Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1469: The power of hackers

Alice didn't want to see Zhang Feng that way, so she left with anger.

But what was even more annoying was that Zhang Feng called.

"Alice, I'm sorry just now, I shouldn't have said that to you!" Zhang Feng said.

Alice is not a girl with a small belly, so she no longer gets angry, she said: "It's okay, do you have anything else to say? I'm busy!"

"Yes, if the goods can't be disposed of, just send it to your welfare home or welfare institution. I will pay this money!" Zhang Feng said.

This is not to believe in Alice's performance, Alice said: "Feng, do you have an opinion on me? Don't believe me? Or look down on me?"

Alice’s tone was choked, crying.

"No, no!" Zhang Feng quickly changed his tone: "I see you so hard!"

"Hey, I don't work hard, I don't work hard, I am happy!" Alice immediately laughed.

Have a great smile! He cares about Alice.

"Well then!" Zhang Feng said.

"Anything else?" Alice's voice became so sweet.


"Then I will be busy!"

"it is good!"


Zhang Feng put away his mobile phone and exhaled a long breath. It was really a man who dealt with it. It might be better to go to the battlefield.


Zhang Feng's phone vibrated a few times, it was a message, and he took out a message from Mike: Oh.

He has uploaded the processed video, and he must care about the media and news windows of major platforms in China and even the world.

Five minutes later, Zhang Feng first saw it on a media video platform in Roman City. The video was very long, nearly three hours long.

The beginning of the video was the scene below the garage of the Villa Francis last night. After a chase, it was Nader's face: "My name is Nader, I am Francis's bodyguard..."

Zhang Feng just saw the video here and couldn’t watch it. The comment pop-up popped up to 20,000, which means that in less than two minutes, 20,000 people commented, and there were no less than 100,000 people watching it. Refresh again, this video is gone.

"Hehe, their actions are still fast! Look at the effect of Mike!" Zhang Feng sneered.

I saw it on another platform, and I saw it again, and then it was deleted.

And Zhang Feng went back to look at the platform he just watched. That platform has been hacked. The entire platform can only play one video, and netizens can also comment, download and forward functions.

"I'll take it, it's amazing!" Zhang Feng couldn't help but sigh. No wonder he has to take so long.

Zhang Feng went to look at the second platform, which was the same everywhere.

It is not difficult to find that as long as the platform deletes the video, it will be infected with a virus, and this video contains a virus.

Every platform is a source of fission.

In less than ten minutes, the Internet in Roman City was almost paralyzed. Almost all netizens were watching this video, forwarding it, etc...

On a world-class media platform, it has also become the hardest hit area.

In less than half an hour, the whole world knew about this, and the major media people focused on Roman City.

The people involved in the video panicked. One hour later, someone jumped off the building, and it was immediately revealed that the deceased was the person mentioned in the video.

Now the credibility is extremely high.

And netizens shouted, "Where is Nader's bodyguard, he can't die?"

It's messy anyway.

The messiest thing is France. He was awakened by his father in the middle of the night and asked him to watch the news online.

"Father, it's so late, what news!?" France was very unhappy. He hated that someone disturbed his dreams. If it weren't for his father, this person would be beaten tomorrow.

The beauty in his arms whispered: "My dear, who..."

His father said angrily: "If you don't want to die, look at it! Then run, I can't save you, huh!"

When he said that his father hung up the phone, his father had never made such a big fire at him. France was stunned and ran away? what?

He lay down, holding the battered woman in one hand and the phone in the other.

"This, this... Nader..."

France sat up and awakened the woman who was sleeping again. The woman hugged him from behind, her body pressed against his back, but France was angrily said: "Go away!"

The woman thought he was joking and hugged him tighter, so France turned around and slapped the woman hard in the face.


"Go away, don't bother me!" France roared like a frustrated hungry wolf.

The woman was completely awakened, and she covered her face to look at the terrifying France. She didn't know what happened. Doesn't France love herself very much? Why hit yourself? Although only met the day before yesterday.

"France, what happened?" The woman came up again.

France directly punched and hit the woman in the throat. The woman hugged her neck with her hands and made a gurgling sound in her throat, her eyes widened, and she tried to catch France with one hand, but she couldn't catch it, and the woman fell down. , Struggling there, France didn't bother to pay attention to her.

He was watching the video, and the phone was loud.

"Nader, Nader, you betrayed me, betrayed me, I should kill you sooner, you, you..." France stared at the phone furiously.

A call popped up on the screen at this moment, it was father.

France quickly answered, his hands trembling: "Father..."

"You are not running fast, what are you still doing here?" A stern voice.

"Father, save me!" Francis knew the problem was serious, and someone had committed suicide.

"I can't save you!" Father is hard to protect himself. He wants to put out the fire that is about to burn on him, even at the expense of his son.

The old rivers and lakes are the old rivers and lakes, he is not only a son of France, besides, he is less than sixty years old now, and he can regenerate.

Father hung up the phone, and France was paralyzed on the bed and his mind was blank.

Oh oh oh...

Ten minutes later, police sirens sounded outside the villa, and colorful police lights came in from the window.

France was no longer dumbfounded. He quickly got up and put on clothes. He looked back on the bed. The woman did not move or covered the quilt. She looked at the ceiling with white eyes and covered her neck with her hands. France felt that something was wrong and went up to see. , The woman's body stopped moving, and it was a little stiff, slowly getting colder, and she lost her breath.

"Manni, Manni..." France called twice, and the woman named Manni did not respond.

Francis knew that she was dead, and the police were outside. They must have come to arrest him. If he didn't leave at this time, he would wait for death.

He couldn't manage that much, so he ran away.

But he has never faced such a situation. There are four bodyguards on the first floor below the villa. They are dealing with the police and will not let them in.

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