Super Special Forces King

Chapter 1750: Yunjin has a mess

"Dad, if grandma doesn't need to be in the ICU, there is no need to be in it. There are still patients waiting to get in!" Yun Qian said.

Mica said helplessly: "What should I do?"


At this moment, the nurse came over with the bill, Yunjin paid the fee, and Yunjin took it and paid for it by himself.

When he came back, he said that there was a single room that was requested by the daughter of the richest man in Shuiquan City, and Yun Jin also found out that his daughter just caught a cold.

The richest man in Shuiquan City is a man named Guan Li. He has a strange name and a very powerful man. He is in his forties and is worth hundreds of millions.

A small character like Yun Jin can't be on his stage.

Near noon, almost everyone from the Yun family came, because grandma was going to the ward.

From this point, Zhang Feng felt that the Yun family was still very united.

It’s a middle-class vision, which is very bad.

They reluctantly moved to a ward with a triple room. A patient always coughed, and they couldn't help not coughing, and they didn't want to, but if they didn't cough once, grandma would tremble.

After these two hours, my grandmother's condition seemed to have worsened a lot. When I asked the nurse, the nurse said that it was too noisy here.

Others can bear it, grandma can't bear it. It's hard to go back now, unless it's going to die.

How could grandma be tossing about it.

Yun Jin thought of a trick, and he went to communicate with the families of the other two patients.

Plan to use money to let them go to the corridor, where there is a place.

Unexpectedly, I was scolded by others: "What are you talking about, it's great to have money, can money make my dad come back? Get out!"

The man was so loud that she frightened Grandma Yun's family. He opened his eyes and coughed violently. Her breathing was difficult and she was out of breath. He quickly called the doctor and the nurse brought the oxygen mask.

Grandma Yun is better.

"What do you do?" Mica complained.

She had this idea just now, and she didn't stop her son.

Now it's the blame for Yunjin, who went out to smoke.

There is no way for each relative.

Everyone came outside, and a group of people were silent in the corridor.

After a while, Zhang Feng said: "I want to find a way!"

If he doesn't stand up at this time, Zhang Feng would be wrong.

"You?" Yun Jin said first.

Zhang Feng nodded.

Everyone looked at them with disdain and disdain. He could have a way. This is not a trivial matter, and it cannot be done with money.

"Let's play!" Yun Jin didn't want to say anything to this person.

Yun Qian said: "Let Zhang Feng try!"

"He's not worthy!" Yun Jin said angrily: "Zhang Feng, right? Go away, we don't welcome you here!"

Zhang Feng stood up and walked towards Yun Jin, staring at him. Yun Jin stepped back in fright. There was murderous in Zhang Feng's eyes, and he was really afraid that the gangster would do something to him.

"You, what do you want to do?" Yun Jin became nervous.

"If grandma has something wrong, can you afford it?" Zhang Feng said and looked at everyone: "You can't find the ward, don't you let me find it?"

"You said you can find it, right?" Yun Jin suddenly thought of a whole Zhang Feng way.


To find the ward, all the Yun family members must agree.

"What if you can't find it?" Yun Jin asked.

"I said if I could find it, I could find it!"

Zhang Feng has already understood that this hospital says that there is no single room, but many patients do not need a single room, as long as a slight operation is required.

Zhang Feng is still sure about this.

Chen Wanru's people are already moving here, as long as Zhang Feng says nothing, nothing can't be done.

Not to mention this trivial matter.

"It's a big tone. If you can't do it, leave my sister right away!" Yun Jin wanted this.

Zhang Feng looked at him coldly, making his heart tremble. He is indeed a hooligan. Will he be overcast in the future and pound bricks for himself in the alley?

Humph, he didn't dare to dry it!

But I didn't expect Zhang Feng to be very strong and angrily said: "You are Yun Qian's brother, I don't care about this with you, she can't be used to make bets, this is the last time you say this!"

No matter who it is, if Ni Lin is moved, it will cost a heavy price.

"You, you threatened me!" Yun Jin was not afraid. He wasn't scared, he was just a little hooligan who was afraid of Mao.

Zhang Feng stepped forward and grabbed his neck and said angrily: "I have given you a chance, don't cherish your own life!"

This scene surprised Daozhuang and Yun Zhongliu, and Mica cursed: "Boy, what do you want to do? Come, come, kill..."

At this time, Yun Jin's face turned blue and struggling. He weighed one hundred fifty sixty jins. Zhang Feng lifted him up so easily. Seeing Zhang Feng's murderous gaze, he almost freaked out as if he saw death. .

The doctors and nurses are here, they are calling the security, there is a mob here.

"Let go, open the room with him!"

Several men from the Yun family came up, and they were about to fight. Yun Qian patted Zhang Feng's arm. Zhang Feng let go. Yun Jin slumped on the ground and coughed sharply.

"Cough cough cough..."

Mica pointed at Zhang Feng and was so angry that he could not speak: "You, you..."

Yun Zhongliu looked at him coldly, he was calmer than everyone else. What happened yesterday and the outbreak today shows that this person is not easy to provoke.

One more thing, he believed in his daughter's vision.

My daughter has a higher vision than anyone else! So is Zhang Summit bad?

Did he pretend this appearance on purpose?

So Liu in the clouds watched the changes.

Yun Jin was led aside by the nurse to see if there was any discomfort. After a few minutes of rest, he became more and more angry, and the more he thought about it, the more something went wrong, so he took out his mobile phone and called.

"Brother Dakang, yes, it's me, something, something, I have someone making trouble, and beat me, he is alone, very strong, how much money? Well, as long as you don’t die, twenty thousand? Okay. Twenty thousand!"

After Yun Jin finished the call, he felt better, and he must teach this person a lesson, and treat him too much.

Grandma Yun’s identity is a little bit special, but all in the hospital are equal and fate.

Certain people like franchising.

Yun Jin came back and pointed at Zhang Feng and said angrily: "Just wait and see if I don't clean up you!"

He didn't bother to do things with Zhang Feng, thinking he couldn't beat Zhang Feng, but he felt that he couldn't do things without money.

It seemed that he had forgotten that he had planned to use money to buy the two patients in the ward outside, and was scolded a lot.

Just when Zhang Feng wanted to call Chen Wanru for the phone number of the person in charge of Shuiquan City, the dean came.

When they came, they asked them: "Which one is Mr. Zhang?"

Everyone in this corridor is named Zhang Feng.

"My name is Zhang, Zhang Feng, are you looking for me?" Zhang Feng said.

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