Super Soldier

Chapter 855: Progressive speed

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Your boy is still embarrassed, what do you think in your head? I don't like the orientation of male color, even if there is, there is no interest in so many people watching."

Everyone laughed, and they all laughed at the team members. They said, "Let you kneel down and kneel down. It’s like a big niece."

"Yeah, are you still afraid that your brother will break your chrysanthemum?"

The people inside the army are generally more casual, not afraid of embarrassment, this team member also squatted in bed.

Xiao Bing said: "You all look carefully, seriously and learn from me."

Said, Xiao Bing sat on the edge of the bed and began to massage on the back of this team member. Xiao Bing’s massage technique is dedicated to the inside of the dragon tooth. It is especially good for loose tendons and blood circulation. Generally, they only need to massage for half an hour. It will feel that fatigue has dissipated more than half, and some of the damage suffered by the body can be resolved.

Xiao Bing trains them so cruelly today, on the one hand, they train their will, on the other hand, they increase their physical limits a little bit, although Xiao Bing has a lot of fighting skills to give them, but if the body can't, then What can be used for more skills?

Today's training is completed, and they have all withstood the test of cruelty, but if it is for several days in a row, their bodies must be smashed. Xiao Bing is to let them break through the limits of the body, not to smash them. So this massage is essential.

After Xiao Bing pressed a few times, he asked the team member how the team members were excited. "It feels so comfortable, it seems that the body is not so painful."

"Right, so all of you have learned. From now on, every night, every two of you will massage each other, loosen the blood and remove fatigue."

Everyone looked at it, and the heart was really convinced of Xiao Bing. If it was said that today’s training during the day plus the punch of yesterday, Xiao Bing made them feel awed, but now Xiao Bing is making them really admire. From now on, each of Xiao Bing’s orders will be 100% complete.

After giving this person a press, the man came down from the bed and looked surprised. They didn’t have to massage each other before, but they didn’t have this effect. Now he only feels that he can go out and lap, Xiao The soldiers smiled and let them press each other in the room. Then Xiao Bing went to other dormitory and went to other people.

After all of them were returned, at 9 o'clock in the evening, Xiao Bing returned to his single dormitory and began to scream.

In the next few days, Xiao Bing continued to train them madly. These people may not feel anything about themselves, but Xiao Bing knows that they have changed dramatically.

For example, let them run fifty laps in the playground in the morning. Although they can run, they are inevitably panting after running back, but now they will have the feeling of panting unless they run forty laps.

Until a week later, Xiao Bingling first let everyone continue the morning run. After eating breakfast, they gathered everyone again. One of the players raised their hands. Xiao Bing said: "Zheng Ze, derailed."

Xiao Bing can now call everyone here. Zheng Ze walked out of the team. Xiao Bing asked: "Do you have anything to say?"

Zheng Zedao: "Reporting the instructor, I want to ask, when can we start to learn the real ability, instead of just training the running exercise every day."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You want to learn fighting skills?"


Xiao Bing looked at other people and asked: "Are you the same?"

These people shouted together: "Yes!"

They train hard every day, but in addition to the increasing amount of tasks, the rest and Xiao Bing are not much different before. I feel that there is no way to improve the performance after two months of training, so there are some ones. Anxious.

Xiao Bing asked: "Do you still think that these daily trainings are actually useless? Are you doing the same thing as before?

No one spoke, but obviously it was all thought in the heart.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Well, Xie Tiansheng, you go to my office and take a booklet and put it next to my pillow."

Xie Tiansheng respected a military ceremony, loudly: "Yes, the head!"

Xie Tiansheng immediately ran to the dormitory building, and after two minutes, he ran back, holding a notebook in his hand and handed it to Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bingdao: "You will go back first."

After he stood back, Xiao Bing opened the book and said: "Zheng Ze, I trained you for the first time. After you ran ten laps, you began to accelerate your heartbeat. After twenty laps, you had a heavy breath. You must open your mouth at 30 laps. After the 50th lap, I started to hold my knees and gasped. According to your physical condition, your limit should be about 70 laps."

When I saw Xiao Bing’s record of Zheng Ze’s performance on the first day, all the people were dumbfounded.

Xiao Bing continued: "Your morning performance was as follows. Yesterday morning, when you ran to 20 laps, your heartbeat began to accelerate. After 50 laps, you began to breathe. After 80 laps, you began to gasp. Your limit should be one hundred laps. about."

Zheng Zeyan's eyes widened, and apparently did not expect him to achieve such exaggerated progress in just a few days.

Xiao Bing also said that other people have data. Almost everyone has made remarkable progress. They all have their eyes wide open, and their faces are incredible. On the one hand, they did not expect that they have achieved such exaggerated progress. The aspect is that they have never seen Xiao Bing with a pen and remembered it. Is it that Xiao Bing wrote down in his notebook after going back every night? They did not expect Xiao Bing to be so kind to them, and even more surprised at the observation and memory of Xiao Bing's metamorphosis.

Xiao Bing looked at them and asked: "Now do you still think these trainings are useless?"

They didn't talk, and everyone looked at Xiao Bing with admirable eyes.

Xiao Bing said with a serious tone: "On the battlefield, as long as your physical strength and endurance exceed others' standards, it is the difference between the other days. It is very likely that the whole battle will be won. Now you still look down on these. Are you practicing hard?"

In addition to admiration, everyone admires, Yan Minghui can't imagine, they used to be the same training program, but after Xiao Bing's hand, the effect turned out to be so different, it is too unimaginable, is it they Was the previous training volume too small? He thought about it for a moment, the amount of training is only one aspect. On the other hand, everyone's spirit is not enough. The lack of spirit will lead people to reach their physical limits when they are training, and they have not been so effective before. The massage technique, otherwise according to the amount of training, even if they are special forces, they will be lost in two or three days, thanks to the massage technique that Xiao Bing taught them.

This time everyone is completely convinced of Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bingdao: "Any kind of fighting technique is indispensable for physical fitness. But starting today, in addition to running every morning, it is not necessary to train as usual during the day."

Everyone was relieved. Xiao Bing pointed to the distance and said, "Have you seen it? There are all the sandbags tied here. I asked the people at the base to prepare for the night. From today, you started to hit the sandbags every hour. You must play a hundred punches. If you haven’t been to an hour after a hundred punches, you can rest for extra time. Continue one hundred hours after one hour. Four hours in the morning and four hours in the afternoon, that is, you must play eight hundred every day. fist."

These people all sighed and it was easy to listen to the tone.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "But I have a request. Every punch must make the sandbag shake, even if it is a little move, as long as the sandbag is not touched, then this punch can not be counted."

Everyone has no objection. It seems very simple to them. But after they actually practiced, they found that it was not so simple. Their first hundred punches were very simple, but they were completed in half an hour. Then start sitting or lying down to rest, until the second hour, a hundred punches force for forty or fifty minutes, only ten minutes of rest time, the third hour, basically close to one It took only an hour to complete, only four or five minutes of rest, and the fourth hour was even worse. Almost every time I punched a fist, I felt that the fist was heavy and I was struggling. As a result, the lunch time at noon was not finished. Once Xiao Bing was able to get through once, allowed to wait until they had finished a hundred punches before going to lunch.

However, in the afternoon, although they had a lunch break, they were still very difficult to complete. Throughout the afternoon, all the players were in a hurry, and the time for dinner was naturally delayed. When they rested at night, they felt that their arms were not themselves. No, let alone a punch, even if it is slightly lifted up, the whole arm is constantly shaking.

Xiao Bing turned around in the canteen and found that some people were shaking when they were holding chopsticks. Instead, he nodded secretly and felt that today it was the result.

The training program for the next day is still the same, and it is a week.

During the two weeks of the base, Xiao Bing only went home for two days, and lived in the base on weekdays. The original Xiao Bing also planned to go back to accompany the leaves, but the leaves saw Xiao Bing so hard, I don’t care much about it, but I don’t want Xiao Bing to go home to live, or else I have to get up earlier the next day, which makes people feel bad.

This training also took place a week later, in the early morning, Xiao Bing brought everyone together and smiled: "After a week of training, the weight of your fists has increased by at least a third, and the speed of the boxing has nearly doubled. You can test it yourself when you have time in private. I don't have any specific data here. From today, I started to teach everyone that they really fight!"

There was a cheer in the whole base...


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