Super Soldier

Chapter 860: The name is released, the lion's cry!

Xiao Bing was not calm after seeing Ayi Ding.

He rescued Ayi Ding, and then quickly left the square with Xiao Mingyue. The whole person was still a little embarrassed, thinking about the scene that just two people had just met by coincidence. Is this the fate of the legend?

Xiao Mingyue was taken into the mall by Xiao Bing, and asked curiously: "Dad, I haven’t played enough with my brother and sister yet."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Dad first takes you to the children's playground upstairs for a while, where there are more children and more fun."

"Oh, okay." Although I don't know why Dad hurriedly took it away, Xiao Mingyue is a child, even if it is a ghost king. The mentality is not much more mature than ordinary children, and soon it is noticed. The force was transferred to the children's paradise that was going to be there for a while.

Xiao Bing quickly took Xiao Mingyue to the indoor children's playground on the fourth floor of the shopping mall. The entire fourth floor is full of children's things. Various indoor games, carousels, fake dinosaurs, can sit around. The shopping mall turns around a small train, bumper cars, 4d animation theaters and so on, and there are special foods for children.

Xiao Bing purchased a membership card and recharged 200 yuan in it. Xiao Mingyue ran around here. When he met and liked to play, Xiao Bing waited on the sidelines. He occasionally lost his mind and thought about what he had just encountered. Aydin.

Xiao Mingyue and other children sat in the small train, and then Xiao Bing walked alongside the small train like other parents. The small train started to open around the amusement park, and Xiao Bing walked next to him. I took the business card I had picked up from my pocket.

“Ayi Ding, fashion designer of Sanjiang Branch of Longshi Group.”

I don’t think Aideding is actually a fashion designer here. Xiao Bing has heard of this Longshi Group. It is a famous clothing design company. The head office is in Zhonghai City, and Sanjiang City is only a branch company, but The Long Group is not anyone who wants to enter. This company belongs to the top three in the domestic fashion design field. Ayi Ding can become a designer in this company, and the treatment will definitely not Worse.

There is also the mobile phone number of Aiding. Xiao Bing carefully puts the business card in the pocket of the jacket, and then takes a deep breath and thinks about the thing that happened today. It seems that he must send someone to protect this. Xiao Nizi, otherwise according to her image, I am afraid it is very easy to get into trouble outside.

Xiao Bing accompanied Xiao Mingyue for a morning. After eating some food outside at noon, he drove home with Xiao Mingyue. When the car drove back to Xiaofu, Xiao Mingyue was already lying on the sofa seat. It’s gone.

Xiao Bing smiled a little, and slammed Xiao Mingyue back into the room. From the yard to the room to the room, Xiao Bing made a banned voice no matter who he met. Everyone saw Xiao Bing. So careful to hold Xiao Mingyue, each one showed a smiling smile, not a father, can not understand the kind of a man to treat his daughter, said that the daughter is the father's last lover, this There is nothing wrong with the words.

Xiao Bing gave Xiao Mingyue a cautious hug back to the bed, then slammed out of the room, walked into the living room of no one, took out a cell phone and made a phone call, mainly telling two trusted people to secretly protect Ayi. Ding, avoiding this situation again with Aydin’s side.

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Bing was relieved. The two people arranged by Xiao Bing were the elites of a group of masters who had been trained by Gao Fei personally. The strengths reached the dark period and they were counted in any city. It is a top expert. You must know that in the city of Sanjiang, the strength of the four kings is only a period of hard work. The master of darkness is already a veritable master.

"Why did Aydin come to Sanjiang City? It is from Xinjiang to the far-off black province..." Xiao Bing really didn't understand, is it related to himself? That is impossible, I am only a side of Ayi Ding. At most, even if she is a savior, she has no reason to come to Sanjiang City for her own sake. What is she for? Is there really such a coincidence in the world?

Xiao Bing didn't think about it anymore. Anyway, he himself had nothing to do with Ayi Ding. The reason why Xiao Bing would care about this Aiding is because it has some pure affection for this beautiful girl. It is a very simple matter. Like a man who has a good impression of one of the most beautiful women in the world, and Xiao Bing is hiding from Aiding, mainly because Xiao Bing always has some feelings that are not very similar in front of Aiding. That feeling is somewhat similar to when I first saw the leaves, so Xiao Bing didn't want to have too much contact with Aiding, and didn't want to provoke too much peach blossoms around.

Of course, if Xiao Bing did not wear a mask at the time, since there is no way to cover it, then it will not hide, then it will be a good meeting.

This incident has a hint of embarrassment in Xiao Bing’s heart, but after all, Xiao Bing has arranged for the protection of Ayi Ding, and there is nothing else to start focusing on the National Special Forces. Above the contest.

Three days later, Xiao Bing finally received a call from Yan Minghui. Yan Minghui called and Xiao Bing knew that there was news to tell himself, whether it was bad news or good news, but it must have been a Chinese special soldier. The result of the contest.

On the phone, Yan Minghui did not tell Xiao Bing, but said in a dignified tone: "The chief instructor, you come to our base to have a look, I will drive to pick you up now?"

"No, I can drive myself in the past. But I still use it after I have said it in the past? Can you say it now?"

Yan Minghui sighed and said: "I still tell you best in person."

"Well, wait for me." Xiao Bing hangs up the phone and touches his nose, muttering. "How do you listen to this tone is a bit deep? Wouldn't it be a bad result? But can't, follow me to them. The result of the training, the worst and worst results should be able to enter the top three, and even if you win the first, there is hope. No matter, I will go ahead and see."

Xiao Bing went out and drove to the base personally. For the result of this game, Xiao Bing was also very concerned. After all, they had been in contact for so long, and they already had feelings. Xiao Bing also sincerely hopes that they can achieve excellent results. Of course, if Xiao Bing now wants to know the outcome of the game, it is too simple. Just call someone you know and you can find out if you call the old class or give someone you know in the military area. Xiao Bing has been the captain of the Dragon Tooth for several years, but not only knowing the old class, but since entering the dark world, Xiao Bing has basically cut off the relationship network, and they have not been in contact with the people before.

However, Xiao Bing did not want to call and ask others to inquire. Xiao Bing still wanted to get the answer from Yan Minghui's mouth.

Xiao Bing’s car was stopped outside the base. When he saw Xiao Bing, the outside defenders immediately began to let go. Xiao Bing’s car slowly entered the base, and far away saw Yan Minghui with all The players were standing neatly in front, and after Xiao Bing’s car drove past, he stopped at the side and then got off to look at these people.

Yan Minghui shouted: "Respect!"

Immediately everyone was neatly marching toward Xiao Bing, and everyone’s eyes were red and even containing tears. Xiao Bing’s brow wrinkled, his nose was sour, a little bit forced, losing What? Is it the seventh? This is impossible. I have specially trained them so seriously, and trained to the extent that I am already satisfied. Especially in the last few days, Xiao Bing has taught them whether they are close-fighting or shooting. Perhaps They are still a lot worse than the dragon tooth, but compared with the original is already almost the same, even according to the ability of Yan Minghui and Xie Tiansheng have been qualified to enter the dragon tooth.

How can you lose this way?

Xiao Bing took a deep breath and said with a serious tone: "No matter what the result, you are the best in my heart. They are all real soldiers. The success or failure of a moment is nothing, you..."

Xiao Bing’s words have not been finished yet. The following cheers suddenly sounded. All the players almost exploded. Xiao Bing saw Yan Minghui laughing, Xie Tiansheng was laughing, the black bear was laughing, and everyone else was laughing.

Are you paralyzed, play me?

Xiao Bing said: "Grass, Laozi Bai Te, what is the grievance, in the end?"

Xiao Bing just really felt uncomfortable, and felt uncomfortable for these men. Because of the hard work of these people, Xiao Bing knows better than anyone else. If this is the case, he still has a seventh place. It is too bad for them. Fair, not to mention that if there is no progress, waiting for the Lions Special Forces is to be disbanded, although Xiao Bing will almost certainly look for the above to plead for them, and ask them to give them a chance, I will give Xiao Bing this. face.

These people cheered wildly, and they went to Xiaobing one by one.

"Hey, hello, what are you doing? Feeding and feeding, can you not make trouble, although I am not afraid of high, but you must catch it!!!"

These people lifted Xiao Bing, and then threw it high, then went on below, throwing it over and over again, and shouting again and again in his mouth: "First! First!"

"the first!"

"the first!"

"the first!

Repeatedly and repeatedly, shouting loudly and shouting, this special force has been smashed for so many years, and has been smashed for several special forces competitions. They have been suppressed for too long.

At this moment, they are going to vent all the grievances of these years, and all of them will be shouted out.

The first thing that sounded was not only to call them to listen to themselves, but also to the world to listen to them, they want to let the world know.

Their Lions Special Forces are the most dedicated special forces in the world!

Their Lions Special Forces are the best special forces in the world!

Xiao Bing’s eyes were wet, let them throw themselves up again and again, pinching his nose and grinning: “These stinky boys!”.


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