Super Soldier

Chapter 867: Leaves Megatron full audience!

Although this dinner was Wei Jiajia's treat, the real focus of the audience was Ye Xiaoxi.

This is very simple, Wei family heard that it is also a big business, but everyone has not even seen the tip of the iceberg, and Ye Jiake is not the same, even if it is looking at the country, Ye Xiaoxi’s wealth is definitely one of the best, throughout The forces in the province are also one of the best. Especially after Ye Xiaoxi mastered the whole family business of Ye Family, there are many people who want to climb up with Ye Xiaoxi. Unfortunately, Ye Xiaoxi rarely returns to school after that. Inside, they did not have this opportunity, and this time they really caught the opportunity to have a good relationship with Ye Xiaoxi.

Some of them are Ye Xiaoxi's classmates, some are Ye Xiaoxi's alumni, Ye Xiaoxi and his classmates have always had a good relationship, and facing those alumni, Ye Xiaoxi did not put any shelf.

Wei Jiajia saw that she was invited to host this dinner, but everyone's attention was all on Ye Xiaoxi's body. She suddenly hated Ye Xiaoxi in her heart.

Because of Ye Xiaoxi's relationship, Xiao Bing has also become the focus of everyone, although it is a pity that the uninformed person thinks that Ye Xiaoxi's boyfriend is actually a small boss in a noodle restaurant, but now I want to get in touch with Ye Xiaoxi, naturally Can not offend Xiao Bing, what they really care about is not Xiao Bing, scruples is the bedside wind blown by Xiao Bing.

If you let Xiao Bing know the thoughts of these people, I really don't know if I should laugh or cry.

At this time, the dinner was close to the beginning. Wei Jiajia looked out the door. Suddenly his eyes lit up. He stepped on the high heels and walked quickly. He smiled happily in his mouth: "Xie Big Brother, you can count it!"

Although Wei Jiajia said that the limelight is better than Ye Xiaoxi, but after all, it is also the second person in the school after Ye Xiaoxi. At this time, she saw her so enthusiastic look. Everyone looked down and saw a young man who was very tall and straight. When I came in from the outside, when I saw this young man, almost all the girls’ eyes were bright. The young man’s body was as tall as a javelin, with a military style and a bit of aristocratic atmosphere. From the outside, it can be judged that this person must be born.

After seeing this young man, Xiao Bing snorted in his mouth, but because he was alone and sitting alone and sipping, he did not hear Xiao Bing’s surprised voice.

Wei Jiajia took the man's arm and smiled happily. He introduced to everyone: "Lecturer, let me introduce, this is my boyfriend."

The whole audience sounded an exclamation. Wei Jiajia was a man of the school. Even if it was not as good as Ye Xiaoxi, it was also the object of countless people's love and secret love. At this time, she saw that she had objects, and everyone was amazed.

Wei Jiajia smiled smugly: "My boyfriend's father is Hakka Xie Jia Xie Yuan."

Everyone was even more surprised. When they looked at the young people one by one, their eyes were even more different, and then they whispered one by one.

Xiao Bing learned from these people's whispers that this Xie family is the grand family of the entire black province. It is said that Xie is a military family, Xie Yuan's father is the deputy commander of the military region, but it is a real power figure, Xie Yuan It is a major general of the military region. The wife of Xie Yuan is the director of the Education Department of the Black Province. The family is a high-ranking government official except the military chief. It is extremely prominent and stunned. The entire black province must tremble.

After learning about Wei Jiajia's boyfriend, some people naturally quietly compared Wei Jiajia's boyfriend with Xiao Bing. After the comparison, everyone came to the conclusion that Ye Xiaoxi said that he is a giant, but he is a giant. Her choice of boyfriend's vision is really not as good as Wei Jiajia. According to Ye Xiaoxi, the class rich, should be married to a talented person like Xie Jiada, who ended up with a small boss in the noodle restaurant. It is simply A flower is inserted in the cow dung.

Obviously everyone's arguments were heard by the leaves and Wei Jiajia. The leaves immediately changed their faces. Wei Jiajia was more proud and continued to look happy. "But I am not interested in the family of Xie, oh, I Because I really fell in love with Xie's brother, Xie's brother is not only good at home, but also very capable. At a young age, he has become the vice captain of the Lions Special Forces of the seven special forces of China. He belongs to the Lieutenant Colonel! ”

Everyone immediately exclaimed, who didn’t know what the seven special forces represented? Who doesn't know what a young lieutenant colonel represents? This almost means that the younger brother of Xie Jiada is destined to have a bright future. Even the future may not be inferior to his father and his grandfather, even if he is not comparable to his grandfather, but his father who wants to chase him is still very There is hope!

This is really the son of destiny!

Compared to a military and political giant, compared to such a young lieutenant colonel, even Ye Xiaoxi’s light must be hidden!

Xiao Bing shook his head secretly. He just surprised him because the young man knew him. This Xie family is not someone else. It is the vice captain of the Lions Special Forces Xie Tiansheng. Xie Tiansheng’s excellence is Undoubtedly, Xiao Bing is also very optimistic about Xie Tiansheng's future prospects. Needless to say, Xie Tiansheng still has such a strong family background. Even if he does not have them, the future is also a bright future.

However, Xie Tiansheng’s vision is really too bad. How can I look at such a face-to-face set of women behind her, and when she is with Xie Tiansheng, it is estimated that Wei Jiajia has not broken up with her ex-boyfriend? It belongs to two boats on the footsteps. It is just after Wei Jiajia and her ex-boyfriend broke up. For such a woman, even if it looks so beautiful, it is too worthy of Xie Tiansheng.

Xie Tiansheng was slightly frowning and said: "Jia Jia, what do you say?"

In fact, he didn't like Wei Jiajia very much. Although it was beautiful, it was too much tricky and too high-profile. It was not in line with Xie Tiansheng's temper, but this is also the fiancée that Xie Tiansheng's father personally helped him to finalize. It is Xie Wei. The parents of the family have been finalized. Wei Jiajia is also pretty, and his family or appearance is not humiliating him. He is not good to refuse, so he is on the list.

Wei Jiajia smiled and said: "Just tell everyone about it. After all, my own boyfriend is so good. Oh, yes, my dad would have planned to come over to this party, but there is something there, so I didn't come. You I also know that Wei’s power in the entire northwest region is too big and there are many things...”

Suddenly there are alumni who are very surprised: "Weijia in the northwest? Wei Tongtian is..."

Wei Jiajia smiled smugly, and even looked at Ye Xiaoxi with a provocative look, then said: "Oh, that is my father!"

Xiao Bing finally knows why Wei Jiajia raised such an extravagance. It turned out that Wei Tongtian turned out to be his father!

If Xiao Bing wants to unify the underground world of China, it can be said that Wei Tongtian is the biggest obstacle. If no matter the top experts, only the power is on, Wei Tongtian’s power is even above Xiao Bing. The underground world of the three northern provinces, but Wei Tongtian is the underground world that controls the five provinces in the six northwestern provinces.

At the beginning of the six provinces in the northwest, only Jinghai Province was not under the control of Wei Tongtian, but later six people were kidnapped by the hiring people outside, and finally were removed by Xiao Bing, and Xiao Bing even appeared in 6 The ancient monsters chiseled, and later Xiao Bing was seriously injured. After he woke up, the chiseling tooth had disappeared, and he did not know that it was death.

After that, the forces of the six were replaced by Xiao Bing. Of course, Xiao Bing did not take over himself, but he supported the shackles there, but the other five provinces in the northwestern provinces were also the forces of Wei Tongtian. It is easy for Wei Tongtian to destroy the shackles that Xiao Bing has helped, but he still does not want to see Xiao Bing immediately.

We must know that Xiao Bing’s mastery of the forces in the three northern provinces is enough for everyone to worship, and that Wei Tongtian can master the forces of the entire northwest. It is naturally more horrible, and it is simply a prince of China. Even if the Ye Family is big, it is only a huge influence in the business sector of the Black Province. It is far worse than the Wei family.

So at this moment, all the people looked at Wei Jiajia with awe. They were shocked apart from shock. For them, the combination of Wei and Xie’s family has obviously overwhelmed Ye’s, or even almost It can form a crush, and Wei Jiajia has become the absolute focus of the audience.

Wei Jiajia giggled, said: "Ye Xiaoxi, this is not because I said you, looking for a boyfriend should find a door to the right, you look at what you are looking for, the little white face that is fostered?"

Everyone listened to Wei Jiajia's words, although it feels a bit too much, but the heart is also deeply convinced. After all, in everyone's mind, Xiao Bing is really not worthy of Ye Xiaoxi, and Wei Jia and Xie Jia are the perfect pair.

Wei Jiajia's heart secretly, Ye Xiaoxi, Ye Xiaoxi, let you usually show up in the school, let you see how I completely stepped on your feet today.

Wei Jiajia continued to proudly say: "I am here as an alumni to remind you, man, it would be useless to say sweet words to marry a woman, you marry a little white face, when wealth is not all this Men's? Then I will kick you off, then lick other women, tell you where to go when you go to the time? If you can't find a good man, let my fiancé find you in the army. How about? The special forces are all bright young people, and they are much stronger than your little boss boyfriend."

Originally, everyone may still stand on the side of the leaves. After all, Ye Family can really cover the sky in Sanjiang City, and it plays an important role in the entire black province. However, after learning that Wei Jiajia is the daughter of the Wei family in the northwest, plus her male Friends are still in the black province, the Xie family young master, so everyone does not go out and keep neutral, after all, standing on which side is not very good, one by one to watch the lively plan, but everyone I believe that today's leaves are ugly, and who made the boyfriend of the leaves worse than Wei Jiajia.

Chen Yuan’s face-colored iron blue, who wants to rush up, was pulled by Xu Wenting, Xu Wenting said coldly: “Wei Jiajia, we are all alumni, whoever has not offended anyone, why are you so ugly?”

"Hey." Wei Jiajia proudly said, "I didn't say anything. I am just kind. If you think that I am stimulating your self-esteem, let Xiaoxi have no face, then I will not say it." ”

The leaves smiled and said: "I didn't feel that I didn't have a face. I just sympathized with you. I have to be shameful in front of so many people!"

“I am a shame?” Wei Jiajia laughed. “Is it obvious that you have no face? Is it shameful? Where am I shame?”

No one expected that the smiling face suddenly strode over and raised his hand, and a slap in the face of Wei Jiajia.

Wei Jiajia glared at his face, widened his eyes and shouted: "Do you dare to hit me?"





The leaves opened around the bow, and they took four slaps, then swept them around, and said loudly: "I am not afraid that you laugh at me. I am not afraid that this woman will humiliate me, but no one can humiliate my man, whoever is in front of me. Insulting my man, I will draw her by hand."

"I said to make you shameful, I will make you shame!"

"My man is covered!"

Chen Yuanyuan opened his mouth, Xu Wenting was also an incredible face, Xiao Bing smiled faintly from beginning to end, the audience was silent.

The leaf gas field is fully open and shocks the audience!

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