Super Soldier

Chapter 804: Snake's request

The next meeting was probably more than two hours, and Xiao Bing did not sit there. After all, he was an outsider to the people in the conference room. In the next five years, those in the conference room would Will be the ninth member of the people, the ninth member will also try to help her people to fight for the benefits that can be won.

Xiao Bing told the snake thief to become the ninth member again, and told a few people who came with him to go to the room to start sleeping. Then there was a real play ready to be staged. Compared with that, just It’s just an appetizer. Even the appetizers are not counted, so Xiao Bing must recharge his batteries.

Xiao Bing probably lay down for more than two hours. The sound of knocking on the door began to sound. Xiao Bing opened his eyes and went to the door. He slowly opened the door, but saw the snake and the little sister standing outside, the snake. The woman is still squatting, a dark and strange temperament, Xiao Yan is a savage look at himself, Xiao Bing knows that she must be because when the snake woman is in danger, but she did not help, and therefore angry with herself .

Therefore, Xiao Bing did not mind Xiao Xiao, but even if he came back again, Xiao Bing would still not shoot. The Tongtian Tower had the rules of the Tongtian Tower. It was the life and death room. Since they decided to go in together, they must I am responsible for my own life and death. If I rushed out, how can I serve the public? After the snake, I am afraid to become the laughing stock of the dark world.

Snake and Xiaoyan walked into Xiao Bing's room. The snake seemed to struggle more than before, trembled, and finally sat down on the bed.

Xiao Bing closed the door and went back to the room. He smiled and said: "Snake, this is the dark world summit, you are the winner again."

Xiao Bing said that yes, according to the rules of the Dark World Summit, among the nine members, the status of the top eight members must be higher, but it is nominally higher, but the actual rights are basically not much different. And not only that, the ninth committee has another advantage.

Because the ninth committee members were all obtained through challenges, so as long as they sat in this position, no one at the next formal meeting could challenge the ninth committee. That is to say, now the nine members are inside, Although the eight members said that the possibility of change is not too great, there is really no change at all. Only the snake woman is alone. Even the position of the chairman of the summit, there is no such stability as the snake woman.

In the face of Xiao Bing, the snake woman is still awe-inspiring. Although she said that she is as gloomy as she used to be, she can hear a few respectful words from her tone: "Dragon son, this time I came to thank you. If it weren't for you, I am afraid I couldn't fully devote myself to the battle of life and death. Maybe I might die in the hands of the kid."

Xiao Bing does not care: "You mean that I promised to help you protect Xiaoxiao? It seems that you are really good to her, but I don't have to thank me alone because of this."

The snake woman said seriously: "This thing may be a little help for you, but it is very important to me. For so many years... she is my only relative."

Xiao Bingdao: "I heard that there was a plague in the village, and you saved her."


The eyes of Xiao Yan next to him are a little red.

Xiao Bing asked: "Why should you put that ruthless?"

"Let's go back to the mountains... I have a hunch that he will kill me one day sooner or later." The snakewoman said in a low voice. "Maybe that day will not be too far away, maybe three years, maybe five years, or maybe it will not be used at all." So long."

"Yeah, why are you letting him go?"

The snake's tone is deep: "Because I couldn't kill him at the time, I will go with him at most."

The snake woman gasped fiercely. It seemed that her physical condition was not good. Xiao Bing walked over and grabbed her skinny arm and put it on the pulse. Although Xiao Bing is not a doctor, it is simple to understand. Some, after the pulse for the snake, Xiao Bing frowned: "Your injury is very heavy."

"Well," said Snake. "At the time, I was barely standing there. Even he only needed a casual punch. He could knock me down. It’s older... If it was 20 years ago, it was even Five years ago, I was absolutely more than enough to kill him, but now... I can still go with him with those locusts, but I have not seen Xiaoyan grow up, I am not willing!"

Xiao Bing said with emotion: "I understand you."

"Thank you." Snake said, "He lost to me this time. Then he will definitely want my life, but his injury is not light this time, and his strength is only one step away from the peak. Presumably, before he reaches the peak of enthusiasm, he will not take the risk to come to me. Plus, I am hiding in Miaojiang with a small donkey. It is not easy for him to find me, so maybe I can live more. In a few years, I will teach you a little more."

Xiao Yan is on the side: "Snake, you will definitely live a hundred years old."

The snake woman smiled and said: "Stupid child, I am already eighty now, even if it is now dead, it is not too early, but for you, I will still live for a few more years, but I am afraid that the day after the end of my life. It won't be too far."

Xiao Bing knows that the snake does not lie, even if she hides after ruthless breakthrough to the peak of enthusiasm, so that she can not find her ruthlessly, her life expectancy is about to come to an end, Xiao Bing just knows when the pulse The snake's pulse is particularly messy, and her own body is no longer able to be used. In addition, she is seriously injured today. Even if Zhang Yizhi is here, I am afraid there is no way for her to live forever.

When human life is exhausted, even a medical doctor is not a true god.

Xiao Yan began to smear tears, and the snake sighed with relief: "The snake does not hurt you in vain. More than 20 years ago, my son's family of three died. After that, I am in this world. I don’t have any loved ones anymore. Now I treat you as the only relative, Xiao Yan, Snake Girl doesn’t really care if you can be famous all day. The snake woman cares that you can live happily. If a person dies. Now, even if it is famous for the world, what is the use!"

"I know I know……."

The snake sighed: "I teach you medicine, teach you to use sputum to cure people, and don't teach you **** people, just because you avoid others feeling that you are a threat. But doctors are not the same, people often only respect the doctors. What's more, if your medical skills really have a certain degree of glory to a certain extent, then no one will dare to move you, because everyone has a day when they need a doctor, maybe ten years later, maybe two Ten years later, maybe once in a lifetime, you need a very smart doctor to save your life, but then there is no such person who can cure you, maybe you will have no life."

Snake said: "So, the real killing is not the most terrible, the most terrible thing is to save people, and let the other party know that he will depend on you to save his life sooner or later, then you will not have any danger. After I left the Tower of Heaven, I will take you back, and I will give you all the medicines within a few years!"

Xiao Yan was crying on Snake's lap, and kept saying in his mouth: "I don't want to study medicine. I just want the snake to live well."

The snake woman smiled and said: "Silly child, only you have learned to cure the disease, the snake woman can live well! Because the snake woman can make you save no matter what disease."

After listening to the words of the snake, Xiao Yan immediately showed the color of perseverance.

Xiao Bing looked in the side, and felt in his heart that this snake woman’s reputation in the dark world is not very good, killing countless people, but it is really good for this little girl!

Xiao Bing was thinking, suddenly the snake woman stood on the ground, and then directly squatted down.

Xiao Bing is directly paralyzed, although it is said that in the dark world, the strong is respected, but on the one hand, the snake woman treats Xiaoxie, let Xiao Bing have some respect for the snake, and on the other hand, the snake They are almost eighty years old. The age is really too big. They can all be the grandmothers of Xiao Bing. Such an old man is in front of himself and is going to live a long life.

Xiao Bing hurried up to help the snake-in-law, and smiled bitterly: "Isn't it just to help you take care of you for a while now, let alone I have done nothing, what are you doing?"

The snake woman said: "I am not doing this for the things in the conference room, but for the Dragon King."

Xiao Bing thought for a moment and said: "I can't promise you directly. Let me talk about what it is."

"Reassure, this thing is difficult for me, but for Longgongzi, it is not difficult at all, it will not make you too embarrassed."

Xiao Bing solemnly said: "Then I have to see if it is against morality, contrary to the national justice, and violating my personal standards. So, the snake woman should first talk about something."

"Good!" said the snake woman. "The dragon son is really a principled person. The dark world is in need of leadership from people like you. This is the case. After this dark world summit, I intend to bring a small He once again seclusion, and then taught her all the skills of using sputum. It’s not that my old woman is not modest. In this world, if I use the 蛊 aspect, if I say the second, no one dares to say first.”

Xiao Bing nodded: "I believe."

The snake woman continued: "Many people mention mites, they all feel harmful, but locusts can kill people, but they can also save people. With cockroaches to achieve the level of ecstasy, the level of saving people is also equivalent to a very powerful A famous doctor. But that is not enough. I know that Long Gongzi has a good relationship with the **** doctor Zhang Yizhi, so I think that one day, if I am really not in this world, I want Xiaoxi to go to you, by the dragon. The son of the son is recommended, and I ask Mr. Zhang Yizhi to accept her as a disciple. Can you see it?"

Xiao Bing couldn't help but frown his eyebrows. The snake sighed: "If the dragon son can promise my request, the wife's life will be all yours. Since then, what the dragon son has to tell, the old woman, I am a lot of age. , the fire on the sea under the knife, but also the same death!".


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