Super Soldier

Chapter 834: Xiao Bing's gift

Xiao Bing was wearing a white casual suit with a temperament and sunshine. Caroline took his arm and walked toward the crowd like a pair of golden boys and girls.

This time, not only Cohen Gambino’s face was bad, but even his son Kerry Gambino’s face changed. Others looked like jokes, only those who were Some people with good relationship and close cooperation are worried about the Iss family.

This is simply a naked face, such a face, the Iss family is equivalent to the mafia swearing to the offense, it is better not to organize this birthday party, many people are waiting to see the ban How should Boole handle this time?

Campbell was a little flustered and said: "Mr. Cohen, this is because my daughter doesn't understand things. Children are more willful, and I will criticize him well."

Cohen Gambino shook his head and his tone was a bit serious: "Campble, I think you should know that the men of Gambino are not able to find women."

"Yes, I know, I know."

Cohen Gambino’s eyes flashed with suffocation and stood up straight. His son, Kerry Gambino, grabbed his sleeve and said: "Father, today is Caroline’s birthday. It is better to sit for a while."

Kerry looked at Campbell and smiled. "Uncle doesn't mind, my father doesn't mean anything else, just wants you to give us an account. After all, we have never heard of Caroline's sister already having a boyfriend. Of course, I don't mind playing fair with other men. The world is fair."

Xiao Bing’s eyes glanced and whispered: “I think I have already seen who is the Gambino family.”

The leaders of the Gambino family are all Italians, so it is natural to recognize them. Coupled with the emergence of Xiao Bing, the faces of the Gambino people are definitely the most ugly.

Xiao Bing and Caroline took their arms and walked to the table. They ignored the other people and looked directly at Campbell. They bowed and smiled. "Uncle Campbell, my name is Xiao Bing. You directly call me a soldier." Ok, from Huaxia."

"Well." Campbell's attitude is cold and the tone is not very good. "I know, but I didn't send you an invitation at this birthday party?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "It was Caroline who invited me."

"Then go there and find a place to sit down." Campbell pointed to the farthest table, where the seats were the lowest today, and farther away.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Uncle is not so polite, I just added a chair here, just sit down with Caroline."

Everyone is funny, even Caroline is holding back, but Cambran is already discouraged. Who is polite with you, I am not willing to take care of you at all, how is your face so thick? Well, I don’t know what to do.

Under the command of Caroline, the man moved a chair and placed it directly next to Caroline.

The other people squeezed a little, then Xiao Bing and Caroline sat down together.

Xiao Bing hung the gift on the chair and did not immediately take it out.

After sitting down, Xiao Bing did not go to Campbell, and bowed down to Caroline whispered: "Carolyn, you look so beautiful today, better than those big stars."

"Really?" Caroline whispered, the sweet smile.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Yeah, wait until today's birthday, I will take you out to play tomorrow."

"Okay." Caroline smiled happily. She was really happy. Although she is acting today, tomorrow just can find an excuse to ask Xiao Bing to go out.

When other people saw Caroline and Xiao Bing’s relatives, they even showed a look of optimism. Kanbul’s face was more ugly, and his heart was too angry. Caroline was still very good on weekdays. He is sensible, he did not expect that Caroline came to such a hand at such a critical time, this is simply not to put the family's future in mind, this time and the mafia completely tore the face, I am afraid that the Is family later The situation is not as good as it is now.

Kyrie Gambino looked at Xiaobing and Caroline, both of whom were talking and laughing. The heart was also burning in the fire, especially today that he is the face of everyone who likes Caroline, and Campbell I already had the promise of the promise, and the result came like this. It was almost the face of everyone who hit his face. The reason why he was beaten and stayed here is not to admit defeat, he wants to know What is the place that I lost to this person.

Campbell coughed and his tone was a bit heavy: "Xiao... Xiao Bing is it? You see where we are the most important people sitting, are you still sitting on the side?"

Carolyn said: "Dad, Xiao Bing is not the person I am close to."

Campbell’s face was ugly and his tone was severe. He said loudly: “Carolyn, you don’t want to be willful. What happened to you, looking for a Chinese person to be a boyfriend? I’ll tell you the truth now, this Xiao Bing, I don't care who you are, you don't deserve to be at home with Caroline. You and Caroline are not suitable."

Caroline airway: "Dad!"

Camble’s eyes sighed and said harshly: “Carolyn, don’t be self-willed, you are still young, don’t know that there are a lot of bad people outside, it’s a rhetoric that deceives your feelings, how much Kerry likes you, only Young people like Kerry who are so young, excellent and have a bright future are the best sustenance in your life."

Caroline’s eyes were red, and she stood up. Kaili saw this, but she persuaded: “Uncle Campbell, Caroline is still very young, very young, and it’s normal to see something. You have to give Caroline more time."

Cambrough said: "Look, look at Carrie's sensible. Mr. Cohen, Master Carey, I am sorry that this is my teaching woman!"

Campbell stood up and bowed to Cohen. Cohen snorted and didn't say anything. Campbell's heart jumped, knowing that it was Cohen's heart still very dissatisfied. It seems that it is not working to apologize, so his His face sank and looked at Xiao Bing, saying: "You can go now."

Kaili smiled and said: "Don't worry, Mr. Xiao Bing, I want to know if you are a Chinese-American, or are you a Chinese?"

Xiao Bing was as usual from beginning to end. He heard Kerry ask questions. He almost immediately guessed what Kaili wanted to ask. He smiled at Kaili's childishness and said: "I am from China in Huaxia."

"Oh, what do you do in China?"

Xiao Bingdao: "The small boss of the noodle restaurant."

When I heard Xiao Bing say this, all around me laughed.

A well-known boss in the New York City business circle smiled and said: "Children, you still go back to open your small noodle restaurant, this is not where you should come."

"Yeah, we still think that you are a big man in China. I didn't expect it to be just an open noodle restaurant. To be a self-knowledge, it is not worthy to be friends with Caroline."

Another big laughter said: "Little brother, hurry back and run your small noodle restaurant, let alone come to the Iss family, in the big city of New York, it is very difficult to buy something." Let's go."

Seeing that everyone is laughing at Xiao Bing, Caroline’s face is red, and the Gambino family is smiling. At this time, they also feel that Xiao Bing has no threat to them. How can such an identity be worthy? How can Carolyn compare to the children of the Gambino family?

Kaili is smiling with a smile: "Xiao Bing, in fact, everyone is not malicious to you, all for you, according to your identity is really not worthy of Caroline, Caroline grew up, You know what you need to eat, how much do you need? You even know that you sold your little noodle restaurant, you can't afford it."

Caroline invited Xiao Bing to be a shield. Of course, it was impossible to watch Xiao Bing ridiculed by these people, so she immediately retorted: "My own business, you do not need to manage."

Campbell's face changed and he yelled: "Carolyn!"

Caroline is also not to be outdone: "Dad, my own things, I can solve it myself!"

Cohen Gambino said in a serious tone: "Carolyn, in fact, your father is also good for you, presumably you know what is happening in your home..."

Caroline’s face changed and her heart hesitated. In any case, she was also a child of the Iss family. Her father worked hard for a lifetime. She couldn’t think about it at home, but she really didn’t. I hope to use my lifelong events to exchange for the peace of my family business.

Seeing Caroline hesitating, Carey smiled and said: "Carolyn, I don't want to use any additional conditions to be with you, I really like you, and if we are really together, you guys The thing of the Is family is what we have in the Gambino family."

Seeing things started to turn around again, everyone is waiting, everyone thinks that Caroline must compromise, unless she really cares about the family.

At this time, Xiao Bing suddenly said: "Is it so entangled, if I am with Caroline, the affairs of the Iss family will be my Xiaobing, and you will not care about the Gambino family. I will manage it!"

Everyone looks at Xiao Bing with the same look at the idiots. Do you know how many noodle restaurants can the assets of the Iss family? Hundreds and thousands are not limited, you are a small boss in a noodle restaurant, why do you manage it? I really don't know how tall and thick.

Kaili couldn't help but smile: "Xiao Bing, are you Chinese people so humorous? Can you manage the affairs of the Iss family? Where can you manage it? Funds? But you just open A noodle restaurant, can a noodle restaurant be worth a few dollars? Do you know the value of the gifts that Carolyn’s birthday today is? The gifts you give today are worth more than your noodle restaurant, or even the equivalent. Your noodle restaurant is twice as big or ten times as valuable. What do you take for it? Oh, yes, today you also bring gifts, that's right? Why don't you show it to everyone?"

"Yeah, take it out."

"Take it out for everyone to see!"

Who doesn't want to please the Gambino family? So at this time, all of them cooperated with Kaili Gambino to laugh at Xiao Bing together. In their view, Xiao Bing is bringing a lot of calligraphy and painting at most, and certainly not a famous calligraphy and painting. It is very likely that it is only a stall or It is a little stronger than spreading goods.

Xiao Bing actually didn't know what it was. When I heard everyone say this, I knew that everyone was waiting to see my joke, and immediately took the picture axis out of the package, then smiled and said: "Since Everyone wants to see it, then let's see it for everyone. Come and help me to open this up!"

Campbell made a gesture, and walked over two hot maids, picking up the axis, and the two raised the scrolls up, then unfolded the tied rope, and a painting immediately showed up. In front of everyone.

When the painting axis was unfolded, many people gave amazement. Even a lot of people stood up, and other people at the table were also surrounded, even if it was Kanbule’s stunned face!

Only Xiao Bing smiled in a faint smile.

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