Super Soldier

Chapter 858: Congenital master list

Xiao Bing then specially trained in the base for more than a week. This week, Xiao Bing did not have any rest every day. This time, coaching is even more tiring for Xiao Bing than last time. Set a training program, then supervise it, and help them improve their fighting skills, but this time it is to fully inspire each of them to inspire their energy and temperament, everyone It is necessary to talk alone and study separately, so Xiao Bing is even harder than these people.

However, in the end, there was also a high level of success. After a week, when Xiao Bing left the base again, Xiao Bing knew that he had no need to hand over to them for a while. If these people are still unable to win the special forces competition, Then the leader of this dark world, the former world special forces king is too untrue.

However, Xiao Bing did not stop this time. This has just returned to Xiao Fu. I haven’t had time to rest. The old class called and the leaves are familiar enough to the name of the old class. Word, immediately snorted: "You go to pick up the phone next to it, there will be no other task to find you."

Xiao Bing accompanied the laughter: "Reassured, this time I want to accompany my baby wife, and other things must stand by."

"Cut, who is your wife!"

Although Xiao Bing said that, but still have to listen to what the old class has to say, Xiao Bing is actually very concerned about the state. If it is really related to the national interest, Xiao Bing may not be able to sit and watch. Regardless of.

After the phone was connected, Xiao Bing was deliberately pretending to be very casual and asked: "Old class, call me, wouldn't it be to come to Sanjiang City to accompany me to drink the bar?"

The old class smiled bitterly: "I am now in this position, where can I run around casually, and I will have a chance later, right? Have you seen the Internet? Have you seen the Diablo Forum?"

"Dark forum?" Xiao Bing heard about this forum. It is a forum in the dark world that does not know who made it. It will release some tasks, and there are some big things in the dark world.

Xiao Bingdao: "I didn't see it, I rarely watched those."

Because the employment news on the Diablo Forum is too complicated, and many people don't want to let people know before hiring, so there are many tasks that will not be posted on it, for example, if someone wants to hire a killer organization to kill Who, if it is directly posted on the forum, was judged by the other party in advance, it is not easy to add difficulty to the task.

Of course, only organizations like Longmen and Buddhism who have their own intelligence networks will not care about the forum. Most of the Diablo organizations will still receive various tasks on the forum every day.

Old class: "Then you will go and have a look. There is a list of innate masters on the forum. You are famous on the list. You are famous."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Oh, then I will go and see. You will not call this for this matter?"

"It’s really this thing, but I think it’s very important to you, so I’ll call you and tell you that this time the list should be very fair. Do you know who the Diablo Forum is? I am more and more curious about this behind-the-scenes figure."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Then I will not talk to you. Your words have also provoked me some interest. I will go and see it now. OK, I will hang up first, bye bye."

Xiao Bing and the leaves greeted him and went back to the room to open the computer. He was also very curious about the forum administrators. The user who created the forum in the forum was called the dark heart, but no one knew the darkness. Who is the true identity of the heart, only know that every sentence that this person has published on the forum is very convincing and authoritative.

Xiao Bing is on the forum website. This website is known only to people in the dark world. Then he logs in with his own account password. Sure enough, there is a big advertisement at the top of the page. The advertisement banner contains the top 100 masters. List.

Judging from this name, this list should not be confined to the Diablo World, and the world's innate masters should be ranked in the list.

Clicking on the link, the publisher is really the heart of darkness, and the list is only a hundred in total. Xiao Bing looks at the post, and the second place is written with his own name, but not the real name, but Dragon son.

On the right side of his own name, there is also an introduction to himself: "Dragon Son, one of the two strongest organizations in the dark world, one of the strongest in the dark world, one of the two consecutive dark world summit presidents, once one The monopoly of the five major countries united with special forces. During the summit, they killed two powerful peaks and one who broke the peak of the void, and then destroyed the four middle forces of the dark world, and destroyed the angels of **** for decades. The big circle helps to bow, while killing the third part of the Buddha’s door that has broken the initial strength of the void will be the red dust. It is the super-powerful one in the dark world, the most brilliant, the front is unmatched, and it has the power to destroy one by one. The strength of the top gangsters is the most horrible individual in the dark world at this stage. Strength prediction: breaking the peak of the void."

Xiao Bing also looked at the number one position, Buddha son!

"Buddha Son, one of the two most powerful organizations in the dark world, the Buddha Gate Lord, the darkest in the dark world, the most mysterious person in the dark world, no one knows its true appearance, no one knows its true strength. Strength prediction: Unknown."

Xiao Bing frowned. This person didn’t know what the strength of the Buddha son was, but he placed the Buddha’s son in the first position. Xiao Bing did not have any imbalance in this ranking. He just felt the dark heart. In the past, the faction is definitely not a targetless person. Otherwise, the dark forum he created will not be so authoritative and famous. Since he is so arranging, there must be a reason.

Is it really not the opponent of the Buddha son?

So what is the strength of the Buddha son, even the heart of darkness does not know, but the heart of darkness determines that the Buddha is stronger than himself, and he has reached the peak of the emptiness of the highest realm that human beings can reach. Is this this? The Buddha son has reached the legendary martial arts high level of immortality?

The person who ranked third on the list did not write the name: "Unknown, the first of the Buddha's Eight Commanders, no one knows his identity, no one knows his name, no one knows his strength, but he is a Buddhist Eight will be the first person, with the third death of the former Buddhist Gombe, the third will fall into the early days of breaking the void, it is enough to know that the strength of the first Buddha will be unfathomable, so temporarily ranked third."

Although all of this is speculation, but it can not be said that there is no basis, Xiao Bing is considered to agree with this statement, and then continue to look down.

The fourth person is actually a Buddhist monk, but the name is unknown, and the saying is almost the same. In short, the strength is definitely stronger than the death of the dead in his own hands. The strength of the red dust is already in the early days of breaking the void. It is difficult to meet the enemy, then the strength of this second Buddhist buddha is likely to have reached the break of the void period, so it is reasonable to rank fourth.

When I saw the fifth place, this time it was an old acquaintance of Xiao Bing, the former blood dragon of the Longmen Eight. When I saw the introduction of the blood wolf, Xiao Bing’s pupil shrank slightly: “Blood The wolf, the first of the original Longmen Eight will, the reality has broken through to break the void period, and set up the organization in the dark."

It turned out that the strength of this blood wolf has also improved again, but Xiao Bing is not very surprised about this, but it feels a little troublesome. The blood wolf has always been a very potential person in martial arts, although his strength is Not as good as Xiao Bing, but this person is very difficult to entangle, otherwise Xiao Bing will not let him live to the present, the most crucial thing is that this blood wolf is extremely hateful to the world, his existence is probably better than the Buddha to the world. Bring more harm.

Xiao Bing must kill him sooner or later, but after the strength of the blood wolf is improved, Xiao Bing is even more difficult to kill him. Even if Xiao Bing’s strength is strong, this is not to say that you are stronger than anyone, who will stand there. Waiting for you to kill, isn’t the blood wolf running away? The smaller the gap between the two people, the greater the chance that the blood wolf will escape. The greater the gap between the two, the blood wolf has almost no escape from any vitality.

The next ones are also some familiar names.

For example, the sixth is Zeus, who was once known as the third strongest in the dark world. His strength should be that he has not yet broken the initial stage of the void, but he is infinitely close to breaking the strength of the early days of the void.

The seventh is Molong, the eighth is six fingers, the ninth is Hongmen leader Lei Qianxi, and the tenth is the Italian mafia godfather Peng Gelei.

This list is indeed highly authoritative. For example, Zeus was once known as the third strongest in the dark world, but now it seems to be a misnomer. The first two of the Buddhist monks and the blood wolves may have stronger strength than Zeus. More powerful.

And from this list, everyone has discovered a terrible fact for the first time. It turns out that in this world, more than two sons have reached the peak of the legend that human beings can break through the legend of the void. The strength of the top eight has actually reached the legendary break of the virtual realm, until the ninth place of Lei Qianxi began, the talents of the next stay in the realm of enthusiasm.

Xiao Bing took a breath of cold. This is really a time when a strong man is born. At least Xiao Bing has never heard of so many martial arts strongmen in the last forty or fifty years. As for ancient times, martial arts More prosperous, there may be more strong, I really did not expect that in recent years, in this high-tech era, even the restoration of the martial arts of the past, it is simply incredible.

Xiao Bing looked down. Basically, those people were also taken over by the leaders of some large organizations and the two organizations of Buddhism and Longmen. Most of them were familiar with Xiao Bing’s name, so they did not look at it. .

I turned off the leaderboard and started to look at some of the talks on the forum. Some of the boring people in the dark world published some of the above, and there are not many other forums.

Xiao Bing found that in the forum, many people mentioned their names...


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