Super Soldier

Chapter 842: Just sweep your eyes

"Who are you?" Gao Qingchuan looked at Xiao Bing and asked coldly.

A close-knit master next to Qingshan Qingchuan said: "The leader, I suspect he is a madman, if not a madman, how dare you talk to you."

Takayama Qingchuan’s eyes are cold: “I also suspect that he is a madman!”

Xiao Bing can see it. The person who speaks next to Qingshan Qingchuan is a master of Dan Jin. Among these black people, there are actually four Dan Jin masters. It can be seen that the foundation of the Yamaguchi group is truly extraordinary.

However, they simply do not know what kind of existence Xiao Bing is. According to the strength of Xiao Bing, if they are not allowed to see it, they will not be able to see through the existence of Xiao Bing, even when Xiao Bing intends to hide his strength. They also think that Xiao Bing is just an ordinary person.

In particular, Xiao Bing’s arms still hold a two- or three-year-old doll. Isn’t this a madman?

Xiaohui Baihuizi is also anxious: "This thing has nothing to do with them. They are not even people in our nightclubs, Xiao Brother, you will go with the moon!"

On weekdays, Xiaohui Baihuizi has been calling him Aoki Ichiro to hide his identity. At this time, he called Xiao Brother, but everyone is now living and dying, so no one noticed the island. Bai Huizi's name for Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing smiled slightly: "I said, I am here to help you solve the problem."

Xiaohui Baihuizi rushed straight and said: "I know you are powerful, but they are different. They are the Yamaguchi group, the biggest gang in our country!"

“Yamaguchi group?” Xiao Bing smiled and smiled. “Even if Yakuza’s boss is in front of me, I dare not talk to me like this. Yamaguchi and Yakuza, who is bigger?”

The master beside Qingshan Qingchuan sneered: "Of course, Yakuza is bigger. The Yamaguchi group is just a branch of Yakuza. The whole Yakuza has more than 100,000 people and can even control the political circles of the whole country, even if It is the Prime Minister of the country who is also respectful in front of the father of Yakuza. Even the position of the Italian godfather in Italy is incomparable with the status of our father Yakuza in our country. Even in Europe and America, there are ya. The existence of the power of Kuza, you actually said that the goddess Yakuza did not dare to speak like this in front of you, what are you not crazy?"

Xiao Bing faintly said: "nonsense!"

After that, Xiao Bing casually waved his hand. This person felt an incomparable force directly hitting his chest. He seemed to be able to see his own internal organs with his own eyes. A picture was formed in front of him, and the internal organs suddenly appeared. There were several gaps and then cracked instantly.

The man screamed at his chest and screamed, and fell directly to the ground. He died of bloodshed.

All the people are stunned. Although this person who died is not the top of the Yamaguchi group, it is also a top player who can rank in the top ten. Even when Xiao Bing waved, he died directly. The same as magic?

Oh, no, sure not to be magic?

At this time, even the alpine Qingchuan was aware that Xiao Bing was different. He began to retreat slightly, his eyes recovered a little calm, but he still looked at Xiao Bing very strongly and asked: "Who are you?"

"Well?" Xiao Bing’s eyes shot a fascinating light. Alpine Qingchuan was like falling into hell. Everything seemed to change in front of his eyes. All the feet were ghosts that had been killed by him. At this moment, he was At the foot of the foot, only the hand of the skeleton is left, and he is caught in a madness, and there is a resentful shout in his mouth to take away his life.

Even if the psychological quality of the alpine Qingchuan is good, at this moment, the face of the horror is unmanned, and the two feet are constantly lifted up, avoiding the hands of countless ghosts below and grabbing themselves. Some crazy screams in the mouth: "Don't Wrap me around, don't pester me, don't pester me..."

At this time, the high mountain Qingchuan is also making this action, giving the same scream, but his surroundings are not hell, there is no man under his feet, all the people look at the creeps, only feel the hair upright, like I saw the spirit of the general.

The people in the Yamaguchi group brought by the alpine Qingchuan also felt that the back of the ridge was cold. Only those masters who also reached the strength of the Dan Jin period knew that Xiao Bing was guilty, but Xiao Bing only swept their boss, they were the boss. It has become a state of madness. This is too exaggerated. It is too bizarre. It is simply unbelievable that this person’s strength has reached a realm. They only feel a little shuddering.

Xiao Bing smiled at them with a smile, then faintly said: "We have a saying in China that life is not doing things wrong, not afraid of ghosts knocking at the door in the middle of the night, your boss must have dreamed that countless devils are arresting him. I am in a dream."

The three great masters of Dan Jin felt cold and swallowed their backs. They all knew that they met the seniors from China. Xiao Bing was younger than them, but martial arts has always been a master.

These people took a look at each other. One of them took the courage and said: "The predecessors just swept away and can make our team leader fall into a dream. This method is really incredible. I am afraid that the strength of the predecessors has at least reached 罡The period is up, and it is a hypnosis master, but even if it is a super master of the sturdy period, it is impossible to compete with our entire Yamaguchi group. I can be the master. If the seniors let us recover, we can let the seniors leave. Today's things are not difficult for the predecessors."

Xiao Bing couldn’t help but smile: "It’s very interesting. If you let the people in the dark world hear it, you just have to laugh at the big teeth. The dragon prince will be threatened by a cockroach like you."

"Dragon..." The man opened his eyes in horror, but unfortunately he understood that it was too late. Xiao Bing waved again, and a force penetrated into his mind and swam in his head. It destroyed all his brain nerves. When he died, there was no pain. The direct brain nerves were completely killed and crashed on the ground.

There was silence in the whole hall. Whether it was the people in the Yamaguchi group or the people in the cherry blossom nightclub, all of them were incredibly watching this scene. In their eyes, two people are now dead, crazy, and crazy. That was the leader of the Yamaguchi group, but from the beginning to the end, Xiao Bing did not really touch any one person's finger. He waved his sleeve and died, and his eyes swept away. The Yamaguchi group leader was crazy and listened to him. It means falling into a dream. He waved his hand and died.

This person, like magic, is simply a fairy in the legend. Otherwise, how could this be done?

Frightened, awe, nervous, admired, unbelievable, creepy... all kinds of emotions appear in everyone's heart.

Xiaohui Baihuizi was also stunned and looked at Xiao Bing. Suddenly he thought of the first time he saw Xiao Bing. That time Xiao Bing was not like this. His face was disguised and pretended to be a warrior called Ichiro Aoki. At that time, he defeated Kudo, and left in the stunned by everyone. At that time, Xiaohui Baihuizi just thought that he was like a proud cock.

But now she knows that this person is simply a dragon, a high above, no one can control, only the dragon that can look up.

It’s no wonder that when he heard that he had to compete with everyone to become a guest in the curtain, he would leave soon. That kind of thing might be a beautiful thing for others, and it was really a kind for him. Shame, like a man like him in heaven, how can he compete with a man to break a head to compete for a woman?

Xiaohui Baihuizi took a deep breath and suddenly realized that he could have such a confidant, perhaps the biggest lucky thing in his life.

The legs of the two remaining Dan Jin masters began to soften. One of them trembled: "You... are you a dragon son? A dragon in the dark world?"

For them, the dragon son is a heavenly character, a existence that they can only look up to in their lifetime.

Xiao Bing smiled faintly: "Is there a second dragon son in the world?"

No wonder, it is no wonder that he can not even look at the Yamaguchi group. It should be known that although the Yamaguchi group is a branch of Yakuza, it is a real behemoth, even if the Prime Minister does not ignore its existence, but Xiao Bing’s tone is that he did not put the Yamaguchi group in his eyes.

It turned out to be the case, he turned out to be the legendary dark world's first giant, Longmen Longgong!

However, as a result, these people began to retreat, and I am afraid that the entire Yamaguchi group will not be the opponent of the Dragon Gate, but their leader is still in a dream.

One of the Danjin masters gave another eye to the other person. The two men immediately bowed respectfully and said: "Since the dragon son is here, our Yamaguchi group will not bother to interrupt, and never again. Dare to provoke the trouble of the Sakura Nightclub, we will leave."

The people at the Sakura Nightclub are just like dreams. I didn’t expect these people to be sent out by Xiao Bing so easily, and they also promised that they will not bother to interrupt the Sakura Nightclub. Some people in the nightclub have already started to cry and there are still some people who are just The dead man is crying.

The two Dan Jin masters, one left and one right, helped the alpine Qingchuan to leave. Xiao Bing suddenly smiled and said: "You think that after returning to the Yamaguchi headquarters, you can call other top players in the Yamaguchi group, then Together, it is a dream for the mountains and rivers, right? You Yamaguchi group can stand on the country for so many years, and there must be some tyrannical existence, at least there will be strong people. But I tell you that this world is apart from Outside of me, only one person may have solved this illusion. That person is definitely not in your Yamaguchi group, or even you can ask for it. How do you feel?"

The two Dan Jin masters saw Xiao Bing see through their psychology. After hearing Xiao Bing's words, they both looked pale and shivered: "This... what should I do..."

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