Super Soldier

Chapter 859: Aydin

A user named Death Knight said in the forum: "Who is this dark heart? Why do you know everything about the dark world? I feel that this innate master list is too authoritative."

Another one called the swaying head at home wrote: "It is not necessarily. At least the top two are strong and weak. It is hard to say that Long Gongzi has served as the chairman of two consecutive summits, but the Buddha has never participated in it. It is disappointing for competition, or there is no confidence. These are all uncertain. Moreover, there is no written record of the Buddha’s son at all. The dragon son has killed so many people, each of which can be placed on the list. The top powerhouse."

"Yeah, I think it’s right to say at home, but how do you call this name, like a rural peasant, not at all like a person in the dark world."

"Haha, don't worry about the name of the people upstairs. The important thing is that it makes sense. According to me, the dragon son is the strongest person in the world, and one person can kill a super gang. This strength is simply It is hard to imagine."

"Haha, if one day I can be as powerful as the Dragon Son, I will force the five-nation joint special forces to be relegated."

"Upstairs, you don't think about it. There are only a few strong people in the world who break the void. To break the void is beyond the scope of martial arts that we can understand, and the dragon son is the peak of breaking the void, he is No one can match the strongest among the strong."

At this time, the death knight finally refuted the following: "At home, you are not right at all. According to my judgment, the Buddha son is not stronger than the dragon son. At least it will not be weaker than the dragon son. Otherwise, the top three of the Buddha. The strength of the team should be firmly pressed on the top three of the Dragon Gate. How could it be willing to let the Buddha son be the Lord of Buddhism?"

The death knight makes all the users lose their voices. Yes, if the strength of the Buddha is not as good as that of the dragon son, how will the first three of the Buddhas willingly sacrifice their lives for the Buddha? At least it can prove that the strength of the Buddha son is not worse than that of the dragon son, and there may even be more than nothing.

Besides, after the Dark Heart created the forum, anything published was authoritative. This time it should be no exception. Does the strength of the Buddha son really reach the peak of the void, or is it even further? No, if it really goes further, then Buddhism has already destroyed the dragon gate. Perhaps the strength of the Buddha son is similar to that of the dragon son. It is hard to say who is strong and who is weak.

But no matter what, the forum is basically there are some people who have some doubts about the Buddha’s ranking in the first place. The questioning is not too big, but most people can at least confirm two points. That is, the two sons are indeed today. The two strongest superpowers in the world.

After Xiao Bing continued to walk around, I felt that it didn't mean anything, and I turned off the computer.

At this time, the leaf opened the door and walked in from the outside. When I saw that the computer was shutting down, I immediately smiled and said: "I just came in, you shut down the computer, and talked about what you just watched. Is it watching the yellow film?"

Xiao Bing is speechless. He only feels that he is not an opponent of the leaves in his bickering. This Xiao Nizi is simply not afraid of fear, and dare to say anything.

The leaves giggled: "Okay, okay, I won't laugh at you. Just remember to use less tissue paper and save some money for your family."


Xiao Bing was sore and sullen, the leaves went over, picked up the toes, and took a sip of water on Xiao Bing’s lips, then smiled and said: "You should rest casually, I am going to work, oh, yes, one week later. Can't I trouble you with anything?"

Xiao Bing said without words: "I am your boyfriend, your future husband, what troubles are not troublesome, just say something when you have something."

The leaves smiled and said: "That's good, there is still a week, we have to hold a class meeting for the whole senior year. This is because they are about to graduate soon, and finally gather together, then I will also Going to participate, will you stay with me then?"

Xiao Bingdao: "Of course I have no problem, but you are accompanying me to accompany you, how do you feel good?"

"What's wrong with this." The leaves smiled. "Now all the universities are graduating. There are a few people who don't have objects. When they have objects, they will basically go with their own objects." participate."

"That line, then I have no problem at all. I will go with you when I get there."

"Well, then I will go to work first. There are still two meetings today that I need to host."

"Working hard, wife."

"It's okay, it's not hard at all."

Two people kissed each other sweetly together, and then Xiao Bing personally sent the leaves out of the house. After returning, they entered the room and hugged Xiao Mingyue. They kissed Xiao Mingyue’s face. , smiled: "Recent father has not been with you recently, think about how to compensate you today."

Xiao Mingyue’s eyes turned and said: “Take me a fragrant smell.”

"Okay." Xiao Bing asked with a smile. "What do you want to eat?"

"I want to eat ice cream."

"Well, ok, but you can only eat one. If you eat too much, you will have a bad stomach. Let's go, I will take you out." Xiao Bing looked at Li Chunlan and smiled. "Li Wei, take a rest at home, don't I ran to the noodle restaurant to go to work, although you are now completely cured, but the noodle restaurant is doing so big now, everything has been able to turn around, there is no need to help you look around every day, it is when you enjoy it. It is."

Li Chunlan smiled and said: "Look, I just can't stay at home, or else I feel that the whole person is not comfortable. OK, go to the ice cream with your child, don't worry about you, Li Wei, you Li Wei listened to you today and took a rest at home."

"Well, what is there, Xiaofeng will rush to do it, and you don't have to work at home, then I will go first."

Xiao Bing first hugged Xiao Mingyue to the back seat, then sat on the driver's seat and started driving out.

Xiao Bing is really worried about Li Chunlan, but Su Peiya and Su Xiaoxiao’s mother are Xiao Bing’s elders. After Pei’s death, Xiao Bing has the responsibility to let her family have a good time in life. It’s not enough to just worry about food and clothing, because that doesn’t need to be oneself, and the family conditions of others are not very bad. The important thing is to let them be happy. This is the most important thing.

Xiao Bing drove away from Xiao Fu, and there was a paparazzi behind him. Xiao Bing did not care. He drove directly to the nearest bustling commercial street, the Joy Square.

Xiao Bing put on a mask, sunglasses and a hat, parked the car in the parking lot, then got off and went to the back to open the door and hugged Xiao Mingyue.

But I saw a child who was about three years old chasing after running in the square. Xiao Mingyue immediately earned in Xiao Bing’s arms. Xiao Bing smiled and placed Xiao Mingyue on the ground. Xiao Mingyue quickly ran over and chased that. Two children, giggling while chasing.

Xiao Bing smiled and shook his head. How did the little girl look so hot and so sweet? Xiao Bing was on the ground, his eyes filled with love and looked at Xiao Mingyue.

Among the people who are most important to Xiao Bing in life, including Xiao Mingyue, naturally also includes the leaves and Liu Xiaorui. Although there is now more Xiao Mingyue coming out, Xiao Bing’s concern for Liu Xiaorui has not changed at all. However, it is only because Liu Xiaorui is too few at home, she needs to go to school. Even so, Xiao Bing often sends two text messages to Liu Xiaorui to ask about the situation. For this reason, Xiao Bing also specially bought Liu Xiaorui. The mobile phone, but not smart, can only make calls and send text messages.

A few little hoes ran and ran there. Xiao Bing was there and smiled and watched. At this time, a footstep sounded suddenly, and then stopped next to Xiao Bing. One heard it like a forest. The cuckoos are all voices, and they ask: "Are you Xiao Xiaoge?"

Xiao Bing did not expect that he was so strict, but he was still recognized by people. Is it a paparazzi? But listening to this voice carefully, I feel very familiar.

Xiao Bing stood up and turned his head to look at the past. Then the whole person couldn't help but be shocked. If the lightning strikes, the woman standing behind him is Xiao Bing's life can't be forgotten. It is not to say how deep the relationship between Xiao Bing and this woman. It is because the woman itself is a person who can't forget it for a lifetime.

Her beauty, her purity, her nature, and her faint body fragrance, she is like a fragrant princess from the novel of Jin Laozi, the pure beauty is shocking, Anyone who has been seen by Xiao Bing, even if it is the so-called dumping country, can not be described on her body.

This is the new Jiang girl Ayi Ding who has only one side of Xiao Bing. She is like the most beautiful and pure snow lotus in the world!

Xiao Bing took a deep breath and suddenly thought of wearing a mask, a hat and sunglasses. He deliberately pretended to be a confused voice and asked: "I am not a big brother, this beautiful woman... are you?" ”

Aydin was wearing a white dress, holding a pair of bright eyes, and the eyes were staring at the stars. When I heard Xiao Bing say so, her eyes could not help but reveal a few unwillingness and loss, seeing her eyes. The lost look inside, Xiao Bing actually felt a faint pain.

"Sorry, I am bothering you." Ayi Ding bowed to Xiao Bing, then turned and walked slowly toward the distance. At this time, Xiao Bing saw several young lads who resembled hooligans. Secretly trailing her.

Why is Aidin here? How could she almost recognize me? Is she looking for me?

At this time, several hooligans suddenly stopped Ayi Ding and blocked Ayi Ding’s way. Ayi Ding’s hand was inserted in his pocket from beginning to end. Some of the feelings of sorrow and sorrow were suddenly awakened by these people and immediately resumed. Calm, like a proud and cold snow lotus, looking at these people coldly, asked: "What are you doing?"

"Beauty, be friends with us..."

Ayi Ding wrinkled a good-looking brow, still did not speak, suddenly a figure flashed over, Xiao Bing one foot, two of them gave far away, flew directly to the past, the third person was Xiao Bing He grabbed his neck and lifted it directly from the ground. He looked at the other side's blushing face and his feet squirming in the air. Xiao Bing shouted: "Don't bother her, give me a roll away, roll!" ”

Xiao Bing angered and burned, controlling the emotions in his heart. After throwing this person on the ground, the gang immediately climbed up and ran away.

Xiao Bing said in a hurry: "Go out, be careful."

After that, Xiao Bing saw Ayi Ding smashing his hand out of his pocket, and accidentally brought out a business card and landed on the ground. Xiao Bing bent over and picked up the business card, which wrote the name of Ayi Ding, so Xiao Bing quietly clenched his palms, and quickly walked away, picked up Xiao Mingyue, still playing, and walked away.

Ayi Ding was still there, and the voice of the violent anger and the stalwart figure that had rescued him from the hands of Lu Tuming began to gradually coincide in her mind, and she merged into a hurry. In the vast sea of ​​people, the shadow of Xiao Bing has disappeared. There are tears in her eyes, and she muttered to herself: "Xiao Big Brother."


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