Super Soldier

Chapter 824: Big circle help decision

If Hongmen is the oldest and most profound Chinese gang in the world, then the big circle is definitely the largest Chinese gang outside Asia, and also the most fierce and best brave Chinese gang in the world.

The big circle gang was established in the 1970s and has only been in the past forty years. At the beginning of its establishment, the big circle was ruthless because of its arrogance, so it was resisted by most gangs all over the world. I once launched a battle and wanted to destroy the big circle in the bud.

At that time, the big circle of help was indeed in danger, with countless deaths and injuries, but with their irony and desperate style, the last hard life survived. Their number is getting less and less, but it is like this. In the case of the other gangs still afraid.

Later, the big circle gang and the major gangs reached an armistice agreement, and the big circle helped the behavior style after that slightly converged a little, and finally it was slowly restored to the vitality, even the power of the greater victory than before, the original and The battles of other major gangs made them lose their lives, but they also won the awe and worship of all the Chinese underground world. So many veterans and those who had fled outside were all swaying and joined the big. Circle help.

After that, the tough style of the big circle has not changed, but in the process of dealing with the big circle in the long run, other gangs and big circles help the fire is a very unworthy thing, because these people are really Do not kill, but also really dare to play, the most important thing is that the big circle will not threaten the status of other super-gangs with deep enough ties, because the big circle has two fatal weaknesses.

First, the big circle is not good at developing the economy. The development of the gang is not as simple as some small gangsters have to collect protection fees. The real super gangs have a very stable source of income and want to maintain the operation of a super gang. The demand for funds is really too big, and the big circle is much worse in this respect.

Second, the big circle is not only tough when faced with other gangs. When they face local governments, they are also extremely tough, so the government of the general state dislikes them very much.

With these two points as a constraint, the development of the big circle to the present is basically the limit. Even if they dare to fight and dare to kill, they basically have no room to rise, and maybe even when. They will annoy the country and then directly destroy it.

Situ Qingming is the second person in the big circle. After Zhang Tianchao’s death, he became the boss of the big circle. But now he is not good at this boss. Zhang Tianchao is dead. Situ Qingming also faces a difficult choice. Is it the key to selling drugs in China, or is it hard to fight with Longmen?

According to the style of the big circle, this is almost a choice question that does not need to be chosen. The big circle will never sell his brother, and will not compromise any enemy, but this time it is too difficult. This time, the life and death of the big circle gang, the deeds of the dragon son in the Tongtian Tower have spread throughout the dark world, almost everyone knows that the dragon son not only killed Zhang Tianchao, Motel and Maple 13 in succession. In particular, Maple Thirteen has reportedly broken the realm of breaking the void, and the Dragon King’s five major national coalition forces were forced to bow.

The dragon son is already so terrible. If it is coupled with the Longmen Eight, who can resist in the world?

Especially in the last two days, news came from successively, Xiao Bing has continuously eliminated many sects, and the news of Situ Qingming, even the news of the destruction of Hell's angels has been passed to Situ Qingming's ears.

In this way, the next one needs to face the big circle. If the big circle does not give those brothers out, it is very likely that the big circle will also be destroyed.

Situ Qingming was in the hall of Situ House. At this time, there were a lot of people gathered in the hall, all of them were Chinese, and it seemed that each was fierce.

One of the 50-year-old men wearing a Zhongshan suit screamed at the table and shouted: "Boss, don't hesitate, gather brothers, and fight with the Dragon Gate!"

"Yes!" next to a man in his thirties, "We are not afraid of death!"

Said, this middle-aged man also shot the gun on the table, loudly said: "If I am afraid of death, the boss will burst with me! Our Tianchao boss has been killed by him, we do not revenge, is it still? Want to hand over the brothers and surrender? Is that big circle help or a big circle?"

The rest of the big names are also saying yes.

Situ Qingming sat in the main position. He looked like he was forty years old. His appearance was the only one of the more elegant ones. There were two strong beards on his lips and a black-rimmed glasses on his nose.

After listening to these people, Situ Qingming licked his forehead and sighed: "I know what you said, the boss's hatred should be reported, and the brothers should not betrayed. But the boss is indeed against. The promise of the last days of the Dark World Summit on the Tongtian Tower. Of course, the boss is also trying to sacrifice for the big circle. As we all know, we are not good at economic operations, so the economy has always been very poor, and the brothers followed us. They also ate a lot of hardships, and after the last meeting of the Tower of Heaven, the Dragon King controlled the drug trafficking, which hurt the interests of the **** angels who made a living from drugs. The Hell of the Hell Angel knew that we were helping the big circle. There are financial difficulties, so it is said that we can provide a share, and the big circle will help them to drug trafficking together and tie them to their chariots!"

Situ Qingming sneered a sneak peek: "This Motel is a very deep calculation. He feels that the big circle will be tied to them. When the two gangs face the gantry together, they will have the confidence, and other members want to perform. If you want to face two major forces, other forces will certainly hesitate, or even ignore it at all. Their **** angels are actually using our big circle to help."

"I also said this to Tianchao at the beginning, and I once persuaded Tianchao, the gantry is not easy to provoke, let alone we violated the rules set by the summit. According to the rules, that is everyone’s In addition, Huaxia is our motherland, and it is also a matter of conscience to go to China for drug trafficking. However, Tianchao did not listen to me. He felt that this is the best opportunity for us to turn over in the economic circle. So he knows whether he is being used or working with Hell's Angel."

"Now that Motai is dead, it is sinful. God is dead, and Hell's Angel has some responsibility. Oh, unfortunately, the boss's life has also been put in."

Situ Qingming is a rare and clear-minded person in the big circle. Therefore, he reasonably thinks that Zhang Tianchao had done a strategic mistake before, and he was a drinker and thirst. At the beginning, he did indeed persuade him, but Zhang Tianchao’s personality was still very I am arbitrarily special, but now that Zhang Tianchao is dead, he will not really hand over those brothers, so don’t say that he can still sit on this boss. What’s more, his own conscience is also I can't go.

One side is a brotherly love, and the other is the gang's life and death. He can't wait for the position of this boss not to sit on his own. I didn't expect that this boss would have just put on such a thing.

After sweeping his eyes, Situ Qingming said: "You should go back first."

When these people stood up, they also asked one after another: "Boss, how are you planning? Do you really want to hand over those brothers?"

"Yeah, boss!"

Situ Qingming started the case and said loudly: "Reassure, if this matter is really found, I will talk to him and I will never sell my brother. If he really wants to fight against the big circle, If you really want to destroy the whole big circle, then it’s good!”

"Well, boss, if you have these words, we will be relieved."

"Yeah, boss, I will be the first to rush to go to the Dragon Son, boss, let's go first!"

These people began to leave one by one. When they left the hall, Situ Qingming sat down in a sigh of relief. He only felt that the whole person had to be soft on the chair. He had no strength at all. He knew that his decision was It is basically equivalent to pushing the entire circle of gangs to the cliffs, and even the big circle of gangs may be destroyed in their own hands.

But as he said, no matter what, he will not betray his brother.

Situ Qingming was also a broken person. Before that, he had made up his mind, so he called his daughter in Canada the night before and told his daughter not to come back for the time being. To keep a trace of blood for their Situ family, Situ Qingming is already with a mortal heart.

After making the decision, Situ Qingming screamed: "Zhong Bo."

"I am." From the back of the curtain, a gray-haired old man came out, but the old man was a gods, walking between tigers and wolves, and he was a master.

Situ Qingming said with exhaustion: "I guess that the two dragons will come to the door in the past two days, and the first thing they should find is our Situ House. Now how is the ambush around Situ House?"

Zhong Bo said slightly, saying: "Despite the reassurance, the ambush of many masters around the entire mansion, not only the elite of our big circle, I also hired two dark world top strong 'blood bee' and 'cold Sword', the strength of these two men has reached the middle of the sturdy period, which is considered to be the top-ranking lone ranger in the dark world."

Situ Qingming asked: "It should take a lot of money to hire these two people?"

Zhong Bo smiled bitterly: "Everyone is a hundred million. After all, this time I have to face the Dragon Gate. It is lucky to be able to hire two such powerful players for two billion."

"What you said is that it is a pity that it will cost money again." Situ Qingming sighed: "Oh, the most important thing is that even with such two people, we are not the opponents of the Dragon King!"

Zhong Bodao: "Let's talk about killing and killing people. I have never been afraid of anyone. I don't know who the deer died. Not to mention that although I am already old, I can also fight. If the master has made a decision, don't Worried again."


Just then, the voice of the surprise of the next man suddenly came out: "Master, the lady is back."

Situ Qingming's face changed and became a bit ugly. He suddenly stood up and said loudly: "How did she come back?"

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