Super Soldier

Chapter 820: Palm!

After the young man finished speaking, Liu Zhen almost all of them looked at the past, and several eyes made the young man like a thorn.

Xiao Bing gave a chuckle and looked at the front desk and asked in English: "Is it registered?"

"I'll be fine right away, please wait a moment."

Liu Zhen and several people thought that Xiao Bing would be angry and would do something. After all, how can the gantry door master be ridiculed by such an uninformed playboy, but Xiao Bing did not mean the general knowledge of the other party. An ant screams under the feet of an elephant. The elephant usually chooses not to slam the ant, but directly ignores the ants. It is because the ants are too big for the elephant. Xiao Xiao is too small. Br/fiction>

The young man was swept away by the eyes of several people in the Longmen. He felt uncomfortable on his body. He thought, isn’t the other person still having a big man? No, it must be that I think more. Look at the way they are all in one. If I am the owner of a five-star hotel, I will not let them walk in. Maybe it is a wanted criminal who has been circulated to Canada? That's right, it must be like this!

The Chinese girl looked at Xiao Bing, but her eyes lit up and said: "Black, don't bother me anymore, I will return to China tomorrow, don't you always follow me? The most important thing is that I don't like it either. you."

The young man named Blake was anxiously saying: "This is not enough. My dad specially asked me to be a guide for you. By the way, I will accompany you to a country. Let me visit the uncle Stuart by the way."

The girl has some disgusted words: "That is your own business. If you are willing to go, wait for me to go. You will go alone. It will be bothering me like a follower. You are too ugly, not in line with me." Aesthetics."

Xiao Bing was a little laughed and squirted. The girl’s mouth was too poisonous. It was a poisonous snake.

You don’t come to the side to hear the face is a bit ugly, Black’s father is a famous Canadian rich man, family wealth can be ranked in the Canadian capital, and can be ranked third in Canada as the only successor to this family. What kind of woman will Black find? Even the family of this girl in front of her has some power in the country, but Black's father didn't even look at it. If he insisted, his father would not agree that he would follow the girl's ass.

Black is somewhat unhappy: "Situ Jing, you tell me, which one of my Blacks is worthy of you?"

"Yeah." The companion next to Black also said, "Situ Jing, you may not know, my brother will soon be a senior intern, and then you can enter the family to take over the specific affairs, then the wealth of their entire family It’s his, that’s the wealth of the world’s top 500. If you change to other girls, I’m afraid I’ll catch up with it. Miss Situ Jing still has to think about it.”

The European and American girl next to Situ Jing quietly smashed the clothes of Situ Jing, and gave Situ Jing a look, meaning that you should not say that you are too dead, and that the family is really more than enough.

Situ Jing was a disdainful look. He suddenly pointed to Xiao Bing and said: "If you can have him so handsome, I don't want to be your girlfriend, I can marry you directly."

Xiao Bing heard that Situ Jing said that he was handsome. Not only did he not have a feeling of vanity expansion, but he frowned slightly. In fact, Xiao Bing did not like the feeling of being used as a shield by strangers. He felt that he was not too Respect, especially when these people look at it, they know that no one is a good lord. Everyone is rich and powerful, or arrogant. This is also a self, if you are an ordinary person. If it is, it is very likely that the other party’s arrogance will be badly squandered, and this girl named Situ Jing obviously does not care about the feelings of others.

Sure enough, Black looked at Xiao Bing, and a flash of grievance in his eyes, pointing to Xiao Bing, asked: "Situ Jing, you said that he looks better than me?"

"Yeah, don't you think?" Situ Jing took a natural look, but Xiao Bing could understand from Situ Jing's eyes that she didn't put herself in her eyes. Her eyes were full of money. Missy’s disdain for the next person is purely to use herself to reject Black.

At this time, the front desk had already been registered, and the rest of the money was returned to Xiao Bing. After Xiao Bing collected all the money and the documents of five people, he was planning to leave. Black suddenly gave the bodyguard a look behind him, two Canadians. Blocked the way of Xiao Bing and others.

Xiao Bing smiled in the heart, is this still looking for abuse? Although the elephant does not generally know the ant, if the ant licks his nose, the elephant does not mind a sneeze to kill the ant.

Fortunately, these two bodyguards have not yet started, and did not challenge the bottom line of Xiao Bing's heart.

When Black saw his bodyguard stopped Xiao Bing, he immediately raised his chin and asked with enthusiasm: "Hey, you are also a Chinese?"

Xiao Bing faintly asked: "What is it?"

Black asked: "What are you doing in China?"

Xiao Bingdao: "The noodle restaurant owner!"

Hearing this sentence, Black and his companion immediately laughed, and even the girl next to Situ Jing giggled. Situ Jing was cold-faced, and his eyes were even more disdainful to Xiao Bing. Even a few grievances are expressed. I feel that Xiao Bing is a person who deliberately throws her. This kind of girl is obviously asking her for trouble. Finally, she always makes someone else seem to be her owe to her. Xiao Bing is too lazy to have a general knowledge of her.

Black's laughing tears came out, looking at Situ Jing, said: "Situ Jing, you heard it, he is the boss of a small noodle restaurant, like the wealth that my family has, even if it is a thousand or ten thousand The home noodle restaurant can afford it, how can you compare him to me, you still have to think about it, be my girlfriend!"

Situ Jing hated the words: "Even if he is not worthy of me, I can't be with you!"

After that, he saw Xiao Bing and several people still standing there, and he felt more annoyed in his heart. He said with anger: "What are you still standing there, not going fast?"

After hitting Xiao Bing, I found that Xiao Bing was not his opponent. It was even more worthy of being his own rival. Black also had no interest in Xiao Bing. He waved his hand and signaled that the two bodyguards immediately let him go.

The two bodyguards got the instructions of their young master, and they were planning to let the position, put Xiaobing several people in the past, and suddenly Xiao Bing took a step forward, even coincidentally stepped on the right leg of one of the bodyguards, then I heard a bang, and the bodyguard’s mouth screamed like a killer, especially the sound of the broken leg bones. It was even more trembling. It is estimated that this leg must be completely broken, even if it is Can be cured, at least for three or four months in the hospital bed, it is possible to go to the ground.

Xiao Bing then took another foot and stepped on the right leg of another Canadian bodyguard. Another leg bone broke. The Canadian bodyguard snorted and slammed into the ground. Knocking on the knees, the mouth kept screaming.

This series of actions is slow, actually too fast. It’s almost all of them haven’t reacted to what happened. When they find that the two bodyguards are lying on the ground, the broken legs seem to have been cruelly deformed. Xiao Bing's tone is incomparably an understatement: "Oh, sorry, I didn't pay attention to the fact that both of you are in front of me, delaying my foot landing."

Liu Zhen’s mouth floated with a smile, and even the door owner dared to provoke. If you didn’t kill you, you’re already a lover. It’s also a matter of stepping on one leg!

For Xiao Bing’s move, everyone was unpredictable. When the reaction came, the legs of the two men were broken.

Black's face changed, and his face was ashamed: " you dare to do it?"

Xiao Bingfeng asked lightly: "Why don't you dare?"

Blake said: "Do you know who my father is?"

Xiao Bing shook his head and said: "I don't know."

The companion next to Black rushed at this time and said: "Kid, you are waiting for the bad luck. Master Black's father is one of the most powerful people in Canada. Even the police chief here sees Black's father. Respectfully, say a good gentleman, you can't even fight the bodyguards of Young Master Black, you don't want to live!"

Xiao Bing asked: "Who are you?"

This young man is also a Canadian. When he heard Xiao Bing ask, he said with a high spirit: "Don’t say that Young Master, that is, I want you to be in prison for the rest of your life. It is also a light and easy thing. Called Martin, my family is the top ten Martin consortium in Canada..."

Black's face was gloomy: "You'd better wait here, the police will come in a few minutes, and you will never leave the prison in this life!"

As he said, Black pulled out his cell phone and was ready to call.

Situ Jing next to him suddenly said: "Black, wait a minute."

Black first put the phone down and looked at Situ Jing.

Situ Jing looked at Xiao Bing, with a few imperative tone, said: "If you don't, then you kneel to apologize to Black, and I will ask you for help. This is the case, don't let Black. Mr. and you generally care about it."

Black is a little anxious: "Are you apologizing?"

Situ Jing’s tone is indifferent: “After all, it’s because of me, just give me a face. I won’t stop you from coming back to China with me. How are you going to see?”

Black looked at his surprise and nodded. He looked at Xiao Bing and said, "I don't hear it. I am giving Miss Situ Jing a face. Otherwise, you have to stay in the prison for the rest of your life. I don't know anything about you."

Xiao Bing sighed, and some helplessly said: "Sometimes, some people really feel sad."

Liu Zhen smiled and said: "It seems to be."

Martin, who has been holding the stinky foot, yelled and said: "Hey, Master Black has made you apologize, is your blessing, and what are you doing?"

Xiao Bingdao: "Hands!"

Liu Zhen stepped over and slaps on Martin's face. This slap is not too heavy. Otherwise, Martin can faint, but Martin's half face is swollen, even two. The teeth fell off.

Black was forced and shouted: "What are you doing in China?"

Xiao Bing's tone is cold and cold: "The palm of your hand!"

With a bang, Liu Zhen slammed another hand on Black's face. This slap was a lot heavier. It was a lesson to Black's utter remarks. Black had flew out and fell to the ground, half of his face swollen. The teeth have dropped a few, not to say, and the mouth is still bleeding.

No one thought that these Chinese people would dare to do it in such a place.

No one thought that these Chinese people would dare to start with the heirs of the Black family and the Martin family!

Even Situ Jing and her European and American female companions were stunned.

For a time, all the people in the entire hall were dumbfounded and silent.

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