Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1442: Still die!

The president looked at Kimura’s ugly face and knew what he was thinking, and said to him: “Kimura, don’t worry, everyone will support you with all your strength. Although we have been unable to arrange people in Kyoto, when you got there, You can come back immediately after finishing the matter!"

"Yeah, yeah, Kimura, this is a great honor!" Ishida said: "The president is right, we will all support you!"

"Thank you everyone!" Kimura could only say this.

He knows that everyone is helping him, but no one in Kyoto has the resources, and the resources available are very limited. Kimura feels very uncomfortable, because the president knows that he has a lot of resources in Higashishima, but in Kyoto Nothing.

The president also asked him to go, obviously to give him a hard bone.

If this is not done well, Kimura understands that he will be over.

Everyone understands this truth.

"Okay, Kimura, let's go now!" the chairman said: "Your task is to take revenge, kill this Mr. Gusu and General Wan, and avenge our people!"


The task was clear, Kimura suddenly realized that it was an almost impossible task, but he would do his best to do it, even if it failed.

After Kimura left, the chairman arranged things, and they still stared at Golden Wolf Company.

"President, we found that the Death Scythe mercenary group has no news. They seem to have evaporated!" Ishida said.

"Why didn't you say it earlier?" the president said sharply.


Ishida is bitter and can't tell. The chairman has asked everyone to stare at Dongdao these days, and other things have been put aside. Now I ask this again, what else can be done!

"Okay, check it now and contact Mayweather!" The president said: "Find out what's going on. If it doesn't work, you can go there yourself!"


The president said to them: "You all do your own things!"


Ishida said again, "President, where is Kimura?"

The chairman thought for a while and said: "If he needs any support, you should try to provide it. Kimura's affairs are very important. What happened back then concerns the future of our Black Dragon!"


They were surprised. The last sentence that the chairman said just now is the key point. What happened back then was rather vague, but they also knew it was a big deal. The whole world knew it, and it would calm down after many years. Was dug out.

What happened so many years ago can still affect the future of their Black Dragon, which shows its importance.

Now they also understand why the entire Black Dragon's attention has been on the East Island in the past few days, and they have sent the most elite of the Black Dragon.

They admire the president's foresight, and the president is the president.


After leaving the place where the president lived, Kimura immediately set off. He changed his identity and became a businessman.

An employee of a very clean foreign trade company is a global salesperson and runs business all over the world.

He took the business to the eastern country, China.

Soon, he appeared at the international airport in China's Kyoto the next night. He stood at the exit gate and looked at the crowds of people. He was in order, well-dressed, the ground was clean, and the traffic was very developed.

He has a lot of feelings and understands a historical issue. This lion has already woken up! For nearly two hundred years, he now stands among the world's powers.

In the past two to three thousand years, this country has always been a world power.

This is a very miraculous country. Even when it was the poorest and weakest, the country was not divided, and was eventually unified, and then bowed again, making the world shudder every time.

"Are you Manager Kimura?"

At this moment, a man in his twenties in front of Kimura was talking to him, speaking not very authentic Japanese.

Kimura returned to God, looked at this person and nodded and said, "I am! I can speak Chinese!"

Kimura speaks poor Chinese. He has to adapt to this place in the fastest time and finish it in the fastest time.

"It's great. My foreign language is not very good. Manager Kimura is really good. I can speak Chinese so well! My name is Raleigh."

The man named Raleigh smiled.

"Girl? Kawaii?" Kimura joked, trying to get himself into this place.

The best way to learn about a strange place is to get involved.

"Oh, no, no, this is my name, my name!" Raleigh smiled awkwardly.

"Oh, your name is Raleigh, haha, it's Kawaii in our place!" Kimura smiled.

Raleigh was even more embarrassed, but he couldn't help it. He was numb to the name. It was his father who picked it up. His parents, whose body was affected by hair and skin, were naturally so.

"Hehe, it's okay, Mr. Kimura, or we go to the company, we have arranged dinner for you, and pick up the dust for you!" Raleigh smiled.

Their company is a Japanese company, and Kimura's position is not low. In charge of global business, he can influence everything in the Kyoto branch with a single word, even the appointment and removal of personnel, and he has great power.

"No, you can take me to the nearby snacks and just eat something!" Kimura said.

He wouldn't go to that kind of place. Although he was here for the first time, his research on it was very thorough.

"That's fine, and we have already arranged it!" Raleigh was embarrassed.

"Why can't, don't be extravagant, return!" Kimura said: "But you want to take me to the most authentic place!"

Raleigh couldn't help but said, "Manager Kimura, don't worry, I know this place best."

"Okay, go now!" Kimura said.

Raleigh smiled and said, "Manager Kimura please!"

When Raleigh drove in the parking lot, Kimura nodded and looked at a few people not ten meters away. One of them also looked at Kimura, and the two nodded slightly.

Raleigh didn't notice any problems. He had already taken the small suitcase in Kimura's hands.

Soon Raleigh took Kimura to a small alley in Kyoto, eating some historical things. While eating, Kimura kept beating on the side to ask some tidbits about Kyoto.

Think of it as chatting.

Raleigh has said everything. Kimura is interested in everything. He can analyze these things and get things that are useful to him.

Everything does not happen alone, there are many connections behind it.

These connections are unexpected for ordinary people, but for the sensitive Kimura, they are occupations.

This place is very common people, there are many people coming, crowded, Kimura's ears not only listen to Raleigh, but also listen to the surroundings.

When he was two children, Raleigh became a little impatient and said, "Mr. Kimura, I think we have eaten almost, should we go to the hotel?"

You can eat a snack for two hours, something Raleigh has never had before.

"No hurry, you take me to some fun places!" Kimura said.

Raleigh smiled knowingly: "Good!"

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