Super Soldier

Chapter 866: Wei Jiajia's cynicism

Sanjiang Hotel is the largest hotel in Sanjiang City. Now there is also a share of Xiao Bing. Although Xiao Bing said that he did not manage business, Xiao Bing took over Houye’s industry. Hou Ye’s power in the black province is not strong. There are fewer companies or nightclubs with more or less equity of Hou Ye. These shares have already been transferred to Xiao Bing’s hands, and Xiao Bing has the equity of this hotel. Although it is not a major shareholder, it is also It is one of the small bosses. ???

However, the waiters here do not know Xiao Bing. Only the manager and general manager will know Xiao Bing. Of course, even if they know Xiao Bing is their boss, they will not recognize Xiao Bing at this time. Since the fire Xiao Bing must dress up and dress up wherever he goes. He wears a cap and wears a large, large sunglasses on his eyes, even if it is The hat was taken off, and people who were generally unfamiliar could not recognize it. The sunglasses alone almost blocked half of the face.

After entering the hotel, the leaves introduced Xiao Bing to her other students who had good relationships. After a long time between their classmates, they immediately ran to the side to talk about the whispers between the girls. Xiao Bing himself did not want to be too noticeable, so he found a corner of no one to sit down and look up, but see a few girls chatting with the leaves from time to time to see themselves, and then keep laughing It is estimated that I am talking to myself about the leaves.

Xiao Bing leaned back on the body, put the hat on his head, and then bowed his head and began to close his eyes to raise his mind. In the eyes of outsiders, he was already asleep.

At this time, a cell phone ringing sounded nearby, and then I heard a more charming voice saying, "Sorry, I will pick up a phone call."

Then the girl who talked stepped on the high heels and walked over. Xiao Bing is also quite partial here. It belongs to the corner. There is no other person except Xiao Bing, and Xiao Bing looks like he is already asleep. No one will pay attention to it. Yes, so the girl may feel that it is quieter to answer the call here, and it is more convenient to talk. Xiao Bing wanted to avoid getting up and avoiding it. Then I thought about it, I didn’t hear what I pretended. Anyway, I don’t know each other anyway.

Xiao Bing heard the high heels stopped at the window near the back of the body. Then the girl picked up the phone. Before I even talked there, I was already impatient. "Ahao, I have already said, I It’s not appropriate for you, let’s break up.”

It turned out that the little boys and girls were breaking up. Xiao Bing was too lazy to listen. But now the ears are so good, let alone the girl’s voice, the voice of the boys on the mobile phone, Xiao Bing can also hear.

When the girl finished the breakup, she listened to the boys over there and said, "Don't be like this, Jia Jia, I didn't mean to wait for you to marry you after graduation? I will return to China soon, then we will get engaged, then we will Set the time, then get married, are you saying yes?"

The girl named Jiajia sneered a sneak peek: "If you still don't want to go back to China, it's not quite right between them. Tell me the truth, I have a fiancé now. Before I break up with you, Wei Jiajia already has Have a new boyfriend. Are you very disappointed? But you have been abroad for more than a year, so little time with me, plus so many boys who are pursuing me, just happened to meet a better man, why Still waiting for you?"

The opposite boy was angry and snarled: "Wei Jiajia, how can you do this to me? How good have I been to you before? I will give you your heart, and you will abandon me and abandon me. Have you found the next home? You tell me, who is your new boyfriend?"

Wei Jiajia smiled and said: "The young master of Xie's family, and the younger middle school is already in the army. Besides, they only have such an only son. The future family business is all his, and they are thankful. The influence of the military and political circles is not comparable to you. He is better than you. By contrast, what are you? You Zheng is indeed a big door, but it is comparable to Xie, and then, You have a brother and a younger brother at home. When you are at home, you are not just a person. No matter how you look at it, you are a hundred thousand miles away from the younger brother of Xie Jiada. Do you want to compete?"

"You..." After the other party heard this, it was obviously dumb, and it was silent for a long while, and it was a difficult tone. "I wish you happiness."

Wei Jiajia snorted, then hung up the phone, stepped on the high heels, and walked proudly, and went back to say hello to her classmates.

Xiao Bing heard the secret feelings. This Wei Jiajia’s voice was quite nice. Unfortunately, the character was too far away. He was engaged to someone before breaking up with his ex-boyfriend, and apparently also fell in love with the family and identity of the new boyfriend. It’s not really a fall in love with a new boyfriend. This kind of woman, no matter how long it is, can’t be.

Xiao Bing opened his eyes and saw a beautiful woman in a red tight dress walking forward facing her back, still holding hands with her classmates.

Xiao Bing’s eyes immediately went straight, lying on the grass. This is the girl named Wei Jiajia who just called.

It's no wonder that the sound is a little charming, and the body is also full of enchanting. It is simply the body of the devil. The figure is tall, the waist is very thin, the buttocks are very upturned and very upturned... really upright.

Xiaobing’s throat rolled a little, and then she saw her straight ahead in front of a few people in the leaves. It seemed to be greeting the leaves, and then she saw the leaves waving in their own direction.

Xiao Bing is also not good enough to continue to die, righteously hat, stood up, and walked over.

Xiao Bing is getting closer and closer, and finally sees the beauty of this beauty. In a strict sense, she grows naturally without the degree of a smile like a leaf, but her facial features are perfect and she looks very charming. Especially the pair of Danfengyan, whoever looks at it, the bones of the other side must be crisp.

When she saw Xiao Bing, she smiled and said: "Ye Xiaoxi, this is your boyfriend? How to wear such a large pair of sunglasses in the hotel, it would not be embarrassing to let us see What do you look like?"

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "How come? It’s just that there is no rest in these two days, and the dark circles are too heavy."

Wei Jiajia giggled: "The appearance of a man is not important at all. I think that a really good man must have enough ability and sufficient wealth and rights to protect his woman. Oh, Ye Xiaoxi is the school flower of our school. Presumably, her boyfriend must be great. I don’t know where you are, what is it? What is the family doing?"

Xiao Bing’s identity is basically only known to several students who have the best relationship with the leaves. In addition to Chen Yuanyuan and Xu Wenting, there are three or four other students who know, but this is definitely not Wei Jiajia. Wei Jiajia is not a student of Ye Xiaoxi. It’s just the next class, because today’s classmates will be present to all the alumni of the entire graduation year, so Wei Jiajia will naturally come, and all the expenses of this class will be contracted by her alone. She is the first beauty in the school after the leaves leave.

After listening to this Wei Jiajia asking about his identity, Xiao Bing smiled and said: "I opened a noodle restaurant on the school road, there is a sister in the family."

In this case, Xiao Bing is not suitable for talking about Xiao Mingyue, so as not to cause misunderstandings of others. At that time, the leaves are embarrassed, so Xiao Bing only said that there is a sister.

However, this kind of information is enough for Wei Jiajia. How can a woman like Wei Jiajia be able to hear what information is contained in this passage? She smirked very loudly: "It turned out to be the noodle restaurant. Ah!"

Xiao Bing only said that he opened the noodle restaurant. Other identities, whether it is the identity of the underground world, or the identity of a star, or the identity of a special soldier, are not convenient to disclose to these ordinary students, and Wei Jiajia thinks that Xiao Bing is really just a noodle restaurant. The little boss, plus Xiao Bing did not say what the parents are doing. In her opinion, Xiao Bing’s family conditions are definitely very general. The general rich family does not mention what his parents are doing, that is It is the capital to show off!

Xiao Bing smiled casually, and did not care. The face of the leaves was slightly colder. Several girls with good relationship with the leaves also looked bad, especially Chen Yuanyuan was on the spot. Fortunately, Xu Wenting quietly sneaked. For a moment, this was not done. As for some people who have nothing to do with the leaves, they all looked at it with a schadenfreak. The family conditions of the leaves were so good, and they are now the chairman of the Yeh Group. This kind of identity is enough for everyone in the school to look up to it, but it will also cause some people to be embarrassed.

Wei Jiajia said with a sigh: "Ye Xiaoxi, my boyfriend will happen to be there today. I will introduce you to you later. He is not like... Whether it is family conditions or himself, he is very amazing. He can let me through. Living like a princess, I don't need to raise it."

When Wei Jiajia talked about his disappointment, he looked at Xiao Bing with an intentional or unintentional look. The approximate meaning was basically seen. It was clearly said that there was so much difference between Xiao Bing and Ye Xiaoxi, two people. If married together, and finally Ye Xiaoxi raises Xiao Bing, Xiao Bing is a little white face.

Chen Yuanyuan finally couldn’t help but make a loud voice: "Hey, what are you talking about!"

Wei Jiajia pretends to be different: "Ah, what did I say wrong? Round, how do you react so much?"

Chen Yuan’s round face is blue, and he is about to make it again. The leaves have already smiled indifferently: “The round is not awkward. Although I don’t have much contact with Jiajia, but Jiajia is a college graduate, how can I make that kind of suspicion? If you are poor and love the rich and refer to the mulberry thing, Jia Jia cannot be the kind of morally despicable person!"

After the leaves were finished, Chen Yuanyuan immediately sneered out. Xu Wenting couldn’t help but smile. Xiao Bing saw that Wei Jiajia’s face changed. After a cold sigh, he walked away, and Xiao Bing’s mouth also floated a smile. I mean, yeah, a girl like a leaf, such a strange girl, only she can bully others, how can it be bullied?

Now it is just a bickering between the two girls. Although Wei Jiajia is a bit too much, after all, it is not directly smashed. Xiao Bing naturally stands by and looks at it, so as not to intervene, so that he does not appear to be masculine. In Xiao Bing's view, Wei Jiajia's words are naturally enough to make many young and young people angry and even humiliated, but for Xiao Bing is nothing.

This is not because Xiao Bing's face is thick, mainly because of the small children's small fights, they have not been seen by Xiao Bing.

Wei Jiajia is just a rich family. Compared with Xiao Bing, he is the world of two people!

Not to mention a Wei Jiajia, how many people can be seen in the eyes of Xiao Bing in the north? 8

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