Super Soldier

Chapter 835: I want to bury Xiao Bing alive.

Genius laps to remember, to provide you with wonderful little reading.

But seeing this painting is a naked woman lying sideways, yes, it is a naked naked woman.

The whole painting looks vivid and realistic, but it seems to have been out of the picture, but you don't think that the picture is very erotic, but it has a deep and deep sense of art, yes, deep artistic sense.

The most important thing is not how artistic the painting is, but the big names basically know the name of the painting. The name of this painting is called "Nude Girl on the Side", which is the most beautiful painting in the early 20th century. One of the recognized portraits, also the masterpiece of Modigliani, has an important position in the history of art.

Before they still looked down on Xiao Bing, satirizing Xiao Bing, and even thought that Xiao Bing’s gift was definitely a stall, but who could think that Xiao Bing actually came up with such a shocking work, if compared with this painting? The gifts that they bring to their own value are simply rubbish.

What is a local tyrant? This is a local tyrant. It is a world-class famous painting worth hundreds of millions of dollars!

All the people are sluggish, yes, they are all sluggish.

Then suddenly, Cohen slaps on the table and stands up. His move almost makes everyone wake up from sluggishness, and then looks at this fierce mafia giant!

Everyone is thinking, now there is something to say about the people of the Gambino family. This Xiao Bing is definitely not an ordinary noodle restaurant owner. It is no wonder that Caroline would rather offend the Gambino family and follow this kid. This is called Xiao. The man of the soldier is definitely a very, very, very powerful family in China.

However, everyone still feels that even if Xiao Bing’s family is very powerful in China, it will really help the Iss family, but certainly there is no greater help with the Mafia marriage. After all, China is too far away. The other's family is in a strong position, and the foundation is also in China. For things on the New York side, there are some aspects that are powerless.

In particular, everyone knows that a recent wealthy businessman who is not weaker than the Iss family is joining forces with the Mafia to press on the Iss family. This Doyle is here today, sitting at this table, before he I have been observing developments all the time. Since Xiao Bing appeared, he showed a smug look. Before he came, he heard that the Iss and the Mafia had to marry, and they felt that the sky was falling, because As long as the Iss family and Italy unite, it will definitely turn against him in the end, the Iss family will not let him go, but did not expect everything to become so fast.

If the Mafia is offended today, with the help of the Mafia, even if the Iss family really married to a large family in China, I am afraid that it is also far from the thirst, so it is unfortunate, so everyone still feels for the Iss family. The best result is to marry the Mafia.

Campbell is obviously very clear, but he is a shocked color at this time. When Cohen screamed at the table, he reacted and immediately said, "Mr. Xiao, our Iss family is very grateful to you for my daughter. Fancy, but I am really embarrassed. The only thing that our Iss family really wants is the young Master Carey. I am sorry."

Although Campbell still refused, but after he noticed that Xiao Bing’s identity in China was not unusual, his attitude was not as high as before, and his attitude became much more peaceful.

Cohen was cold and cold, and he said: "You might all think that he is a young master? You don't need to be so polite with him. According to me, he is either a liar or a thief."

Everyone listened one by one. Why did Cohen say this because it is because there is no evidence?

Xiao Bing couldn't help but smile. It was a joke. The Italian mafia godfather gave his famous paintings. Can it still be fake?

Seeing that Cohen said such a slap in the face, Caroline also worried that Xiao Bing was buying fakes. Xiao Bing was confident and said: "Is it true? You are looking for someone to inspect the goods."

Cambran snorted and turned back to tell a man. After about two minutes, an old man came over from the villa. Campbell said: "This is the master of our Iss family in art. When we distinguish between true and false, we all look at the old gentleman."

The people provided by the Is family are naturally assured. The old man looked around the calligraphy and painting. The more excited he was, the more his fingers were shaking. He touched the famous painting gently, his eyes were shining, and his tone was trembling. Road: "This is the real thing, it is definitely the true value of the city!"

After listening to other people, they all looked at Cohen, and Caroline was relieved.

Cohen sneered: "If it's a fake, then it's better to say it. If it is true, this thing is serious. The Chinese boy, let me talk about how you made this picture from Mr. Peng Gelei. Did the residence be stolen?"

After everyone heard it, the first thing was a sigh, and then one after another was shocked.

Peng Gelie!

That is the godfather of the Italian mafia!

That is even more terrible than the Gambino family!

You know, the leaders of the m-mafia of the m countries are actually Italians, so to put it bluntly, they are all branches of Italy. They are at most called the boss of Gambino or the boss. They really dare to call it the mafia. There is only one Godfather in this world, that is, the Mafia godfather Peng Gelie on the Italian side!

Compared with Pengu Lie, these so-called bosses are nothing. Peng Gelei wants to help them get on the top. It is easy to remove them from the Mafia.

There is only one person who truly grasps the power of the Mafia world and speaks one thing, that is, the mafia godfather Peng Gelie!

For the people present, they all have great achievements in their respective industries, but the two bosses of the Gambino family are enough to be on their own or even on their heads. As for Peng Gelie For them, it is simply a far too high and too high.

Now Cohen actually asked Xiao Bing how to steal this painting from the Penguile family. I don't know if it is true or false. If this is true, then this thing can be too much trouble. This China The little boy who came here didn’t say that he was eating swan meat, and he would never have been able to go out of New York.

Cohen waved his hand, and the two bodyguards behind him immediately stood behind Xiao Bing to prevent Xiao Bing from fleeing.

Caroline angrily said: "Uncle Cohen, what do you mean by this? This is our Iss family, can't you let your people say it is easy to do it?"

Cohen’s face was gloomy and cold and cold: “This is not something that your Iss family can manage. Let’s not say that it is in the Iss family today. No matter where it is, this person must take it away. Do you want to be Iss? Should the family be an enemy of our mafia? Is it an enemy of our mafia godfather?"

Campbell was so pale and shivering, and hurriedly said: "Don't dare, Cohen, don't care, my daughter is talking nonsense, she is too small, not sensible."

Cohen said coldly: "Whether it is not sensible, if you mix it into this matter, I am afraid that I can't keep your Iss family, and then wait for the genocide!"

Campbell was a little soft on the ground, hurriedly ran over and pulled Caroline away.

The deputy director of the police, Johnson, frowned. After all, he belonged to the official. Although the mafia was powerful, but Cohen was threatened with the genocide here, it was a bit of a disappointment.

Johnson looked down and asked, "Mr. Cohen, what do you mean by this?"

Cohen did not give the director a face at all, his face was gloomy: "Does Mr. Johnson still have a dilemma with our Mafia godfather?"

Johnson opened his mouth and heard that the other party had moved the mafia godfather out. He couldn't refute it. He had to calm his face and couldn't say a word. If he said that he could sit on the same level in front of the second person of the Gambino family. The legendary mafia godfather is really terrible, it is the existence that he can only look up to.

Someone next to him asked: "Mr. Cohen, we really don't understand. What is going on here? Is this painting supposed to be Mr. Peng Gelle?"

"Well." Cohen sat down again and explained, "This painting was taken last year when the son of Pongglai's godfather was photographed in Paris, as a gift to Mr. Peng Gelrie. I was fortunate enough to go there, so I saw this painting with my own eyes. This painting should now be hung in Mr. Peng Gelle’s mansion. How could it be in the hands of his Chinese? Although I don’t know him. How did you get it, but it must be stolen!"

At this time, everyone looked at Xiao Bing with a pitiful look. In my heart, this is that you don’t know how to live and die. I don’t think it’s a thief. It’s obviously a very powerful thing to steal something in the house of Penguil, but Now that people have been caught on the spot, think about the mafia's means, it is estimated that your death is light, and may be directly affected!

Looking at the worried, mocking, and pitiful eyes, Xiao Bing suddenly smiled and looked at Cohen. He smiled and asked: "If I said that Peng Gelie gave it to me, do you believe it or not?"

Cohen couldn't help but smile. He laughed and said: "Our so-called mafia godfather will send you something? And is it such a valuable painting? Do you know how much this painting is, $1.2 billion! Enough for an ordinary person. I have been giving it to you forever, who do you think I am?"

Cohen’s eyes sharply said: “Today you are dead, come, take him back and take it back, and live it directly! The Iss family... about marriage, you should think about it, if it’s not If you agree, hey, you even joined this person to steal Mr. Peng Gelley’s famous painting and think about the consequences!"

Campbell's face is pale as paper. According to Cohen, if his daughter is still so stubborn, will they sue the crime of stealing on their family? Although they are embarrassed, but after all, the attitude of the daughter and the other party is intimate, the other party intends to target, and they can't deny it if they want to deny it.

If this crime is really implemented, I am afraid that it is not as simple as the Iss family can develop, but whether their lives can be saved.

Cohen looked at his daughter with a pleading look.

Xiao Bing was dialing the phone and waited for a few seconds in the ear. He suddenly smiled at the phone and said, "Hey, Peng Gelie, you guys come over and grab me, you have to bury me alive!" Do you want to talk to them?"

All the people are forced, this Chinese, is talking to the Italian mafia godfather Peng Ge Lie? ? ?

Or is he being forced to play, acting? ?

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