Super Soldier

Chapter 865: Classmate banquet

"Well.?" The poisonous fox said slowly. "In the current situation, you have already said it to me on the phone. I have already thought about it before coming. Lord, I know that you have gone to the resume and left the dragon tooth." After that, you will form the Dragon Gate directly in the Diablo World and become one of the two strongest forces in the Diablo World. Do you have any ambitions in the Diablo World?"

“What revenge?” Xiao Bing thought for a moment and said, “I want to guide the Diablo World Health Exhibition and reduce their harm to the world. Is this ambition?”

"It's okay." Poison Fox Road, "but it's not that."

Xiao Bing asked: "What is ambition?"

“Students can only have two situations in school. Some students are mixed and eat, just to get the school mixed. There is also a student who is ambitious about the position, and the second one wants to sprint first. The top ten of the exam wants to sprint the top five." The poisonous fox has a calm tone. "In this world, people who can truly stand on the top must be ambitious people. Some students are very smart and very good at learning. Talent is also a serious study, but his performance has not improved much, that is because his ambition is not enough!"

Xiao Bing sighed and said: "Your statement, I heard it for the first time, but your idea is indeed piercing people, it makes sense."

The poisonous fox said: "The young man is young, but there is such an unprecedented strength. It is because you have ambition in martial arts. You don't say it in your mouth, but I can see it from your eyes. Yours In the heart, I want to be more Buddhist, so in martial arts, you will never stop, and will continue to progress."

"Just like Mr. Gao Fei, Mr. Gao Fei left. It is not because he has ambitions in martial arts. Although he calls you a boss, it does not mean that he can tolerate you more than him, so he can only leave. When Mr. Gao Fei appears next time, the Lord will be more powerful now.

Xiao Bing said: "Goofy has the path that it needs to pursue."

"Wrong, everyone has the road they want to pursue, for example, my road is a good military division." The poisonous fox looked at Xiao Bing and said, "The main public, the mode of the Dark World Summit is indeed good, but Just relying on the summit to constrain it is not enough. If you want to guide the dark world, you must control the entire dark world. If you want to control the dark world, you must do what you want, and I am the only one!"

Xiao Bing slowly closed his eyes. The poisonous fox gently put the cup on the side, opened the lid, and sipped a bit and said: "The tea is very good, the Lord, don't you want to destroy the Buddha. What if your goal does not change, the foundation of Buddhism is originally on the gantry, and how to destroy it?"

Xiao Bing opened his eyes, and there was a hint of enlightenment in his eyes. The poisonous fox got up and smiled and said: "Congratulations to the Lord can make a great realization."

Xiao Bing laughed and said: "Poisonous fox, you are not my brain, it is my military division. Your words can completely change the status quo of the dark world in the future!"

The poisonous fox sat down and smiled and said: "I am a military sergeant. Naturally, I have to do my own duties. I will come up with a few ideas below, but the specifics will be gradually improved, and the overall situation of the lord is actually complete. Above me, I am only good at people, and what I just said is also an analysis of people's hearts."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, you said."

"First, continue to grow the gantry and recruit masters."

"Second, destroying the Buddha's Gate, only the Buddha's door is truly destroyed, and the Lord's public can truly control the entire dark world."

"The last step is to change the nature of the gantry. Before this, Longmen was just an employment organization. Why did the hiring organization control the entire dark world? When Jiang Zihou gave birth to the four kings in his life, the gantry eight would have to become The four kings generally exist, each responsible for a region. For example, Molong monitors the entire African region, and the six-finger predecessors monitor the Southeast Asia region. All Diablo world personnel must obey their assignments and disobey them."

The poisonous fox said: "As a result, the entire dark world is in the master's grasp. When the Lord is the true master of the dark world, it is better to control."

Xiao Bing thought for a moment and said: "You have some truths."

Poisonous Fox Road: "But all of this must be done step by step. As long as the Buddha is still there, it is impossible to control the dark world. It is almost a dream. First consider the first step and expand the Dragon Gate."

Xiao Bingdao: "I think that the growth of the gantry should be divided into two steps. One step is to continue to find the top powerhouse suitable for the gantry in the dark world. On the other hand, it can continue to expand the underground forces. Originally, I was for the underground world. There is not such a big ambition, but now it seems that I want to quickly increase the foundation and make up for the gap with Buddhism in this respect. It is really only to make up for it from the underground world. The underground world also has its own master, just like It is the Miyamoto Xinyi that came out under Hou’s hand, and the strength of the crow is getting stronger and stronger.”

The poisonous fox smiled and said: "I said, I can see through the hearts of the people. What I am good at is conspiracy, and I can really conquer everything with a righteous teacher, and I can really use the positive to win. The Lord is the master, and the Lord is the true king."

Xiao Bing stood up and said in a dignified tone: "You are Zhuge Kongming around me. I will rely on Mr. Yu in the future."

The poisonous fox also stood up and said: "I will do my best, and I will die!"

Xiao Bing then discussed a lot of details with the poisonous fox. All these things can't be anxious, but they are slow. It is a breeze to rely on the current forces of Xiao Bing to unify the underground forces in the country, but this must be done. It is necessary to say hello to the old class. After all, this kind of thing is easy to cause the state to be wary. So let's talk in advance and let the other side know what you are thinking. This will make you feel good.

In addition, there must be enough strategies. After all, Xiao Bing does not want the disputes in the underground world to lead to too many lives. This is definitely not what Xiao Bing wants to see.

As for the situation in Buddhism, since the entire Buddhist temple has disappeared all the time, it is useless for Xiao Bing to study. Instead of continuing to enhance his own strength and power before the appearance of the Buddha, he will prepare for the final battle. How Xiaobei was in the Buddha Mountain Village, Xiao Bing also worried about it, but later thought, Xiao Bing still believed in Xiaobei’s ability, I believe that absolutely no accident.

In the evening, the poisonous fox lived in Xiaofu. In the past few days, he tried his best to make the strategy of unifying the underground world of China perfect.

The people in the entire Xiaofu can feel that after talking with the poisonous fox, Xiao Bing now has the same mental state of the whole person. This mental state is only in the case of Xiao Bing who once faced the dragon. When the time has appeared, the whole person’s fighting spirit has burned up.

The next day, I finally reached the date of the class meeting of the leaves.

It is not so much a class meeting, it should be said that the same class dinner, when the entire graduates just completed their studies will attend the dinner.

Because the leaf and the leaf had already been contacted in advance, the Xiaobing and the leaves got off the bus and just arrived at the hotel entrance. They saw Chen Yuanyuan and Xu Wenting running out of the hotel.

In the past two years, Xiao Bing rarely sees two of them. Although they occasionally make appointments to Xiao Fu to find the leaves to play, but after all, the number is relatively small, plus Xiao Bing is not much time at home, so Xiao Bing and them There were not many contacts, but Xiao Bing was very kind to these two people. The two of them were the same. After Chen Yuanyuan and the leaves were over, they looked at Xiao Bing and smiled: "Xiao Big Brother, you are coming! Also Yes, many people bring objects today, and you should follow them to join in the fun."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I thought you would hug me too."

Chen Yuanyuan smiled and said: "Leaves, look at your man, you want to take advantage of me!"

Xiao Bing laughed happily.

Xu Wenting was also grinning at the side, looking at Xiao Bing gently, and said: "Xiao Xiaoge."

The temperament of Xu Wenting and Chen Yuanyuan is very different. Chen Yuanyuan is a lively type of youth. The appearance is also relatively cute, and Xu Wenting is a type of sorrowful lady. She is tall, looks good, and her temperament is very calm.

"Well." Xiao Bing looked at Xu Wenting and smiled. "Is your home very good now?"

"It's good." Xu Wenting said, "My dad has grown into a memory since the last time. It is also very good for my mother."

More than a year ago, Xiao Bing helped Xu Wenting a favor. Xu Wenting's father was fascinated with a woman named Li Yuer. As a result, Xiao Bing found an incompetent actor with a strong entertainment circle to pretend to be Gao Fushuai. I took the hook and then gave it away. Xu Wenting’s father was suddenly awakened, and Zhang Qiang, who pretended to be a tall and handsome man, was helped by such a busy life. He was introduced to the film by Xiao Ting, and played an important role. In less than a year, Zhang Qiang’s career has been flourishing, and it belongs to the second-line star. He Zhixun of the exhibition.

Until now, although it was said that Xiao Bing helped return Zhang Qiang, this was entrusted to Bi Tingting to introduce the role, but Zhang Qiang was still very knowledgeable, and he would call Xiao Bing and Bi Tingting to thank him on the holidays. I have mailed several gifts.

Xiao Bing said with emotion: "The most important thing in that time is that he can realize many truths in life. In fact, many people are worse of this kind of enlightenment, and this is a step by step, and then they fall into the trap. deep."

Xu Wenting said with a smile: "Xiao Big Brother, you are very few at home now. We haven’t seen you in Xiao Yue every time for more than half a year."

Xiao Bing said with emotion: "There is not much time at home. The time spent with the leaves has been less and less, and I have always felt very embarrassed about the leaves."

The leaves smashed Xiao Bing, and said: "Know, I will stay with me in the future, let's go, don't say it here, let's go in."


The leaves said with emotion: "I heard that this banquet was handled by Wei Jiajia. All the expenses are all from her?"

"Yeah." Chen Yuanyuan Wei's family is very great in the northwest. In the whole department, only you and Wen Ting are better than her. On weekdays, her limelight has been pressed by you, so this time it is natural. It’s obvious that I’ve always asked you in the lobby before, right, I’ve heard that she’s still looking for a great fiancé, a high-spirited look. ”

Xu Wenting smiled and said: "Don't count me in, Wei Jiajia is a school flower level. I am better than her. After the leaves are gone, Wei Jiajia is even a new generation of school flowers in the school."

Chen Yuanyuan said: "In any case, this time she must have the meaning of showing up with the leaves. Hey, what is the display, she is more powerful, is there any leaves? The leaves are now the chairman of the Yeh Group, rich and enemies!"

The leaves smiled a little, and they didn’t care at all: "Don’t say this, it’s just a gathering between classmates. It’s just a little bit better, it’s too boring.”

"Cut, you think so, I am afraid that some people are not."

Xiao Bing listened to the side, and his mouth floated with a faint smile. Xiao Bing’s favorite is the leaf. He didn’t show off himself. It was like the first two people knew. Xiao Bing didn’t even know she was Ye’s. Like a daughter.

However, as a boyfriend, if someone wants to hit the face of the leaf, Xiao Bing will not sit by and ignore it. Of course, if only the girls show off their normal appearance, Xiao Bing will not pay attention to it. . 8

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