Super Soldier

Chapter 874: Xiao Bing’s crisis

Xiao Bing’s hand just stretched out, Xiao Mingyue suddenly opened his eyes and opened his mouth and bit it.

Xiao Bing’s hand hurriedly collected it, and then saw Xiao Mingyue rushing to himself like a lightning.

Xiao Bing sneaked away and then grabbed Xiao Mingyue and returned Xiao Mingyue back to the bed. She died under the sorrow of Xiao Mingyue, saying: "Mingyue, you wake me up. Mingyue, you Wake up to me!!!"

Xiao Mingyue originally had wide eyes, and the eyes were green and green. The light seemed to be swallowing up everything in the world. Xiao Bing knew that at this moment of breakthrough, because the power was too violent, so that she temporarily Lost in nature, or that Xiao Mingyue’s body has two personalities, the same is true for ordinary people. The deep inside of normal people also has its own bright side, with its own dark side, and Xiao Mingyue’s body is There is a lovely Xiao Mingyue on weekdays, as well as the ghost king Xiao Mingyue, which is also her two characters.

Only after Xiao Mingyue signed a spiritual contract with Xiao Bing, the sunshine side took the upper hand and controlled the body. The dark side was suppressed. Until today, because of the chaos in the body of Xiao Mingyue, let The dark side that had been suppressed for too long broke out in an instant, and controlled the body of Xiao Mingyue.

Xiao Bing's death and death hold Xiao Mingyue, constantly trying to wake up Xiao Mingyue's consciousness. It is too crucial for Xiao Mingyue to wake up. Only Xiao Mingyue calms down and Xiao Bing is sure to help her through this difficult time.

Finally, through the constant call of Xiao Bing, the green light in Xiao Mingyue’s eyes began to dissipate slowly. When she saw Xiao Bing in front of her eyes, Wow cried out and cried again: “Dad, I am so uncomfortable, my father saved me, my father saved me."

The sound of her milky voice, Xiao Bing's heart will be broken, Xiao Bing took her up and felt the coolness of her body. Xiao Bing's heart hurts, and the tone is firm: "Mingyue Rest assured, Dad will save you."

"I know, I know, Dad, I..."

Xiao Mingyue said, the pupil was once again occupied by the green light. Xiao Bing had no choice but to cut her palm on her neck, temporarily stun her, then put her flat on the bed, herself I moved a chair and sat down. Then both hands grabbed Xiao Mingyue’s two hands. The strength inside the body was tempted to enter Xiao Mingyue’s body. When Xiao Bing’s power and Xiao Mingyue’s When the power came into contact, Xiao Bing felt the body slightly shocked, and the gas of death rushed directly into Xiao Bing's body along Xiao Bing's hand.

Xiao Bing immediately released Xiao Mingyue’s little hand. After the lack of a medium of transmission, the dead air is powerful, but like the rootless water, lacking a constant supply of dead air, naturally unable to be honest with Xiao Bing’s body. The gas contends, and is slowly integrated and assimilated into the power of Xiao Bing's body.

Xiao Bing looked at Xiao Mingyue, who was lying in a coma in bed. He even could see that a death scent appeared on the surface. If this continues, it is very likely that Xiao Mingyue will not be able to take this time, but Xiao Bing will never allow it. That kind of thing happened. After signing the spiritual contract, especially after the contact of this period, Xiao Bing had already been conquered by this little girl. He really regarded Xiao Mingyue as his own biological daughter. Who is there? Can you keep calm when your daughter is in danger? Who can ignore this?

But thinking about it, Xiao Bing now only thinks of a plan. That plan may face certain risks for Xiao Bing. Xiao Bing has almost no hesitation, just like a person is in danger when his child is in danger. Like the first time to keep the body in front of the child, Xiao Bing also chose to do the same thing.

Xiao Bing regained Xiao Mingyue’s hands and closed his eyes, and then allowed the death of Xiao Mingyue’s body to pour into his body. Xiao Bing used his own body instead of Xiao Mingyue to bear these!

The leaves have already rushed back to the house. She and others stayed out of the door and didn't dare to bother, but they were filled with anxiety and worry.

At the beginning, they were able to hear some movements in the room, as if they were fighting voices. Later, Xiao Bing called Xiao Mingyue’s voice, followed by Xiao Mingyue’s crying call to Dad’s voice, the cry of the call, let them The heart has to be broken, but soon, the room is calm, and no more sounds come out.

Time passed by little by little, and it took a few hours in the blink of an eye to change from the afternoon to the late night, but there was still no movement inside. What happened inside?

Maggie was persuaded to go back to the room. Ye Xiaoxi persuaded Su Xiaoxiao and others to go back to the room. Only the leaves were waiting outside. The room was the most important man in her life. How could she not? Worried, even if Xiao Bing does not come out, she may not sleep at night.

Ye Xiaoxi waited for a few more hours. It was already in the middle of the night. Her eyes were a little red, and she was walking outside. So many hours passed, but there was no sound in the room. Ye Xiaoxi was really scared, afraid of the inside. What happened.

Su Xiaoxiao didn't know when it appeared at the end of the corridor. She saw Ye Xiaoxi still waiting here. She sighed softly and slowly walked over and said, "Leave, go back to sleep."

Ye Xiaoxi shook his head and said: "You go back to sleep, I can't sleep."

Su Xiaoxiao looked at Ye Xiaoxi and said: "Are you not the one who trusts the most brothers? This is not like you. Isn’t the brother in your heart always omnipotent? Don’t worry, the moon will be fine. However, if the soldier is out of the room, I will see you standing here one night. If the disease is reborn, the soldier is really uncomfortable."

Ye Xiaoxi hesitated.

Su Xiaoxiao said: "Do you want your brother to save the moon, and then worry about you?"

Ye Xiaoxi sighed and nodded and agreed.

"Let's go, go to my room to rest this evening, I will accompany you."


Ye Xiaoxi followed Su Xiaoxiao and went to the small room of Su. Before he went in, he looked back and looked at it. He secretly prayed for Xiao Bing.

The next morning, after everyone woke up, they found that there was still no movement in Xiao Bing’s room. They gathered in the room, and they couldn’t help worrying one by one. Mai Qi said, “If you fly here, it’s fine. Would you like me to call my flying brother?"

The leaves are on the side: "I still don't want it, I believe that your brother can definitely get it."

Even though the mouth is saying this, there are still concerns in the eyes of the leaves.

The red rose frowned. "The smell of this child in the moon is even stronger than mine, and the breath should not belong to humans, but the terrible death of the gathering."

Su Xiaoxiao asked: "What is the gas of death?"

The red rose shook his head and said: "I don't know how to describe it, but I can only say that normal people, even if they have one thousandth of the death gas in Xiao Mingyue's body, may be early. It is already dead."

After these people listened, they even felt worried.

Red Rose said: "I tried to use my power to resolve the horrible death of her body, but the strength of her body is too strong. I even got hurt immediately, if not me. In time for the reaction, the gas of death can directly rush into my body and invade my heart. I am afraid that I am dead now."

When I heard the red rose, everyone looked at it.

The leaves stood up and said, "No, I will look at it in the past."

Red Rose Road: "Leaves, don't enter the room, don't go in and disturb Xiao Bing."

"Ok, I know."

The red rose thought for a moment, but it was not too reassuring. It also followed the past. The others looked at each other and walked over. Everyone went to the door of Xiao Bing’s room. At this time, the leaves just went to the door. I heard a bang from the heavy object falling on the ground. The leaves couldn’t care a lot. I hurriedly pushed the door and rushed in. Everyone else ran to the door at this time, followed by the leaves, all People have been pushed out by an extremely violent force. If the red roses are not released in time, they will protect them. It is estimated that they will be smashed.

When they finally stopped at the door, they were shocked and looked at the room. What happened just now?

Xiao Mingyue lay in bed calmly, as if he was sleeping. Xiao Bing, who had just fallen to the ground, was sitting on the wall with his arms crossed. The power of horror was raging in Xiao Bing’s body. His face was Sometimes it becomes black, sometimes white, sometimes purple, and even a black mist visible to the naked eye slowly covers him.

Even if you don’t know anything about martial arts, you can see that Xiao Bing’s situation is not good at this moment. The red rose is even more changeable. It’s amazingly surprised: “Bing brother actually uses his body. Absorbing these dead things, he is crazy, how bold he is!"

Yes, this is the only way that Xiao Bing can think of. The doctor can change the blood. Xiao Bing can change the breath. The so-called gas is the infuriating. Xiao Bing gives his true temper to Xiao Mingyue, and then gives the same amount of dead air. Degree into his body, it is risky, even life-threatening.

The dead air in Xiao Mingyue’s body is really terrible. It’s too strong. I can’t bear it for anyone. Even if the strength of Xiao Bing is the peak that human beings can reach, it’s equally likely to be The horrible death gas destroys all the functions of the body, kills every cell in the body, and completely dies.

However, Xiao Bing has no other choices. He was in a critical state last night. This is the only way Xiao Bing can imagine.

Even if Xiao Bing is gambling, use his own life to gamble, but also help Xiao Mingyue through this difficult time!

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