Super Soldier

Chapter 806: The third master of the dark world, Zeus!

The old class announced its withdrawal. Although it said that it had been symptomatic before, it still made the other five countries feel a little surprised.

Edward asked: "Secretary, do you not need to ask for a decision on this matter?"

The old class looked serious: "Before coming out, the great headmaster has already said that everything here is handled by me. I have absolute autonomy!"

The old class used to be the captain of the Dragon Tooth. Later, he became the director of the National Security Bureau. He was highly weighted and trusted by the above. If he was replaced by other people, I am afraid he would not dare to represent China directly here. Others, the head of the big team will certainly not give such a big right.

When I saw the old class, the heads of the security departments of the other five major countries felt very angry, but they were somewhat helpless. After all, they were not a country. Even if the old class quit, they have no way, but they also Just angry, but there is no extra worry, let alone withdraw from a Chinese government, even if all other countries have withdrawn, there is only one country left, and the country has the confidence to directly razed the Tongtian Tower to the ground. All of them have been put up, is it still afraid that people in the Tongtian Tower can jump in their wings and run away?

Before the ruthlessness and blood wolf gone, they actually listened to the report in front, but in order to avoid stunned snakes, only those two people could be put away. Otherwise, one should not want to live out from the Tongtian Tower!

Edward said: "Since China does not intend to participate in this jihad operation, then our five major countries will do it, but I must let the Chinese government give us an account of this matter."

The old class said faintly: "You are casual."

After the old class was finished, he did not intend to stay in the command room, went directly to his temporary room, and then called Xiao Bing and said that he had already withdrawn from the operation on behalf of Huaxia, but it was still bitter. Advise Xiao Bing, after all, this time several major powers have used mortars. As long as a round of shelling has passed, the special warriors of all countries will not be required at all. Basically, all the people inside the tower will be destroyed. Because of this, Edward has promised so much.

Xiao Bing naturally did not listen to the advice. He only said a word, and he couldn’t persuade Xiao Bing. The old class gave this call to Ding Peng, the captain of the Dragon Tooth Brigade, to cancel this action. Ding Peng Nothing was asked, and he directly obeyed the orders of the old class, led the team to leave the front line and returned to the residence near the headquarters.

Ding Peng and Xiao Bing are different in character. He belongs to the kind of person who absolutely obeys the instructions of the higher level. He belongs to the kind of person who will strictly follow the orders of the party organization. Therefore, he and Xiao Bing, who are very self-identified, belong to two people. extreme.

At the beginning, Xiao Bing once said that according to Ding Peng’s character, even if there is a cliff in front, the state said that I need you to jump from here immediately, he will not ask anything, and then jump directly without hesitation, and Xiao Bing is not afraid of death, but he will certainly ask why he will jump off the cliff, so Xiao Bing said that Ding Peng is more like a party member than himself.

Everything is ready here. The leaders of the security departments of the five major countries are not ready to start. They have to wait and see if the Buddha’s son will come. He will wait until the top masters in the Tongtian Tower are killed and killed. At that moment, it was the best time to shoot.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, the ninety-ninth floor finally entered, and the ninety-ninth floor has always represented the supreme place in the dark world, because every person who walks into this conference room is all the top presence in the dark world. .

At this time there were a lot of people in the conference room, and there was a small beggar sitting beside the snake. Besides, the first position on the left side of the conference room was sitting on an Italian wearing a suit. Behind him, he stood in the same cold face of the same suit and suits. All four of them were Dan Jin masters.

The snake whispered to Xiao Xiao: "The man can not be provoked. He is the godfather of the Italian mafia, called Peng Gelie. The strength has reached the peak of great strength. If it was twenty years ago, I might not be afraid. He, he is now more powerful than your snake."

Xiao Yan snorted: "There is nothing, but it is not as old as you are."

This Penguile seems to be about fifty years old. It is the peak age of a warrior. It is not wrong to say this.

Sitting in the first position on the right is a man with thick and bronzed skin. The man has a big eyebrow and a rough face. Some of the eyes are bright and bright. He gently swept his eyes and was swept by him. The person is like being smashed by lightning, and behind him is standing a fat, thin and thin man, although the number is small, but these two people have reached a period of enthusiasm.

Snake said: "Which person did you see it? His strength and Penguile should be between the two. It is hard to say who is strong and who is weak. This person is a martial art who is fierce and overbearing. Strong man. His name is Lei Qianxi, the main gate of Hongmen, the first master of Hongmen!"

Xiao Yan looked at Lei Qianyi and patted the heart and said, "I am a little scared of him."

"Well." Snake said, "Don't go see him."

Sitting in the second position of the left hand, that is, sitting in the next position of Peng Gelie is also a suit and a person, but a yellow-skinned person, this man has a machete in front of the table, he is closed His eyes were sitting there, motionless, like a statue. He stood behind two warriors and two ninjas. The samurai were wearing warriors. The ninjas were wearing black clothes and even black faces on their faces. Mask.

There is a bit of disdain in the eyes of the snake, and it seems that she does not like this suit man. She whispered: "The man is a r national, the leader of the largest gang of Yakuza in East Asia, named Yamamoto Hirozu. The strength has reached the peak of enthusiasm. Compared with the two people I introduced earlier, I don't know who they are and who are weak."

Xiao Yan secretly screams, she always thought that her mother-in-law is the most powerful person in the world, I did not expect to see so many people who are more powerful than her mother-in-law.

Sitting in the second position of the right hand, that is, sitting next to Lei Qianxi is a forty-year-old man who looks awkward and wears short sleeves and reveals a tattoo. The man carries A kind of suffocating qi, a kind of suffocating scent that does not fear death, always gives a feeling of bandit.

The snake whispered: "The man is called Zhang Tianchao, who is the leader of the big circle. This big circle is a Chinese criminal force. It occupies New York Chinatown. It has a huge power in Europe and America. It is an ally with Hell Angels. The world does not know how many people have been killed by these drug dealers! But his strength is also very strong, not at all weaker than the three people I said before, but also reached the peak of enthusiasm."

Xiao snorted and said: "What awesome, it is also a bad person!"

The snake woman made a banned gesture and shook her head slightly.

Next, Snake continued to introduce, the only woman in the nine members of the audience, this woman is wearing a gorgeous, long skirt with a colorful, also a yellow-skinned Asian, in his thirties, looks Mature and beautiful, beautiful and moving.

Snake whispered: "This woman is called a peacock. It is the leader of the skylark. The skylark is not only a woman's killer organization, but also the number one killer organization in the dark world. Don't look at her beautiful, but any No one dares to offend this woman."

Xiao Yan was surprised: "Oh my God, is it so powerful? Who is more powerful than this beautiful aunt and snake?"

The snake sighed and said: "If twenty years ago, even if it was more than ten years ago, I could suppress her steadily, because this skylark seems to break through to the peak of the enthusiasm, but now ... With her young physical strength, I am afraid I am not her opponent."

Xiao Yan nodded, oh.

The snake woman looked at a Canadian who was over fifty years old and whispered: "The man is called Brian Monet, the leader of the Canadian Hell Angel, the first gang of Canada, with 40,000 members, mainly drug trafficking. In the year, their **** angels have formed alliances with the big circle. I am afraid that at this meeting, no one will dare to offend them. Even the Dragon King has to be scrupulous about these two forces."

Xiao Yan was surprised: "So powerful? Who is more powerful than the snake?"

Snakes said: "Now my age is old and old. The strength of these eight members has reached the peak of strength. Although your mother-in-law is also a peak, but I am afraid that no one will be their opponent. What's more, they basically have a huge force. Your mother-in-law is just a single person, and it is even more impossible to compare with them. So, although this meeting is composed of nine members, only the identity of the top eight members is Is the most honorable!"

The snake woman looked at herself next to herself, that is, a Chinese man seated above him. Her eyes were a bit strange. She said to Xiao Xiao, "The man is called Li Chaoyang, and the strength is also the peak of strength. He formed. There is a group called 'Homecoming', which is all the dark world masters who want to return to normal people. He represents those who cooperate with the official of Huaxia, and also negotiates. It is said that they also secretly assist the dragon to do things. So in the dark world This 'homing bird' organization has always been very resistant, but because he is also very principled in doing things, although he said that he is in contact with Huaxia officials and cooperates with Huaxia officials, but he has never helped Huaxia officials to deal with the dark world. I can't find a reason, but it's hard to avoid him."

Xiao Yan snorted.

The snake woman looked at the man sitting in the last position diagonally opposite. Before the snake woman mentioned anyone in the room, although the tone was very dignified, the tone was never like the awe of the present:" Sitting on the opposite side of me, don't look at him sitting in the last position, but his strength is the strongest among the people in the place, um... second only to the dragon son who hasn't come yet."

Xiao Yan was surprised: "He is so powerful?"

"Well," said the snake, "I am in the end, because he and I don't have a huge organization, but his personal combat power is the strongest of all. He used to be Known as the third master of the dark world, second only to the dragon son and the Buddha son."

Xiao Yan asked: "Is he so powerful?"

Xiao Yan looked closely, but saw that it was a yellow-skinned man in his 30s. He was wearing a white shirt. His hair looked like a natural roll. His eyes were deep and he looked a bit like a Uighur. It is a bit like a Xinjiang person. He has an indescribable temperament on his body, as if you just look at him and immediately fall into it.

The snake-wife licked his little sister, and Xiaoxuan took back his gaze and patted his chest and said: "He is very good, I don't know how, just stunned, how powerful is he?"

"I don't know." The snake shook her head. "Because I can't see him at all."

Xiao Xiao spit out his tongue and said: "That is really good, then what is his name, should the snake woman know?"

"Well, he is a Greek, and he also took the name of a **** in Greek mythology. His name is Zeus! It is called "God King" Zeus!"

Xiao Yan was surprised: "The king of the gods Zeus!"

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