Super Soldier

Chapter 819: The end of the **** angel

There was an emergency meeting in the conference room inside the fort. A group of Canadians were extremely excited about the death of Motel, and occasionally patted the table. ┡Δ literature fans.ㄟ.

"This Chinese is simply unforgivable!"

"Yes, he just doesn't put our **** angels in the eye. What does he think of **** angels? Think that **** angels and other small forces are letting him kill?"

"Hey, if the dragons dare to come, we just give them a net, I don't believe it. We have so many advanced weapons in the **** angels. The guns are complete. He is a powerful person, but he is also a flesh and blood. Can he still Is it not dead? Just kill him!"

Sitting in the conference room is the second character of Hell's Angel, Paul, but now that Motai is dead, he becomes the boss of Hell's Angel.

Originally, Paul was looking forward to the hope, that is, he hoped to become the boss of Hell's Angel one day, but now he hates to die in his heart. You are dead, and you have given me all the mess. What should I do?

Seeing these people in the conference room eager to revenge, but Paul has more vision than them. In his opinion, Xiao Bing must find it sooner or later. At that time, the **** angel can Affected by the impact of the Dragon Gate, it is still an unknown number, a little careless, the **** angel may be destroyed in his own hands, this boss's position is a hot potato, Paul would rather not sit, but now sit up, He just thought about it.

Paul listened to a few big rumors in Hell's Angels, and some of them said that they would declare war with Longmen. Others said that Longmen would not dare to come here, even if they came, they could destroy the Dragon King. In his own base camp, there are still people who propose to go to the Longgongzi to apologize and surrender. In short, there is nothing to say, and Paul does not know which advice to listen to now.

Paul was sitting there frowning, and suddenly heard the sound of a machine gun outside the fort, as if it was a war, countless shots of machine guns, and then even heard the sound of a thunderous fire. .

Everyone, including Paul, stood up. Just a few big bangs seemed to be impassioned. They also said that if the gantry came, they would kill the gantry, but now they all turned white, all Everyone looked at Paul, and Paul was sullen and said: "They are coming! Come here!"

One of the big sighs sighed and said: "This is also a good thing. There are not many people in Longmen. In total, there are only Long Gongzi and Longmen Eight. I heard that there are still a few dead inside the Longmen Eight, so they are fewer people. If they are so hard, then there is nothing terrible. We have more than one hundred machine guns at the base. Even if they are so powerful, they can put them into sieves, not to mention artillery. I am afraid that they will not sneak in, but sneak in, or find opportunities to assassinate these high-level executives, it would be terrible! Haha, these people think they can kill a few small forces, they will not let us **** angels In the eyes, they are really fainting, just giving us the best chance to destroy them!"

This person said this, after everyone listened, all of them were bright eyes, yeah, I am afraid that these people are sneaked into the assassination. These people are hard to be afraid of, so many guns are still playing. Don't you die? Can the artillery still not kill them?

Even Paul was relieved, and even thought to himself that if he could kill the Dragon Gate, it would be a good thing for himself, and he would be able to sit in the position of the boss of Hell’s Angel safely, then this At the Diablo World Summit, they killed their boss, but they really gave them a big gift!

They were all thinking, and they were screaming. Suddenly the door of the conference room slammed, and the solid solid wood door was directly broken. The sawdust even splashed onto one of the big faces, and the big cockroach directly licked his face. The face was **** and called out.

Xiao Bing walked in from the outside and looked at these people. He smiled and asked: "All are, what are you talking about?"

When these people saw Xiao Bing, they entered the room directly. They only felt creepy, and the gunshots outside had not been extinguished. One of them pointed to Xiao Bing and trembled: "You... how did you get in?" who are you?"

Xiao Bing laughed, and waved his hand. The man who pointed at Xiao Bing broke directly. The man who was hurting jumped on the palm of his hand.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "It is really rude, give you a lesson, don't point to me in the future, no one in the world dares to point to me!"

Others didn't even see how Xiao Bing was shot, and the means were so cruel, and they broke their wrists.

These big cockroaches shuddered, and Paul swallowed his mouth and shivered: "Dragon son."

"Yes, you are the boss here, or you have more eyesight. Oh, the outside people can solve it for a while, my people are dealing with it, rest assured, it will take a few minutes."

Paul trembled: "Dragon son, do you really want to kill?"

"It doesn't have to be, but the **** angels must not continue to exist, and some of your top management can't continue to exist."

Paul still wants to talk. Xiao Bing’s hand has already been thrown out. They only feel that a horrible force has directly penetrated into their bodies, wandering around their bodies, overbearing destroying the various organs of their bodies, and then All the big scorpions in these **** angels fell on the ground one by one, stopped breathing and lost consciousness.

Xiao Bing turned and walked out of the conference room. The people outside had been wiped out by a large part. Xiao Bing swayed in the yard and solved a shot at the same time. Then he shouted at the Dragon Gate 4, which is continuing to work. Road: "Go, it has been solved!"

This embarrassment, Xiao Bing is to kill all the high-level angels of hell, when the **** angels are naturally smouldering, even if someone wants to reinvigorate the **** angels, such a big gang, the average person is difficult to convince the public, most At least four points are also difficult to avoid, and the most fortunate result is also in name only.

Longmen four will not have Xiao Bing's ability, but they can avoid bullets, four people in the four directions to kill the rise, after listening to Xiao Bing's words, they no longer continue to fight, and Xiao Bing together from the base The inside flew out, and no one else dared to chase. The entire base was killed by more than half, and the top was not left. The **** angel was destined to become a past and become a legend of the underground world of Canada.

Xiao Bing took Longmen 4 and left the base. The drunk gyro picked up the wine gourd and poured a few mouthfuls of wine into his mouth. He laughed happily: "Happy, happy, the door owner, hasn’t been so happy for a long time, sweeping the dark world continuously. Five forces, including a first-class power **** angel, haha, wait until later in the dark world to mention the names of our dragon gates, let them shake, sprinkling home to think about it is simply too enjoyable!"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "This is not over yet. Next, I will accompany me to the big circle to help turn around. I heard that they are called the first gang of Chinese who rushed out of Asia, and the gangs are all like wolves. This is this. The most fierce gangster in the world, I have to see what choices they will make!"

Liu Zhen asked: "If they refuse to agree with the conditions of the doorkeeper?"

Xiao Bing’s eyes flashed a cold light, cold and cold: "If you don't agree, you can only end up with the same hell, and the big circle will no longer exist in this world!"

Xiao Bing took a look at the time, it was already more than two o'clock in the afternoon, and had not had time to book a ticket to the country. After thinking about it, he said: "The time is a bit late. Let's go to the city to find a hotel and live in Ottawa. One night, by the way, book five tickets online, and come out tomorrow!"

"Good!" Liu Zhen's eyes lit up. He has been rushing around for a few days. At night, he can finally find a chance to relax and relax. Liu Zhen also misses the night life at night.

After Liu Zhen and the exhibition Hongyan came together, they had no interest in other women, but Liu Zhen was intrinsically romantic. What is more important is that people are in the midst of this day and night. Some ways to release some, the people in the dark world face murder and murder every day. Everyone walks in the darkness of the world like a tightrope, so many people become in the heart after the lack of release. The anomalous dark horror, even to the extreme.

Therefore, Xiao Bing does not advocate these, but he will not oppose it.

Normally, it is a two-hour drive from the urban area. If you walk, it will not be able to go on a night. But what strength are these people, even if they have not used it for two hours, they will enter the urban area, than the sedan. Run fast, of course, Liu Zhen is really tired and panting, his strength is worse than others, and the drunk gyro is also slightly gasping, although he reached the edge of breaking the void, after all, there is no Completely break through that layer.

Several people met a hotel on the side of the road. Even the scale was quite big. It seemed to be four-star or five-star. Several people rushed to rest and went in together.

Xiao Bing went to the front desk and went to the ID card from his arms. Everyone else also pulled out his ID card and handed it over to the front desk.

Then there was a group of people who walked to the front desk. The two men and two women in front looked like they were twenty-two years old. They were at the age of college. They were followed by a group of bodyguards. It should be the young lady of some big families.

Among the four young male ladies, there is actually a girl or a yellow race, and from the temperament, Xiao Bing judges by intuition that it should be a Chinese, this girl is followed by two burly men who are also Chinese, and that The two people gave Xiao Bing a feeling, with a gangster temperament.

Xiao Bing casually glanced at the girl and was about to take his eyes back. He heard that one of the young people from the European and American countries who had come out was arrogant and sneered in a fluent English: "Look what, A group of poor ghosts who have never seen the world!"

The young man's tone is disdainful, arrogant, and his expression is high!

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