Super Soldier

Chapter 873: Xiao Mingyue has an accident!


Yu Wenhua smiled and said: "It is not necessarily possible to enter our home."

Xiao Bing asked: "What is it, Yu Shushu also wants to be the door to the house?"

Yu Wenhua said with a serious look: "People who usually play politics basically can't get rid of the four words on the issue of children. Because the son or daughter finds a child with the same status political background, the politics of the two families. Energy is a kind of accumulation, and under strong alliance, the family can certainly develop a lot."

Xiao Bing snorted and looked disdainful, but his heart had to admit that there were really too few people who could really get rid of this idea.

Yu Wenhua then said: "However, my realm of Yu Wenhua is comparable to other people who play politics. Feelings are feelings, family is family, career is career, and if people are not even able to distinguish between them, How to manage the people in their own jurisdiction?"

Xiao Bing asked: "So you won't care?"

Yu Wenhua smiled and said: "In dealing with children looking for objects, I am an ordinary parent. The real concern is the girl's character. From the fact that she does not know the identity of Xiaoyan, she can be here. Looking at the three days, this child is still very good."

Xiao Bing applauded: "Yu Shushu, I feel more and more that your future is truly limitless."

"Do you admire me?"

"I admire you!"

After Yu Wenhua and Xiao Bing left, the ward was quiet. Lu Weiwei lowered her head and asked: "Yu Da Ge, your father is the deputy secretary of the provincial party committee. Why don't you tell me earlier?"

Yu Yu smiled and asked: "I will tell you earlier, you will not stay to take care of me?"

"Of course, of course not..."

Yu Yu asked: "What is that?"

Lu Weiwei’s classmates said next to them: “Our Wei Wei feels that she is not worthy of you, Yu Da Ge, you still don’t give Wei Wei a reassurance?”

Lu Weiwei’s face was red, and her eyes were filled with glittering tears. Yu Yu smiled and gently grabbed her hand. She said softly: “My girl, who I like, will not see her life. I won't look at her family background, just look at the disagreement, I will see if I like the type I like, and I will let my heart move. The girl I like, I also like that she can care about my family background, don't care. Whose son is I, the feelings are two people, should be simple, those extra things should not exist at all, should not be scrupulous."

"Wei Wei, do you understand what I mean?"

Lu Weiwei looked at Yu Yu with amazement and then nodded with a touch.

The girls next to them did not have any embarrassment because Lu Weiwei found such a good home. Although they envied Lu Weiwei, they were more happy for Lu Weiwei. If the two men finally walked together, Lu Weiwei could Really find lifelong happiness.

On the last day of Xiao Bing's city, a message spread throughout the underground world of China. Xiao Bing played the face of the Wei family in the banquet, forced Xie and Wei to dismiss the marriage contract, and rejected the deputy secretary of the provincial committee of the province. Yu Wenhua's reconciliation.

The underground world of China is shaking!

Everyone knows that even the leading bosses in the three northern provinces are completely torn apart from the leading bosses of the underground world in the northwest. It is necessary to see Wei Tongtian refuse to bear this breath. If they can't stand it, the two big ones. The forces must have a battle!

Xiao Bing sat on the bus back to Sanjiang City. In the position two kilometers away from Sanjiang City, Xiao Bing received a call from his home. The phone was Li Chunlan's voice. Li Chunlan's voice sounded a little urgent: "Small soldier, where are you? There is something wrong with the moon."

Xiao Bing was shocked and asked: "What happened in the moon? What happened in the moon?"

"I... I don't know... I just called to inform the leaves to go home, also called the ambulance. The moon looks a little wrong, lying on the cock, shaking, and I can't say it. It seems that there is a power..."

Xiao Bing immediately said: "Don't call an ambulance, call the ambulance to go back... In addition, I will be home soon, you should not go to the tube, tell the moon to hold on, wait for me to go back!"

After that, Xiao Bing hung up the phone and shouted at the driver: "Driver, stop the car!"

"Parking? Are you going to be convenient? There is no toilet near here, and it will take more than ten minutes to get to the toll booth."

Xiao Bing has not been able to explain more, and burst out: "Parking!"

The driver was so scared that he stepped on the brakes. Xiao Bing rushed straight off the car and quickly swept in the direction of Sanjiang City. The speed had reached the limit and the figure disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The driver shouted: "Who is this? It is a madman."

He headed out the window and shouted: "Hey, where do you go to urinate? Just be in the grass next to you. Hey, man? Why don't you see anyone?"

All the people in the car looked out from the window and found that Xiaobing’s trace disappeared. The entire bus was quiet and silent, and each one felt only a gloomy smell as if it was enveloped in the bus. Is it a hell?

Xiao Bing madly rushed past the direction of Sanjiang City. After a minute, he passed the toll booth and then rushed into the suburb. Fortunately, Xiaofu is not too far from here. If it is a car, it is estimated that it must be at least two. Ten minutes, but Xiao Bing's speed can only be rushed to Xiao Fu in three to five minutes.

However, when he was running wildly, Xiao Bing gradually calmed down. Now Xiao Bing and Xiao Mingyue signed a spiritual contract. If Xiao Mingyue really has any life-threatening things, Xiao Bing can’t feel it. However, there are some incitements in the depths of Xiao Bing, but it is definitely not the kind of life danger. If this is the case, then there is no problem. I believe that after I have arrived in Xiaofu, everything will be solved.

In a twinkling of an eye, Xiao Fu is already close at hand, Xiao Bing rushed in like a whirlwind, and even the people who guarded the door just felt that they had a flower in front of them and saw nothing. When Xiao Bing rushed to the door, he stopped and pushed. Open the door and walk into the child.

At this time, in the son, Li Chunlan, poisonous fox, Liu Xiaofeng, several people are standing far away, very horrified to look at the **, and the red rose is sitting at the front of the head, the two hands are The body of Xiao Mingyue, who was constantly shaking, suddenly screamed. The red rose spit out a blood, his face paled and stood up. When she saw Xiao Bing, she was worried in her eyes and said: "Mingyue does not know. What's wrong, there is a force in the body, especially to incite a particularly powerful force. I just wanted to use my power to control the power in her body. I didn't expect myself to be hurt..."

Xiao Bing nodded and his face was dignified: "You must go out first. I will stay alone here. Rest assured, there is me, Xiao Mingyue will be fine."

The red rose promised, and then said to Li Chunlan, who was worried about her face: "Li Wei, and everyone, let's go out, we can't help but stay busy, and only let Xiao Bing distract."

Although they were not at ease, they retired with the red rose and closed the door tightly.

Xiao Bing walked over. Just before he approached **, he could feel the power of Xiao Mingyue’s body being raging. The power was exceptionally strong and even close to breaking the power of the early days of the void. And even better.

And this is not the most critical. The key point is that this force is with a breath of death. It is no wonder that the red rose will vomit blood. This power is no longer what normal humans can have, but the death of the dead. Even if it is a strong person who breaks the early days of the void, I am afraid it is difficult to withstand this kind of dead air. Especially the red rose is still a woman. The woman itself is very suffocating. If it is really eroded by this force, it is not only injured. So simple, there may even be some legacy.

Xiao Mingyue shivered, his mouth kept saying: "It's so cold, so cold..."

How can it be cold if the body has such a terrible smell of dead?

Normally, the strength of Xiao Mingyue's body should be dead, so it is absolutely impossible for her to hurt her. The reason why her strength belongs to the dead is because she is a dead person, she is a ghost.

But now that this kind of power is so violent, it is beyond the scope of Xiao Mingyue's own tolerance. If this is the case, there are two possible consequences.

The first consequence is that Xiao Mingyue broke through this difficult situation, and then her strength will be reborn, to break the virtual realm, and even directly beyond the majority of the strong break the beginning of the void, went straight to break the void period.

The second consequence is that she can't break through this difficult situation and can't break through to breaking the virtual realm, and it will disappear from the world.

When Xiao Bing went to Jingdong City to pick up Xiao Mingyue, he felt that Xiao Mingyue’s strength became stronger. At that time, he did not care. Because Xiao Bing had a breakthrough before, it would definitely bring Xiao Mingyue an increase. The two of them are now Not only do the minds communicate with each other, but even the forces will influence each other. Of course, usually the strong side will influence the weaker side. Therefore, when Xiao Bing breaks through the realm of breaking the peak of the void, Xiao Mingyue will benefit and get an increase. .

But now it seems that this is not necessarily a good thing for Xiao Mingyue. Xiao Mingyue’s breakthrough is completely different from the normal human breakthrough. Maybe in the previous realm, she is no different from ordinary humans, but arrived. When breaking the void level, her breakthrough is almost risking her life. If it is successful, the strength is much stronger than normal humans have just broken through to breaking the void. If it fails, it will vanish.

Xiao Bing stretched out his hand and grabbed it toward Xiao Mingyue. With a firm and firm belief in his eyes, he said: "Mingyue, Dad will not let you go wrong, and will help you through this difficult time!"

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