Super Soldier

Chapter 808: In front of the dragon son is all ants!

A sturdy and powerful leader, the dark world is a top-notch existence, especially the momentum that has just burst out of Baroque’s moment. The audience is afraid that no one but the Hongmen Gate Lord Thousand Miles is sure. Being able to directly avoid the flash of his power, and Xiao Bing casually went to the slap and fanned him away!

That's right, it's just a slap in the palm of your hand, even easier than a fan. ???

This hand directly shocked everyone. The strength of Xiao Bing became more and more unpredictable in their hearts. It is hard to imagine.

Xiao Bing said that some of the eight members of the committee today have to be replaced. No one dares to refute it. If other people dare to say such things, these people will not violently jump, and then they will say this to people directly to tear. Broken?

However, Xiao Bing said these words, but everyone dared to anger and dare not speak. Each of them held an idea. Anyway, it was not me. It certainly has nothing to do with me. No one will think about himself. Everyone feels that they have not offended Xiao Bing. More importantly, they also feel that they are all very powerful. Even if Xiao Bing is even more powerful, it is impossible to directly offend them.

Xiao Bing looked around in a circle and then said as a trial: "In the last session of the Diablo World Summit, I once said that drugs are the most harmful thing in the world. I can't stop all of you from drug trafficking. After all, Some people use drugs to make a living, but I don't allow you to smear drugs into my home country. I don't allow you to smear drugs to Chinese people! I remember that it was good and plain."

Everyone nodded, and they remembered it very clearly at the time.

Xiao Bing reached out and Liu Zhenyu came out with an envelope and handed it to Xiao Bing's hand. Xiao Bing opened the envelope and took a photo from it and fell directly on the table. The voice was cold: "There are a total of ten photos here. They were a group of drug trafficking organizations that were smashed by the National Anti-Drug Brigade in the middle of this year. Several of the masters who want to flee have been executed by our dragons. They In the territory of China, the underground forces in various places have been colluded, and drugs have been sold and even the girls’ bodies have been trafficked for possession.”

Xiao Bing's tone is even colder: "As far as I know, just in a small town, there is a family of five who are all poisoned, a middle-aged couple and three daughters, the eldest daughter is two years old. Ten, the young girl is just eleven years old!"

Xiao Bing took a table and screamed: "Zhang Tianchao, you are also a Chinese. You are all in these photos. Tell me, Zhang Tianchao!"

Zhang Tianchao suddenly stood up, his face was a little white, but he was full of grievances and said loudly: "Dragon son, you are simply not fair. Although the world is big, the drug market will be saturated sooner or later. China will be successful if it is opened." What are the mistakes in making a profit for countless big market?"

Xiao Bing’s gaze directly looks at Zhang Tianchao, cold and cold: “First, you are wrong with drug trafficking. Second, I allow you to sell drugs, but you violate the promise and drive the drug market into China. This is a big mistake. Third, you are a Chinese, but you are selling drugs to your own compatriots. This is wrong and wrong! If I am killing you today, can you complain?"

"Kill me?" Zhang Tianchao pointed at his nose. Unbelievable, he looked at Xiao Bing and asked loudly.

It’s not so much that Zhang Tianchao feels incredible. The same is true of other people. Zhang Tianchao is in charge of the whole circle. The big circle is a world-class gangster. Under the hands of tens of thousands of people, I don’t know how many guns there are. I don’t know how many guns there are. It’s not the domestic underground forces that can be compared to the small ones. Even if it’s the power of Longba, if it’s compared with the big circle, it’s definitely a small witch, and it’s a small fight with the kids. almost.

Such a level of underground forces, Xiao Bing actually opened his mouth and said that he would kill their boss, no wonder Zhang Tianchao would not believe it.

It’s not that Zhang Tianchao can’t believe that the other members present here feel that this is impossible. Unless Xiao Bing is crazy, can Longmen be able to withstand the mad revenge of the entire circle? We must know that the foundation of the big circle and the Hongmen are far apart, but no one in the world dares to provoke it. It is because the people in the big circle are too fierce and too embarrassed. They are all desperate and dare to kill!

At this time, the godfather of Canada's Hell Angel, Brian Motte, finally couldn't sit still. He also stood up. He smiled and said: "The dragon son is estimated to be joking, but it is just a little dead. Such a small thing, so troublesome, I think it should be no need."

Seeing that the **** gods and godfathers are all helping Zhang Tianchao to talk, everyone feels that this thing should not be overdone. Xiao Bing’s purpose should be to scare Zhang Tianchao and at the same time establish that the chairman of the summit is majestic. This is called Knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger, but it should not be really hands-on.

Everyone thinks that Xiao Bing’s next words should start to ease the atmosphere, and then give a stick a sweet date, and the beat is almost the same, but I didn’t expect Xiao Bing to aim at the **** angels. Xiao Bing looked at Motel and sneered: "This thing must not escape. Mr. Motel is provocative. Moreover, I know that the number of drugs in the big circle is very limited. Zhang Tianchao should get the drugs dumped by China. It is provided by Mr. Motel, and then you divide it together. This is the basis for your cooperation. I am not wrong?"

Motel’s face was not so good, his face changed, and said: “What does this mean for Long Gongzi?”

"My meaning is very simple, the **** angel will soon be removed from Canada!"

This time Xiao Bing is to scare everyone, Xiao Bing is not a joke? Is this really fun? And not just for a big circle, or even for a **** angel? This can be a bit too much to play, Xiao Bing is almost equivalent to all the two levels of underground organization all offended, even if the level of the organization can not stand it?

Motai became angry and said: "Long Gongzi, we are also, I think you are a bit too much! Don't think that you can be stronger than us. We can see the **** angels in Canada for so many years, even if it is not government. Dare to do it to us easily, do you dare to offend us and the big circle at the same time? "" Since you have to be delisted, how about offending?" Xiao Bing suddenly laughed, he even did not move in the chair, directly As soon as he reached out and looked at the void, Motel was unprepared and felt that it was a strong attraction. He directly let the **** angel Motai fly in the direction of Xiao Bingdu.

Motel screamed and forced to break away from the attraction, but Xiao Bing had his right hand on the top of his head. The five fingers grabbed him all over his head and squeezed it hard. Hey, all five fingers were inserted. In the mouth of Motai's mouth, it was terrible, and then Xiao Bing grabbed his head and slammed it on the table in front of him, and his head was smashed.

Xiao Bing threw the body of Motel all over to the side. This Motai head was not shaped, and the dead could not die anymore.

Just in a blink of an eye, the godfather of the Hell Angel who was still talking was so easily killed in the hands of Xiao Bing, everyone sucked a sigh of relief, and everyone was timid.

The strengths that Motel brought were not weak, and they all stood in the same place, shaking and shaking. Xiao Bing looked at them and seemed to have no interest in them. Some of them waved their hands and said: Let's go back first. After you go back, tell all the high-level members of the Hell Angels, all of them go to the police. If they don't go, I will find the past in person. After that, the **** angels will disappear in the world. !"

Between the backhands, you can put the power of the world's most powerful underground world, and even let it disappear in a word. In this world, I am afraid that only Xiao Bing has this power.

The few people rushed to the door.

Zhang Tianchao's eyes widened. He never dreamed that Xiao Bing would dare to do it. The power of the Hell Angel is still above the big circle, but Xiao Bing is so unscrupulous that he will directly go to the Hell Angel. The godfather gave it to him. What else is he afraid to do?

Zhang Tianchao took his men and turned and fled.

Xiao Bing disappeared from his seat. In the next second, everyone heard that Zhang Tianchao, who had fled to the door, screamed in his mouth: "Don't! How dare you!"

Xiao Bing from his back, punched his body and shattered his heart directly. Zhang Tianchao fell directly to the ground and screamed.

The entire conference room was quiet, and it was the boss of a world-class organization. Xiao Bing killed the other party without any scruples.

These people here are all stupid. In their eyes, other people are basically similar to the ants in their eyes. They want to kill and kill. They feel that they are high, even a government wants to Hands-on, we must think about it over and over again.

If there is no such power, how can the eight major members of the entire Diablo World be positioned?

But now, they suddenly appear that they are like this in Xiao Bing’s eyes. Although they don’t want to admit it, they can see it from Xiao Bing’s killing of Motel and Zhang Tianchao. They are also like ants, Xiao Bing. The same is also casually want to kill and kill, Xiao Bing is also high in front of them.

At this moment, Xiao Bing seems to have shredded all the world-class big men are gorgeous coats, so that they all understand, no matter how much power you have in this world, but in front of my dragon son, but ants ant! 8

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