Super Soldier

Chapter 809: The challenge to Xiao Bing!

Xiao Bing slowly returned to his seat. He didn't even look at Zhang Tianchao's body. His tone was faint: "Now the solution is solved. Whether it is the chairman or the committee member, it is considered a high-level. When we are here to lead the entire dark world, if we want to convince the public, we must obey the rules ourselves. In addition to the two of them, I have found that there are some small forces outside and do not follow the rules, but it does not matter, until the dark world After the summit, I will visit one by one."

Xiao Bing’s words made people feel cold and cold. It seems that he is going to play this time. I think the forces on the blacklists that Xiao Bing said will only be worse and will not be better.

Xiao Bing took a look at Zhang Tianchao’s men and said, “You will go back a few, and I will not kill you. It’s also Chinese. I can give you a chance. After going back, I will participate in all sales in China. The list of drugs was all sorted out, and then when I went to visit, I put all the bodies of those people in front of me. Remember, if there is one person missing on the list, there is one less body, or you are not at all. If you want to copy it, there is no way. You can only be like the Hell Angel, and you will disappear from this world from then on."

The people in the big circle were really strong, and the remaining people picked up the body of their boss Zhang Tianchao. They looked at Xiao Bing with anger and anger. "Dragon son, no matter how powerful you are, but you killed us. The boss of the big circle, just waiting for our big circle to help you and the fish to die."

"Rather Stick to your guns!"

After these few people finished speaking, they took their boss and left. Xiao Bing didn’t care if they let go when they left. This little person is no longer in the eyes of Xiao Bing, even if it is Strong as a **** angel and a big circle to help such a level organization, although Xiao Bing is a small trouble, but it does not produce much threat.

Sure enough, the Italian mafia godfather Peng Gelei sighed and said: "It is no wonder that the big circle has gradually slowed down the forces in recent years. If it is not with the **** angels, I am afraid that their status will be insured. With these desperate efforts to understand the situation, it is easy to fight the mountains and rivers.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Mr. Peng Gelley said that it makes sense that the Italian mafia can last for centuries, precisely because each generation of mafia godfathers have a wise mind, perhaps the mafia. It may not always be the most powerful underground force in the world, but it is the only one that can withstand the years of life. In contrast, this kind of heritage is even more awesome."

Xiao Bing did not suppress all the nine members present. For those who did the wrong thing, they would kill it directly. For those who have only a small mistake, they will knock on the mountain and shake the tiger. For those who feel good, they can properly draw and draw. Xiao Bing can be For so many years, the boss is naturally not only purely by force, but also has extraordinary wrists.

Peng Gelie is in his fifties, but his head has already been white. He has his eyes closed, as if he is going to fall asleep, but no one dares to squat on this old man. He is like a fake tiger, just open it. The eyes are to eat people, the Italian mafia should be low-key when it is low-key, but as long as they show their awkward fangs, it is unstoppable.

Peng Gelei knows that in the current situation, he must keep a low profile. A wise person must know how to advance and retreat. Even if the mafia is not afraid of the dragon gate, he does not need to provoke himself to such a powerful enemy. .

The first godfather of the Mafia once said that whoever lives the longest, who is the winner, has been prosperous for centuries, so the Mafia is undoubtedly the real winner.

Xiao Bing looked at the door and said: "The few who just came in, come in now!"

The Africans came in from the outside, but unlike the very beginning, when they first came in, they were the same as I was the Emperor, but now even their legendary master is watching Xiaobing. At the time, the eyes are full of awe.

Xiao Bing pointed to an empty seat and said: "Now there are two missing members of the Nine Commissioners. You don't need to challenge, you can sit in a seat directly."

The African big men are ecstatic, but some of them are grateful to Xiao Bing. If they have not done what Xiao Bing has just done, they want to win the position of the nine members. Even if they are confident, it is so easy. Now it is almost white. The same is true.

Baroge, the great mountain in Africa, bowed awkwardly to Xiao Bing and then sat down in the seat of the former Hell Angel Motel.

In so many sessions of the Dark World Summit, there have never been two cases in which two vacancies appear directly in the nine members. It seems that some people today are going to be lucky.

The next good luck is a dart board organization in the Diablo World. It is also the only dart board in the Diablo World. They have just been established in recent years. They are responsible for helping to deliver things, even including transporting and protecting people. The commission is of course It’s not so expensive, the dark world is so complicated, there are three schools and nine streams, so the industry is also full of murders, people who protect people, and even things to carry things.

The name of this dart board is called the Hongyun Escort. The head of the dart is a Chinese, and only the Chinese can think of such an organization. However, under his hand, there are all Chinese and foreign masters. There are Asian, European, and African. The name of the general dart is called Lu Wei, the master of the middle of the enthusiasm. Among the nine members, although his strength is relatively weak, but in the entire dark world, the middle of the sturdy is also a very difficult master. The most important thing is that the business of the Hongyun Escort has been very good in recent years. It is also very good to be friends, so it is also good to sit in this position.

Then there was another organization to challenge the eight major members, just picking the weakest recklessness of the eight major members to challenge, and the result was defeated by Lu Yuxing.

Seeing that the end of the final decision is getting closer and closer, everyone is secretly sighing, but the heart is looking forward to it. Will anyone try to challenge Xiao Bing’s chairmanship today?

They all know how powerful Xiao Bing's strength is, even powerful enough to overwhelm everything, and really let these nine members of the committee be arrogant, but there is still one person in this dark world who has enough to challenge Xiao Bing. Strength, so they are looking forward to the arrival of that person.

Buddha son, will you come?

Xiao Bing is also waiting for the moment when the Buddha son arrives. Of course, he is more expecting the arrival of Feng XIII. He has a hunch that Feng XIII will definitely appear this time, because Feng XIII is in the aftermath of his transformation. His ambitions have also expanded. He also needs an opportunity, a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He wants to tell everyone in the world that he is no longer the Buddha of the Buddha, who is comparable to the two sons. Existence, even if he wants to put the two sons under his feet, he is the supreme dark world first person!

Lu Hao glanced at the watch and said something in his mouth: "There are two more minutes."

In the reckless heart, everyone can see his joy, because the person present is the weakest person. He is really afraid of a sudden emergence of a person who can squeeze him into the committee. The top powerhouse, although he has not thought of anyone else can do this, but the dark world is a world of strong people, always just in case, only time is up to be able to work down.

Time is coming, time is coming.

There is constant prayer in the heart of recklessness. As long as two minutes have passed, I am one of the nine members of the real Diablo World. By the time my status has risen, the strength of my Escort will not be able to continue to expand. ?

Who is not willing to follow the prestigious nine members of the committee?

Recklessness continues to count down in the heart, there are ten seconds, nine seconds, eight seconds...

The reckless heart is stunned, and it seems that my dream will come true. What a great opportunity, ah, the nine members, what a privilege!

Three seconds, two seconds...

Just at the last second of the countdown, the door of the conference room suddenly opened, and then a lazy, arrogant and weird laughter came out from the outside: "The last second, it seems that I am not late!"

Reckless eyes are straight, how come someone will come in the last second?

According to his calculations, the people who come will not attack the dragon son anyway, and will only compete for the nine members. The nine members of the committee are obviously the softest soft persimmon. I am afraid that the last challenge is the candidate. It is none other than him.

The grievances in the heart of Lu Xun, as long as one second is safe.

In front of this person is the last challenge candidate, Lu Xun heart holding a few fortunate psychology, looking out, but when he saw a few people coming in outside, his face changed, revealing a The face was frightened, and some smiles stood up, and looked helpless: "I don't need to challenge, or else I will give up this position directly!"

The other eight members looked at Lu Wei and gave up the position of the committee members. They were speechless, but when the strength of the presentcomers was simply impossible for them to understand, they understood it a bit and lost a committee. It’s better to lose your life. After all, the challenge is life and death. Even the top eight strong players can’t see the strength of the person. It’s obvious that the strength of this person who came in is really reaching the legend... Break the void!

Originally, everyone thought that this person who walked in would have easily won the position of the committee member, but did not expect that the other party did not even look at Lu Xun, but went straight toward Xiao Bing, lazy laughter. Say: "Dragon son, I want to challenge you!"

Xiao Bing stood up, his eyes flashed with electric light and flint, and his mouth outlined a smile of excitement. Some looked forward to it: "Happy to accompany you!" 8

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