Super Soldier

Chapter 854: Devil training

In the evening, there was a bonfire party in the camp, a variety of food and beer, all of them were **** Fangzi, the amount of wine was very good, because it was the first night, Xiao Bing did not limit them, these people stepped on each one. Drinking beer in a box and waiting for the last drink to get drunk. Fan Δw..

The next morning, they were still sleeping in the bed. Xiao Bing went straight to pick them up one by one. They got up and washed their faces, then ran to the playground and stood in the team. Xiao Bing’s face was serious. : "As for you, you are listless and want to get the first one?"

These people are in a hurry and spirited.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "This is decent, remember, last night was an exception. I have to sleep at ten o'clock at the latest every day. I wash my face at four o'clock in the morning, gather here at half past four, and train to eat at six o'clock. Breakfast. Continue training from 7:00 to 11:00, lunch break from 11:00 to 12:00, training at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, do you remember clearly?"

"Keep it clear!"

"That's good, now I am going to run in the morning, and Ming Minghui is out."

Captain Yan Minghui stood up and Xiao Bing said: "You led the team and ran 50 rounds around the playground. Remember, you are not allowed to rest in the middle!"


Fifty laps is equivalent to 50,000 meters. It may be a bit more for ordinary soldiers, but it is nothing for these special fighters. Xiao Bing started to rest next to him, lit a cigarette, and swallowed up.

These people have already ran far away, and some people in the team whispered: "You said, can the general instructor really let us progress so fast in two months? I think this training is a little bit more training. There is nothing special about it."

Xie Tiansheng said next to him: "Since the general instructor is willing to train us, then there is no doubt about the instructor. With the ability of the chief instructor, there is no problem."

Xie Tiansheng was a person who was particularly proud of his temper. He was not convinced, even if he was in the ranks, he kept respect for the captain Yan Minghui, but he did not reach the degree of awe of Xiao Bing. He is now in awe of Xiao Bing. It is like a god.

Captain Yan Minghui also said: "Yes, you should not say more. In the next two months, the chief instructor will tell you how to do it. The general instructor can do this. It is our blessing to come."

"Yeah." Someone said, "As long as I can learn the tenth of the chief instructor, I am not afraid of any special forces competition."

At this time, Xiao Bing shouted in the distance: "I am running seriously, what are you talking about?"

They were scared of a cleverness. At this time, they had already ran a few hundred meters. Xiao Bing could still see that they were chatting. No one dared to speak out. One by one, they closed their mouths tightly and began to earnestly. Run.

About an hour, ran 50 laps, these people can still afford it, no one is left behind, but when they stand back again, they all start to pant, only three people are the best. In addition to a little bit heavy, there is not much change, one is captain Yan Minghui, one is Xie Tiansheng, and one is black bear.

After Xiao Bing’s eyes swept in a circle, he said: “There are still half an hour from the meal time. Now everyone is starting to do two hundred push-ups. The finished person can go to eat immediately. If it’s not finished in half an hour, then don’t use it. time to eat."

After these people heard it, their faces changed. They just ran so far away, and they immediately started to do push-ups. No one could afford to change them. But the three best physical strengths were not taken seriously, and they immediately began to prepare. When he started, Xiao Bing said to the three of them: "You three have to do twice and do four hundred."

Everyone else laughed, and then they all began to be willing to do push-ups. After all, people have to do more than they do, even if they are working hard, think about it and feel good and balanced.

However, these people will soon be unable to laugh, even if they are special warriors, but just finished tens of thousands of meters, and then have to do so many push-ups, just half way, most people feel fast Now, when all of them have been done, the last thing is that it’s like a mess, it’s sore, one by one, sitting on the ground, snoring

Gasping hard.

Xiao Bing smiled and continued to look at the three people of Yan Minghui. The three of them had finished four hundred push-ups, but they were too tired, but they seemed to be a little stronger than others.

Xiao Bing said loudly: "Well, now I go to the cafeteria to eat. I have already ordered the cafeteria. I have to open the meal at six o'clock. I have to finish the meal at 6:15. I can go."

Everyone took a look at the time. It’s already six o’clock. It’s still so painful. I went back to the dormitory to take the tableware, and then went to the canteen to cook. Even the captain was no exception. Xiao Bing is really too embarrassed. They took out the time for cooking, and only five minutes is enough to eat. Of course, this is for the men in these army.

It is enough, but there is no time to rest.

Xiao Bing also had breakfast in the cafeteria. After seeing that all of them were all together, Xiao Bing said loudly: "After eating, everyone can go to rest on their own, but remember that at seven o'clock, they must be on time in the playground. On the collection, as long as there is a late arrival, the entire team must be punished!"

Everyone promised very happy, but at the end of the real collection, there was still someone who was late. It was the guy who was the fattest and the most sleepable in the whole team. When Xiao Bing counted the number of people, there was one less. Everyone saw it and looked. It became a bit ugly, and the black bear said: "The fat boy can fall asleep immediately when he is lying down. It must be forgotten the time, still not awake, I

Call him up. ”

Xiao Bing sighed, it looked very easygoing, and it was very understanding. He smiled and said: "Get out of bed so early, and just after fatigue, you can understand it by sleeping for a while. Go and call someone."

When I heard Xiao Bing say this, everyone was relieved. They were really afraid of being hurt by the fat boy. Even if they were tired, they would have to be punished together. But now it seems that Xiao Bing still has a lot of room for relaxation.

When the fat man was called out from the dormitory, he saw the fat man running over with sweat and standing in the team with the team member who had just called him.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Okay, now I can say that I am punished. Today, lunch at noon is cancelled."

Everyone is jealous, and they are about to blow up. Someone said, "The chief instructor, have you just said that you can understand it?"

"Yeah, are you not saying that you can understand?"

Xiao Bing looked serious: "Understanding is understanding, rules are rules, soldiers are in battle, even if they are afraid of life and death, it is understandable, but can soldiers fear life and death?"

Everyone was still a bit angry, but when they heard Xiao Bing say this, they all quieted down and thought about it carefully. Xiao Bing’s words really did make sense. The soldiers were obeying orders and they were doing the wrong thing. It should be punished, even if it is reasonable to understand, but the military regulations cannot be changed.

Seeing everyone quiet, Xiao Bing showed a satisfactory color in his eyes, although it was a bit cruel to say that this is not a big iron man, and they will continue to train in the afternoon, even for one. People who work hard and do not eat can not stand it, but this is the rule. Since the rules have been fixed, they must be observed. Moreover, Xiao Bing is intentionally so that they can challenge various body limits.

For Xiao Bing, now is to challenge their various limits, so that they can not afford the whole person, and in the end will not cause any destructive damage to the body, usually even in the special forces Such brutal training, but Xiao Bing did not constrain them with the standard of ordinary special forces. Xiao Bing followed the standard of the dragon tooth, of course, it was slightly lower than the dragon tooth, but it was cruel to them. .

One morning, Xiao Bing allowed them to keep training, running, sit-ups, push-ups, horizontal bars and parallel bars. In fact, these trainings are no different from their usual training programs, but the task is much larger. Many, basically no time to rest, until the noon, these people are basically cumbersome, when Xiao Bing said that they can start a lunch break, but when they can't eat, they simply lie on the playground, too lazy to move. Recover your strength directly on the playground.

Xiao Bing did not let them eat, did not mean that they did not eat, Xiao Bing was walking to the cafeteria, and Yan Minghui suddenly chased him up and asked: "The chief instructor, today, the training volume is so big, I still don't eat at noon, I can still move in the afternoon. Is it?"

Xiao Bing looked at Yan Minghui and asked, "Why, you can't do it?"

"No, I still insist on living, but none of them have reached the innate realm. I am afraid they can't stand it."

Xiao Bing answered the question: "Do you know what is a soldier? The military is to endure all kinds of difficulties. It must be able to withstand all perseverance. Do you know what special military personnel are? Special military personnel are more persevering than military personnel."

When Yan Minghui heard Xiao Bing say this, he knew that Xiao Bing could not change his mind, so he stopped and said: "I understand."

Seeing Xiao Bing’s departure, Yan Minghui’s eyes showed a bit of worry, and I was afraid that these players would be ruined by such a heavy load. Is such a crazy amount of exercise really useful for them to improve their strength?

Yan Minghui also returned to the crowd and lay on the playground. What Yu Minghui expected was that for such cruel training, the people present were complaining, and even many people have been screaming, but there is no one. People have complained to Xiao Bing at all. It seems that they were provoked by Xiao Bing yesterday. No matter what Xiao Bing asked them to do, they will do it. How much can bear it, just two months later. To succeed.

The noon break quickly passed. In the afternoon, Xiao Bing continued to train them brutally. The amount of training did not even weaken at all, but it was cruel to them. After all, they didn’t eat at noon. They were almost exhausted in the afternoon. Insist on crazy training, some people can't lift their hands and feet at the end, but in the sarcasm of Xiao Bing, the hard-working continues to complete the action. When the afternoon reaches five o'clock, these people feel one by one. The muscles are about to tear, there has never been pain, and Xiao Bing finally allowed them to go to the cafeteria to eat at this time, and they can go back to the dormitory to rest at night.

These people had a full meal of dinner, and then they all went back to the dormitory and lie down. They lived in a dormitory. On average, more than a dozen people lived in one room.

In this room where Xie Tiansheng lived, everyone couldn’t move in bed, and it hurts a lot. Some people are angry and say: "There is no effect, but we are all instructors. Devil instructor."

"Yeah, I can't feel a few days, I will be exhausted."

Most people feel this way.

They were chatting, and suddenly the door was pushed open. Xiao Bing walked in from the outside and smiled. "What are you talking about? Look at your appearance is not satisfied."

These people were shocked and hurriedly closed their mouths. Who would dare to say this in front of Xiao Bing?

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Well, you are all getting out of bed, standing in two rows in the room, gathering."

They were crying and sorrowful, and they climbed up from the bed and then stood in two rows.

Then Xiao Bing took out one of the twenty-seven-year-old special forces and pointed to the bed and said, "You, naked, and then squatted on the bed."

"Ah?" The face of this kid's face is red.

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