Super Soldier

Chapter 841: The killing of the Yamaguchi group

At this time, the cherry blossom nightclub was still clouded, and everyone had no smile on their faces. All the people were worried about when they would come.

Today, Xiaohui Baihuizi has clearly told everyone that when the people from the Yamaguchi group come over, she will agree to the requirements of the mountain, and will not let everyone in the mountains who are in trouble here.

It’s already afternoon, and the mountain has not yet come, but it’s normal. Usually, the nightclubs come at night.

At the time of the cherry blossom nightclub, a sign of suspension of business was erected at this time. Suddenly someone ran in from the outside and said: "The opposite side... There are many people coming to the nightclub...all of them are Yamaguchi group!"

After listening to this, the men and women of the Sakura Nightclub gathered almost in the hall. Except for the small islands Bai Huizi, Sakurako and Xiao Mingyue, everyone gathered here.

After listening to the little sister of this nightclub, almost everyone changed his face.

Mama Sang stunned: "I didn't come here, all went to the opposite side?"

Someone said next to him: "It may be that the young master of the mountain gave the past. In the middle of the mountain, this night is not to say that you want to go to the opposite nightclub. Maybe you will call people in the past and come here to find trouble." ”

This is very reasonable. Everyone listens like an ant on a hot pot.

"Do you really want to hand over Miss Bai Huizi?"

"Yeah, but is there any other way besides this?"

Everyone thinks that they are very helpless. They are the sons of the leader of the Yamaguchi team. Even if the boss behind the nightclubs of this nightclub can't sin the big master, what can these little people do?

Not to mention the strength of the Yamaguchi group, who does not understand the whole country? Killing them will not pay for their lives, who can dare to resist?

No one spoke at all.

At this time, a familiar figure suddenly appeared at the door, and Xiao Bing came in from the outside.

Almost everyone in the nightclub knows that Xiao Bing is a friend of Xiaohui Baihuizi. Every time he comes over, he can get preferential treatment. He can go straight upstairs, and that Xiao Mingyue is sent by this person. Of course, everyone is very Curious Xiao Mingyue is surnamed Xiao, and this person is called Aoki Ichiro. They don’t know the real name of Xiao Bing. Although Xiao Bing has restored his true appearance, they all think that Xiao Bing is called Ichiro Aoki.

Mom sang a bitter smile and greeted the past, saying: "Qing Mujun, you are really not the time, but ... just in time you can bring back the moon, lest the nightclub will cause this accident, it will scare the child."

Xiao Bing smiled and dismissed it: "I came here this time, just to help you solve the problem. Miss Bai Huizi is upstairs. I will go up to see her now."

After that, Xiao Bing walked to the stairs, and everyone did not stop it, but they did not take Xiao Bing’s words seriously. Who do you think you are, even if you are more honorable, is it still stopping the people of the Yamaguchi group?

At this moment, in the room of Xiaohui Baihuizi, Xiaohui Baihuizi smiled and said to Xiao Mingyue: "Mingyue, I will take care of you by Sakurako Auntie this evening, okay? Aunt Baihuizi has tonight. If you have to do something, you can't sleep."

Xiao Mingyue glared at a pair of cute and big eyes and asked: "Auntie, are you going to accompany the bad uncle yesterday?"

Xiaohui Baihuizi saw Xiao Mingyue's intelligence. He could guess anything. His face couldn't help but change. He barely smiled: "Nothing, Auntie just wants to tell the uncle at night, tonight. Hey, the uncle is sleeping."

However, when I said this, the eyes of the island’s Bai Huizi were with death sorrow. Others may not see it. The cherry blossoms were clearly seen. She accompanied her in the small island Baihuizi for several years. It is too understanding of the small island Bai Huizi, her eyes can not help but red, grabbed the arm of the island Bai Huizi, said: "Miss Bai Huizi, really can't do it, we will run away."

Xiaohui Baihuizi shook his head and said: "My own affairs can only be handled by myself. In any case, I can't anger them. The people in the Yamaguchi group are not good at provoke. After this evening, they are satisfied. , Sakurako, before Mr. Aoki Ichiro came over, you have to take care of the moon for me, and you can't hurt her."

"I promise you, I promise you." Sakurako nodded, red eyes, choked. "But...but you..."

Xiaohui Baihuizi shook his head and sighed in a sigh of relief. "Maybe this is my life."

"This is not like you, as my confidante, don't you know how to win the day?" Xiao Bing's voice came in from the outside, and then saw Xiao Bing push the door and walked in from the outside.

Xiaohui Baihuizi was surprised: "Are you coming?"

"Well, I am coming." Xiao Bing smiled. "I came over to pick up the moon on the one hand, and on the other hand to solve the problem."

Xiao Bing has already been counted, even if it is dead in the mountains, but the crisis of the Sakura Nightclub may not completely disappear. Alpine Qingchuan is likely to be angered to the Sakura Nightclub after being furious, after all, the cherry blossom nightclub was really and last night. His son was in conflict, although the nightclub certainly did not have the ability to kill his son, but for this suspected person, he could not let go.

Sure enough, not much longer, the floor shouted loudly: "The dead, the dead, the nightclub opposite the servant seems to be murderous, screams everywhere, are those who are killed by the Yamaguchi group!"

The face of Baihuizi of Xiaodao changed, and the face of Sakurako changed. The island’s Baihuizi could not believe it: “Why are they going to find the trouble of the nightclub opposite? Shouldn’t they find it here? ”

Sakurako is also a doubt.

Where did they know that the son of the Yamaguchi team leader died in the nightclub, and now the murderer could not find it. The nightclub was naturally a scapegoat. The leader of the Yamaguchi team was going to kill, since that nightclub The people will be killed unless the leader of the Yamaguchi team does not know what happened here last night. As long as they know it, they will not spare the cherry blossom nightclub.

The fact is also true. Alpine Qingchuan is a hero, and it is reasonable to say that it will always be calm in the ordinary days, but at this time, it is also a bit lost, and the person at the nightclub is killed, and then asked. After the incident at the Sakura Nightclub last night, the two bodyguards were also killed, and then dozens of people rushed into the cherry blossom nightclub.

Everyone in the Sakura Nightclub has dispersed all the way, standing far away, full of horror watching the group of murderous black men who rushed in.

A man in a strong middle-aged black man surrounded by people, his eyes were dressed in a black trench coat, a white towel around his neck, white gloves in both hands, and blood stains on his gloves. It seems that he has just killed someone himself.

When he came in, he immediately shouted: "What about the woman? Don't let him give it to me?"

Mama Sang was so scared and said: "This... this gentleman, you are dissipating, who are you talking about?"

Standing next to a leather man, pointing to the mother Mulberry, said: "Gossip road, even our Mr. Takayama do not know? Alpine Qingchuan, Yamaguchi team leader!"

Mama Sang was so scared that her body swayed and almost fell to the ground.

Alpine Qingchuan is like an angry lion, screaming loudly: "Who knows how my son died last night?"

Everyone is in the same breath, the young master of the mountain is dead? No one knows here.

Alpine Qingchuan suddenly took a gun from his arms and fired two shots in the crowd. A geisha fell to the ground with blood, and a bodyguard fell to the ground with blood. Alpine Qingchuan roared. "Who knows how my son died?"

Mama Sang hurriedly waved her hand and scared her legs and said: "We don't know, we really don't know."

Hey, three consecutive shots, this mother San also fell to the ground.

At this moment, three people have died in the entire cherry blossom nightclub, just in the blink of an eye.

Alpine Qingchuan nodded and said: "Well, well, you don't know, gossip, good, very good, everyone listens, kills all of them, one does not stay!"

At this moment, the floor uploaded a woman’s voice: "Wait a minute, you really want to kill me!"

But I saw a woman who was in the country and stood on the stairs on the second floor. It was not someone else. It was Xiaohui Baihuizi.

Xiaohui Baihuizi stepped down from the steps step by step, step by step, her steps were very firm, Sakura was chased from behind, squatting on the arm of the island Baihuizi, said: "Miss Baihuizi, you Can't go on, they are crazy, they will kill you."

Xiaohui Baihuizi broke away and continued to go on.

Everyone's eyes were attracted to the past by the island, and most of the mafia's eyes were full of surprises, apparently shocked by the appearance of the island's Bai Huizi.

The first geisha of r country, the name is well-deserved!

Alpine Qingchuan is a majestic, although it is also amazed by this woman, but when she thinks about the death of her son, he immediately becomes like a mad tiger. He said loudly: "Small island Baihuizi, yesterday my son’s death and you have It doesn't matter?"

Xiaohui Baihuizi shook his head and said: "No matter whether it has anything to do with me, it certainly has nothing to do with them."

Alpine Qingchuan has some crazy words: "I want to punish the murderer."

Xiaohui Baihuizi sighed: "In fact, your son is dead, we don't know at all, even if you say so, you may also start killing, your murderous heart can't stop. You know in your heart that these things can't be done by us. We won't be so stupid. No one here dares to start with the son of the famous Yamaguchi team leader, but you still have to kill because you want to vent your heart. Angry, you want to kill all the people who have a relationship with your son these two days."

"Okay, good!" Takayama Qingchuan laughed happily. "Small island Baihuizi is really the first geisha, really smart. Yes, I want to kill, now the Xizi night shop opposite your cherry blossom nightclub has been bloody, one There are no living people left, and then it’s your turn to the cherry blossom nightclub."

Xiaohui Baihuizi sighed: "You know that we will not be murderers, but you still have to kill. Can this resolve the hatred in your heart? If it is not killing, my island Baihuizi will stand here. They are all innocent, you should be treated as my own island Bai Huizi, kill me directly, let them live a path, okay?"

"You want to kill...but I will kill later." Gao Qingchuan's eyes are hot. "I will take you away first. As for other people, I will die now!"

There is pain in the eyes of Xiaohui Baihuizi. There is self-blame and incomparable self-blame. If I promised the request of the young master last night, maybe I will not have these things. Now I have been exhausted so many people. I am tired of these good sisters on weekdays, Mama Sang, the security guards who have been protecting themselves, and Xiao Bing and Xiao Mingyue.

There are tears in the eyes of Xiaohui Baihuizi. The pain in my heart is even more uncomfortable than death. Alpine Qingchuan laughed happily: "I saw it, then these people will die because of you, all of them."

The pistols of Qingchuan in the mountains have been shot and directed at all the people. There are no innate masters here. The most powerful Kudo-Wood is just a period of hard work. It is impossible to face so many bullets. These people are not dead. .

Upstairs, there was a careless voice that passed down: "I can guarantee that if more people die here, not only will you die, but all the people you bring today will die together."

Xiao Bing’s arms were holding Xiao Mingyue, and he walked slowly from above. 8

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