Super Soldier

Chapter 864: Recalling poisonous fox

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I am of course excited. What is the bottom of the void? Is there a higher level? What level of higher level can be achieved? These are all I want to know. Ah, I can't wait to wait for them to challenge me."

The old class sneered: "Do you know what the end result of this challenge is? One life, one death, are you ready for life and death?"

Xiao Bing first looked sharp and then looked at the direction of Xiao Fu. He heard the laughter of the leaves in the yard. The fierceness in his eyes gradually dispersed, shrugged and said: "Even if I am not prepared, Some things are not centered on my will, aren't they. What's more, even if there are some old antiques, it doesn't mean they can really beat me. If there is really more antiques than the realm of breaking the void, so For many years, how can there be no winds, even if there are really strong old antiques, it is estimated that it will be similar to me, just to become a sharpening stone for me."

The old class sighed and said: "You think so well, you can do it. Even if you look at the history, you are the most talented genius I have ever seen. I have full confidence in you. Even if there are still old monsters in the world that are not dead, it may not be your opponent."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "This is how it looks, no matter what, thank you for reminding me of the old class."

"Okay, stinky boy, and I still say something thank you, the things of the year..."

Xiao Bing did not expect that the old class would suddenly mention the matter of the year. This so-called year was naturally the time when Xiao Bing left the dragon tooth. Xiao Bing immediately interrupted: "Don't say that, old class, I have time to go. Kyoto City, please drink, now I will go to see the latest version of this list, and I don't know when the final version will be determined."

"It should be fast, then let's go and see, there is not much change."

Xiao Bing promised, hang up the phone, and returned to Xiao Fu. The leaves were running with Xiao Mingyue in the yard. Xiao Bing greeted him. One person went back to the room, turned on the computer, and logged into the dark forum. Then, in the forum, I opened the innate master list, which shows the second edition. From the top down, the top three have not changed. The fourth is originally the second of the Buddhist eight. The five are blood wolves, and the sixth is Zeus, but there is a change in this latest version. In this latest version, all three of them are tied for fourth place. The strength of Zeus has also been modified to break the void period. realm.

As for the future, the change is not big. Even if there is a change, there are some slight changes after the 20th, and they are not in the scope of Xiao Bing’s concern.

Xiao Bing turned off the computer. Before Xiao Bing also thought that Zeus was ranked sixth, it was unreasonable. This time all tied for fourth place. At least it was reasonable. Of course, for this list, Even if you write it reasonably, the theory does not represent reality. Just like the little Li Feidao in Gu Long’s novels, it is clearly ranked third in the weapon spectrum, but it has killed the second-ranked Shangguan Jinhong. By the same token, the so-called rationality is only the most correct judgment made above all the information that can be grasped at a certain level. Xiao Bing sighed and said to himself: "Before this, I really didn't consider the chain reaction caused by this ranking. This dark heart didn't take this into account, or he was deliberately causing it. What about this chain reaction?"

Xiao Bing began to fall into meditation. Now Xiao Bing intends to let the entire dark world be in control. Even if there is no way to really control their words and deeds, at least they can control their behavior within the controllable range. Inside, Xiao Bing relied on the agreement set up at the Diablo Summit. With the release of the rankings, they fought each other, which did not violate the summit agreement, but Xiao Bing worried that there would be a larger scope in the future. Chain reaction, such as mutual retaliation between big forces, if death is a big force in the big forces, then this kind of thing is very likely to happen, and then many people will die. Xiao Bing does not want this to happen. .

But no matter what, the rankings have already appeared, and the chain reaction is unquestionable. Xiao Bing can't control these, he can only wait and see what has changed.

Xiao Bing feels that this time he should consult the poisonous fox to discuss it. The importance of the poisonous fox to Xiao Bing is just like that of Kong Mingzhi and Liu Xuande, and Guo Jiazhi’s use of the divorce, and the poisonous fox was brought to his own. Inside the camp, it really settled the underground forces of the entire three northern provinces. The poisonous fox has made great contributions. In the past two years, the underground forces of the three northern provinces are basically controlled by the poisonous fox. The situation is now completely stable. Xiao Bing is in the dark world. If you encounter a problem here, if you don't use it for poisonous foxes, it will be too wasteful.

Xiao Bing sent a text message to the poisonous fox to let the poison fox come over tomorrow.

Now the poisonous fox is living in Harbin, because Harbin is the provincial capital, it is convenient for him to remotely control the entire three provinces, and it is convenient for him to develop abroad. Although Xiao Bing has said that he has no ambition for the underground world, he does not need to continue to expand, but the poisonous fox nature Will not be satisfied with this, even if it is not expanding for the time being, he will lay a good foundation for the future.

After receiving the text message, presumably the poisonous fox will arrive tomorrow.

The next day, the poisonous fox arrived at Xiaofu at noon. There were many paparazzi or fans waiting outside every day in Xiaofu. When you saw this posture, the poisonous fox was scared. He had already anticipated it. The boss who went to himself was already a big celebrity, but he didn't expect it to be so hot. After seeing this situation, his eyes flashed a bit of gloom first, and then quickly began to relieve.

Seeing the two dark masters who stayed at the door with the poisonous fox outside the door, the attitude was respectful: "The military division..."

"Well." Poison Fox Road, "Let's go in."

Walking into the yard, the leaves were already playing with Xiao Mingyue and Liu Xiaorui. After seeing the poisonous fox walk in, the leaves smiled and said: "Mr. Fox, you are coming."

The poisonous fox smiled and nodded. "Where is the Lord?"

Ye Zidao: "Xiao Xiaoge is in the room, you go directly to him."

"Okay." The poisonous fox's attitude was gentle and respectful. Stepping into the room directly, then said to the two people behind him: "You wait for me in the yard, don't go in."

"Yes, military division."

Xiao Mingyue stared at a pair of curious eyes. She clearly felt that the person who just walked in was an ordinary person, but she didn't know why, but she felt a very dangerous feeling from this person.

The leaves noticed the eyes of Xiao Mingyue. It is hard to imagine that a three-year-old child’s eyes would reveal a thoughtful look. She was really a feeling at this time that Xiao Mingyue had some differences compared with ordinary children. An unusual place.

The leaves explained: "That is the military division of Xiaofu. It was Xiao Da Ge who was so hard to recruit around him. The powers were not counted, the scheme was unparalleled, and he was good at conspiracy."

Liu Xiaorui said: "Isn't that a bad guy?"

The leaves smiled and said: "A fool, the martyrdom may not be bad. If the martyrdom is used on the right path, it can also save countless people."

Liu Xiaorui sighed and said: "I understand."

At this time, the poisonous fox has already reached the door of Xiao Bing's room. Before he knocked on the door, he heard Xiao Bing's voice pass from inside: "Come in."

The poisonous fox pushed the door directly and went inside.

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You sit first, I will pour you tea."

The poisonous fox sat on the sofa, letting Xiao Bing give him a pot of tea next to him, and his expression was not shocked.

After Xiao Bing put the hot tea on the side of the poisonous fox, Xiao Bing sat down on the sofa next to him and said with enthusiasm: "Drinking tea, this is the tea I personally gave you."

The poisonous fox glanced at the hot tea and said: "The tea will wait a little longer and tastes stronger."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "That line, then let's talk about business."

"Well, let's talk about business first."

Xiao Bing looked at the poisonous fox and said: "It has been two years since the last three years. The forces in the three northern provinces have been completely stabilized. Thanks to you and the crows, the strategy depends on you. The force relies on the crows. Mr. Mu Tingchuan has left Xiaofu. Since then I I have been relying on you in terms of strategy, and I have never said a word of thanks to you."

The poisonous fox face expressionlessly: "I said it two years ago, I am in perfect harmony with you."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Complete each other, you are right. Oh, Miss Mai has not seen it for a long time, how is she doing now?"

The poisonous fox faintly said: "She is very good."

Xiao Bing asked: "When are you getting married? I have to help host the wedding."

The poisonous fox shook his head and said: "We haven't considered getting married yet. People like me who walk in the dark are not suitable for marriage."

"This is not right, you should think about it, I know that you are very affectionate about the branches. Remember that when you first met with you, you were still on the site of Longba. I didn't have any power at the beginning. Once you thought that the branches were in my hands, the surface was concealed very well, and the expression of one's own things was not your own, but your feelings about the branches simply couldn't beat me. The more calm you are, the more I will be. It is seen."

The poisonous fox sighed: "So I am a military division, you are the lord."

Xiao Bing finished his family routine and finally began to sit up straight, looking at the poisonous fox in a serious way. He said, "Let's talk about business, you know everything about the dark forum. You also have the situation in the dark world. I understand that you are trying to help me analyze the plan."


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