Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1468: Be a good person

Seeing Nader sitting there, Zhang Feng said to him: "I will **** you away!"

"I can leave by myself!" Nader said coldly, he himself has been used up, it is worthless, but he has a conscience to **** him away.

Zhang Feng said: "Now there are people from France and the police. Now the public opinion outside is that you kill my compatriots and have nothing to do with France. Is it your ability to escape?"

Nader was silent, Zhang Feng smiled and put the bank card in his hand, and said: "Let's get the money out first."

"Aren't you afraid of being discovered if you go to the bank?" Nader asked worriedly.

Zhang Feng said: "Who said I'm going to the bank?"

Nader is choked, how can I get money out of the bank? Does he have cash and hide it somewhere.

"Where are you going?" Nader asked.

Zhang Feng ignored him, turned and walked out, and Nader followed out.

The two soon came to the door of a small bar in the old town of Roman City. Nader, who had lived here for more than ten years, didn't even know that there would be such a bar here.

Deep in the dark alley, there is an iron gate, and a dim neon light hung on the iron gate, as if the electricity was not enough.

It is also faintly inside when it is inside. It is a bar with a few colorful lights and explosive music.

Nader was a little uncomfortable. Some women who wore very little clothes rubbed him. Zhang Feng walked to the counter and said, "I'm looking for Mr. Philip!"

He said that he gave one hundred dollars to the lady at the counter. The lady happily accepted the money and said, "Mr. Li, please wait!"

After a while, the lady at the counter came back and said that Mr. Philip invited them in.

"No, you take this card to Mr. Philip, I want cash out!" Zhang Feng said as he took out the bank card.

The counter lady was a little surprised, but still took the card and went in.

Nader understood, it turned out to be an underground bank!

It is not so easy to get money from underground banks. First, there must be a way. Second, the other party has a very high rake, almost 20%, such as ten yuan, the other party needs to take two yuan.

But even so, it is better than nothing. There will always be someone who needs it, so there will be a market.

After a while, the lady at the counter came out with a tray in her hand with a dozen bundles of money.

"Mr. Li, here is your money, and your bank card, you can order it!" The counter lady said respectfully.

Zhang Feng said to Nader behind, "Take the money and leave!"

Nader reacted and went up to get the money. The lady at the counter took the opportunity to put a small piece of paper into his chest and whispered: "Remember to contact me!"

Nademuna nodded, and the lady at the counter twisted her body and left with a smile.

"Not leaving yet!"

Zhang Feng is really speechless to him, he is dead, and what is this leisure? No wonder people will be killed.

"Oh!" Nader hurried away.

Finding a safe place, where a car was parked, Zhang Feng asked him to leave with the money.

Nader still hesitated, and wanted to say something, Zhang Feng said angrily: "Get out if you don't want to die. Remember, you haven't seen me or know me, understand? Otherwise, you will die ugly!"

"Yes!" Nader hurriedly got in the car and drove away.


Zhang Feng exhaled a long breath. Zhang Feng thought he was not a good person, but he would not kill people at will. He only killed the damned people. When those who got through the loopholes in the law, Zhang Feng would stop them.

Walking in a dark alley, Zhang Feng was walking while looking at his mobile phone. He was watching how much impact what happened today would cause.

The impact was great, the whole city was boiling, all the fingers were directed at Nader, the bodyguard of France, and France had issued a statement saying that he had no idea that at this time, he did it himself, saying it was Nader. There was collusion with those Chinese people, and the spoils were unevenly divided and shot.

He said that, many people do not believe it, anyway, all the Chinese do not believe that a strike is already in the making, and the call to find out the truth and rectify the beast is very high.

The embassy also made a strong condemnation and said that if the Roman City police did not act, they would invite Interpol.

The voice on the Internet is even higher and more chaotic. It is divided into three camps, one is Chinese, the other is spectators, and the locals facing France.

In fact, most of these are the navy invited by France.

Seeing this, Zhang Feng sneered and called Mike. It's been a long time since Mike hasn't gotten it right.

It took a long time for Mike to answer the phone and hurriedly said: "Brother Feng, it will be done soon. I will get ip again. There are already 5,000. If I post it like this, it is crushing."

Mike was very aggressive and crushed, but Zhang Feng believed him.

"Okay, you don't need to worry, it's not too short of time!" Zhang Feng said.

"Okay, Brother Feng, you watch the news in half an hour!" Mike said.

In fact, Mike knew his traces for such a long time, otherwise the fire would burn him, and then he would add to Feng Ge.

The so-called slow work produces fine work.

Zhang Feng waited for another half an hour. He called Alice, and Alice answered the phone immediately and said, "Feng, where are you?"

"Did you finish the matter today? Do the family members of the deceased know?" Zhang Feng asked.

Originally, this matter was best understood by asking the embassy, ​​but Zhang Feng didn't want to show up, so you can ask her.

Alice said: "The families of the deceased have already notified that their assets have not been processed so quickly. It is estimated that it will be fine tomorrow, and then I can send the money through the embassy."

"Very good!" Zhang Feng said, "Alice, thank you very much."

The sentence after Zhang Feng made Alice feel very uncomfortable. She didn't need Zhang Feng's thanks to her, because that would be the case.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Feng's thoughts were very detailed, and Alice's mood was not right.

Alice said: "Feng, I am very happy to do things for you, and I have very resources, so you don't have to say thank you to me!"

"Uh, Alice..."

"I have to go to the warehouse and order the goods! Call me again if I have something to do!" Alice hung up the phone as she said.

Zhang Feng was a little dumbfounded, Alice was angry, she felt sorry for her, and wanted to comfort her.

People are so cheap.

But let Zhang Feng think about it.

In fact, Alice was really busy. Feng Jian had some goods from the companies of the deceased. Alice wanted to sell those goods at a normal price in exchange for more money.

She used all her resources again.

Selling so many goods in such a short period of time is not easy. Zhang Feng also called to remind her, and she also said so much. How could she not be angry.

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