Super Soldier

Chapter 807: Dragon son, a palm of the hand!


This person dared to call his name Zeus. You must know that the name Zeus is the **** of the Greek mythology. Since he dared to call this name, he must be a person with a higher heart than the sky, but he is indeed crazy. The proud capital, the peak of the snake woman, was infinitely close to breaking the void. Although her current strength has slipped, her eyesight will not fall. Even she can’t see this Zeus. It is obvious that Zeus must break the virtual realm. It is.

Zeus sat there, his eyes were hot, and there was expectation and arrogance.

The person present, although he is alone, has no power, but he does not put anyone in his eyes, whether it is the famous Hongmen Lord Lei Qianxi, or the Italian mafia godfather Peng Ge Column, as for other amnesties, although the strength and power are not necessarily worse than the Hongmen and the Italian Mafia, but the foundation is too much, it will not be given to him.

In the entire dark world, only two people are worthy of being confronted by him, one is the Buddha son, the other is the dragon son!

And this time he came to the Diablo World Summit, it is not for the sake of this committee member. What he really wants is to take a look. Whether it is strong, or the two big sons are stronger!

Zeus was thinking, the door of the conference room was pushed open, and the four of Xiao Bing and the Dragon Gate had already come in from the outside.

Zeus suddenly stood up, his eyes staring straight toward Xiao Bing, and his heart was jumping. How could it be? How could it be... In the five years, I just stepped into the early days of breaking the void and directly raised it to the void. In the mid-term realm, how could it still rise to a feeling that he is stronger than me! !

Zeus really didn't understand. I have to know that he has almost never appeared in this world in the past five years. Only he knows what he has experienced. It is a non-human experience. Otherwise, five years, even if it is A martial genius is hard to upgrade from his original state to the present level. You must know that after breaking into the void, even if it is from the early stage to the beginning, the difficulty is no less than the arrival of a martial arts beginner to the innate realm. In five years, he will be able to do this step. How difficult it is!

I remember that when he first stepped into the early days of breaking the void, the realm was still unstable. At that time, Xiao Bing was already breaking the realm of the early days of the void. He knew that he was not the opponent of Xiao Bing, so there was no challenge.

This time, I can't think of the difference between the two people. For Xiao Bing's realm, he couldn't see it completely!

After Xiao Bing came in, he sat down directly in the chairman's position and glanced at the watch at the same time, getting closer and closer to the challenge.

According to the rules of the Tongtian Tower, this afternoon's meeting is to determine the final choice of the chairman and the eight major members. In the next two hours, any dark world master who has not competed with the first committee is eligible to challenge and challenge. Any one of the eight major members, if you win, you can sit in the position of the committee member, or you can challenge Xiao Bing, the chairman of the summit. If you win, you can replace it. If it is within two hours, no one can pick the person present. Under the horse, then the top leaders of this dark world summit are still elected by these people.

After Xiao Bing sat down, everyone’s eyes were all gathered on Xiao Bing’s body. Longmen IV would stand neatly behind Xiao Bing. These people could not help but breathe a sigh of relief. They had heard that the strength of Longmen had been great before. Loss, one by one, there is a substitute for it, but now it seems that the strength of Longmen is not only not the slightest decline, but it is even further!

At the beginning, the strength of Longmen was very strong, but only the strong ones who broke the void were only Xiao Bing, but now they look at the past, but they see that among the four people standing behind Xiao Bing, there are actually two who can’t see through. There is also a person whose strength is similar to that of them. It is also the peak of enthusiasm. In addition, there is also a mid-term, and it is also a top player in the dark world.

Two break the void, a strong peak, a middle of a sturdy, if coupled with a more unfathomable dragon son, this is almost the rhythm of sweeping the entire dark world!

Before that, I felt that there was hope that the person who gave Xiao Bing from the top of the chairman's throne would give up the thoughts in his heart. When watching Xiao Bing one by one, the eyes were full of deep jealousy and awe.

Xiao Bing naturally knows that the people in these hearts are small, and the people present are picking one out casually. They are all characters that are enough to make a big country feel tricky. They are naturally proud of each other, who will be willing to succumb People? But in front of Xiao Bing, no matter how great their arrogance, they have to lower their noble head.

The leader of the Skylark organization, the peacock, smirked and said: "Dragon son, five years without seeing, you look more handsome and handsome."

“Thank you.” Xiao Bing looked at the charming and charming peacock and smiled. “Miss Peacock is more and more charming. It’s just like a poisonous rose. Under the sun, I don’t know how many men will be unconscious. Die in your charming smile."

The peacock giggled and said: "If I say that I am a poisonous rose, then the only one in the world who is not afraid of this poisonous rose, I am afraid that it is a non-long son. In order to prevent the little girl from marrying, the dragon son will marry me this little. Woman, can you look good? At that time, my skylark is also owned by the dragon son."

Although this is just a joke, but still scared people around to hear all the heart, if the skylark really and the dragon door into one, I am afraid that under the heavens, no one can and the dragon son To counterbalance, whoever lives in the Dragon Son, whoever is born, whoever dies, will die.

While turning the finger on his finger, Motel looked at the peacock and smiled. "Miss Peacock, if you can't find a boyfriend in the future, I am willing to marry you, you are better than my family." Women are much more beautiful."

Peacock smiled and said: "Mr. Motel, you are not afraid of having a life for me, do you have no life to enjoy that Yan Fu?"

Motel laughed and said: "Our **** angels, who specialize in playing drugs, are you afraid of the poison on your rose?"

When Motel spoke, his eyes looked at the peacock fiercely, and his eyes seemed to have glazed the peacock, as if he saw the peacock's clothes.

The peacock's face was cold, cold and cold, and he smiled coldly: "Mr. Motel, your **** angel is naturally one of the largest underground organizations in the world, and you will be with them in the past few years. The drug business has given a monopoly. The bigger and bigger we are, the organization of our skylark is too small to be provoked. But my peacock is not so good."

The big circle helped the heavens to smash a cigar in his mouth, and his face looked sullen: "Mr. Motel is just joking, why should Miss Peacock be in my heart?"

When the peacock saw Zhang Tianchao, he opened his mouth to help Motai speak. His face changed suddenly, and there was a hint of jealousy in his eyes. He said nothing more.

The big circle gang is the second largest Chinese underground organization in the world after Hongmen, and the Canadian Hell Angel is Canada's first gang. The two gangs join hands and even have the end of hundreds of years for Hongmen and the Italian Mafia. The super gang poses a huge threat, and as for others, it is basically nothing to say.

Lei Qian’s Lei Qiang snorted and said: “It’s not necessarily possible to keep the position of the committee today. Why are you fighting there?”

Xiao Bing smiled faintly and seemed to have a deep meaning: "The Thunder Lord is right. I have heard that the members present here have not changed for several times. I think this dark world summit will probably change slightly. A change."

The peacock looked at Xiao Bing and said: "Long Gongzi seems to have deep meaning!"

Xiao Bing’s eyes swept to everyone. Obviously everyone can feel that Xiao Bing is not good today, but what does Xiao Bing mean? They don’t quite understand it. It’s not going to be a gantry to start with all of them. ? That is basically impossible. Is it necessary to say that the Dragon Gate is no matter how strong it is, and it is impossible to compete against so many forces at the same time. Besides, Long Gongzi has a chairman’s position and sits well, everyone else It is a member under him. He does not need to compete for the position of the committee. Why do you offend so many top forces?

Perhaps the dragon son has other meanings and maybe.

Xiao Bing was trying to keep talking. The door was suddenly pushed open, but he saw five black people coming in from the outside. The headed black man was sturdy and strong, and he was a bald head wearing a tattered dress and a pair of broken clothes. Cloth shoes, but he simply doesn't mind the eyes of other people, and his eyes are full of unruly colors.

The skylark said faintly: "Two years ago, the super mercenary group "blood prison" appeared in the dark world. The legendary organization has nearly a hundred people, including African super-warriors and elite elites in the well-known African hiring army. A legendary master in Africa, the strength reached the peak of the 'African mountain' Baroque. Are you the leader of Baroque?"

Baroge laughed, and his laughing voice shocked the entire conference table and chair to tremble, and he was domineering.

The face of the skylark has changed. Baroge's strength is beyond her imagination. It seems that it is close to breaking the void. It is the first legendary master in Africa.

Baroge laughed, and before he could talk, Xiao Bing said plainly: "Well, if you laugh enough, go out from the conference room first!"

Baroge bowed and looked at Xiao Bing, and he couldn’t believe it in English. He asked: "What do you say?"

"I said, wait a minute and come in again!"

"Mom, I dare to chase me out!"

Baroge was furious, his right foot was on the ground, and the whole child seemed to tremble with it. The ground also made a creaking sound, and the incomparable momentum emanated from his body.

Xiao Bing casually waved his hand and took a breath of the air. Baroge instantly widened his eyes and felt like a wave of waves rushing toward himself, then he and a few behind him. The burly big man, the huge body was directly picked up by the waves, and a bang came out from the conference room, directly hit the wall in the corridor, and then ** on the ground, if not the entire tower is made of special materials. Covered, I am afraid that the walls will be broken. Even so, when the horrible power caused them to hit the wall that is harder than the pig iron, they almost let them faint.

Xiao Bing was like doing a very understatement. He looked at all the stunned big people who were present. The tone was plain: "Well, no one bothered, it was my turn to talk about business. Now I declare No matter if anyone challenges you, there are people in the eight major committees who want to change people!".

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