Super Soldier

Chapter 878: Mythological history

In the next three days, Xiao Bing first took a hotel in the city with Xiao Mingyue, and the two sides agreed, and met in the temple three days later.

This time, I met with the Golden Dragon Master. Xiao Bing found that this Golden Dragon Master had unimaginable power. That power is even stronger than Xiao Bing’s strength. It’s hard to imagine that there is such a powerful one in this Thailand. People, even once they have seen him once, have never found out.

However, the more powerful the Golden Dragon Master is, the more likely it is to save Xiao Mingyue, which is a good thing for Xiao Bing.

Before that, Xiao Bing wanted to first understand the so-called saints and demon gods, so he first called the old class. When the old class heard that Xiao Bing asked this, he was slightly silent, and then asked Xiao Bing. I heard this from someone's mouth. When Xiao Bing talked about the Golden Dragon Master, the old class was silent.

When Xiao Bing saw the old class and did not say anything, he immediately sneered: "Is there any secret in the world that I don't know easily?"

"..." The old class sighed. "Hey, the most important ones are myths and legends. You know that in today's world, you and the Buddha are the strongest. As for the others, there is no need."

"No." Xiao Bing said firmly. "In today's world, the strongest people are not the two of us. The power of the Golden Dragon Master is not weaker than me, and even worse."

Old class: "From the Sukhothai period, to the Siam period, to the present-day Thailand, there have been seven sacred priests before the establishment of Thailand, and this Golden Dragon Master is the eighth in Thai history. The first holy shrine after Thailand's founding. These holy shrines have the power that normal humans cannot possess, but their power is not too aggressive for normal humans, that is, they can barely compete with a weaker, but They are all nemesis of demons and ghosts, and they only exert terrible power when confronted with evil things."

Xiao Bing asked: "This not only limited to these mages, but also among our normal warriors, who possess the terrible power?"

The old class was silent for a while and said: "You have to wait for me, I have to call."

"Okay." As soon as he heard the old class say this, Xiao Bing was more certain that there must be secrets that he did not know, even the secrets that the entire dark world did not know.

Hang up the phone, waited for almost half an hour, the phone over there was called, after the phone was connected, the old class sighed and said: "I just talked to the above, this is also you will know sooner or later. What's more, your strength has now reached the critical point that ordinary humans can achieve. If you break through, you will enter an incredible situation. If you do, tell you that there is nothing."

"Well, you said, I am listening."

The old class asked: "How long do you think human history is?"

Xiao Bing thought for a moment: "I don't know foreign countries, but I know that the time of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors in China has been thousands of years away."

The old class said with emotion: "The history of mankind is much longer than we imagined, and the real peak is the mythological era more than 5,000 years ago."

Xiao Bing asked: "Are you talking about Pangu and the girl? Isn't that a myth?"

The old class smiled and said: "If it is really just a mythical story, what should you say about the gossip snake?"

When I heard the old class mention this, Xiao Bing closed his mouth.

"On this earth, it has been about 5,000 years since the mythological eras such as Pangu, Nuwa and Houyi; about 4,600 years since the Three Emperors and Five Emperors; about 4,100 years since the Xia Dynasty; from the first great reunification The Qin Dynasty, which has a centralized system, counts about 2,200 years. But now many people will ignore the mythological era. In fact, it is an era in which the demon and the ghosts can traverse the world."

The old class said: "And that mythological era may be the first prosperity of mankind on earth. The first flourishing age is called the mythological era, and the second flourishing age is the current technological age."

"There were extraordinary powers between the Protoss at the time, they were able to move the mountains, they were able to shoot the sun, they were able to fill the sea, they became the mythical figures that later generations sang, and they led all Human beings protect all human beings, while the protoss enemies are demons. They have the same powerful power as the Protoss, and they have a more terrible advantage, that is, there are countless monsters are their pets. Except for a few monsters that are difficult for them to control, most of the monsters are caught by them, recognize them as the main, and help them attack the Protoss. The power of these monsters is second only to the gods. Although the Protoss also have the beasts, the number of the beasts is too rare, and most of them are not under their control."

"Whether it is God, or a demon, or a monster, they are almost innately superior to human beings. The Protoss and the Mozu are still very weak after birth, but their progress is ordinary. Countless times of human beings, it is easy to master the incomparably powerful power, and those monsters are born with the power of terror, but they are far less advanced in the space of the Protoss and the Mozu, so they are Most of the monsters will only be able to become the mounts and pets of the Mozu."

"The temperament of the Mozu, especially as human beings are lower creatures, with their own moods, the casual slaughter and playfulness of human beings, under this circumstance, the Protoss began to teach ordinary human skills and teach them how to Xi Wu, how to have infuriating."

"The Protoss has also set a systematic martial level for human beings. The refining period, the forging period, the Ming period, the dark period, and the period of the dynamism. These five realms are the day after tomorrow; the Dan Jin period, the Jin Jin period, Breaking the void, these three realms are congenital. The warrior who reached the innate realm was called the brave at that time. It was the most brave warrior in the tribe. If it reached the realm of breaking the void, the strength was basically the same as those who were defeated. The monsters enslaved by the tribe are almost the same."

Xiao Bing is like listening to myths and legends. At this time, I heard these familiar martial arts realms and immediately asked: "Are you talking about the current martial arts level?"

"Yes, from mythology, it has continued to this day, because this is the method of mastering the instinct that God passed down, so everything is also formulated by the Protoss."

"Now most people still don't know that it is not something that is not dead before breaking the void. Human beings are not dead or immortal, even if it is the legend that has the power to destroy the land. God and the devil, they can't never die, or how will the mythical era end?"

Xiao Bing eagerly said: "What is that?"

"By breaking the void, there are three layers of realm. Those who have reached these three levels have surpassed mortals and have become another kind of existence."

"The first layer above the void is the realm of Tianzun. The origin of Tianzun is respected by Heaven, the respect of the Tao, the ultimate, and the name Tianzun. If you respect the heavens, you can imagine what it is. Kind of realm!"

"The gods are saints, the so-called saints are the saints among the people. The people who have reached this level are perfect and perfect. They can see through everything at a glance. Anything or martial arts can understand it with a glance. Principles, the world has nothing to do with them, their power is even more let them open the school, spread for thousands of years and the incense continues."

"The sage is above the gods, because these martial arts realms are all formulated by God, so the highest realm is the realm of the gods. When you reach this realm, you can almost reach the level of inconspicuousness. It is said that you can cross the void, move the mountains and the sea, and have nothing to do. No, even the beasts that can be oppressed are all suffocating."

Xiao Bing took a breath and whispered to himself: "Is this... true and false? God must be the highest state in the legend?"

"Not yet, the highest realm is really what you said and the whole world is still immortal. This realm is also made by God, but more is the fantasy of these gods. They dream of thinking. To achieve, to live forever and live forever in this world, the universe exists, they exist." The old class shook his head. "But this is simply impossible. This is a realm that even God can't reach."

"Oh, yes, whether it is the Protoss or the Mozu and the Yaozu, the same level of power is used. Only the name that breaks the void is changed. The realm of the Devil's breaking the void is called the devil. Respect, Devil, and Demon, the Protoss are called God, God, and God after they reach the void."

"The beast is not the same. In the world of the beast, there is almost no congenital or acquired, because the first year after the birth of the monster is not attacking, but after one year, it immediately has the human to break the void. The power of the monster with this power is called the adult monster, but it is extremely difficult for the adult monster to reach a stronger power, so most of the monsters will be regarded as the pets of the demon, because They are huge and strong, but it is difficult to have the power to threaten the demon, but the monsters also have a hierarchy in the upward direction. They are called demon statues, demon saints and demon gods."

Xiao Bing only felt that his throat was a little thirsty. What the old class said today is really shocking. Xiao Bing thought of a question and immediately asked: "Is there still a **** in the world?"

The old class sighed: "Humans are eager to be gods, and the Protoss are eager to have eternal life. This is the original intention of them to be eternal and eternal. But they underestimate the ambitions of human beings. No one likes to be born. Suppressed below, even if the other is a **** that allows humans to only look up."

"In the mythical period, the Protoss, the Mozu and the Wicked Beasts were more and more degraded. In the period of the Three Emperors and Five Emperors, human beings finally became stronger, and even humans who reached the realm of God. The Yellow Emperor and Yandi, who are headed, even have the power to surpass most of the Protoss powers. After the wars of the four races of the gods and demons after several hundred years, the Protoss finally took over with the support of huge humans. The upper hand, the demon beast and the demon are about to be completely eliminated. At this time, the protoss began to expose their initial heart, they began to madly enslave humans, and humans finally realized that these protoss taught human martial arts and helped Human progress, but the human race as a **** against the monster, because the Mozu has a large number of monsters as pets, and in the eyes of the Protoss, humans are the pets they use to fight against the Mozu, but the Terran It has more potential than the monster, and the number is even bigger!"

"When the proud arrogant protoss began to succumb to human beings, the number of human beings who were fascinated by the number of powerful gods, devils, and demons began to rise and revolt. Under the leadership of human leaders, countless The human warriors went on and on, and the blood was dyed into a river, and the bones were like mountains."

"The Protoss and the Mozu are powerful, but their number is really too little and too little compared with human beings. Especially after hundreds of years of war, most of the strong people have fallen, and human beings are inexhaustible. The weakest beast is the first to be annihilated. The Mozu and Protoss are too powerful. All the human beings who have reached the realm of the gods will sacrifice themselves, and the flesh and soul will be annihilated. The big forbidden seals the Protoss and the Mozu all in another world, and is isolated from the human world, and the mythical era is completely over."

Xiao Bing took a deep breath. In the mythological era, all kinds of rivers and rivers fell into the sea. The wars of all kinds of gods and demons were simply unimaginable. Just listening to them made people feel excited. It turns out that there is such a history in the world, all of which are unknown. .

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