Super Soldier

Chapter 862: Liu Xiaorui and Xiaobai

"Today is Friday, and the children are not going to class this afternoon. You don't know." The leaves were white and Xiao Bing glanced.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "So, today, the little flower is back?"

"I am back, my brother." The small flower also ran out from inside, followed by Xiao Mingyue.

Ye Zidao: "As for me, there is nothing particularly urgent about the company. I pushed the company's business to Monday, and I will spend the weekend with my children and my sister."

Xiao Bing did not take care of so many people around him. He took the leaves into his arms, and the leaves smashed. Then his face was blushing and hammered twice on Xiao Bing’s chest. He said: "What? Ah? So many people look at it!"

The two guards standing outside the door quietly looked at it, Xiao Mingyue, Xiaohuarui and Maggie also looked at it. Liu Xiaofeng, Red Rose and Xiaobai in the room were also watching here.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Look at it, what is great, you are my wife."

The leaves are squeaky: "Who is your wife, you haven't yelled at me yet."

"As long as you say a word, are you not the immediate thing?" Xiao Bing said with a smile. "I just want to say, leaves, you have worked hard."

In addition to busy things in the company, the leaves also take care of the family, whether it is the sister Liu Xiaorui, or the daughter Xiao Mingyue, who recognizes the leaves, the leaves are accepted with joy, no complaints, even more than him on weekdays. When the father’s brother is doing well, how can Xiao Bing not be moved, how can he not feel bad?

Xiao Bing asked: "Yes, I think of one thing, your classmates are gathering, are you attending this weekend?"

"Yeah, participate on Sunday." The leaves came out of Xiao Bing's arms, with a bit of playful color between the eyes, and laughed softly. "Everyone else has a boyfriend or a fiancé, but I still I don’t think if I want to take you there, is it with you, or with someone else?"

Maggie giggled aside: "Bing brother, I can't help you, I don't want you."

Xiao Bingxiao smiled and said: "Listen to your nephew and talk nonsense. Your nephew doesn't want me. Where can I go to find the next handsome boyfriend like me?"

The leaves smiled: "narcissism."

Everyone else laughed together.

Xiao Bing took the hand of Liu Xiaorui and Xiao Mingyue with a left and right hand and smiled and said: "Let's go, let's go in and talk, little flower, the teacher is good to you."

"The teacher is good to me." Xiaohuali said happily. "Now I am the monitor, and the teacher often praises me."

"That's because you are doing well in the class. My little flower is naturally the best."

The small flower has been praised by Xiao Bing, happy smile, Xiao Bing's praise is even more important to her for her, the significance for her is far higher than the teachers appreciate her, because in her heart Xiao Bing is the most important relative for her.

Xiao Bing took them back to the room, first talked a few words, then the two little hoes began to run to the side to fight, after all, the age is still small, always quiet, not changing In the past, the small flower has been very calm because of the experience of the past, but recently, since Xiao Mingyue came in, she was finally affected by Xiao Mingyue and slightly restored some of the lively, Xiao Bing. In fact, I really like to see her and like her change.

At dinner, Xiao Bing quietly smashed the red rose and gave her a look. Everyone followed Xiao Bing’s eyes and looked at the white hair that was boring and eating. Now the small flower gradually disappears from the psychological shadow. When I came out, there was only one small white problem left in Xiao’s house. This little white has rarely communicated with other people since I stayed in Xiaofu. He seems to have always had a strong attitude towards people. Be alert, the whole person is like a hard stone, you can hardly get in, and when you face the red rose, he will become more intimate, and Xiao Bing can be a little stronger. As for treating other people, It is a way of refusing people thousands of miles away.

Maggie snorted and said: "Don't make a look, he is a hard stone. I see, he is colder than my flying brother, I don't know if I have any feelings."

Xiao Bing frowned and glanced at Maggie. This Maggie is very clever. Sometimes, speaking, it will be more direct. It will not take into account the feelings of others. It is obviously not malicious, but it will inevitably hurt people.

Xiaobai put down the chopsticks, and the cold state said: "I have finished eating."

After that, I walked straight out and did not go back to the room, but walked in the direction of the yard.

Liu Xiaorui looked at his brother and suddenly put down the chopsticks and smiled: "Brother, I am also full, just to accompany Xiaobai to talk."

"Well, let's go." Xiao Bing smiled.

Liu Xiaorui jumped off the chair and then walked out.

Xiao Bing said with a serious tone: "Maggie, Xiao Bai’s life is very poor, and I don’t need to say this in front of him in the future.”

Maggie stood up and said: "Bold brother, do you think that you are not pity, the people here, the little flower is not pity? Is the moon unforgivable? I am not pity? If I am not pitiful, why should I follow? Gao Fei’s brother drifted away and finally stabilized here. Do I not want to go home, don’t I want to get back everything that belongs to me?”

Xiao Bing did not expect Maggie to be so excited, even the eyes were red. When some did not know what to say, Maggie shook her head and said: "Nothing, I just think that he has no other now. If you are a loved one, there is only us left, then he should accept this reality. One person can have so many people’s concerns, it is good enough, and the lost ones have already been lost. Why bother to stubborn! That is not tormenting. Have you tortured yourself?"

Everyone was staring at Maggie. They only knew that Maggie was young, but she was very smart and smart. It seemed to be able to see through the hearts at a glance, but I didn’t expect Maggie to think so much, but I didn’t even think of Mai. On the surface of Qi, I am laughing and joking every day, but there are so many secrets hidden in my heart, and even some sadness and pain.

The red rose is on the side: "In fact, nothing, brother brother, you don't blame Maggie, she is also kind, we really want Xiaobai to accept it all slowly, Xiaobai and I are close, this is my ""

Xiao Bing sighed and nodded slightly.

Maggie's eyes are red, her emotions are a little excited, and there are tears in her eyes. This is still the time after Maggie has come to her. Xiao Bing sees Maggie for the first time and she will cry. She doesn’t seem to want to let When people saw her like this, they immediately turned and walked away.

Although the relationship between the red rose and Xiaobai is good, Xiaobai is treated like a younger brother, but she is not angry, but she can't help but feel a sentence: "This is really a strong little girl."

The person who stayed at the dinner table, Li Chunlan counted the oldest elder. She put down the tableware and smiled and said: "I have finished eating, Xiaobing, rest assured, nothing, live with Maggie." For a long time, I know her. Although she is fangs, she is generally kind. The reason why she just said that is not because she is angry with Xiaobai, but she is distressed. When she sees Xiaobai, she thinks of herself. I don’t want Xiaobai to always fall into the past, and I can’t break free.”

Everyone thinks carefully, Li Chunlan said that it makes sense. They usually know Maggie very well. Maggie's temper is smart, and even what other people think, she can know at a glance.

Just like when Mai Qi faced Su Xiaoxiao and Xiao Bing, on the surface she did not know how to take into account the feelings of others, but she did not kindly avoid Su Xiaoxiao in this impossible relationship. Got too deep.

After the last thing, the meal was quickly finished. After Xiao Bing finished dinner, let Ye Xiaoxi take care of Xiao Mingyue, and then walked out of the room by himself. He could feel Xiaobai and Liu Xiaorui are near Xiaofu. After all, the weather is already late, and Xiao Bing is afraid that the two of them will have an accident, so they will go out.

Xiaobai was sitting in the woods, and Liu Xiaorui went to the side and sat down.

Xiaobai slightly frowned and asked, "What are you doing here?"

Liu Xiaorui asked: "Xiaobai, how old are you?"

Xiaobai cold and cold: "eight years old."

"I am also eight years old."


Liu Xiaorui asked: "Do you know my life?"

"I don't know, I am not interested."

Liu Xiaorui smiled and said: "Even if I don't know, I want to tell you."

Xiaobai snorted coldly.

They did not see it. Xiao Bing had already flown to a tree at this time, sitting freely on a tree trunk with a wooden stick in his mouth, showing a smile.

Liu Xiaorui said: "My father died early. When I was very young, my mother took care of me alone. My mother often told me that no matter what is wrong with me in the world, I must be grateful to this world because she is October. I was born with a baby, at least I am still alive, at least I have not died. Later, my mother died, and I died in front of me. Until now, I sometimes dreamed when I was dreaming at night, I My mother was killed by the big bad guy. My brother helped me kill the bad guy and avenge my mother."

Xiaobai asked coldly: "Are you talking about Xiao Brother?"

"Yeah, in fact, he is not my brother, after my mother died, he took me, recognized me as a sister, treated me like a sister, so now in my heart, he is also mine. My brother, he is my brother, my sister is my relative, they are my closest relatives in this world!"

There are some feelings in Xiao Bing’s heart, some embarrassing, watching down the moonlight, but seeing Liu Xiaorui’s eyes full of happiness means...


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