Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1493: You are a man this time!

Chapter 1493 You Are Very Man This Time!

Zhang Feng jumped up, grabbed the man's neck with his hand, grabbed his hands with his backhand on the other side, and kicked the man on his knees.

"Brother Feng, Brother Feng, I am Miss Chen's eye in Roman City. My name is Li Jingxin." The man whispered.

Zhang Feng let him go, sat on the bench and said, "Say something!"

Li Jingxin took out her mobile phone and called up a photo and said, "Brother Feng, this girl has been missing here for several days. We cannot find him. This girl is the daughter of an entrepreneur. If we can find her, this company My family will donate 20 billion to the western mountainous area for poverty alleviation. We have been looking for a long time and there is no way. Missy knows you are here, so she asked me to come to you!"

Zhang Feng looked at the girl and was startled. Isn't that the girl you just saved?

"Her name is Cheng Xiaojing, 23 years old, and she is studying at Alexandria University!" Li Jingxin said: "Roman City has already taken this case, but recently there is no energy to manage this. After several days, there is no progress at all, and I cannot always ask for help. At the embassy!"

"I'm busy!"

Zhang Feng said this, lay down, took out a cigarette to light it, looked at the starry sky, and ignored Li Jingxin.

"Brother Feng, the eldest lady knows that you would say that, so let me call her to talk to you!" Li Jingxin said.


Zhang Feng exhaled a long breath of smoke, did not speak, and tacitly agreed, and Li Jingxin began to call.

It was connected all at once, and Zhang Feng stretched out his hand to hold the phone.

Chen Wanru's voice came from the phone: "Junior Brother, you are very happy there!"

When Zhang Feng heard this, something was wrong. Chen Wanru seldom called him that way. Obviously, this was suffocating him and admitting birth.

"Senior Sister, I'm busy here too, I'm not happy!" Zhang Feng also paid back.

"Yeah, you are very busy, you are busy doing big things with your foreign policewoman friends, busy enjoying the emperor in the prison, busy making the whole Roman city sleepless at night, busy making the entire Roman city stock market Turbulence, busy making the entire Roman City business turmoil, busy keeping our embassy staff from sleeping for days and nights; yes, you are very busy!"

Listening to Chen Wanru's words, Zhang Feng was speechless, she knew all this, haha, what else could she say.

What Zhang Feng really cares about is the ‘foreign policewoman friend’ and ‘big things’ that she said.

The key is to use the two words ‘friend’!

It is very interesting to say these two words from Chen Wanru's mouth.

"Sour!" Zhang Feng said.

"It's not sour, I'm too lazy to be sour, I can tell you, if you don't like others, don't provoke them, if you like them, bring them back! That's what I meant!" Chen Wanru said calmly.

Zhang Feng smiled in his heart, and said that he was not sour. His tone was full of sourness, breaking the vinegar bottles, and the room was sour.

"I'm fine with Alice right now!" Zhang Feng didn't explain too much. This is enough: "The Cheng Xiaojing matter, leave it to me, tomorrow I will let Li Jingxin take her back to China!"

"It's almost the same!" Chen Wanru said.

Zhang Feng was silent for a while, as if waiting for Chen Wanru to continue speaking, but Chen Wanru did not speak and did not hang up.

After a minute of silence, Zhang Feng couldn't help it anymore and asked, "Don't you want to tell me something?"

"What do you want to know?"

Zhang Feng asked: "How is Yan Wang and others? How is Huang Quan? Can I return to China?"

"What's the use of telling you? When you return to China, don't think about it!" Chen Wanru said coldly, and then softly said, "You are a man this time!"

She meant to destroy the Black Dragon Mercenary Corps. It was a man, but it also caused big trouble.

It hasn't been dealt with yet, so Chen Wan is angry. If it weren't for the efforts of Mr. Gusu and General Wan, Zhang Feng would be in big trouble.

So there is a lot of pressure from above, but these days, Zhang Feng's actions in Roman City have made Chen Wan tremble, worrying that Zhang Feng will do something out of control.

Fortunately, he was well concealed. Although the movements made were loud, they were all manipulated behind the scenes.

Chen Wanru hung up the phone, but Zhang Feng laughed. The Black Dragon Mercenary Group's affairs have been confirmed by them, which is enough.

"Li Jingxin, right?" Zhang Feng returned the phone to him.

"Yes, Brother Feng!"

"follow me!"

Li Jingxin followed Zhang Feng to a small alley near the park, where a motorcycle covered with a black cloth was parked.

"Come on!"

Zhang Feng drove his motorcycle on the streets of Roman City and arrived at the hospital in a short while.

"You wait here!" Zhang Feng asked Li Jingxin to wait in the parking lot.

Zhang Feng went up from behind the hospital building because it was difficult for him to show up inside.

But when he arrived in the corridor of a hospital with dozens of stories high, he suddenly remembered that it was not a problem to look for it, so he came down and called Li Jingxin.

Let him lead the way in through the front door and ask the nurse at the counter, saying that it was an Asian girl with a foot injury two hours ago.

The nurse asked: "Who are you two from her?"

Li Jingxin said: "It's her classmate!"

"Okay, you can register here!" the nurse said.

Li Jingxin glanced at Zhang Feng, who nodded.

After the two registered, they followed the nurse in. Zhang Feng casually used a name, which was still alphabetical. No one knew Chinese characters except them.

After walking a lot of corridors, I finally saw Cheng Xiaojing, who was dressed up and lying on a bench, in a department. She played with her mobile phone and didn't notice Zhang Feng's arrival.

At this time, Cheng Xiaojing's feet have been bandaged, and it seems that the doctor has already taken care of her, so she doesn't need to be hospitalized for such a small injury, she just rests here, and it is estimated that she can leave tomorrow.

If this is in China, the bottle is still hanging, at least three bottles.

After finishing three bottles of normal saline and so on, and then various examinations, such as CT, magnetic resonance, etc., the doctor will ask to stay in the hospital for observation for a few days. During these few days, the patient can’t eat well and sleep well. Faint, his physical condition is getting worse and worse, then he transfers to another department...

Such a thought was only between Zhang Feng's thoughts, and the nurse went up to Cheng Xiaojing and said, "Miss Cheng, your classmates came to see you!"

When Cheng Xiaojing looked up and saw Zhang Feng, she was immediately pleasantly surprised, throwing the phone in her hand until she was about to stand up: "It's you! Ouch..."

Cheng Xiaojing was about to stand up, but her feet were aching, and her body was about to fall. Fortunately, the nurse held her up quickly.

The nurse didn't know what they were saying, but they could hear it in Chinese, so they were sure that it was the patient's classmate. After supporting Cheng Xiaojing to sit down, he went out.

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