Super Soldier

Chapter 872: Fly on the branches and turn the phoenix

After Yu Yu was sent to the hospital, he woke up and it didn't seem to be a big problem. However, he was forced to stay in the hospital by the doctor. The result was a slight concussion and he needed to leave a message for three days.

Yu Wenhua sent a phone call to Xiao Bing. When he heard the result, he was slightly relieved, and then thanked Xiao Bing for his timely release, otherwise the consequences would be more serious.

Xiao Bing himself feels very embarrassed. According to the strength of Xiao Bing, it should not be let people injure Yu Yu in front of their own. It is because they are too ridiculous, and a gentleman like Yu Yu. Suddenly, the anger shot was a bit strange, so there was a little bit of disappointment. If it was on the road outside, even if Xiao Bing had such a sudden distraction, he could stop it for the first time, but they were crowded. In the bar, the result was a minor injury.

At this time, the embers on the head, the wound on the head had been bandaged, and two stitches were stitched. Xiao Bing was sitting on the stool in front of the bed of Yu Yu. The heart was full of shackles, and the girl next to him was red eyes. She felt that The injury was caused by her.

Yu Yu looked at Xiao Bing and smiled. "I have nothing to do. The doctor did not say anything. I will stay in the hospital for observation these two days. In general, there will be nothing. The reason why I stay in the hospital is to ensure that only in case. And already."

Xiao Bing exclaimed: "Yu Yu, your boy is very good, but you will listen to the doctor in the past two days. Take a rest in the hospital. Don't just go to the bathroom, don't just get out of bed. There are nurses here, I will Don't stay to take care of you."

Yu Yu smiled and said: "Or because I am not a beauty, not a beauty treatment is not good."

Xiao Bing laughed happily: "You are really right, but I will come to visit you during the day. I will not leave in these two days. I will return to Sanjiang City after you leave the hospital."

Xiao Bing stood up and looked at the girl next to him. Before talking to the girl, Xiao Bing probably knew the basic situation of the girl. The girl was 22 years old and was called Lu Weiwei. She is a junior. She is an art student. The reason why I went to the bar to drink today is mainly because I gave a birthday to a female student with a particularly good relationship. I didn't expect to encounter two drunken fights. She accidentally fell to the ground and happened.

Xiao Bing asked: "Lu Weiwei, will I send you home first? You a girl who goes back so late is not safe."

At this time, late at night, Lu Weiwei had just been scared, and Xiao Bing naturally could not let him go back alone.

Yu Yu struggled to try to get up, Lu Weiwei hurriedly said: "You don't want to move, Yu Da Ge, you are lying down, the doctor said that you can't just get up when you are fine."

Yu Yuping lay back and smiled bitterly: "In fact, nothing happened. That line, then I am lying here, Bing brother, you can go back to the hotel yourself. As for Wei Wei, I will let the bodyguard send her back."

Lu Weiwei hurriedly said: "No need to send me, no one will send me, I will not leave this evening."

Yu Yu said seriously: "No, you are still a student, still studying at school, and then saying that you will not go home so late, the family will worry about you. I have a nurse here to look after me, and you do not need to stay. Not to mention, Didn't your leg be trampled?"

"I have already called home to say it. I don't have to worry about my leg injury. The doctor has already applied the medicine to me. When I am fine, I don't want to walk around. When I don't need me, I can. Sitting quietly here." Lu Weiwei's eyes are red, some moved to look at Yu Yu, said, "Never... no man has been in front of me like this, if not you, today I may be The injury is even more serious, so I must stay with you today."

Yu Yu saw her insistence from Lu Weiwei’s eyes. She knew that even if she persuaded her to go back, she would not go back. In the end, she had to agree and said: "Bing brother, then you Go back alone, Wei Wei, you don't have to sit here, isn't there a bed with a companion? If you are relieved, you will rest on that bed, I will call you if something happens."

Lu Weiwei’s nose sighed, and her face floated a little red. She was a class flower, and her appearance was very delicate. She was more versatile and had more temperament in her body. After getting up, it looks even better. Even if Yu Yu has a little bit of disappointment, Lu Weiwei is the second girl who has some heartbeing in addition to Liu Kexin.

Xiao Bing looked in his eyes and smiled secretly. Is it a good thing for this hero to save the beauty of the drama today? That’s really good. Xiao Bing knows that in such a long time, Yu Hao has never come out of Liu Kexin’s feelings. Liu Kexin did not accept him, but it does not mean that he has let go of Liu Kexin. It’s almost two years now, and he should also find a true feeling that belongs to him.

Xiao Bing left the hospital and gave the two men some time to get along with them and return to the hotel.

For the next three days, Xiao Bing will go to the hospital to look at Yu Yu every day during the day. Lu Weiwei took a few days of leave in the school and has been accompanying him in the hospital. It seems that the two people are between the two. With some progress, Lu Weiwei and Mei Yu had a adoration and love for Yu Yu, and Yu Yu was very fond of this Lu Weiwei.

On the fourth day, Xiao Bing came to the hospital again. Today should be the last day. The hospital finally approved Yu Yu’s discharge. When Xiao Bing came to the ward, he suddenly found several girls in the ward. These girls are the ones who went to the karaoke room with Lu Weiwei that night. Today is the weekend, so they came together to visit the heroes who saved the heroes. The girls felt more sensitive when they noticed Lu Weiwei and Yu Wei. After the same, one by one is still laughing, making the embers this big man very embarrassed.

Xiao Bing was watching the interesting side of the scene. At this time, someone suddenly knocked on the door. Xiao Bing saw it from the door glass and smiled. "I didn't expect the deputy secretary to come personally. Yu Yu, you have been injured these days. Estimated that your father is upset and broken?"

After hearing the three words of the deputy secretary, the girls were shocked and stunned. Even Lu Weiwei was surprised. She had not asked the family's family in the past few days, and Yu Yu did not mention it.

When the door was pushed open, a big man in the entire black province that was often seen on the TV appeared, almost everyone except Xiao Bing held his breath.

Yu Wenhua wore a pair of trousers and a shirt. He followed the two bodyguards behind him. He walked in and looked at his eyes. He smiled and said: "A lot of children are here, everyone should not care, I am nothing today. It’s just a look."

Xiao Bing smiled and said: "Yu Shushu, you deputy secretary of the provincial party committee can really be very busy, his son is injured, just call me and ask about the situation, even for a few days have not seen At a glance, when Yu Yu is discharged from the hospital, you will come over and your father will be incompetent."

Yu Wenhua smiled and blamed: "Isn't you giving me trouble? I have rushed to Kyoto City these days. I have discussed with you some of the above, and I just came back from there. The plane is coming over. How? No sequelae left behind?"

The last sentence is to Yu Yu.

Yu Yu said: "No."

"Well, no, just fine." Yu Wenhua still breathed a sigh of relief, no matter how majestic he usually is, but it is still impossible to not care about his own son, not to mention his only one.

Yu Wenhua looked at these girls and asked Yu Yu: "These are your friends?"

"Yes, yes." Yu Yu’s answer made the girls’ hearts excited. They didn’t know the identity of Yu Yu before, and they all came because Lu Weiwei came over. It’s only time for them to get along with Yu Yu. More than half an hour, and Yu Yu actually said that they are his friends, is the friend of the son of the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee?

You know, just taking them out of the conversation in today's ward is enough to make them attract the attention of many people.

Yu Wenhua smiled and nodded. "Well, there is time to find Yu Yu at any time. I will not bother you young people. I will be relieved if I see nothing, and there is a meeting in the province." I want to convene, I will go back first."

These girls hurriedly and politely said: "Uncle, goodbye."

Seeing Yu Wenhua want to go, Yu Hao suddenly anxiously said: "Dad, wait a minute."

Yu Wenhua snorted and looked back and asked, "Oh, what happened?"

Yu Hao suddenly pointed to Lu Weiwei and said: "Dad, this is my good friend, Lu Weiwei, I want to introduce you to know."

Everyone is a glimpse, Lu Weiwei’s face is red, and Lu Weiwei’s good friends are excited by their faces. They are happy for their good friend Lu Weiwei, but the son of the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee. They did not expect Lu Weiwei to be involved in a birthday party, such a small accident, directly.

Most of them are well-off families with good families, but compared with Yujia, it is really far from the difference. The most important thing for a girl is not to marry a good man. This man is the best for himself. Ok, if this man is not only good to himself, but also has the ability to be a family, it is perfect to everyone's envy, and Lu Weiwei now has this opportunity.

Lu Weiwei apparently also realized the meaning of Yu Yu and his face was ashamed.

Yu Wenhua first stunned, then suddenly smiled happily: "I will call you Weiwei, is it free tonight? If you are discharged from the hospital tonight, you are here to take care of Xiaoyan for so long, and at night. Have a meal at home, and have time in the future, always welcome to come home to play."

Lu Weiwei nodded and said, "There is time, there is time, Yu Shushu."

She has just been really scared. Generally speaking, the giants are paying attention to the door. Her family is also an ordinary middle-class family, even if it is worse than the rich, not just compared with the rest, she just I was really afraid that Yu Wenhua suddenly had a cold attitude towards her. I didn’t expect the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee to speak so gently, even very enthusiastic, and let her go to the house at night to eat. This is almost a direct statement that she will not oppose her. How can she not be excited, that is, her good sisters are very excited.

Yu Wenhua smiled and walked out. Xiao Bing said with a smile: "Yu, I will not bother you, I will leave."

Yu Yu called: "Bing brother, what are you rushing to go?"

"Haha, here for a few days, you still can't bear me? Have time to go to Sanjiang City, I will take you around."

After that, Xiao Bing opened the door and went out, catching up with Yu Wenhua, haha ​​smiled: "Yu Shushu, your son is a hero to save the United States, help you win a daughter-in-law back!"

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