Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1749: Single room tight

Although the Yun family is not a rich man, it is not short of money, and Zhang Feng is not short of money.

"Yun Qian, you don't have to worry about it, what it should be like, just what it's like, don't worry!"

Zhang Feng does not know how to comfort people.

"No, at this time, it is necessary to see the will of the doctor, family members and patients. This is the so-called doing everything to your fate. Since they have made the decision to let grandma continue to live, they must work hard. I believe grandma will be fine!"

Zhang Feng has already experienced Yun Qian's medical skills. In the eyes of doctors all over the world, Yun Qian can be ranked high.

That's why Yun Qian has such confidence.

"I believe you!" Zhang Feng said, "Why don't you take Haohao to the hotel to rest, I'll be here to guard."

"No, he can sleep. I'll rent a small bed for him in the hospital later, and I can't sleep even when I go to the hotel!"


The two were sitting on the green plastic row chairs in the corridor, leaning against each other, Haohao ran around in the corridor without shouting.

More than ten minutes later, he came and asked his mother to hug him. Yun Qian knew that he was tired and hugged him to sleep.

It didn't take long for someone to come up in the hallway. It was a pair of stylishly dressed couples who quarreled loudly. Zhang Feng went over and said, "Sorry, keep your voice down, don't affect the patient!"

"Get away!" The man screamed at Zhang Feng.

This man is very strong, has big muscles, and looks like 1.5 meters.

"Go outside!"

At this point, Zhang Feng will not give in. His son wants to sleep. If his son does not sleep well, he will become very irritable all day long.

Zhang Feng did not allow this to happen.

The man's fist came towards Zhang Feng, Zhang Feng stretched out his hand sideways and caught his neck, then lifted it up.

He struggled, trying to untie Zhang Feng's hands with both hands, but this was in vain. Zhang Feng's hands were like iron pliers clutching his neck tightly.

Zhang Feng carried him and walked outside. The man and the woman were frightened. This man is so strong!

Walking outside, Zhang Feng stared into his eyes and said in a deep voice: "If you make noise again, you will die!"

Then he threw it under the stairs and rolled down. The injury was serious, and he dared not scream. He felt the murderous in Zhang Feng's eyes.

He left dingy.

In this scene, except for the woman who saw Yun Qian, Yun Qian was used to Zhang Feng's use of violence to solve things, and he would never move his mouth.

Because for Zhang Feng, hands-on will be very useful.

Yun Qian's home is in a town dozens of kilometers away from the urban area. There is no house in the urban area. They have all gone back. They are relieved to have Yun Qian.

They came early the next morning. It was Yun Qian's parents and two brothers. Those uncles and aunts did not come again.

"Yun Qian, go back and rest, let's watch!" Mica said to Yun Qian.

"Mom, I'm fine, I'll wait for the doctor to come and ask him!" Yun Qian said.

"Alright, let's wait together!"

The family's attitude towards Zhang Feng is still the same. They don't understand what happened yesterday.

I really don't understand.

Because Yun Qian said that Zhang Feng is a vagrant, and Zhang Feng looks like a foolish man doing nothing.

They don't know how Yun Qian would like this person.

"Hey, Lao Jin, what's the matter with me now in the hospital? What, are you going to divest? Hasn't it been negotiated? Yes, yes, we are brothers, don't say such things, it is the brothers who settle accounts. However, if you divest, I will die, hello..."

Yun Cong called out loudly and dialed back, but the other party turned off, and he was anxious like an ant on a hot pot.

Then I made a few calls to other friends, and the results were still the same. No one knew where the old Jin went or how to contact him.

For this financing, he surrendered half of the company's shares, which was almost a sale at a low price. What had already been negotiated was gone through the contract procedures. How could this happen?

If there is no such financing, his company will soon collapse, and the money owed to the bank will not be paid, the bank will immediately choke his neck, as much as he can recover, he will have nothing.


"Xiao Cong, what's the matter?" Yunzhong Liu asked.

"There is a situation in the company, I will deal with it!" Yun Cong said anxiously and walked out.

More than ten minutes later, the doctor came.

Yun Qian went up and said his identity, but the doctor didn't recognize her. This is the doctor's decision. Yun Qian's behavior is questioning the doctor's ability.

The doctor was very upset and said, "If you don't believe me or the hospital, then go elsewhere!"

"Doctor Feng, no, you are misunderstood. I just want to know how my grandma is and what treatment options are there!"

Yun Qian said.

"I suggest conservative treatment. Today, the patient's condition is better. There is no need for a ventilator. We plan to pass it to the ward at noon, but..."

"But what?" Yun Qian asked.

"But now the hospital beds are very tight. The patient needs a single room, but we no longer have it!"

The doctor's meaning is obvious, patients need quiet training. If you go to a ward in a multi-person room without rest, the condition will get worse. It is better to be in the ICU.

"The doctor must find a way, we can pay as much money!"

Yun Jin said proudly, as if he could buy the entire hospital.

"Is there any, wait for noon!"

"Good, good!"

The doctor is gone, and he has to see other patients.

"Brother, you are familiar here, do you have a way?"

Yun Qian has not been at home for many years, and the city has undergone rapid changes. He is very strange to this place, although he is hometown.

"Let me try!"

Yunjin has a strong network, and it can be used at this time. If it doesn't work, let's talk about it.

But he couldn't help it after calling for half an hour.

Mica and Yunzhongliu are even more helpless, and those uncles and uncles are even more helpless.

There are not many single rooms in the hospital, and there are also many rich people, all of whom want single rooms.

All of them are very capable.

It depends on who has the greatest capacity.

"I can't help it, there is no ward!" Yun Jin said that there is no ward, and then said: "It is impossible for grandma to cultivate in such a noisy environment, let alone transfer to hospital!"

The doctor has just said that it is not suitable for transfer now.

Zhang Feng has not spoken, but Yun Qian is not in a hurry, because she knows that Zhang Summit has a way. During the meal yesterday, the hotel owner should have known some of Zhang Feng's identity.

"Then let your grandma stay in the ICU for a few more days!" Yun Zhongliu finally spoke.

In this family, many things are determined by mica, and this father's sense of existence is relatively low.

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