Super Soldier

Chapter 833: I am his boyfriend!

Of course, Campbell is waiting for them to ask for this. After all, the relationship between the Iss and the Mafia is intimate, and this must be known to all, so that the reputation of the Is family can be raised to a higher level.

And Campbell has made up his mind. At the very least, he must first persuade his daughter and the younger brothers of the Gambino family to talk about love first. As for the marriage, later, step by step, the young people of the Gambino family are so good. My daughter will definitely agree in the end.

This time, it’s not Caroline. As for what Caroline said, there is already a boyfriend. In Kanbul’s opinion, it’s a pretext. If the daughter is really in the object, how can he not know, but where is he? I know, Caroline said that the boyfriend who was handed in was actually known for the past two days, and I have only seen each other several times, and the time spent together is still very short.

Campbell was here to chat with them. After a while, one was wearing a police uniform. At the same time, the middle-aged police officer with four five-pointed stars on the policeman came in from outside. His hands were also squatting. A gift box, a smile, and a stride of meteors came in.

When Campbell and others saw it, they immediately greeted them, and even many people showed a smile.

The man who was coming in at this time was Johnson, the deputy director of the New York Police Department. In this world-class city, he had great rights in his hands and could even influence the fate of most people in New York City, especially those businessmen. Or those who are black.

The New York City Police Department is a very large and highly armed institution with a total of nearly 40,000 police officers, more than 8,000 police cars, more than 10 police vessels, and eight helicopters. As the second person, Johnson is naturally a very powerful and powerful person. Campbell originally intended to invite their director. Unfortunately, the Secretary did not come, but he was able to come to a deputy director. Very good face for Campbell.

The next person took the gift over, and Campbell smiled enthusiastically: "Secretary Johnson, thank you today for giving us such a big face to attend my daughter's birthday party. Thank you very much!"

Johnson nodded politely. The attitude was not very warm, but it was not cold. He smiled and said: "Mr. Campbell is not too polite. You are a big entrepreneur in our city, a big philanthropist, for this city. Even this country has made a great contribution, and it is also appropriate for me to come over and support."

After Campbell listened, he smiled more and immediately invited Johnson to the red carpet.

When Johnson came, he immediately became the protagonist of the stars. Everyone chatted around Johnson for a while. At this time, four suit men came in, and the latter two were black bodyguards. The first two were a pair of Italians. Father and son, this father and son are noble, especially the older person who seems to be over fifty years old. He is a black and half white head, a thick beard, and a black and white pupil like an eagle. It can be seen that he is a tough Italian. At the same time, he has a kind of superiority who is in charge of the right. Even the momentum can be compared with the deputy director of the Public Security Bureau who holds more than 30,000 police officers. Equally comparable.

This person is the second boss of the Mafia, Cohen Gambino!

Next to Cohen Gambino is his only son, Kerry Gambino. Kaili looks like he is twenty-seven years old this year. He is noble and handsome, and he is also black and black. This is in the East and the East. Even Chinese people are very similar, but as long as you look at it, you can tell that they are of European origin, typical Italian blood.

The two men just walked in, and everyone immediately began to greet them quickly. Campbell smiled: "Mr. Cohen, finally waiting for you to come, oh, Master Carey is really getting more and more handsome!"

Cohen Gambino raised a smile and smiled with Campbell. Then he shook hands with Deputy Director Johnson. Then he said faintly: "It’s a bit of a thing today, it’s late, let everyone wait. ""

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, it's not too long, come, let's hurry up."

"Well." Cohen Gambino nodded, then looked at the Deputy Director of Johnson and said, "The deputy bureau, I heard that in the last two days, it seems that something happened in New York."

Johnson snorted and deliberately confused: "I don't know what Mr. Cohen said?"

Cohen Gambino secretly sneaked an old fox and directly clarified it. "The big circle helps seem to be in conflict with outsiders. It should be a lot of people who died. Is the police not ready to ask?"

Johnson was somewhat indignant: "I have to go back and ask my subordinates about this matter. I haven't told me what I know!"

Cohen Gambino smiled and said nothing.

Both are old foxes. Don't look at Cohen Gambino's appearance is very strong, but their Gambino family can be so ingrained in the m countries, rooted for so many years, it is obvious that they are definitely not the kind of reckless impulsive People, otherwise they have been pulled out by the m country.

Cohen Gambino means killing people by knife, using the police to expand things and remove the big circle.

Johnson didn't want to provoke this trouble. If Xiao Bing really did all the high-level gangs of the big circle, the police also fell into the limelight, but in fact, the big circle helped the morale to be hit, and did not receive any substantial. Loss, so the police can only stand still, after all, the power of the big circle is huge, the police naturally have the ability to get rid of the big circle, but the final loss is too big and unnecessary, the cheap is only the mafia forces, not worth the candle.

Both sides have their own ideas and plans, and no one is willing to clarify.

Cohen Gambino and the deputy director of Johnson are sitting at the same table with Campbell, and everyone else is seated. Some of the high-ranking people are sitting with Campbell, and the rest are slightly different. I sat around the other table.

Cohen Gambino looked around and asked, "Campbell, your daughter?"

"Oh, you are asking Caroline, her birthday party today, naturally, I have to dress up well, wait a minute, I will find him down."

"No, no," said Cory Gino's son, Carey, hurriedly. "Girls are slower and normal. Don't rush to urge Caroline's sister. Let's talk about them."

Campbell smiled and smiled: "Look at how sensible Kaili is. If anyone can marry a young and promising young man like Kaili, it will be a great blessing."

Others naturally admire, in addition to Campbell is the protagonist, the number of Gambino family and Deputy Director of Johnson is the highest status, especially Gambino, for these businessmen, Gambino The horror of the family may have passed the police. After all, the police are still a little scrupulous in doing things, but the mafia is black and white, the means are hot, and they are all useless. It is obvious that offending the mafia is more terrible than offending the police. too much.

In the whole country, except for the big circle, no one is not awe of the mafia. Even the big circle does not dare to tear the face with the mafia. They are not afraid of the mafia on the m country, but the Italian side. The mafia godfather is not a big circle to help. The big circle is to dare to fight and dare to kill, no one is used to it, even if the mafia is not willing to go to the big circle to help this group of tigers The guys touch hard, whoever meets the madman who is at any time to hide is far away, but compared to the big circle, the mafia has deeper roots, and it is difficult for a country to pull them out easily. The big circle is not the same. The big circle is that the country can easily pull you out, but you are not willing to pull it out and hold the idea of ​​letting you fend for yourself.

Therefore, these people only want to think that Cambran can marry the mafia's son, and he can't say the envy. It is the heart that is beginning to fear the Cambran family. It seems that they must have a good relationship in the future.

Sure enough, Kerry Gambino said with a smile: "Uncle Campbell is so polite, I don't like anyone, I like Caroline in your house."

These people are even more awed by Kanbul, and it seems that the further development of the Iss family is inevitable!

Campbell’s heart is mixed, but the joy is that Master Carey is really in love with his daughter. What is worrying is that her daughter’s attitude is still unknown, although she has been persuading for a long time, and her daughter. It should not be difficult for him to be a man, but after all, he has no bottom in his heart. If the daughter refuses Kerry in front of so many people and offends the Gambino family, it is probably an unprecedented one of the Iss family. disaster.

Campbell’s mood was complicated, and he smiled and chatted with them while thinking about his thoughts.

Suddenly, Kyrie Gambino stood up and looked at the direction of the villa with a surprise, but saw Caroline wearing a beautiful dress, glamorous and coming out of the hall, seeing Kerry’s excited Look, other people look in the eyes, there are some embarrassment in the heart, if you can also give birth to such a beautiful daughter, then it would be fine, now the scenery is not mine.

Kerry pushed the chair open and took the initiative to meet the past. Cohen Gambino smiled and said: "Campre's brother, I have never seen my family's Kerry so much to any girl, I still need you. Complete!"

Campbell smiled reluctantly: "I must do my best, this is also the honor of our Iss family."

"Well!" Cohen Gambino smiled and nodded.

At this time, everyone looked at Campbell's eyes differently, respecting a little more points. Obviously, Campbell's position in everyone's mind has already risen. Even Johnson's deputy director has to take Campbell as a reward. An equal-qualified person treats it. If there is no such thing, for him, Campbell is a rich man who has no deep roots. Although he has to be a co-founder, he has not yet reached the kind that makes him feel that he needs equal attention. degree.

Campbell also knows this in his heart, and his heart is also extremely happy. The Iss family is not lacking in wealth. What is really lacking is power and heritage. From then on, the Iss family is really nothing, and it has become a A veritable giant, in the face of those who are more powerful than the Iss family, do not need awesome giants.

Kerry walked over and reached out and looked at Caroline with enthusiasm. She smiled and said: "Miss Caroline, you look so beautiful today."

"Thank you for complimenting." Caroline smiled slightly, reached out and Kelly shook it lightly, and immediately took it back. Kerry snorted. He was supposed to hold Caroline's hand, but he didn't care. The gentleman was next to him and followed Caroline.

Caroline sat down in the seat after the past, which was specially arranged, sitting right next to Carey.

Cohen Gambino laughed loudly: "The prostitute is getting better and better. I see that you and my son are really born together. How about it, it is better to marry my family's Kaili."

Kaili’s eyes sparkled with joy, but his mouth smiled and said: “Don’t worry, don’t worry.”

"Yeah." Caroline also said, "Uncle Cohen, I don't think it looks like this."

Everyone didn't take it seriously, thinking that Caroline was embarrassed in front of so many people. Who knows that Caroline went on to say something that made her father look extremely ugly: "And, I already There is a boyfriend."

Kelly’s smile immediately stiffened on his face. Others were petrified on the spot. Then there was one in the room. They all looked at Kamble with a kind of gloating and mocking eyes. Obviously, they knew that if this was the case, The Iss family is really finished, and they don't have to go to the Iss family to have a good relationship.

Cohen Gambino’s face changed, and some gloomy said: “Carolyn, you can really make a joke.”

"Miss Caroline is not kidding, I am his boyfriend!" At this time, from outside, a young man holding a rectangular gift box and stepping in.

Caroline stood up in surprise and ran towards Xiao Bing. He smiled happily in his mouth: "Xiao Bing!" 8

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