Super Soldier

Chapter 861: Crazy fans


Xiao Bing was drunk in the base with these men in the evening. After being drunk, some of the men cried and some of the men laughed.

The next morning, I slept until noon, and Xiao Bing climbed up from the dormitory, stretched out, and walked out of the dormitory after getting dressed.

Going inside the yard, I saw Xie Tiansheng practicing boxing in the yard. Xiao Bing’s mouth floated with a smile. He walked over and saw Xiao Bing coming. Xie Tiansheng hurriedly stopped.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You train you, don't care about me. You are appointed as the vice captain of the Lions Special Brigade at such a young age, and you have also given you the title of a lieutenant colonel. You just this year. Twenty-five, it’s smaller than my age, and it’s a promising future.”

Xie Tiansheng said with a serious face: "No matter what kind of achievements I have achieved, in my heart, you will always be my instructor. Everything I bring to you is mys."

Xiao Bing smiled comfortably: "You don't have to attribute all the credit to me. This is also because you really have the talent of a rare martial arts. It is a good seed, otherwise I will train you." It doesn't work either."

At this time, Yan Minghui also walked out of the dormitory building. After seeing Xiao Bing, he ran away immediately. He smiled and took out a document from his arms and handed it to Xiao Bingdao: "The chief instructor, I only looked happy yesterday. This is the certificate approved above, you can take a look."

Xiao Bing took a look. This is the certificate of the Chief Instructor of the Lions Special Forces. The above position is written by the Chief Instructor of the Lions Special Forces. The rank is the University. This rank is the same as that of Yan Minghui.

Xiao Bing took it in his hand and smiled and said: "In fact, I have nothing to teach you now."

Yan Minghui said: "The chief instructor, I know that you are not looking at these things. It is a breeze for anyone who has the ability to do this, no matter what you want, but this identity is with you. At that time, you can also bring some help to you. Although the location of the university is not as good as the general, it can be regarded as a good hand. If you encounter any trouble in the society and it is not convenient to use force, you can directly take this document out. What's more, this is not an ordinary big school. This is the big school of the special forces. It is generally the same rank. The seven special forces are stronger and have more rights than other ordinary local troops. Your university is a big one. It is better than the generals in the ordinary army, but it is a bit higher than the big school in the ordinary army."

Xiao Bing nodded: "I understand."

Said, Xiao Bing gave the documents to the collection. According to the truth, Xiao Bing’s rank is a major general, which is much stronger than the identity of the university. However, Xiao Bing’s identity is not suitable for casual exposure. This identity generally needs to be kept secret. Unless it is under special circumstances, the identity of Major General Longya is more versatile, but the identity of the Lions Special Forces School is more practical.

Since Yan Minghui is also kind, not to mention the above has been approved, it is not good to not hold it, then put it away.

Xiao Bing took the documents and collected them. The tone said solemnly: "Since I have accepted this document, I will be your chief instructor here. Well, Captain and I don't have to be too polite. I am talking to you. One level, you are the captain, I am the instructor, the official position is not big or small. But I have to explain in advance that I can't always train them here on weekdays, but only when I have time."

"This is no problem." As long as Xiao Bing can agree, Yan Minghui feels very happy. "The chief instructor, in my eyes, you are not only their instructor, you are my instructor, I am here for a while. I have learned too much from your body. As long as you can continue to be our instructor, even if it happens occasionally, it doesn't matter. When we go out, we can proudly say, our captain is Xiao Bingxiao. Mr!"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I am not a celebrity. What is worth showing off."

Xie Tiansheng smiled beside him: "Captain, you can be a bit modest. You are not a celebrity? You are not only a learning model for the whole country, but also a movie star." !"

Xiao Bing hurriedly waved: "Oh, the example of learning, I don't want to be a root. I just happened to save a child. If you have my skills, I must save it." Xiao Yan △..m] As for filming, I just went to play tickets, and I didn’t want to go to the entertainment industry."

Yan Minghui’s face is serious: “Learning sports, whether you think about it or not, this sport is a good thing after all, and it can arouse the spirit of the people.”

"Well, what you said is not bad. With the development of the economy, the entertainment industry of the country is now more and more developed. Everyone will go to chase the stars, but not many people will pay attention to those who have done good deeds, how many years? Before, how many people were infected with Lei Feng’s spirit."

Yan Minghui said seriously: "So, the chief instructor, you have made a great contribution to the whole nation this time. I dare not say that the spirit of the nation has been transformed. At least, the spirit of the nation has made some progress."

Xiao Bing laughed happily: "Well, don't praise me, this instructor's document I left, you go back and talk to your brethren, I am especially happy for them, I will come back later to see the big guys, and No matter who wants to be lazy, it will not work. Now I will go back first."

Xie Tiansheng said: "The chief instructor, you go back here? Don't stay and train us more?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "What are you training? You just won the first place. Combine work and rest. Let's take a rest for two days. OK, I will go first, you don't have to send me!"

Xiao Bing drove back to Xiao Fu and drove to the gate of Xiao Fu. He was surrounded by a large group of men and women outside the door.

Xiao Bing’s eyes widened, and the young girls who were watching outside screamed one by one: “Bing brother, Bing brother, Bing brother, Bing brother!”

Lying grass, what is the situation? Is it necessary to kidnap me back as a villager?

There are also a few girls in short skirts holding Xiao Bing’s poster, jumping and screaming.

Xiao Bing stunned his eyes, tapped it, tapped it, and the skirts flew up. Wow, it’s gone, it’s gone, it’s a bad sin, it’s a shame.

Xiao Bing's entire face was stuck on the window, and he waited until the other side couldn't move, and then he reluctantly sat down again.

It seems that a group of crazy fans, Xiao Bing opened the door and went down. At this time, Xiao Fu rushed out a group of guards, trying to separate the crowd, and the mouth was still loudly reprimanded. Xiao Bing saw it and immediately said loudly: "No. You, no you, no, come back, stop these crazy male fans, female fans will not have to, we must respect women."

Those guards who were very loyal to obey the orders of Xiao Bing, blocked the male fans, and the female fans all madly rushed into the arms of Xiao Bing, and surrounded Xiao Bing into a group, those men. The fans are still shouting loudly, why not, unfair.

The captain of the **** shouted: "Noisy, noisy, noisy, you haven't heard of any respect for the old and the young, what is the gentleman's demeanor? If there is an old man here, our brother must definitely be the old man." If there is a child, it must be based on the child. Now it is to be a woman. If you want to sign, you have to take a photo, wait for a while!"

The men’s ones have their own meanings, but some of them admire Xiao Bing in their hearts. Those who have principles and morals like Xiao Bing are rare in this society. It’s no wonder that Bing Ge is not just an entertainment star. And it is still an example for the country to call for learning.

Xiao Bing only thinks that all around are people, all kinds of beautiful women, most of them are in their teens and twenties. They are dressed in fashion, some are beautiful and youthful, some are **** and attractive, Xiao Bing even I can feel that two jade rabbits are squatting on their backs. I don’t know whose hand has quietly reached into my clothes. I touched my chest several times, slippery, and my mother was awkward.

Xiao Bingyi’s words are: "We must be rational, rational, don't grab, don't grab, slowly touch!"

Guards: "...."

Male fans: "...."

Especially the captain of the guard, his face is like a pig liver, and his heart is dark, brother, can you not face? Say good principles? Say good gentleman style? Say good morals? Think in your heart, and shout out what to do.

Those fans heard Xiao Bing say this, but they were embarrassed to touch it. They made this regret in Xiao Bing’s heart. They wanted to smoke their own mouth, but he also saw the machine very quickly, sorted out the clothes, clear Qing Qingzi said loudly: "This is right. We must be rational, don't blindly worship, don't feel handsome, ah, I will die, there are idols, but more from idols. I learned something positive about energy, not too crazy, did you know?"

It’s no wonder that everyone is so stunned. It’s no wonder that Xiao Bing has just been so slutty. The original shouting is to inspire the shame of these beautiful women, so that these beautiful women can understand the truth of those who are human beings, and the soldiers are really principled and moral.

If Xiao Bing knows it in his heart, he must cry and cry. In principle, your sister, character, your sister, I am serious, okay...

Hey, they don’t want to touch it anyway. Xiao Bing pretends to educate them a few words, and then they start a group photo and signature. When the female fans are sent away, Xiao Bing does not have the same feelings and starts to give male fans. Group photo, signature, these people are reluctant to leave, but also know that it is really bad to block in the door of Xiao Bingjia, so that Xiao Bing has no family to go back, so as long as one is reluctant to go. .

Although Xiao Bing was cool and cool, he still had a long sigh of relief. After Xiao Bing returned to Xiao Fu, he heard Ma Qi shouting loudly: "The brother brother is back, I will say, the brother brother just happened. It’s definitely a bad thing outside, scorpion scorpion, look at the face of your brother’s face!”

Xiao Bing touched his face, I joined, all red, and suddenly remembered, just a few sisters were on their faces, it must be a lipstick.

Seeing the leaves murderously coming out of the room, Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Misunder, misunderstanding, why didn't you go to work, Maggie didn't go to school...".

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