Super Soldier

Chapter 871: Yu Yu’s injury

Xiao Bing called the leaves on the same day, and then one person came to the provincial capital. He and Yu Wenhua met alone. The two people talked in the office for an afternoon. Yu Wenhua didn’t let anyone go in and bother, wait until Xiao Bing walked. At that time, Yu Wenhua's face was dignified, turned his head and looked out the window. Looking at the sky at dusk, he sighed slightly: "The mountain rain is coming to the wind... I hope he will not let me down."

When Xiao Bing left here, he was fascinating. He told his identity to Yu Wenhua, and he also said his purpose to Yu Wenhua. He unified the underground world first, and then used this power to control the entire dark. world.

Xiao Bing used to be the leader in the world to eliminate the darkness. The dragon tooth itself was born to restrain the dark world. Because the seven special forces are powerful, they can only deal with criminals belonging to ordinary people, but those in the world are strong. But the seven special forces are not able to deal with it.

Xiao Bing found that even if the power of the dragon tooth could not sweep all the darkness in the world, Xiao Bing began to reflect. He began to understand that the darkness will never disappear. Just like there is a day in the world, there will be nights, and some things cannot be changed.

Darkness is caused by society. Can this society be truly perfect? Everything in the world can't be perfected, so Xiao Bing thinks that what is really going to be done is not to destroy the darkness, but to guide the darkness. Now, with the strength of the power, and the conversation with the poisonous fox, Xiao Bing changed again. One idea is to control the darkness and control all the darkness of the world in your own hands. Only in this way can the world be truly peaceful!

After learning about Xiao Bing's idea, Yu Wenhua was shocked by Xiao Bing's madness, but Xiao Bing's identity has been verified. This idea is said from a major general's mouth. He must not think about it repeatedly, and the final thought is actually turned out. Yes, Xiao Bing said that it makes sense.

Therefore, Yu Wenhua has decided not to block Xiao Bing, let Xiao Bing do what he wants to do, and will help Xiao Bing keep this identity secret, even though it is crazy.

When Xiao Bing came out of the government compound, he saw a car parked on the side of the road. The embers poked their heads out of the car and waved at Xiao Bing.

Xiao Bing smiled and walked over. He sat down directly into the position of the co-pilot, then turned his head and looked at the embers. He asked, "Is your father telling you that I am coming?"

"Yeah, otherwise I don't know yet!" Yu Yu said with some blame, "Bing brother, are you not treating me as a friend?"

"How come?" Xiao Bing smiled. "This is not something suddenly."

"If that is the case, I will forgive you, but I have to punish three cups at night."

Xiao Bing laughed happily: "The fine wine is fine, no problem."

It is also late, and Xiao Bing does not have to go back in the night, so I just stayed in Harbin for one night, just in time with Yu Yu.

Yu Yu drove with Xiao Bing to the Xinyu Bar. Two people in the bar, you have a drink of me. They both drink here. Xiao Bing can detect that there are two bodyguards nearby to protect the embers in the dark. When Yu Yu drove, Xiao Bing found that there was a car behind him not far behind, but this is normal. The son of the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee may lack protection.

After the wine was over three patrols, Yu Yu asked: "Yes, I haven't contacted Liu Kexin for a long time. How is she doing now?"

When I mentioned Liu Kexin, Xiao Bing smiled and said: "She is very good. She is very important in the hospital. It is estimated that she will become a head nurse in a few years. The most important thing is that her relationship with her colleagues is also They all get along very well, and other nurses like her very much."

Yu Yu said with emotion: "It is no wonder that in fact, there are very few people in the world who can not like her."

At the beginning, Yu Yu started a crazy pursuit of Liu Kexin. After learning that Liu Kexin would not waver to Xiao Bing’s will, this finally gave up and silently prayed that Liu Kexin could be happy.

Yu Yu drank another glass of wine and sighed and said: "Bing brother, I can envy you. But... But you and Ye Jia are the chairman, I am really afraid that Liu Kexin will get deeper and deeper."

Xiao Bing sighed and said seriously: "I will not let Liu Kexin feel sad and will bring her a home."

Yu Yu looked at Xiao Bing and asked, "Can you do it?"

"must be able to!"

Xiao Bing has never had the self-confidence. He originally combined Yu Yu and Liu Kexin, and he did not let Liu Kexin get deeper and deeper because he knew that he could not abandon the leaves. The leaves were the women he had to marry, but the slow. Slow, he finally learned about Liu Kexin's mind. He knows that even if he is no longer suitable, it is useless for Liu Kexin to marry a person who does not love. She would rather not have any name. Points, but also with Xiao Bing, so Xiao Bing finally opened the knot, be regarded as accepting the existence of Liu Kexin.

However, Xiao Bingxin also secretly vowed that he would not let Liu Kexin do his own underground lover in his life anyway, and one day he would make himself her destination, although it is really difficult.

Yu said: "Well, I believe in you."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "You, do you have a girlfriend now?"

"I? Not yet, but I am not in a hurry to find it. I listened to my father's words and stepped into the career. Now it is a small director in the city government, not worth mentioning."

Yu Yu said that modesty, but Xiao Bing knows that such a young age can actually become a director in the city government, the future must be limitless.

Of course, Xiao Bing did not feel any surprise. With the family of Yu Yu, there is such a towering tree as his father Yu Wenhua, and Yu Yu himself is absolutely excellent. In the second generation and the second generation, like There are very few young people who are down-to-earth and sincere, and the most important thing is that Xiao Bing knows that Yu Hao is still very capable.

His starting point is so high, he has such a deep family background, he has enough ability to wait for his father to lay him on the road, let him struggle for ten or twenty years, and his future prospects will be better than his father. .

The two men were each a few bottles of wine, and the bar suddenly quarreled, but they saw two groups of people starting to fight, followed by a young girl in her early twenties who fell to the ground and several girls with the girl. They all frightened to hide far away, and shouted loudly in their mouths, but they did not dare to go forward.

Seeing that one of them was directly on the lap of the girl who fell to the ground, the drunken man’s ankle was twisted and fell to the ground, but the girl who was hurting screamed and the tears flowed directly. come out.

Yu Yu quickly rushed over and shouted in his mouth: "Don't fight, don't fight! Let's let go, you step on people!"

The girl had fallen to the ground and was injured again on the leg. It was easy for the two groups of people to accidentally step on the tread. The embers were seen in the past and would be stopped.

He is also courageous enough, and other people around him have seen that some people are hiding far away from the fight. How can they dare to go forward, but he rushes forward with great strength, even he is so sudden, even Xiao Bing He did not react with his two secretly protected bodyguards. When the reaction came, he immediately rushed to the group.

Yu Yu pushed away the two drunks who were about to step on the girl, reached out to grab the girl's arm, and planned to pick up the girl. The bottle of a drunkard's hand slammed directly onto the head of the embers because the crowd Crowded, Xiao Bing was a little slower, and the wine bottle blossomed directly on the head of Yu Yu.

The wine and blood flowed down the head of the embers, but the embers did not care, and the girl who fell to the ground was forced to squat and hugged directly into the arms. The girl was scared and her eyes were dull. The embers are on the top of the **** head, and the body is a little trembling.

There are two drunks who want to work on Yu Yu. Xiao Bing will be scorned. He will directly defeat all the fights, and those people will fall on the ground one by one. Oh, I can't climb up almost in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the security guards in the bar arrived here, and they were all stunned when they saw this scene.

Yu Yu took a picture of the girl in her arms and said softly: "Nothing, nothing."

Xiao Bing looked at Yu Yu, frowning and asked: "You have nothing to do? You have no skill, you have to be brave."

Yu Yu reached out and touched his face. He glanced at the palm of his hand. His hands were full of blood. He only felt a little dizzy in front of his eyes. He said, "This is not something suddenly, I am fine, I just saw some blood, a little dizzy. ...."

Said, Yu Yu’s eyes were confused, and the swaying swaying would fall. Xiao Bing quickly stepped forward and gave the embers a hand to watch the embers that had been unconscious. Xiao Bing smiled and said: You are no one, even if you don't shoot, I have to stop, this is good, and I will send you to the hospital."

Xiao Bing picked up Yu Yu and was about to leave. The girl suddenly grabbed Xiao Bing’s clothes and said, “I can... can I go with him? I want to wait until he wakes up. Thank you very much for my savior."

Xiao Bing thought for a moment, and this is also the case, so he agreed.

At this time, the sisters of this girl ran over, and asked the girls awkwardly. The girl shook her head and greeted them, and went with Xiao Bing.

The two bodyguards glanced at each other, with guilt and annoyance in their eyes, and hurriedly followed, and quietly gave Yu Wenhua a phone call.

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