world, who is born, who Just give birth, let anyone die, who will die, I will prove it sooner or later!"

After that, he stepped out of the conference room and his footsteps gradually drifted away.

Long Gongzi smiled faintly: "A arrogant person."

Snake also came out from the life and death room. Xiaoxuan jumped out of the chair at this time and ran to the snake's arms, holding the snake, and cried, "Women, you are scared to death, Scared me, scared me! Hey!"

Xiao Bing looked at this scene, could not help but feel moved, could not help but feel in the heart, this is the most missing thing in the dark world, these people are unruly one by one, they are fighting for power, vying for Money and women all want to step on other people's feet and tell who is tall and who is low.

But who can these people get the true feelings and concerns of others? They seem to have gotten a lot, but if one day they die like the seven killers, they actually have nothing. Everyone in the world will soon forget their existence.

They are the saddest in the world!

In the eyes of the snake, she showed the color of love, nodded gratefully to Xiao Bing, and then looked at everyone in the conference room. Her eyes swept over and everyone’s eyes disappeared, and then I heard the snake woman ask: "Is there anyone else?"

Everyone was silent, and finally the first person said: "I am willing to honor the snake woman as the ninth committee, and help these people to fight for their interests!"

"I am willing too!"

"I am willing too!"

"I am willing!"

Finally, everyone has made a statement, and the position of the ninth committee member of the snake woman has been completely determined and completely stabilized.

Xiao Bing smiled lightly, holding his shoulders, leaning against the chair, his eyes closed slightly, as if he was asleep, and he was not so concerned about the things behind him.

Ruthlessly went out from the Tongtian Tower, and was about to leave. Suddenly, a person was chased out in the Tongtian Tower. He looked at him ruthlessly: "I am ruthless, are you interested in joining us in the future?"

Looking back ruthlessly, I saw a strange face, but it was not very strange, because he saw this person in that conference room, but he did not know who this person was.

The man suddenly smiled, his smile was very cold, and his eyes sparkled with endless injustice and ambition. He suddenly put his hand on his face and pulled a mask down. It turned out that this was not his. Originally, after seeing the appearance of this person, there is a ruthless doubt: "Who are you?"

"You may not be familiar with me!" The man's face showed a brutal expression with a wolf. "I am called a blood wolf!"

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