Super Soldier

Chapter 879: Human beings are the masters!

Xiao Bing only felt that there was chaos in his head. He thought that to break the void, it was already the peak of mankind, or there was a realm of immortality. The fact is that it has subverted everything. Tianzun, then the saint, and then the god, as for the immortal, is completely fabricated by the Protoss, the same as painting a cake, completely absent.

Nima, is this **** too unreal?

If it wasn’t because he had seen the gossip snake and the chiseling, the old class would say this to himself, and he must be treated as fart.

However, the reality tells Xiao Bing that this is true. Otherwise, the gossip snake can't explain it. The chiseling can't explain it. The Golden Dragon Master and the Ghost King are also in the situation of human cognition. They can't explain it.

It’s too shocking, it’s too shocking.

Xiao Bing asked: "Those gods, demons and demons are sealed to another world, then they are not on Earth?"

"No, no, no, still on earth, you have to know, even if I say the mythological era, the so-called **** or the devil is essentially a more powerful human being, but they rely on their own strength. The gene feels high above, self-proclaimed as a god, self-proclaimed as a demon, the country is building a genetic warrior, what is the difference between it and God? It is also the creation of human beings, and the so-called gods and demons, that is, genes are more powerful, Martial arts practice is faster than normal humans. Those so-called monsters are some of the more powerful ancient life of genetic variation. Just like the so-called **** realm, it is just a kind of power level. There is no essential difference between Ming Jin, Dark Power and Hua Jin. It is only a more powerful level of power. No matter how powerful the gods and demons are, they belong to the life of the earth. We have no way to seal them. The world outside the earth, not to mention even if science is explored today, there has never been a high life outside the earth."

Xiao Bing smiled bitterly: "Well, what you said allows me to accept a little bit, but it is only a little bit, a little bit."

Xiao Bing suddenly thought of a problem and immediately asked: "When I faced the chiseling, he claimed that the strength had reached the end of immortality...."

The old class said: "Strictly speaking, immortality is not a martial arts realm. It is not how powerful the military is, but a realm that all living beings in the world can never die. But there is no such thing in the world. Any life can never die, so I said that it was just a beautiful encounter, that is not there."

"So chiseling...."

"The chiseling is too high to lift himself. He didn't even reach the level of the demon. After you and I mentioned the chiseling, I immediately transferred the strength of the mythical era from the file. He is also a demon. The level of the monster, although the strength is already very strong, after all, the ability to break through the virtual realm is actually very few, but he wants to die, he is still impossible, perhaps his gene is special, longer life, plus After sleeping for so many years, I lost my life, so I barely lived to this day, but it is absolutely impossible not to die."

Xiao Bing silently said: "Will the beast also brag?"

"Haha, I said, whether it is a monster or a **** or a demon, they are essentially no different from human beings. They are all life, but they are different genes. Strictly speaking, the genes of God and the devil are the most powerful, followed by It is human, and finally it is a monster and a beast. Although the beast and the beast are born to be very powerful, their potential is too small, and their intelligence is far less than that of human beings. So after humans have mastered the methods of martial arts, No matter whether the monster or the beast can only be subordinated."

"Since it's all life, humans will brag, why aren't the monsters and demons? Don't think they are perfect, you just treat them as different people and animals. Not to mention, chiseling even It’s bragging and not worrying about the stuffing. It knows that you can’t see through its lies.”

Xiao Bing asked: "Why does it know?"

The old class sighed: "There were too many people who died in the mythology, and the blood flowed into the river. Later, the human powers reviewed it. It was because the power gave birth to ambition and the constant war, the human beings at that time. The god-level powerhouses are gone, but they can cultivate to the god-level powers, so they burn all the folk exercises, and no one is allowed to pass these exercises to the back."

Xiao Bing asked: "Is there still a martial arts cultivation method in the world?"

The old class said: "Now the folks master the methods of practicing from the refining period to breaking the void, but the real way to break the void does not exist. Breaking the void is not just simple instinct. It has been running and accumulating, so after so many years, have you heard that several people have ever broken the void?"

Xiao Bing’s tone is heavy: “No one even.”

"That's right, all the Protoss's methods of humanity have been destroyed. The martial arts wizards who have been shocked and brilliant in the world rely on themselves to explore the level of breaking the void, but go. The farthest is to reach the legendary realm of heaven, and as soon as the governments of various countries are present, someone will immediately find them and tell them the secrets of mythology. Such people are already gods among the present world. To the extent that they are already qualified to know this secret, but governments will still warn them not to disclose secrets to anyone in the world, or they will be enemies of the world."

"As for the chiseling, he said that he is not dead. There are few people in the world who know the secret of breaking the void. Of course, he can just talk nonsense." The old class laughed: "The chisel is a very special myth. Very powerful monster, but if he can die forever, it is still unlikely, he will be arrogant, a bomb-intensive bombing up, still can not kill him. I don't know this. Is there still a few monsters in the world that have been smashed and sneaked into the present, even if they are, if they are not jumping into the wall, they will never dare to come out as a disaster, but they can only be honestly shrinking. And the life of stealing is alive, and now it is no longer the era that can be a blessing!"

The old class said with pride: "The current era, even if it is not weaker than the original mythological era, is even better. Even the god-level masters of the mythical era are facing the nuclear weapons of the present! ”

"God is no longer the master of this world, nor can he be the master of this world. The master of this world can only be human!"

Xiao Bing whispered to himself: "Yes, God is no longer the master. Human beings are the masters of this world. It is no wonder that Jin Longshi refuses to tell me this secret. It turns out that the real strong who broke the void is a must. Keep this secret."

The old class exclaimed: "The reason why I was allowed to tell you this is because all of us agree that you are a rare martial arts wizard who has never been seen for thousands of years. It is the most promising human being to break through the void. Since this is the case, it is better to tell you, not to mention the country has some selfishness. After all, you are a Chinese, you are stronger for this country, but you have to keep this secret, if this secret is from your mouth It’s leaking out, even if it’s China, you can’t keep you.”

"I know." Xiao Bing asked, "Old class, how did you know this secret?"

The old class smiled bitterly: "Normally, my level is not enough, but my position is quite special. The director of the National Security Department, what I just said to you is also related to human exhibition and security, so I also have the responsibility to know, After all, if there is a strong person who breaks the void above, I still need to warn me. In addition, I have signed confidentiality regulations with the state. These secrets cannot be used unless they are allowed by the number one. Talking to anyone, once I leaked it privately, my family and I will go to the military court together."

Xiao Bingdao: "I understand."

"In addition, after you have finished this period of time, remember to come to Kyoto City. There are still some things to let you know. It is also the decision of the No. 1 long. It can be said that although the country was in you when you left Longya, The punishment is very serious, but the country has always been very optimistic about you."

"Well, I know, I hang up first. I have to digest and digest this thing. It is too much of my knowledge..."

The old class can fully understand the shock of Xiao Bing's heart at this moment. In fact, when the old class just learned the secret, he could not accept it at all. Even after taking it for a long time, it was accepted. Xiao Bing’s reaction now is better than He was much stronger in the past, but it was also because Xiao Bing had seen the gossip snake and chiseling.

After hanging up the phone, Xiao Bing went to the window, opened the window, felt the feeling of breeze, and breathed fresh air.

Heavenly respect, saint, **** level.

According to the old class, in the later history of mankind, it seems that there have been level-level powerhouses, but the Tianzun or above should not have appeared for a while.

In Xiao Bing’s mind, a crazy thought suddenly emerged. Can he also cultivate the realm of heaven in the legend? Even reaching the saints and gods that humans have never reached before? In the end, I didn’t even touch the god, but it was just the illusory immortality that was fabricated in fantasy.

If it is possible to bring their own women to the legendary immortality, and the eternal life is always together, what is the situation?

The revealing of the hidden history of the mythological era led to the ambition that Xiao Bing never had!

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