Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1443: Circle of friends

This is the destination he wants to go to today. Those places are places for young people, and this is what he wants.

Raleigh knows it. He wants to come to Manager Kimura to do this. This is easy to handle. His task today is to receive the supervisor, make him happy, and do everything easily.

And Raleigh can follow along. All the expenses are in the company, or in other words, it is Kimura and the others.

They come here to make money and they have to spend their money here. This is the right way.

Because of his livelihood, Raleigh came to work in this foreign company. The salary is high!

He has a very beautiful girlfriend.

"Mr. Kimura, I will take you to a good place!" Raleigh smiled.

"Oh?" Kimura looked at him questioningly, then nodded and said, "Okay, you lead the way!"

"There is a flower girl!" Raleigh half joked. .

Kimura looked at Raleigh coldly. Raleigh suddenly realized something. He was surprised and quickly changed his words: "I mean there are many girls in colorful clothes!"

Kimura did not speak.

With lingering fears, Raleigh suddenly found out why he felt so like a traitor?

The look in Kimura's eyes just now was terrifying. This guy is not easy. He looks good at talking, but he is actually very dangerous.

This is Raleigh's feeling.

But Raleigh was thinking that this might be his official power.

Raleigh didn't think too much, and took him to a place where young people gathered, where it was feasting.

Kimura is a veteran in this kind of place. He has almost traveled to bars and red light districts all over the world, and he has never been to Kyoto.

It's fresh, but it's monotonous to him.

After coming in with Raleigh, he sat in the deck and watched the men and women twisting their bodies on the dance floor. Kimura was not interested in this.

Raleigh’s hand rang right now. Raleigh saw that his girlfriend was calling on the phone and asked where Raleigh was. Raleigh said he was with the boss and at the bar.

The woman said she wanted to come over, and she said to him, Raleigh immediately refused and said that she was really accompanying the boss.

"Please come over, your girlfriend, I don't mind UI!" Kimura smiled.

His girlfriend said loudly on the phone: "Hey, your boss is really nice, but the accent is weird."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Raleigh said, "Hurry up if you want to come!"

Raleigh hung up and sent the location to the woman.

"Manager Kimura, sorry, my girlfriend..."

Before finishing talking about Kimura, Raleigh said, "It's okay!"

"Thank you, Manager Kimura!"

Ten minutes later, a lovely girl came and greeted Kimura with a smile, calling him Mr. Kimura.

Before coming, Raleigh had already sent her a message, but she was a colleague.

Sitting next to Raleigh, I started playing on my mobile phone. After a while, he said: "Mr. Kimura, I really like the comics and movies in your country. I don't have a friend in your country yet. Can I take a picture with you? "

Raleigh’s girlfriend looked at Kimura expectantly with her chin in her hands. The admiring look made Raleigh feel uncomfortable when she saw it. Why had her girlfriend never looked at him like this?

"Lili, don't mess around!" Raleigh taught his girlfriend.

The girl named Lili was obviously unhappy with her mouth protruding, but she was not so ignorant. She said to Kimura, "Mr. Kimura, I'm sorry, I just..."

"It's okay, come on, I'll take a photo with you!" Kimura smiled.

The temperament of a mature man made Lili's heart tremble, and she blushed: "Really?"

"Of course it is true, Miss Lili, you are so beautiful, it is my honor to be able to take pictures with you!" Kimura said with a smile.

Just a few words can solve Lili in Kimura's way.

"Hey, great!"

Lili became excited, regardless of Raleigh’s feelings, went to the opposite side of Kimura, took Kimura’s arm, put her face on Kimura’s shoulder, and held her phone high. She was smiling like a flower, and Kimura was also smiling very much. The lethal smile is a girl killer.

Raleigh felt uncomfortable, he regretted letting his girlfriend come.

After taking a photo, Lili sat back and immediately uploaded the photo to Moments with a sentence: What a charming old man, his name is Kimura!

The photo was uploaded, and a friend immediately replied: Oh, Lili, it turns out that hello, our Raleigh is going to be sad.

Lili replied: That's Raleigh's boss, he brought us here, in the supreme, hehe...

My friend replied: Wow, supreme, there are so many handsome guys there, please bring!

Another friend came: Lili, follow him tonight, let him take you back to the film and television circle in the sea, and let us see you...

Lili replied: Dead Pig, ignore you!


There were dozens of comments in less than ten minutes, and almost all the people in the circle of friends came. Lili was very happy. After playing with her mobile phone there for a while, she seemed to be the focus of everyone.

However, after fifteen minutes, someone who spoke very little said: This man is scornful, like the devil back then, be careful!

Lili replied: Oh, our soldier brother finally bubbling, are you coming to kill the devils? Hehe...

I didn't see this person reply because this person was busy.

At the end of the mobile phone network, the boy who Lili called Brother Bing saved the photo with a serious face, and sent it to a person who marked "Lu Bu".

And wrote the words under the picture: Kimura, Supreme Bar.

When the person named Lu Bu on the mobile phone network saw the news, he sent the news to a person named ‘Shi’ in his address book, as if he was facing an enemy.

Such a layer of Internet finally reached a mobile phone in the Red Star Club. After they sent the message, they would delete the message permanently without leaving any traces.

Seventeen minutes after Lili uploaded the picture, Chen Wanru saw the picture.

"Hmph, come very fast!" Chen Wanru sneered.

Then Chen Wanru called Zhang Feng: "The people from the Black Dragon Mercenary Corps are here. They are at the Supreme Bar in Kyoto. This person is called Kimura. He is a general who sits down on the British plane. The main event location is in Higashi Island. Come."

"Staring at him, we are busy here, and there is no time to talk to him now, just don't let things happen, and we will solve him after the above notice comes down!" Zhang Feng said.

"Aren't you afraid of him making trouble?"

"Then he is looking for death, where is this place? Aunt Chaoyang can solve him!"

"Haha, okay, I'll send someone to stare at it!" Chen Wanru said, "How is it with you?"

"The meeting is going on, it's already the next day!"

"it is good!"

Chen Wanru immediately arranged for someone to stare, and at the same time asked Guoan to cooperate.

Because of Kimura's special status and strong personal strength, Chen Wanru sent the elites, no matter what purpose they came here, as long as they engage in sabotage activities, kill them without mercy.

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