Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1441: Angry president

General Wan did not ask Hades too many questions, they quickly shuttled through the dark woods.

Zhang Feng is still carrying General Wan on his back. As far as General Wan said, steady, fast, quiet!

The monkey and the judge opened the way in front, Li Jian and Yan Wang behind, the students and the jackal on the left and right.

If there is an attack, no matter which way it comes from, it can ensure the safety of General Ten thousand and will not be attacked in the first place.

They arrived in a small town early the next morning. There was a joint staff arranged by Chen Wanru. As soon as they arrived, they immediately took the car to the west. Two hundred kilometers to the west is the ocean. To the west of the sea is the motherland and their destination. .

Last night, they ran all night and fought with more than 100 elites of the Black Dragon Mercenary Corps.

They must go by land because it is relatively safe and has a small goal. They are now seeking stability without asking for time. General Wan cannot be surprised.

Even if they pay the price of their lives, they must protect General Wan.

Chen Wanru was also fully prepared over there, mobilizing reliable forces that can be mobilized. The most important thing is not to help Zhang Feng and the others drive, but to always pay attention to signs of forces in this area.

Must be reliable personnel.

Otherwise, all previous efforts will be lost.

In the car, Zhang Feng called Chen Wanru to report the situation. She knew but she knew very well. In the wide back seat, the students gave General Wan a simple check on his body to see if there was any injury, and whether it could last so long. Running around.

Fortunately, General Wan's body is very tough. It has been two days and one night since coming out of the small mountain village, almost three days. General Wan only has hours of light sleep in the cave.

He has a high collar in his nineties, and he can still be so tough.

Even Zhang Feng had to admire.

I think the old man must be a very powerful character.

When he arrived in the car, the old man ate some food, but not much. Zhang Feng noticed that General Wan was very particular about eating. He ate very slowly and seemed to be delicious. He ate only a small amount of baby food at a time.

But an hour later, he continued to eat, still eating so much, and ate four times.

"Hehe, curious?" General Wan looked at Zhang Feng.

Zhang Feng nodded.

General Wan said, "You have to be a little more disciplined when you are old, especially with your own body. If you don't love your body, you can't do anything. Even if you do it, it won't be possible!"

"General Wan is right!" Zhang Feng was convinced.

"You are still young, it is enough to have this consciousness now, and it is very difficult for you to do that!" General Wan said.


They were chatting in the car, but they did not say anything about the year tacitly. Most of them were General Wan’s life experience and feelings. In short, it was life perception.

It means chicken soup for the soul.

After they walked out of the forest in the early morning last night, several members of the Black Dragon Mercenary Corps found their men, and then they carried the corpse away silently and reported the news to their boss.

Shocked, the Black Dragon Mercenary Group shook!

Having lost so many people, they don't even know who the other party is. How useless?

"Ba Ga, Ba Ga!" President Yingji was furious: "Yoshino, you are a trash, trash..."

Somewhere in an antique house made entirely of bamboo, there were five or six people kneeling on the bamboo mat. They were all leaders of the Black Dragon Mercenary Corps.

Facing the anger of the president, they can only lower their heads without speaking.

Now that Yoshino is dead, what's the point of scolding?

"Who is the other party? Can't you find out?" the president asked again.

A person kneeling in front looked up and said, "Chairman, Yoshino has taken our elites away with a big deal before. He is so sure that he can do it, so we don’t spend other resources on this matter. I didn't expect him to be so useless!"

"Are you shirking your responsibility?" The president glared at him, and he lowered his head and said nothing.

Half of the responsibility for this incident is the president, because he sent so many elites to Yoshino, and now he puts the responsibility on everyone, everyone has a lot to say in their hearts, but everyone is very savvy, not talking, let him curse.

Otherwise, it's this talkative person who is unlucky.

"Hmph, trash, it's trash, what do you want to do? Go go, go!" The president became more and more angry: "Find them for me!"


A few people should withdraw, and they are as if they were released again.

This enmity must be reported. The chairman meant that he wanted everyone to check it together, so check it out.

Use all resources.

"Kimura, I think it’s better to leave this to you. This incident happened on the East Island. It must be related to the official side of the East Island. They are not from the past. This egg has hatched and will be returned. In the arms of the hen, the new political party is an incubator, understand?"

"Ishida, the chairman didn't let me go, is it for everyone to go together?" The man named Kimura asked this Ishida back.

Ishida said, "Didn't you have been operating in Higashishima for many years?"

"so what?"

Ishida stopped talking. Everyone knew this in their hearts. Is it easy for people who can kill so many of Yoshino's subordinates silently?

It's not that simple!

The door of the president's room opened, and he walked out of it, looked at the people and said, "Kimura, you will be responsible for this matter, and everyone else must cooperate!"

"Hi!" Kimura didn't dare to have any doubts, and he immediately responded. It was his honour and affirmation for the president to be able to call him, although he didn't like to do it very much.

Others felt a lot easier.

The president continued: "Do you know the iron-blooded mercenary group more than twenty years ago?"

"I heard that it was the mercenary group that made the world's mercenary group and even all terrorists and even some illegal armed organizations scared, but I don't know why they suddenly disappeared!" Kimura said.

As the leaders of the mercenary regiment, they naturally know this legend.

"The commander of their group is a Chinese man named Gusu. Over the years, this person has disappeared. I know he is still alive. General Wan in the East Island intelligence incident was an old acquaintance with him. Moreover, Long Batian Already dead, do you understand?"

The chairman's words made everyone clear, pointed out the direction, and also made this matter more difficult and dangerous.

Kimura was sullen, why didn't the president say earlier? I even called my own name, isn't this asking myself to die?

Yoshino can't beat so many people with him, can he?


But Kimura had no choice but to handle even tasks that were almost impossible to complete.

"Kimura, this time you don't need to go to the East Island, go to their hinterland, go to Kyoto!" said the chairman.

"Their Kyoto?" Kimura was surprised.


Kimura's face was ugly.

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