Super Soldier

Chapter 823: The day of repaying interest should come

Situ Jing made such an opening, and Black immediately saw Xiao Bing through Situ Jing. Immediately, Black was even more surprised than Situ Jing. He looked angry and said: "Hey, how are you in the plane?"

"I want to go to the country, of course, in the plane. Omega literature fans www.ㄟ." Xiao Bing looked at Black with a look at the idiot's eyes, and then saw that Black's half face was wrapped with white medicine. After that, I immediately laughed. "Oh, such a naive question can be asked. It seems that I am fooling your head?"

Black is angry and angered: "How did the Canadian crocodile not find you?"

After waiting for it, Black suddenly saw Xiao Bing's eyes as laughing and laughing, and he immediately felt uneasy in the inexplicable.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "The few people really came to you, but the person you invited is really too scum, the strength is really bad, it is not my opponent. What Canadian crocodile has now become a Dead crocodile."

"It's impossible!" Blake lost his voice. He was shocked first. Then he seemed to understand something. He immediately said something ridiculous. "I understand, you must have ran last night, change the hotel for one night, then I am rushing to leave Canada today?"

Xiao Bing has some incredible words: "You are really imaginative."

Black smirked and said: "The monk can't run the temple. Even if you go to the country, you don't have a good fruit to eat."

Xiao Bing's tone is indifferent: "I only know that before I get off the plane, just let me hear you say a word, I don't mind letting you put the other half of your face on gauze, or let you and yours. Like the two bodyguards, I have been lying on the bed since then?"

"You..." Black's face changed, but before he thought of the horrible appearance of Xiao Bing, he did not dare to irritate Xiao Bing, so he closed his mouth and said, I will let you first How awkward you are, the hero does not eat in front of the loss, I am looking for an opportunity to kill you sooner or later.

Seeing that Black closed his mouth, Xiao Bing felt that he had finally cleared a lot, so he turned his head and talked with Caroline.

In fact, not only Xiao Bing is tired of Black, although he is a companion with Black, but Situ Jing is also very tired of Blake. Situ Jing has always been a girl with a higher eye than the top. She naturally wants to find a big family. The young master married, but the man must have enough talents besides his family's illustriousness. Black obviously only fits the first point and does not meet the second point. So even if Black's family is so powerful, she is also rooted. Didn't put Black in the eye, just not too offended.

At this time, seeing that Black was scared by Xiao Bing in a few words, Situ Jing was also a smile in the heart. At the same time, he was even more contemptuous of Black. He had a good impression on Xiao Bing, but he saw Xiao Bing and his good friend card. When Rowling was talking and laughing together, Situ Jing’s only good feelings for Xiao Bing immediately turned into nothing.

On the one hand, because Xiao Bing talked and laughed at Caroline, she completely ignored herself. The girl who is so proud of her, all the men around the week are turning around her, even though the feeling of flies makes her hate. However, this kind of disregard for her behavior, of course, made her feel a little ashamed. On the other hand, she also felt that Xiao Bing was really not worthy of Caroline.

Caroline's family is also a big family in New York. It is a business leader. Situ Jing always thinks that people are with people. At the very least, they have to be able to be at home. Naturally, they are very disgusted. Meat's behavior, yes, maybe I just started to slap you a little, I didn't expect you to be able to fight, but how can you fight, do you want to go out and give people a bodyguard?

Seeing Xiao Bing and Caroline chatting so happy, Situ Jing frowned and said: "Caroline."

"Well?" Caroline looked at Situ Jing across Xiao Bing.

Situ Jing reminded: "Don't forget the identity between you."

"Ah!" Caroline laughed. "What is this? I and Mr. Xiao Bing just think that chatting is very good, and making friends."

Situ Jing sighed and said: "Of course I don't dislike friends between you. And Mr. Xiao Bing, I am also Chinese bloodline with you, so I should have more affection for you, but people. The relationship with people really depends on the status of the status. My friend's family is a famous and famous family in the whole country. Generally, the young family's young master must be cautious when making friends. I am not demeaning. You don't mean to look down on you. I just think that if you just talk about loneliness on the plane, it's nothing, but there must be nothing to think about!"

Caroline angered: "Situ Jing!"

Situ Jing smiled bitterly: "I am also kind, Mr. Xiao Bing, don't be surprised, I am afraid that you don't know these situations. If you have any thoughts, then you will be saddened by the frustration!"

Xiao Bing can hear that this Situ Jing may not be too malicious. The reason why her speech is so irritating is that it is really influenced by the small family environment. Let her always face others with a high attitude, and never care about the feelings of others.

However, Xiao Bing is really a little tired of such a self-righteous girl... It is also out of a superior family. Presumably, their family will not necessarily be able to pass the Ye Family. You must know Ye Xiaoxi. The father is called Ye Bancheng, and Ye Xiaoxi is now more and more the business queen of the entire Black Province, but Ye Xiaoxi never talks about doing things regardless of the feelings of others, even she never thought her identity is higher. People are waiting.

In comparison, Ye Xiaoxi and Situ Jing are two people in the sky, Ye Xiaoxi is in the sky, and Situ Jing is underground.

Xiao Bing is too lazy to take care of Situ Jing, the tone of indifference: "Reassure, I am only chatting with Miss Caroline, what are the thoughts of those rich people?"

"You!" Situ Jing's face was iron-blue, biting his teeth, opened his mouth, and finally snorted, "I don't know how!"

Caroline giggled and leaned into Xiao Bing's ear and whispered, "Don't mind, Situ Jing's character is like this since childhood. We are good friends for many years. We have been studying in a school and a class. Her people are very good."

"Well." Xiao Bing faintly said, "I don't mind if people who don't care about me say anything."

Caroline was talking in a very small voice, but Xiao Bing’s voice was not big enough, but it was enough for Situ Jing to hear it. Situ Jing’s face was immediately sturdy, clenching his fist, and hating it. I thought that this man is really annoying, and there is no self-awareness at all. It is always so stinky to talk, I really don't know how to live to the present!

Situ Jing made up his mind, no matter what, he must not let this nasty man approach his good sister, but on the plane, the two people are so far apart, Xiao Bing’s mouth is so stinky, she can’t say anything. I can only get off the plane and say it again. If the two people stay in contact with each other, they will stop.

Seeing that Situ Jing had no good feelings for Xiao Bing, Black was relieved and thought that when he saw Situ Jing’s father, he must find a way to let Situ Jing’s father take the shot and leave Xiao Bing’s life in New York. Presumably Situ Jing’s father will definitely give this face to himself. After all, one is the small boss of the noodle restaurant, and the other is the famous rich man in Canada. Blake believes in his own weight.

Liu Zhen said with a smile on the drunken gyro: "You saw it, the Chinese chick looks very uncomfortable, it is estimated to be jealous, because the door owner only chats with the country girl, not taking care of this Chinese girl."

Liu Zhen and Drunk Gyro are sitting behind Xiao Bing and Caroline. The voice is not small, and Situ is calm and wants to swear, but looking back is Liu Zhen, suddenly thinking of Black and Martin’s slap is Liu Shocked to the fan, had to bite the teeth to hold back.

Because I had just been disturbed by Situ Jing, and Liu Zhen said what they said, Caroline’s words were a lot less on the next trip. She might feel a little embarrassed, and Situ Jing is also there. No, she didn't want to talk to Black. She and Caroline were separated by an aisle and a Xiaobing. It was not convenient to talk. She had to close her eyes and rest. Black didn't dare to speak. Xiao Bing said before, he As long as he said another sentence, he would slap him a meal. He was really afraid that Xiao Bing would shoot him.

Everyone didn't chat, Xiao Bing was also happy and relaxed, and slowly closed his eyes and raised his mind. Everyone became quiet.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, the plane finally landed at the international airport in New York. They got off the plane in an orderly manner. Xiao Bing and Longmen IV will walk in front. Caroline and Situ Jing are behind, Caroline Several times I had to talk to Xiao Bing, and Situ Jing gave me an arm. Then I saw Situ Jing frowning and shook his head. "Carolyn, his grade is too low, and he is not worthy of being friends with you. ”

Caroline hesitated a little. When everyone got out of the plane and went to the airport hall, she knew that if she didn’t talk, she would have no chance, so she ran over and ran to Xiao Bing and said, “Xiao Bing Sir, can you exchange contact information with you?"

Liu Zhen blew a whistle next to him, and the drunk gyro was a smirk, and the other two were expressionless.

Situ Jing was a little bit indifferent and was freed by Caroline. Seeing that Caroline took the initiative to find a small boss in the noodle restaurant to contact, Situ Jing’s face was ugly, almost vomiting blood, but it’s not good at this time. It is.

Xiao Bing smiled slightly: "Okay!"

Xiao Bing and Caroline exchanged their mobile phone numbers, then saved each other and wrote their names. Xiao Bing waved his hand and said, "I have a chance to meet again!"

Said, Xiao Bing will go with the Dragon Gate Four.

Seeing that Xiao Bing was gone, Caroline showed a few reluctant expressions. Situ calmly sighed and said: "Carolyn, he simply doesn't deserve you. You won't take care of him in the future!"

"No!" Caroline shook her head and smiled. "I think he is very special and can't say anything special."


"Well, don't say it, I have a few in my heart." Caroline took Situ Jing's arm and giggled. "I can't live with you for two days with you, so I don't feel angry at all?" ”

Situ Jing’s eyes lit up, thinking that this was a good opportunity to avoid Black’s entanglement, so his face eased and he agreed.

Bucc is a little dissatisfied with his face, but he is afraid to vent it. He came here this time to get along with Situ Jing alone, and he will live in Situ Jing’s home. Naturally, he does not want to have Others are light bulbs, but he is not good at Situ Jing’s appearance. He also knows that according to Caroline’s family, Caroline is not afraid to offend him, so he can only break his teeth. Swallowing inside the stomach, anyway, there is still time!

Situ Jing pulled up Caroline's hand and walked in front and said, "Let's go, go home!"

Liu Zhen asked: "The door owner, what are we going to do now?"

Xiao Bing took a look at the time and said: "Zhang Tianchao was killed by me. The big circle to help the current second character Situ Qingming should be the big circle helper. Let's go to visit Situ House tomorrow, let Situ Qingming give Let us be the last one!"

In Xiao Bing’s eyes, there was a bit of murder, and it was faint: "The time for repaying interest should come!"

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