Super Soldier

Chapter 821: Dead crocodile!

Situ Jing was crazy and said: "You turned out to be... even the young Master Black would dare to fight..."

The European and American girl next to Situ Jing was even licking her mouth. There was some adoring light in her eyes. The mouth yelled, "I bought it, it is the strongest person I admire."

Situ Jingqi said: "Carolyn, what are you talking about, such a savage singer, what is so good to worship!"

This girl named Caroline is a native of the country. She is a wealthy businessman in the country. Her family and Situ Jing’s family powers have always been close, so the relationship between the two girls is also very good.

When I heard Situ Jing say this, Caroline smirked and said: "Do you not feel very attractive?"

Caroline talked like this, so that Blake and Martin were beaten up, but Caroline’s family power was no worse than their family. They didn’t dare to take Caroline. They could only The gas was thrown onto Xiao Bing, but after seeing Xiao Bing’s indifferent eyes, they immediately shuddered and could not say a word.

At this time, the hotel's lobby manager came over. Xiao Bing waved his hand and said: "Nothing, let's go, let's go back to the room to rest. Well, this is your room card."

Xiao Bing stepped on the legs of the two bodyguards, and let Liu Zhen hit the slap of the two young masters, and then it was like nothing to do, while talking and laughing, while the Dragon Gate four would sway to find the room.

When Xiao Bing entered the elevator and the elevator door was closed again, Black couldn't help but squint and screamed like a thunder: "This **** Chinese, I must not spare him, I must not spare him!"

Caroline and Situ Jing are a bit contemptuous of this Black. When people are there, why don’t you open your mouth? Now what is the prestige!

Martin has just been slapped. At this time, he is also a hatred of a face. He said: "Master Black, you must call the police to catch them!"

Black’s face was resentful: “It’s too cheap for them to catch them.”

Martin’s eyes lit up and asked, “What does Young Black mean?”

"Hey, haven't heard of the Canadian crocodile Justin? His power is here. I just want to say hello to him and let these Chinese people disappear from the world."

Situ Jing listened to Black's words, his face changed: "Black, can't you do this?"

Black was gloomy and didn't speak, but Situ Jing saw that the determination of Black was unshakable.

Carolyn whispered in Situ Jing’s ear: "Situ Jing, just a few people are also because we are offended by Black. The Canadian crocodile is the person on the road. If you let them shot, I am afraid that a few Chinese people." There is no life. This Blackken listens to you, can you advise me more?"

Situ Jing shook his head and said indifferently: "I have said before that they let their gimmicks admit their mistakes. They don't know what they are, so it has nothing to do with me."

Black has already ran to the side to call at this time, it seems that it is necessary for Xiao Bing to leave Canada safely.

Carolyn looked at Black and saw Situ Jing say so, and she had to give up. Situ Jing did not care about this matter, but also had her own intentions. She felt that she had no connection with the Chinese people and could not do it. A few strangers went to plead, and they still owe a person of Black. Originally, Black is like a plaster that seems to be wrapped around himself. If he owes him again, I am afraid it will be difficult to get rid of this person. Now, since those people have troubled themselves and do not consider the consequences of doing things at all, then those individuals will bear it.

Caroline sighed and said: "It's so handsome, it's a pity. When are we going back to China?"

"Go away tomorrow." Situ Jing’s eyes showed a bit of worry, and whispered, "My dad just called me last night and said that I should not go back in the near future and play for a few more days outside."

Caroline said with excitement: "Then don't go back, just let us go around."

"No." Situ Jing shook his head. "I know my father. I asked what happened. Although he didn't say it, I know that there is definitely something big happening in the house. I heard about Zhang Dabo some time ago. When I was going to attend the summit, my family was still happy, even my dad looked very happy, and this time my dad spoke with a low tone and it seemed that something bad happened."

Caroline sighed and said: "This is the case, then I understand, we will try to leave early."

The Black's phone over there has already been finished. He came over and said to Situ Jing and Caroline: "You go back to the room first, and Martin and I go to the hospital first."

Situ Jing looked at Black's half face and swollen, and also talked about the funny appearance of the big tongue, and said with a strong smile, "You don't have to send us tomorrow, so raise up in the hospital."

Black quickly shook his head and said: "No, Martin will not go, but I will go back with you tomorrow!"

Black has been beaten into this appearance, but still wrapped around Situ Jing, it seems that he really like a dog skin plaster, do not catch up with Situ Jing is not willing to give up.

Caroline asked with some concern: "The few Chinese people..."

Black sneered: "The few Chinese people have been arrogant for a long time, and Justin will find it later, saying that they are going to throw them into the sea to feed the fish!"

"Ah!" Caroline screamed and screamed, and Situ Jing’s eyes showed a bit of hesitation, but after all, he did not open his mouth.

The thing just happened was an episode for Xiao Bing. When he returned to the room, Xiao Bing first smashed a phone porridge with the leaves and Liu Kexin, and then saw that it was too late. Xiao Bing went to several other people's rooms. Knocking on the door, five people left the hotel together, ready to go out and take turns, and then find a place to eat.

Five people left the hotel and walked a distance. Liu Zhen smiled and said: "After leaving the hotel, some followers have been behind, and I thought we couldn't find it..."

Xiao Bing sneered: "Take them, follow them and follow them."

Liu Zhendao: "I just don't know who is the **** angel, or the few people who have been offended in the hotel."

Molongdao: "It is estimated that the latter, the **** angels are now a mess, they are not taking care of them on the one hand, on the other hand they have no courage for the time being."

Liu Zhen smiled and said: "The few children really don't know how to live and die, but they should all be the two boys called, I see the two girls, um... the most important thing is that the beautiful Gome girl seems very to the door owner. Interesting!"

"Long handsome, no way!"

In front of it, six or seven people blocked the way of Xiao Bing. The six or seven people all held baseball bats in their hands, and six or seven people in the back also quickly chased them up and gathered Xiao Bing.

A two-bearded leather jacket man headed in front of Xiao Bing, while measuring the baseball bat in his hand, sneered and said in English: "You guys, you blame you for offending someone who shouldn't offend, Black. The young master spent a lot of money and entrusted me to throw you into the sea to feed the fish."

Sure enough, it was Black.

Xiao Bing no expression, still continue to move forward, as if he did not see the Canadian mixed-races who were blocking the way. Longmen IV would have completely ignored these hybrids, as if there were no people at all. While chatting about the sky, I walked straight ahead.

Liu Zhen said with some expectation: "The doorkeeper, wait for a while to finish dinner, why not sing and sing in it?"

Drunk gyro eyes lighted: "Sprinkle home feels better to go to the bar."

Liu Zhen looked at the drunken gyro and said: "I have never seen a monk like you, holding a wine gourd every day, drinking and keeping going."

Drunken gyro has a white eye and a big slamming door: "After going back, sprinkle home to find a good show to explore this issue."

Liu Zhen immediately stunned and said with a smile: "I am just joking, the bar is good, I think the bar is good, the bar is good, I can drink, I can watch the girl."

Seeing Xiao Bing several people walking toward them, a miscellaneous child pointed to Xiao Bing with a baseball bat and shouted: "You are all stunned? Who knows who is talking to you? He is our boss Justin, It is the man inside the **** angel!"

This Justin can only be regarded as a small leader in Hell's Angels. He can't talk about the degree of amnesty, so he is not qualified to attend the meeting during the day, and the news of the collective killing of Hell's Angels has been It was blocked. For the time being, only the heads of the Canadian government knew that the entire base was temporarily under the control of the army. It is estimated that the news should be blocked for at least two days. It is impossible for a **** angel to have a strong gang to lead such a super gang. Canada is also pushing the boat to clear the cancer in the eyes of the Canadian government.

If Justin knows this news, it is estimated that he should run the road. In a few days, the state will put all these small and middle-level figures into the prison, and then let them stay in this life. Inside, as for the lower characters in the **** angels, they naturally disappeared.

Xiao Bing still ignored them and continued to move forward. Justin shouted: "Kill them!"

These people swarmed together, including Justin, countless bats slammed into their heads, Xiao Bing’s body left a shadow on the ground, and then slammed into Justin and another On the body of a mixed child, the two men seemed to be hit by a cannonball. Wow, a blood spouted out, and they flew out more than ten meters away. The shoulders were broken, the chest collapsed, and the face collapsed. Only the gas is in, there is no gas.

The other few people didn't have any good endings. The Longmen Four will basically solve the problem of others after three, five, and two. Although they didn't kill, they all gave up the disabled. It is estimated that the wheelchair for a lifetime is avoided. No more.

Xiao Bing pointed to a restaurant in front and said: "Let's go to that restaurant to eat?"

"Chinese restaurant? Good, good!"

The drunk gyro ran the fastest, striding a meteor in general, haha ​​laughed: "The home is already hungry!"

They did not care about it at all, and the dozen or so big monsters were still lying on the ground unconscious.

After Xiao Bing and others entered the restaurant, in less than two minutes, a group of people wearing casual clothes appeared. They took Justin and others away. One of the young people whispered: "This Justin looks It’s impossible to get up... What kind of people are there? Why don’t you let us catch them and give them a good time?”

One of the older chiefs whispered: "Just do your own thing, the above things, don't ask!"

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