Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1492: Bad girl

Chapter 1492

At this moment, a red sports car passed by Zhang Feng. It was not fast, the engine roared low, and the sound was not loud. It was a good car.

The woman's yelling was in the local language, Zhang Feng was silent, and the girl's hands were stuck in the car window, bloody.

Zhang Feng raised his eyes and revealed an oriental face.

"Help, help, help me..."

This is spoken in Chinese, very standard Chinese. The girl in the car saw Zhang Feng's face, and Zhang Feng became her life-saving straw.

Hearing this Chinese call for help, Zhang Feng immediately moved and ran after him.

But the speed of the sports car was too fast, Zhang Feng's heels couldn't be up, and the distance suddenly opened up.

"Help, help..." the girl called again.

At this moment, a motorcycle came in front of Zhang Feng, Zhang Feng jumped onto the back seat, and then dropped the motorcycle man. Zhang Feng took control of the motorcycle, spinning around and overtaking the red sports car.

The performance of the motorcycle is very strong. It is an arcade machine. It can reach a speed of 300 per hour. The sports car in front cannot get up to speed on the winding streets. It is not as flexible as the motorcycle.

In less than two minutes, Zhang Feng caught up. The girl had been caught in the car and the window was closed.

Zhang Feng wanted to force the car to stop and go to the front, but he had to be careful of being hit, so he had to keep his distance.

This difficulty is very high, not difficult for Zhang Feng.

How can I force this car to stop? Let him hit something, and naturally stopped.

So Zhang Feng made a lot of black smoke from the motorcycle chimney at the intersection ahead, so that the sports car driver could not see the road ahead.


The sports car hit the green belt as Zhang Feng expected, rushed out of the green belt, and then lost control and hit the house in front. The car finally stopped and was scrapped.

The impact was fierce, and the people inside were quiet.

Zhang Feng parked the motorcycle aside and walked on, smashed the window glass with a punch, and saw three men lying on the back seat, lying in a pool of blood. The driver in front was already dead. Dead, there was a person in the passenger seat, and broke the windshield.

I didn't see the woman.

"Help, help..." a faint voice in the car.

It turned out to be under the three men, that is, under the seats.

Zhang Feng put the three men aside, regardless of whether their injuries were recorded as secondary injuries.

I saw a girl under the seat. Because of this, she was spared. Zhang Feng carefully got her out.

"Where are you injured?" Zhang Feng asked.

The girl was still sitting on the ground, there was a lot of blood on her body, probably most of them belonged to those men, perhaps hers too, she said: "I, I have injuries!"

"Can you go?" Zhang Feng didn't ask where the injury was.

Looking at the girl's appearance, Zhang Feng knew that she was not a good girl, she was disappointed, her makeup was heavy, and she had tattoos. When she came out just now, she had a tattoo under her collarbone.

The girl said, "Ah, my foot hurts, it hurts!"

Zhang Feng squatted down to check her injury. She hurt her small foot and broke a hole. Fortunately, her injury was not serious.

"Get in the car!" Zhang Feng held her in one hand, not looking like Lingxiang Xiyu.

"Oh, it hurts, it hurts, my arm hurts, you hurt me!" the girl cried.

Zhang Feng let go of her, she immediately spread to the ground: "Ah, it hurts!"

There was such a big movement here that someone was already coming over, and Zhang Feng wanted to leave quickly, but it was not easy to let her be here, so she was a compatriot, although she was a bad girl.

Forget it!

Zhang Feng squatted in his heart, squatted down and picked her up, and went to the motorcycle.

Put her on the motorcycle, Zhang Feng stepped up and said coldly: "Hold tight!"

The girl hugged Zhang Feng's waist.

The arcade machine roared like an arrow and flew out.

Zhang Feng was thinking about how to solve her, it was troublesome.

Now Zhang Feng is not only a black house but also an escaped prisoner. He is wanted by the police. He can't go to regular places, hotels and other things.

Send her to the door of the hospital, Zhang Feng thought.

After a while, Zhang Feng sent her to the door of a hospital, but the girl clung to his waist and couldn't get down, and said, "I don't want to go to the hospital!"

"Your injury can only go to the hospital, otherwise your foot will be useless!" Zhang Feng said.

"I'm not afraid! Then let your feet be scrapped, you are gone, but you can't be found!"

Zhang Feng's image has deeply entered the girl's heart, and he is convinced by him, and depends on him.

In this foreign country, there can be such a heroic man, and the girl can't let go.

"I have something else!" Zhang Feng said.

"Then you take me!" the girl said.

Zhang Feng regretted saving her. Such a girl is really troublesome.

"Come down, go to the hospital by yourself!" Zhang Feng opened her hands.

Then he put her down with the backhand, very rude, in short, she threw her down.

"Oh, it hurts, it hurts me so much, woooo..." The girl cried.

When Zhang Feng was about to leave, the girl shouted: "What is your name? My name is Cheng Xiaojing!"

Zhang Feng didn't seem to hear, and left mercilessly.

Zhang Feng can't help this kind of trouble.

Cheng Xiaojing cried and cried for a while, and went to the hospital by herself. She knew that she hadn’t seen clearly how this man looked, but she knew that she must be fast, she was so handsome and cool. I didn’t expect that there are also such powerful people in our country. She met and saved her, the strong smell of man all over her body.

What a girl killer!

It's a pity that Cheng Xiaojing didn't know his name!

At this moment, Zhang Feng left the motorcycle on the side of the road at will, walking on the street, walking, and walking to the accident site of the car that hijacked Cheng Xiaojing.

The police had arrived here to control the scene, and there were two ambulances, and Zhang Feng just walked over.

I don't know if those people are dead.

There have been too many incidents in Roman City recently, and the police have been so busy. Now this accident, Zhang Feng saw two police officers coming.

It is estimated that their police force is not enough. Alice said that it is difficult for her to ask for leave. If it were not for her usual ability and the boss did not dare to offend her, she would not be able to leave.

The few people in the red sports car seemed to be students, the elder brother of the upper class, that car and sports car were millions of them, and there was a reason for Cheng Xiaojing to hook up with them.

Going abroad is to study, but the necessary communication is still needed, but Cheng Xiaojing magnified it and couldn't distinguish between good and bad.

Alas, it's sad. If it weren't for Zhang Feng, then Cheng Xiaojing would be dead. Those young people would do everything and they had guns in their hands.

Zhang Feng didn't think about this too much. He lay down on a bench in the park, but as soon as he lay down, a person came over and said softly, "Brother Feng!"

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