Super Soldier

Chapter 840: Live to die

Xiaobai Huizi did not show any abnormality in front of Xiao Mingyue, but Xiao Mingyue could see that her eyes were all deeply worried. The power of the Yamaguchi group was too terrible. It was not what they could compete with. .

Xiaobai Huizi gave Xiao Mingyue a sleep, and quietly left the room. Xiao Mingyue also quietly followed, but saw Xiaobai Huizi enter the room of Sakurako, and there seemed to be several people in the room of Sakurako. Everyone is talking about things tonight, but when Xiaobai Huizi pushes the door in, they are all gone.

Xiao Mingyue quietly posted outside the door, and heard Xiaobai Huizi go in and said: "I decided, I will accompany him one night tomorrow."

"What?" br novels


"No, Miss Bai Huizi."

Xiaobai Huizi smiled bitterly: "Aside from this, is there any other way? When I was quiet in the room, I had already thought about it. The boss didn't dare to offend that person. The mountain is the leader of the Yamaguchi team. Son, even our bosses are not afraid to offend. It is estimated that they will not be the three of them when they come back tomorrow. In the mountains, there will definitely be many masters. Even Mr. Kudo Ichimu will not be an opponent. What else can I do? Besides, I can't even hurt you all. You all have a very good future, and they are very young. You can't put all of your life into it because of me alone!"

These people are silent.

Xiao Baihuizi sighed and said: "Maybe this is my life. Maybe I should have left this place long ago. It will not happen. This does not blame you, you have tried your best, but I can't be tired." Everyone, we all know the strength of the Yamaguchi group. If you offend the Yamaguchi group, don't say it is me, everyone can't live."

Xiao Bai Huizi’s voice is full of sorrow. She really has already thought about it. Even if she is recalcitrant, they can’t fight the Yamaguchi group. They are too small compared with the Yamaguchi group, and in the end, it’s not just She still has to give in, even those who offend the Yamaguchi group will not have any good end.

Xiao Mingyue quietly opened a window in the corridor and flew out silently.

Takayama Nakamoto is in the opposite side of a nightclub, and the nightclub is full of flowers. He is actually breathing under his body. In fact, he really has a lot of drinks today, so he is somewhat dysfunctional. If he is a normal person, he will never It will be like this in front of a beautiful woman. What is more important is that the behind-the-scenes boss of the Sakura Nightclub is the Yamaguchi group. It belongs to the top five people who can rank in the top five. Although he is the son of the Yamaguchi team leader, he usually comes. It is also unlikely that he will be offended to help him, which is not good for him in the future.

At this time, his wine has already woke up, and some of his heart regrets his recklessness today. The main thing he regrets is whether he will offend the big man this time. Later, he lost the support of the big man, but he changed his mind. I think that I am a little helper. Since I have already reached this stage, I can’t hesitate anyway, or where is my face? This time, since I have already said that I will give Xiaobai Huizi a sleep tomorrow, I have to sleep anyway. As for the big man, I think the other party can’t even hate this little helper because of a woman, even this one. Women are indeed famous social flowers throughout the country.

In the mountains, the more and more force, the sullen all vented to the woman under the body, after the venting almost, the two people are tired, the mountain began to lie on the woman's body to sleep.

After the pair of men and women all fell asleep, the window of the room suddenly broke into a shadow. The speed of the shadow was too fast and too fast, and almost flicked into the middle of the mountain. Feeling that there was something in his body, he felt a pain in his throat and slammed it. He was directly bitten off, and the blood was quickly sucked away along the throat. The blood inside his body began to expedite at an extremely fast speed. Passing by.

He wanted to yell, but he couldn’t speak at all. When he opened his eyes, he saw only a small brain with a scorpion. When the little head raised his head, he saw it clearly. It was only the face of a female doll that looked like two or three years old. This little girl was laughing at him, and his consciousness became more and more blurred and blurred.

The next day, dawn, this night is bound to have many people can not sleep, especially in the cherry blossom nightclub, the Sakura Nightclub people almost got up at this time, Mama Sang and Sakurako and other beauty in the store are I advised Xiaobai Huizi to let Xiaobai Huizi leave, but Xiaobai Huizi refused to go because she knew that as long as she left, these people could not live. She had already made plans to sacrifice herself.

Xiao Mingyue looked at me silently, but her heart knew that the man had no chance to find the trouble of Bai Huizi's aunt.

Seeing that it was almost noon, in the opposite room of the nightclub’s Hua Dan’s room, the famous Hua Dan suddenly gave a scream of screaming, and the screams alerted the entire nightclub. Many people ran over and pushed open the door. I saw that Hua Dan was curling up in the corner, wrapped tightly in the body with a quilt, and the mountain was lying naked on the bed, the bed was full of blood, his throat was bitten out of a big hole, and when he died The eyes are wide open, and the eyes are filled with the color of fear that I can't believe. It is very miserable.

The women in the two nightclubs that had rushed in had already ran to the side and vomited, and the mother of the nightclub was also creepy.

The two bodyguards brought by the mountain were shocked, angry and scared. Both of them changed their faces. One of them shouted: "Who killed my young master? Whose hand?"

Both of them looked at the beauty on the bed, and the beautiful woman shook her head again and again, and she looked scared and confused: "I don't know, I don't know, I don't know."

These two people only felt that there was a cold air from the soles of their feet. The two of them could basically see it. This woman is also an ordinary person with no hands and no force. It is impossible to do this, but it is impossible. Who can quietly enter this room, and more importantly, kill the young master in this strange way.

They have seen the murder, but they have not seen it.

The two people are cold in the hands and feet. In the impression, only the evil evil spirits in the legend will kill in this way, but that is also a story of spirituality.

However, in the country of r, spirituality has always been popular. Many people believe that the legends of the different spirits are dubious, so at this time their two faces become extremely ugly, and it is impossible to see that their young masters are dead. I believe that it is made by human beings. Is it really that the young masters of his own family have provoked the ghosts and gods?

The people in this nightclub are scared, and their eyes are sluggish. On the one hand, they are scared by death. On the other hand, they think that the identity of the deceased is not because they are offended. If they are angry, they will be angry with them. I am afraid that everyone at this nightclub can't live out.

They looked at the two men carefully, and the two bodyguards glanced at each other. One of the trembling asked: "What should I do?"

Another way: "Only can only call the group leader. The matter was told to the team leader. In addition, all the people are now out. The body of the young master is placed here first. No one is allowed to move, wait for the group. After a long phone call, I will study how to bring it back properly."

The whole nightclub was in a mess. The two men were shocked and called the head of the Yamaguchi group, Takayama, and they didn’t know how much courage they had to make this call. After all, the young master was in them. The protection of the dead, although the death of the young master is very strange, according to reason and they have little to do with, but after all, their dereliction of duty, this time they can not save their lives do not know.

After the call was made, there was an old voice coming over and asked: "I am the head of the alpine family. What are you doing when you call?"

This bodyguard has a humble attitude: "Mr. Manager, the young master has an accident."

"What? You wait, I will call the master to answer the phone."

Soon, a loud middle-aged man voice came over the phone and asked: "Let's say, what happened to my son?"

This person's tone has a calmness that cannot be said, giving a feeling that the sky will not change when it collapses. Anyone who has encountered something at this moment, as long as he hears this voice, it is like finding it. The main heart.

But the bodyguard knows that this is because the leader does not know how serious the matter is, so it will be so calm and steady, the bodyguard is swallowing: "Young master... The young master played in the nightclub last night and died the next morning. ""

"What?" Sure enough, there began to growl. "My son is dead. How is it possible, how can he die? What are you doing these bodyguards?"

Yamaguchi group leader Alpine Qingchuan, began to anger!

The bodyguard was full of uneasiness and would pass it through. When I heard that my son was happy at the nightclub, the next morning I found that my throat was bitten and died. Alpine Qingchuan was silent for a while, but the heavy breath from there. The sound can be heard, in fact, his current mood is not at all calm.

Finally, Alpine Qingchuan spoke up, and the tone said: "I will personally bring people in the past, no one should move my son's body, you both are there to wait for me!"

"Yes Yes."

The bodyguard hangs up the phone and looks at his companion. The two faces are ashamed. He trembles and asks: "Here... wait..."

"Run... Run away!"

When the person heard the words of his companion, he smiled and shook his head. "I have an old man. You have a wife and a child. Do you think that you and I are better off? Or is it better to let your family die?"

Finally, after hearing his words, the companion showed a despair!

At this moment, the plane that Xiao Bing was sitting on finally landed in Jingdong. After hearing about this incident last night, Xiao Bing did not go shopping with Caroline, but chose to fly back to the first time. Jingdong City, to help their own confidante to solve the problem.

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